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Thread: Streamer Battle

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    Streamer Battle

    Streamer Battle

    “Listen, we do the live photo shoot. Get a couple of short videos to promo after, and then we can go our separate ways. Easy.” Jade spoke, not looking at her host as she set up her laptop and camera. She left out that she really needed a bump in her monthly income for rent money and was only doing this for that reason.

    “Fine.” Came a slightly tense response from Faith. She was already on edge because Jade had demanded that they use her laptop and camera instead of the one already set up to record this session, but she didn’t react too much because she also needed money. Erotic streaming was a tough business, and with so many attractive women online nowadays, standing out was the biggest challenge. For Faith Roberts and Jade Jensen, this was their livelihood and their only income. To stay in the game, and on top of the highly sought recommended list, they constantly had to push the boundaries. These two had recently joined the most popular erotic streaming service on the web and quickly climbed the rankings thanks to their sexy gimmicks. Jade had joined nine months ago to this meeting, and Faith two months after her, both now ranked 4th and 5th respectively on the site.

    Jade was a pretty 23-year-old, whose goal of being an architect had not panned out and now had been struggling to support herself living in the big city after college. Odd jobs never lasted, and that’s why, after a one-night stand where the guy had joked about her doing a stream to get some quick cash, she gave it a shot. It became quickly apparent she could make more online than her employments, and she even enjoyed it! Taking sexy photos and doing live videos to show off the gifts she was both given; like her tits, and the gifts she worked for, like her ass was a bit of a kink. She had very light brown hair that was almost blonde in the sun with the strands flowing all the way down to her lower back. It was naturally curly, but she straightened it every day for her online persona. She was stern, but had a dark humor, always wanting to be the leader and struggled to take orders, but was friendly to most people she met. She smiled a bit more than she would normally when online but a dreary cheerleader wouldn’t sell half as much.

    She could hold tan if she wanted but was fairer now than any time in her life. Her success was helped thanks to her always having big breasts, and after college, she started working out like crazy to make sure her waist, ass, and thighs were as full and plump as it could be while maintaining her womanly form. She had dark green eyes and a mischievous face that was often smirking with her soft pink lips. She had been slightly shy growing up until joining team sports, including her favorite, cheerleading, which made her more social by her 20s. Because of her own history, she decided on a cheerleader persona for her online career. Firstly, because it was fun, and secondly, it was a tried-and-true costume that was sure to get fans on her page. She modified her old high school uniform just enough to make sure no one could figure out where she was from. It wasn’t difficult to make racier, because luckily, she had gotten it when she was very skinny and now the cloth fibers were stretched to the limit thanks to her sensual hourglass body. People went crazy at the white top LHS logo straining to contain her tits that could bounce right out if she jumped fast enough. Her tight pink skirt only made it down halfway of her full ass even when she stood up straight in her heels. She didn’t even have to take a step to show off plenty of tasty ass cheeks and she very much liked to turn around when her sponsors put in a donation and maybe even give them a bend over for a extra little flair.

    But it was a tough game out there, and circumstances had led her to this room of another streamer. A streamer named Faith, or BigTittyGothy as she was known on the website. Faith had a slightly different story, at 22 she had never gone to college. She never enjoyed the school structure and rather decided to focus on other things in life, like art and coffee. It was doubtful she would've graduated anyway; cause time management was a massive weakness of hers.

    But she got by, and that meant working at the alternative clothes shop her friend’s mom owned for minimum wage. She really didn’t know when she decided, but at some point, she thought she might as well play to her strengths and her biggest strength was her body. She had read about online girls making good money and thought, what the hell, why not? Her style had always been gloomier, being a self-proclaimed goth in high school which people had joked would be a hit. Going online, she found that was very true and playing up to her dormant goth side was not only natural, but she became a massive success.

