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Thread: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    Dear Board,

    I've been working on a number of new stories over the past few weeks, even as I've been trying to make more progress on some of my uncompleted stories. Sometimes, though, you just have to go where the inspiration takes you.

    This story is a bit weird and I want to explain/describe the inspiration behind it. I've mentioned before that I am a fan of James Lemay. Lemay does erotic/pornographic comics and has been around for some time. His magnum opus is a multi-part story called "Norse." The past two or three parts of the comic are available through Drive Thru Comics online. I strongly recommend them. His women are gorgeous - incredibly voluptuous and fit, just like I like - and the sex scenes are very inventive. He goes in some directions that I don't like, like incest and bestiality, but I take what I like along with what I don't. One way or the other, his work is great. He is on Patreon.

    Anyway, to explain this story: one of the main villains in Lemay's story is a sorceress named Kassandra. Recently, she has lost her powers and Lemay has indicated that the Church, led by a very sexy Mother Superior, is about to capture Kassandra and hold her to account for her past atrocities (she had the habit of capturing and sacrificing virgin nuns). The Mother Superior is a new character, just recently introduced, but Lemay has already teased that there will be an erotic encounter between this woman and Kassandra in the dungeons beneath the Church, but it has not happened yet.

    My story draws on that scenario. This is my imagining of what similar characters may do in a similar scenario. The characters are distinct from those described above, though heavily inspired (obviously) by Lemay's characters. Sadly, I don't think I should post any of his pictures since I don't want to violate his trust of his patrons, but I am sure that finding his work and depictions of Kassandra (at least) online won't be hard.

    Below is the first part of this story. I think it will have three or four parts, depending on how it develops. I'm pretty drawn to this story, so I hope to have it completed relatively soon.



    Nun vs. Sorceress

    Part I: A Visit to the Dungeon

    Mother Sorcha descended the rough stairs to the dungeons under the Convent. The building was ancient and the dungeons under it were more ancient still. The stairs were well-worn, smoothed by centuries of footsteps and people dragged up and down their length.

    The stairs spiraled deep into the Earth, far too deep for any sounds from below to make their way up. The walls of the stairway were lined with sconces imbued with blazing torches, one every 20 steps. There were 10 levels in the dungeon, each one accessed by a large corridor leading off of the spiral. The nun kept descending, not stopping until she reached the lowest level. The corridor here was dark but she took a torch from a floor-level sconce, lit it at one of the wall torches, and proceeded down the pitch-black corridor.

    After walking about 100 meters, she came to a massive, locked wooden door. She took the gold cross hanging at her neck and touched it to a metal plate set beside the door. The plate glowed. The door lock clicked loudly as it released. Sorcha pushed it open and stepped inside the cell. She deposited her torch in a sconce beside the door and faced the room.

    The room behind the door was large, about 20 meters by 20 meters. It was well lit by four torches set in the middle of every wall. In the center of the room was a high, large wooden table. It was covered with padding and had been transformed into a makeshift but comfortable bed. The table was in the center of a large mystical circle that was etched on the room floor. The elaborate runes and symbols formed a mystical prison, a barrier designed to imprison supernatural entities.

    Tied to the table, her wrists and ankles bound to each corner, was a naked redheaded woman. Her wild, red hair fanned out beneath her, her green eyes flashed with rage. When the nun entered the room, the woman on the table strained fruitlessly against her bindings. Her incredible body strained, her massive tits jiggled and rolled, but she could not free herself.

    Mother Sorcha walked to the edge of the circle and examined the voluptuous, gorgeous woman tied to the table from a distance. She smiled in triumph and malice as she examined the redhead’s magnificent body. She had waited years, decades, for this sight and she planned to savor every moment. The redheaded woman’s body was perfect, she thought. The flawlessly shaped and taut tits, that bounced so enticingly, the beautifully muscled legs and arms, the firm and shapely abdomen, the wide, sculpted hips. Mother Sorcha licked her lips. She could not wait to finally get her hands on all of that and teach this bitch a lesson.

    “Sorcha, you cunt!” the redheaded beauty sneered. “So, you’ve finally decided to show your sickening face!”

    “Callandra,” the nun replied. “You dried up hag. I finally have you where I want you. You are going to pay for every one of the precious lives you have taken over the ages. Your powers are gone, you are contained, and now you will finally feel the wrath of the Church.”

    “Fuck your Church!” the redhead snarled.

    The nun put her hands on her hips and smiled even wider. The glare from the imprisoned witch thrilled her and sent a spike of heat raging through her genitals. Her nipples grew hard and taut. The things she planned to do to this bitch’s body- the very thought made her wet.

    Sorcha was not a conventional picture of a nun. Her head was covered in a white and black wimple that framed her gorgeous face and hid her hair. Her tunic was black, but where most nuns’ habits had a white collar over the chest, Sorcha’s collar was missing. Instead, her tunic was open, leaving a considerable expanse of her huge, beautiful breasts exposed. A cross on a gold chain hung into the crevasse of her spectacular cleavage. The rest of her tunic dropped to the ground but a slit up the side freed most of her right leg in its bare, muscular beauty. Her feet were adorned with three-inch heeled leather boots. She was a stunningly beautiful and voluptuous woman and her habit did more to tantalize and tease her erotic power than conceal it.

    “You say ‘fuck the Church’,” the nun teased. “But now the Church is going to fuck you! I’ve waited decades to have you in this position, and I don’t intend to waste a moment of it.”

    The redheaded sorceress glared at the nun viciously. “You fucking bitch. You can only say that because you’ve got me tied up! Free me and we’ll see who does the fucking!”

    Mother Sorcha smiled wider. “Oh, you’ll have your chance. I don’t believe in toying with helpless prey. I like the fight. But that’s going to come later. For now…”

    The nun reached up and undid her wimple. She pulled it from her head, reached up to remove a hairpin. Her long, thick chestnut locks cascaded down over her shoulders and back. She walked across the room to another wooden table set against the wall and placed the wimple there. She turned to face the woman tied to the table.

    Callandra, the sorceress, was watching her intently and Sorcha wanted to be sure the redheaded whore could see everything that she did.

    Mother Sorcha reached behind her neck to undo the clasp holding her tunic in place. The collar loosened, dropping the tunic even further down her bulging chest. She undid one button at a time on the back of the garment. The thick, black cloth slid from her body, falling in a heap at her booted feet. The nun was nude under her tunic. She stood tall and flexed her back, thrusting out her magnificent tits. The thick, taut orbs bounced deliciously. Sorcha slid her hands down her body, cupping her tits, caressing her engorged, brown nipples, then running her hands down her bare, muscled belly, and her smooth, flaring hips. Her hands framed her bare-shaven cunt. Her genitals dripped with womanly lubrication. Her swollen clit was already peaking near the crest of her thick-lipped twat.

    The nun reached down and undid the buttons on her leather boots. She slipped them off, then gathered her tunic and placed it on the table. Now completely nude, she padded toward the mystical circle, her bare feet slapping gently on the ancient stone floor.

    Callandra glared hatefully at the nude nun’s approaching body, but Sorcha could also see the glint of desire in the sorceress’ eyes. The witch had spent ages preying on men and women with her ravenous sexuality. The Mother Superior knew that her own physically perfect, voluptuous body presented far too great a temptation for the sorceress to resist.

    At the edge of the circle, Mother Sorcha stopped again. Her hands on her hips, she brandished her magnificent body before the sorceress on the table.

    “Do you like what you see, you little whore?” the nun asked, her voice a throaty snarl. “Do you understand that you are looking at a body that is better than yours in every way?”

    “Better than mine? That remains to be seen. But I have always known that you are very beautiful, Sorcha,” the sorceress purred. “You’ve certainly done nothing to hide it, walking around with your tits hanging out. Not a very commendable way for a ‘holy’ woman to act.”

    The Mother Superior snorted derisively. “You know that the rites I practice in this convent do not subscribe to the orthodox teachings of the Church,” Sorcha smiled. “We worship God by enjoying and celebrating all that the Holy One has given to us in the pleasure of our bodies. We seek pleasure as a way to show our reverence and love for the Great Father and Mother.”

    Mother Sorcha’s eyes blazed. “But you have preyed upon the most vulnerable of our sisters, going after the ones who choose to be chaste and sometimes even attacking those who practice the erotic arts, draining them dry in your pursuit of your foul sorceries. Before now, you were too powerful to stop. But most of your power has been taken away and now we have you. Finally, you are going to pay the price of your debauchery.”

    “You are just as debauched as I am, you fucking sow!” Callandra snarled. “You hate me because I have used the women you wanted for yourself! You are just as much a predator as I am!”

    “You are a lying cunt!” the nun shouted. “I bring women to the light! You pull them into the dark!”

    “Fuck you, Sorcha, you dirty slut! Everyone knows how a woman who should be withered, aged hag somehow has the body of woman in her prime!”