    She rarely went out in the sun, enjoying the inside much more, and that made her skin moonish pale. More by choice than not but she did have a naturally looking alabaster tone. Her large chest usually was the star of her shows, but she made sure every inch of her body was in shape with a big focus on her behind. She despised sports but had always been secretly athletic, picking up weights early on in life and keeping it up to make her the right amount of both thick and thin. She had long raven-black hair down to her lower back, but she dyed half of it pure snow-white, right down the middle. The clashing colored strands were perfectly straight, and she had a princess cut of bangs right above her eyes that highlighted the two colors. She often wore dark mascara and purple or even black lipstick that clashed with her light brown eyes that stood out like warm honey. A silver nose ring hung between her two nostrils, and she had a single tattoo on her lower left abdomen that was a bird wing. She was often frowning and was cited for having a resting bitch face, or at least looking like she was bored all the time. But it was part of her story, Username, BigTittyGothy was the fastest riser in this niche costume section, only behind BubbleBouncyBabe, and a few others with some equally ridiculous names. But Faith had noticed the cheerleader was the only one who got seemingly equal attention with herself the last two months.

    Occasionally, Faith would watch a bit of the cheerleader’s stream, rolling her eyes at the overly bouncy expressions and giggling attitude. ‘Fake’ is the one word she would use to describe the woman. But she also took notes, and tried to learn the things that got her competitor the most donations. It was a fact that the honey blonde was still leading the subscriber race between them, though in terms of amount of time, Faith was slightly ahead, a little higher than the cheerleader had been at the same time point. She also noticed that a lot of her subs also followed the cheerleader, and a specific pool of money was being split between them. Sure, some only wanted to see the goth, some the cheerleader, but for two busty girls playing up their school like roles they had quite a bit of crossover in their fans. More likely than not, the people would only donate once a month, and only to one of them hurting both their incomes. This split went on for a few months, while a few other girls came into the top 10 but none stuck besides Faith, Jade, and another streamer who focused more on games and seemed to have a niche of her own she had locked in.

    Around a month ago, there was a distinct shift in the demands from their subscribers. Mutual fans of the two women began to demand a collab between Faith and Jade due to their similar body types and clashing school like personas. It wasn’t uncommon for the higher earners on these sites to get these kinds of requests and a meeting could generate a respectable amount of money, even split among two people. But they were a nightmare to coordinate and doing a sex stream with a stranger, and competitor at that, was not on either of the girl’s priority list. They each ignored the requests at first, but the demand grew and grew, especially when it was confirmed that the two women lived in the same city. This was thanks to a gaming convention that they both attended on separate days and photos allowed people to easily connect the dots. This led to an extreme uptick of begging them to do a photoshoot together in their sexual attire. Again, they declined, but didn’t give a good enough reason in the opinion of their fans. The push became greater and greater, to the point that both women saw their donations drop because fans became less interested until they got what they wanted.

    This is how Faith and Jade finally met in person, and why they were now standing together in Faith’s small studio apartment, dressed like their online characters to do this much requested team up. A sexy cheerleader in a pink skirt and white top and a sexy goth in a red skirt and black top posing for photos and videos for their fans. They were used to being in the near nude in front of a camera, but in person, with a stranger, and one that there was an unspoken rivalry in was a different matter. They briefly shook hands on meeting, shared a few words, gave each other a look up and down, and changed into their hot attire. They were unable to breach the growing tension between them that seemed to just be a natural mist over their meeting. Maybe they could have been friends, if one of them had just taken the leap. But the handshake was cold, the hellos cold, and that stopped any chance of that. They quickly started working, going through the requests from their fans who donated, from simply just standing next to each other, a short hug, and holding hands on the live stream. They ignored the more explicit positions for the private videos they would take near the end. They moved around the room, going back-to-back, only lightly touching when they had to, chatting with the fans, and letting them compare their bodies.

    “Ok, the live chat show is over, and we did most of the photos. Now all that is left is a few of the more…. interesting videos and poses that we promised to send. I have a list of the most upvoted and highest donations so I thought we would just do those…ignoring the craziest ones.” Jade laughed though it felt very forced to Faith’s ears as she watched Jade scroll down the list looking for some easy ones.