    “Fuck you, Callandra! God rewards my love and worship with my body! You steal and corrupt! I give and am replenished!”

    The women glared at each other, their hate flaring to full life. At the same time, their luscious bodies grew even more aroused. Sorcha’s inner thighs were streaked with pussy juice and her tits throbbed angrily. Callandra felt herself leaving puddle on the table’s padding and her pussy burned and ached with need. Her tits were on fire.

    Mother Sorcha stepped back from the circle. “Enough. You have used your body against us for decades. Now, you will pay the price. You and I will meet and battle, woman to woman. Your body against mine. I will break your sex and take from you what you have taken from us, before I turn you over to the executioners at the stake!”

    “You filthy sow!” Callandra growled. “My cunt is far too much for you to handle, you bitch!”

    “Well, we will find out right now!” Sorcha snarled.

    The nude Mother Superior stepped carefully over the etchings of the mystical prison. She was careful not to inadvertently rub or smudge the symbols. She felt the energy of the magic close around her. She walked to the side of the table and stared down at Callandra’s magnificent nude body. The ropes holding the sorceress were tight.

    Sorcha smiled down at Callandra. The redheaded beauty glared at the chestnut-haired woman, her frustration fighting against her lust and desire. Both women detected the distinct scent of aroused pussy. It fed their mutual hunger.

    Sorcha reached down and cupped one of the sorceress’ massive tits. The dense titmeat was far too much to contain in her hand. She stroked the firm flesh, caressing and rubbing it, increasing the force of her manipulations as she worked. Callandra groaned, closing her eyes and biting her lip, as Sorcha squeezed and twisted the distended, dark pink nipples. The sorceress moaned, her body sizzling with erotic heat. She twisted helplessly on the table, her wide, muscular hips jerking from side to side.

    “You hypocritical holy whore!” Callandra gasped.

    Mother Sorcha did not reply. Instead, she lowered her face to Callandra’s chest and took the thick, hard nipple into her mouth. She sucked and licked at the hard nub, biting and nibbling at the sensitive flesh. She soon took as much of Callandra’s oversized tit into her mouth as she could and sucked with all her strength, biting and chewing at the throbbing meat as her hunger and lust grew uncontrollably. At the same time, she ran the palm of her hand down the witch’s smooth, muscled abdomen. The woman’s deep navel sucked her palm for a moment. Mother Sorcha’s hand slid onto the witch’s bare pudenda. She used her middle finger to trace the redhead’s wet, steaming fuck slit. She bit harder into Callandra’s tit as she teased the woman’s sizzling hot genitals, rubbing her wet pussy lips.

    “Oh gods, fuck you, fuck you!” Callandra groaned. Her back arched and her hips jerked as she tried to press her pussy into Sorcha’s invading hand.

    Sorcha slipped her middle finger inside of Callandra’s wet, tight twat, shoving it up the redhead’s slick vaginal canal. She rubbed and traced the labia, delighting as Callandra flexed her pussy and squeezed the invading digit. Sorcha carefully approached the woman’s engorged clit with her finger. She teased it on the edges, forcing groans and gasps of delight and need from the sorceress. Finally, Sorcha directly stroked and worried the burning sex horn. The sorceress screamed and lifted her ass off the table, her hips thrashing.

    “You whore, you fucking whore!!” Callandra panted.

    Sorcha pulled her face away from Callandra’s chest, her lips joined to the distended nipples with strings of spit. The Mother Superior’s beautiful face was glowing with heat and lust, her eyes were wild with need. She loved to sexually torture her prey but she could feel her self-control slipping. She had dreamed of having Callandra in this position for more years than she cared to remember. Now that she finally had the witch at her mercy, the bitch’s body was proving to be every bit as enticing as she had hoped.

    Sorcha moaned deep in her throat. Her chestnut mane was as wild as Callandra’s red crown. Sorcha’s tits heaved as she panted deeply. She needed to feel Callandra’s cunt locked to her own, she needed to rub tits and bellies and thighs with this sorcerous whore. She needed to satisfy the unbearable lust filling her body to the brim.

    “You dirty little whore,” the nun panted. Sorcha walked to the foot of the table, then crawled onto it on her hands and knees, coming up between Callandra’s wide-spread thighs. “I’m going to fuck you until your pussy is as dry as a desert.”

    “You cheating cunt,” Callandra gasped. “Free my hands and feet, let’s fight on equal terms!”

    “You’ll have your chance, fuck whore,” Mother Sorcha growled. “But I’m going to set the pace with you on my terms first!”