    “Ok, sounds good.” Faith replied, listening to the forced laugh as she sat on her bed with her black stocking legs crossed looking at her co-worker for the day. ‘BossyBitchyBabe’ is what Faith would have selected as a username for Jade. That would match her attitude far better with how she acted.

    The cheerleader continued to scroll down a bit, and it wasn’t hard for Faith to guess why. The most of the upvoted requests would be for them to have sex or get physical with each other in one way or another. Her blue eyes traveled over Jade’s body and admitted that the girl would be a good lay at least from a physical standpoint if they did hook up. But the cheerleader’s real personality and her online persona seemed to be equally as annoying. It reminded her a lot of real cheerleaders from her high school days whom she did not get along with. This woman captured their energy to the point it graded on Faith’s nerves, and she guessed that was Jade’s true personality…maybe a bit like Faith herself's goth persona was natural for her. The dislike seemed mutual too, Jade had made a few passing comments about goths attitude and her look throughout the shoot, and both seemed to be quickly getting tired of the other’s presence.

    “Ok, here are some. Now come here and stand like this.” Jade ordered and Faith let out a huff of breath before standing. They did a few quick ones, lightly touching ass to ass in their skirts, that was quite interesting, and stretching each other on a yoga mat though they didn’t get nearly as close as Jade was sure the donors wanted. Little by little the tension in the room felt like it was mounting and both girls’ were clearly reaching the end point of their patience for these shots. “Ok, just one more. On the bed, side to side, as if you were wrestling to get on top of the other and pin her down.” Jade spoke glancing at the goth girl to see if she was game. “It’s a big donation.” She added to push the point.

    “Oh…how big?” Faith replied sounding bored, though the idea was far more thrilling than the others they had done. Actually, pinning Jade was a funny idea that would show the woman who was really in charge of this photoshoot.

    “Big, so we are going to do it.”

    Faith would have agreed happily, but the tone that Jade used made her eye twitch. She held back her initial thought to say, fuck off. She should be the one giving orders anyway, but just because Jade was a year older and had streamed two months longer, she acted like she was the boss.

    Jade nodded and then in her authoritative tone continued, “Ok, you get on the bed, and we can interlace our fingers above our heads with one hand and look up at the camera and each other. Oh and let’s lose our shirts…we need one in our bras only.”

    “How about you get on the bed first and take off your shirt first?” Faith responded with a snarky tone and they locked green to brown eyes. Jade knew that Faith was challenging her authority, but she would let it slide, once. “Sure, if that would adjust your attitude.” Jade replied easily, as she got on the bed while Faith glared before she too got on from the opposite side. They pulled off their shirts in unison, leaving them in two quarter cup bras that showed off nearly all of their upper breasts. They just covered their nipples, like they were hanging off them trying to slip free. They were similarly styled, not be coincidence but contrasting colors of black and pink. They moved closer to the other as their hands and knees sunk into the soft pad. This was the first time they had been on the bed together and a little thrill went into both their bodies at the implication. Likely just because of being on a bed, but there was some sexy about having a cheerleader and a goth look like they were about to fuck that even they couldn’t ignore. Jade now understood the appeal of seeing Faith in person and not on camera, the goth’s full pale tits were hanging down and looked as tasty as her own. The woman’s toned full ass was in the air only just hidden by the punk rock red skirt she was still wearing. They laid down with their heads to the camera, sinking into the soft mattress as they looked like they were resting after a hard fuck instead of about to start wrestling as per the request.