    The nun lowered her face to Callandra’s naked genitals. Sorcha arched her back into her air and shoved her ass skyward so she could bend deep enough. From Callandra’s perspective, the nun’s beautiful buttocks formed a perfect heart shape. Sorcha rubbed her face in the sorceress’ wet pussy, inhaling deeply, enjoying the pungent scent of steaming cunt. She loved this smell, it was one she had enjoyed many times before with her holy sisters, and she savored it now. Callandra moaned and bucked, grunting in frustration.

    Sorcha ran her tongue over the witch’s deep, thick-lipped slit, tasting the delicious lubrication. She used her fingers to spread Callandra’s pussy lips and slid her tongue along the woman’s pink, hot labia, teasing and sucking at the sensitive flesh. She penetrated the sorceress’ vagina, thrusting her tongue as far up the soaking canal as she could, and sucked in as much of the juices as she could fit in her mouth. She swallowed back what she sucked out. Sorcha ignored Callandra’s swollen, twitching clit for the moment, torturing the redhead by getting close to the throbbing sex nub but not quite touching it.

    Finally, she licked Callandra’s burning clit. The sorceress cried out in a choking gasp. Sorcha could not resist any longer. She licked and then wrapped her lips around the pulsing nub and sucked hard.

    “Oh gods, you fucking, fucking BITCH!!” Callandra howled, her body writhing and jerking against her bonds.

    Callandra screamed and screamed as Sorcha worried the exquisitely sensitive nerve with her teeth, driving the redhead insane with electrical sensations.

    Sorcha found herself aroused beyond all endurance. As much as she enjoyed sexually torturing the vile witch, her body was sending her the clear message that it needed its own satisfaction. She knew that once she started cunt-fucking Callandra, she and the sorceress would be battling on very even terms. However, the tidal wave of lust that she had been holding back for decades was raging inside of her and she knew that her sexual dams would not hold. She needed to feel the whore’s body under her, inside of her, to feel the incredible pleasure of having Callandra ejaculate into her body, even as she ejaculated into the redhead. She needed to feel the weight of Callandra’s tits contesting with her own, she needed to feel their sweat-soaked bodies struggling, belly to belly, tit to tit.

    Sorcha ran her tongue up Callandra’s belly, sucking and invading the woman’s navel, working her way up to the witch’s bulging tits. Sorcha ran her tongue up the underside of each boob, tasting the sweat, then sucked mercilessly on each throbbing tit. She could feel the tinge of nipple cum on each breast and knew the redhead was not far from nipple orgasms.

    “You bitch, you fucking, fucking bitch!” Callandra moaned, her body writhing in heat. “Fuck me, you slut, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!”

    Sorcha finally reached Callandra’s beautiful face. She aligned her perfect, voluptuous body with the equally perfect body under her. She raised her tits over the sorceress’ tits, then dropped her meaty breasts directly onto Callandra’s matching chest. The women’s bellies slapped tight. Callandra arched her back, pressing their bellies even tighter, flexing her abdomen so that their navels sucked into each other. The women rolled their shoulders, massaging their titmeat against the other, shifting their hard nipples within the dense flesh until they met and rubbed and burned before they finally sealed, nipple hole to hole. Mother Sorcha slipped her arms around Callandra’s shoulders and grabbed the sorceress’ head and hair. She glared down into the woman’s green eyes. Their faces were nose to nose, their hot breath mixed, their lips touched as they panted furiously, lustfully.

    Sorcha’s slick inner thighs slid on Callandra’s equally slick, hot inner thighs. Both women moaned in unison, indescribable heat and need flaring through their genitals. Sorcha lined up her aching fuck slit with Callandra’s matching pudenda, she readied herself for the thrust that would seal her fuckmeat to the sorceress’ steaming cunt and begin this battle that she had craved for so long.

    “Here it comes, you little fuck, here it comes,” Sorcha hissed at her rival. “I’m finally going to show you the true power of the cunt of a woman of God!”

    The sorceress glared at her tormenter defiantly.

    “Give it to me, you fucking cunt,” Callandra whispered. “Let’s go clit to clit and cunt to cunt until we both know which of us is the better bitch.”

    “Fuck you, Callandra,” Sorcha moaned. She thrust down with her hips, she powered the thrust with her ass. Callandra humped up to meet her.

    The women’s steaming genitals mated with a hot, wet slap. Fuckmeat merged with fuckmeat, their cuntlips spread and opened, sucking and sealing. Wet labia fused with labia, succulent pussies gripped each other tight. The women’s swollen clits met head to head, the nerve-rich nubs crushing and holding, sending searing pleasure rolling through the women’s luscious bodies in waves of ecstasy.

    “GOD, FUCKING GOD!!” Sorcha screamed, her body instantly attaining a level of pleasure it usually took her hours to achieve. In an instant, every dream she had ever had of getting Callandra under her and inside of her was fulfilled and she knew that they were just beginning.

    “YES, YES, OH FUCKING GOD, YES!!” Callandra howled. The nun’s cunt was unbearably powerful, unbelievably pleasurable. She had fully expected her experienced clit to crush and master the Mother Superior’s clit easily. Instead, she could feel that she was in for the battle of her long life.

    Sorcha’s tawny body writhed and twisted on top of Callandra’s lush form, grinding and grinding clit to clit. The nun desperately held onto her self-control, barely able to contain the incredible orgasm threatening to flow through every nerve in her body at any moment. Her ass rippled powerfully, her hips moved rhythmically.

    Callandra moved with her, keeping their pulsing, aching clits glued together, tip to tip, length to length, beating unbearable pleasure into both women.

    The women’s bodies wriggled and writhed, the women rubbing tits and bellies, giving each other as much sensual pleasure as they could summon. They understood that a victory in this battle depended on which of them could control and overwhelm the sexual power of the other. Nose to nose, mouth to mouth, their moans and gasps filled the air. Sorcha controlled Callandra’s head with her hands. Holding the sorceress’ face still, Sorcha drove her mouth deep into Callandra’s mouth, sealing them into a savage kissfight. The sorceress was more than happy to engage. The women’s tongues pushed and shoved, twisted and knotted, as their mouths battled furiously. They spat into each other, hot saliva mixing and sliding inside their locked mouths.

    They broke their kiss in a spray of spit and rested cheek to cheek, gasping for air, as their asses moved, undulating in rhythm. Their clit war forced more and more pleasure on their grinding bodies. Their massive tits burned with sexual heat, their nipples locked and seared, their bodies totally at war.



    “Fuck oh fuck…!”

    “Whore, fucking stinking whore….!”



    On and on they fucked, 20 minutes becoming an hour, an hour becoming nearly two. The room filled with their cries and moans. The enthralling scent of sweat and sex scented the hot, humid air.

    The women held back the orgasmic torrent raging inside of them, neither willing to surrender to the other. The women’s bodies were soaked with sweat, their nipples threatening to ejaculate into each other, the padding beneath their writhing forms saturated with perspiration and pussy juice. Their lush, voluptuous bodies trembled and shuddered with barely-controlled sexual tension.

    Sorcha placed her hands on either side of Callandra’s body and pushed herself up slightly. It was enough to ease some of the pressure on their mushroomed tits. The nun used her advantageous position to rock her body forward, scraping nipples relentlessly with Callandra’s nips, thrusting her cunt deeper and harder into the sorceress’ steaming twat. The extra movement allowed her to stimulate her enemy’s body just a little more effectively. Callandra was an experienced sex warrior, however, and she managed to use the slight easing to move her body as erotically as she could, trying to compensate for Sorcha’s greater freedom.

    The women were delirious with sexual pleasure. Their exquisite bodies were filled to their limit with sensual power, with raw, pure erotic ecstasy. Sorcha did not know it was possible for a body to contain so much pleasure without exploding in orgasmic delight. Callandra had not been fucked so completely in a very, very long time. She teetered on the edge of losing all control.

    Sorcha’s face dripped sweat and tears onto Callandra’s equally wet, tear-streaked face. Their luscious bodies quivered with sexual tension, their swollen clits had twisted and fused into one. Sorcha knew she could not last much longer. She stared desperately into Callandra’s eyes and saw the same desperation. The women’s rolling tits were squashed tight, bulging out onto their necks. Their bodies were melting together, their sexual senses overloaded with sensation.

    “You dirty whore,” Sorcha moaned. “I’m going to cum, dear Christ, I’m going to cum so hard…” She did not think she could last another second.

    “Yes, oh fucking God, yes,” Callandra moaned. “I can’t hold it back, dear gods, I can’t hold it back…”

    “Together,” Sorcha gasped.

    “Yes,” Callandra agreed.

    The women came at the same instant. Their pussies melted together in a gusher of ecstasy so intense it felt as though their genitals had melted into one. Sorcha and Callandra ejaculated into each other, releasing gushers of cum directly into each other’s bodies. Their screams echoed around the room, combining into howls of pleasure, that soon turned to choking sobs as their bodies reached peaks of pleasure they could not express.

    Sorcha sealed her mouth to Callandra’s mouth. Their tongues twisted and knotted in pleasure as their bodies shuddered and quaked through one overwhelming orgasmic release after another. Their nipples ejaculated powerfully, their nipple cum searing the inside of their tits and leaking out to coat their chests. For more than ten minutes, the nun and the sorceress took each other to the peak of exquisite ecstasy again and again and again…

    Sorcha collapsed on top of Callandra. Their bodies quivered and shuddered for some time in the aftermath as the sexual shockwaves rippled through their flesh. The women rested cheek to cheek, Sorcha drooling into Callandra’s mouth, their thick hair tangled into wild knots, curtaining their faces and getting into their mouths.

    Sorcha and Callandra floated in the afterglow. After some time, Mother Sorcha stirred. She slowly, reluctantly, pushed her lush, perfect body up off of the sorceress. Their tits were joined by strings of nipple cum. When she disengaged their succulent pussies, a gush of mixed cum flowed onto the padded table. Their naked twats remained joined by thick, viscous strands of cum. Sorcha peeled her body off of Callandra and sat back. Her body was streaked with sweat and ejaculate.

    The nun stared down at the sorceress’ voluptuous body, already filthy with the signs of hot, hard sex. Callandra glared at Sorcha, waiting to see what else the woman would do, what ways she would use her advantage to press more sexual ecstasy on her helpless captive.

    Sorcha reached out and unlocked the restraints holding Callandra’s ankles in place. Before the sorceress could fully register what had happened, Sorcha leaned over Callandra’s body, her massive tits striking the sorceress in the face, and undid the bonds on the redhead’s wrists.

    Sorcha sat back on the table as Callandra sat up, rubbing her wrists, surprised at being free again.

    The Mother Superior glared hatefully and lustfully at her rival. She sat back and braced her body with her arms, then spread her legs wide, presenting her cum-slimed cunt to her enemy.

    Callandra immediately reciprocated. She braced her body, spread her legs, and pushed her body towards Sorcha’s body, until they were nearly scissored in the middle of the table. Their naked, cum-soaked twats stopped only centimeters apart, ready for combat, overflowing with pure desire.

    The women shared hateful, lustful glares. They could feel the sexual heat radiating off their swollen cunts, they could see their engorged clits twitching and throbbing with sexual power. Their tits jiggled as they moved into position.

    “Now,” the nun murmured, “now we fight as equals. Let’s see who can outfuck the other.”

    To be continued:

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    I absolutely love it. Sorcha is a seductive cougar much in the same way of Tamara but as a nun instead of a police chief. It’s also incredibly refreshing to have a sexually focused Church in a story that’s not evil and is in fact, quite the opposite. Can’t wait for more.

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    Junior Hostboard Member redmist183's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    I have to say. it's good that you are so passionate about what you're writing I think it is amazing and I know. it would do good. I must say, and agree as well that the idea of those. 2 and now days you came up with with the story. I have no doubt that you won't make. multiple masterpieces this. year. as I'm sure you will. Well anyway. That's all for now. Excellent job. As always, spectacular. A master class. Truly.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    Hi JB

    love your story, but there seems to be no James Lemay on the mentioned comics site, neither a story named Norse ??

    Would it be possible for you to give us a link ??

    Happy New Year and thanks a lot for your wonderful stories in 2023

    Edit: There is a a James LeMay, but it looks as there's no stories by him anymore - strange

    Last edited by Johannesdk; January 3rd, 2024 at 09:14 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    Hi! I was puzzled by your note and went to check myself. I also had problems finding Lemay's stuff on the Drive Thru Comics site until I logged in using my account - they then all came up. I guess they put his stuff in a special category. If you do a google search for his name and Norse you will come up with a lot of links, including to the books being sold (in French) on Amazon.

    I hope this helps.


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    Junior Hostboard Member Dickboy's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    You are a genius JB57 i wanted this type of story for a long time and today i find it is in my favourite writer's column.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    Thanks so much! I have let this one go for a while, but I guarantee that this (and several other stories that I have started) will be wrapped up (or at least get more chapters!) over the next couple of months.


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    Junior Hostboard Member MrMota's Avatar
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    Re: Nun vs. Sorceress - New Story by JB57

    Well here's to a new Nun fetish getting unlocked but joking aside really loved the setup, this whole Hollier than thou is a great excuse to start an everlasting rivalry

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