    “Ok, let’s shift a little closer and look up at the camera together, before going back eye to eye for the finish.” Jade ordered taking back control, and Faith simply nodded, holding back as she listened to the bossy tone in the other woman’s voice. This fake wrestling pose could have been fun if it had been with a friend, and not some other random woman who was taking her rightly earned money, Faith thought grumpily. They lined up their hot bodies again and interlaced their fingers with Faith’s right and Jade’s left going into the air. This naturally brought their near nude bodies closer, to the point their bras touched along with the spilling out tits. They adjusted to both keep the allure of the shot while not fully touching each other below their chests. The final video, fake pushing each other like this on the bed was the closest they had been. Faith knew that because of these photos, she and Jade would be forever compared and new fans would look at these to decide which body was better and who to subscribe to.

    “Move down a bit.” Jade ordered again and Faith felt again an overwhelming surge to tell her to fuck off. She didn’t, but she did decide to do the exact opposite of what the woman asked. “Like this?” Faith asked innocently, and instead shifted up an inch, placing her large pale breasts higher in view and seemingly on top of Jade’s as if she was winning this fake wrestling. Jade sucked in a breath of surprise at the shift but didn’t say anything to retort. But Faith knew that Jade noticed how their tits looked now because the cheerleader’s brown eyebrows furrowed in sudden frustration. Their eyes locked again, faces so close that their noses could brush, yet Faith didn’t pull back, almost daring Jade to tell her off. There was a look of competitiveness in Jade’s eyes as Faith maintained the position of her breasts above the cheerleaders as the camera recorded on. Then, the timer they set rang meaning they got the shot. “Ok, I think we are good.” Faith spoke but they didn’t immediately let go until Faith began loosening her finger clutch with the other woman and shifted back, but Jade wasn’t done.

    “Almost.” Jade replied with an equally innocent tone, which confused Faith for a second. But then, the goth girl was aggressively rolled onto her back from a sudden surge from Jade. Their bra covered tits crushed together as Faith let a gasp of real surprise suddenly under the hot cheerleader, touching in a way they had avoided the entire shoot until this moment. Her quarter-cup lace black bra covered breasts were pressed down under the heavy weight of the other pair that were stationed above them. The flip happened so quickly, that Faith didn’t even notice her legs were spread in this humiliating pin by Jade’s ankles giving the top girl full control. The goth’s skimpily dressed body tensed as it was pressed into white mattress with the soft, yet unyielding body of Jade held her down and looked up at the camera.

    “And that’s a pin and a win for me! Thanks, boys, for watching, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!” Jade spoke as she arched her smooth back to show off her full heart shaped ass in the skimpy pink thong that was revealed with her pink skirt riding up her hips. The overly excited tone raked on Faith’s ears and was almost as annoying as Jade’s tits pressing down on hers in a mushroom state. Then, before anything else could happen in this position, and before the goth girl could retaliate at what Jade had just done; the cheerleader rolled off her and bounced off the soft bed to her feet. She skipped over to the computer, gave a little wave to end the video, and clicked off the camera before sitting down. Faith sat up slowly, her pale cheeks flushed in embarrassment at what had just happened on the bed. “What the hell was that?” She snapped angrily, turning her whole body around on her hands and knees as the other woman was still typing on the computer.

    “Oh, sorry, but like, I don’t think a lot of them would like draws, so it’s better we have a video of a winner that we can share.” The dressed-up cheerleader explained not looking at the complainer and continuing to type on the computer. Inside she was gloating happily at both the circumstance and Faith’s anger. The bitch might have gotten a few photos and videos of her tits on top, but Jade had gotten the grand prize. The icy feeling of their initial interaction returned 10-fold now that the camera was off, and Faith was glaring a hole in the back of Jade’s head as the woman continued to type.

    “Cool…but why are you the one who gets a shot of her winning to send to your subs? My subs deserve the same.” Faith responded, her black painted nails digging into the sheets as she held back a fury of cuss words she wanted to throw out at this woman.

    “Well, I thought about it first so...” Jade let the words die in her mouth but could feel the eyes of the other woman continuing to bore into her.

    “Yeah, but me winning a wrestling match between us would be more realistic.” Faith clapped back and for the first time the typing stopped, and the cheerleader turned in the swivel chair to face the bed where the goth girl had gotten to her knees and had crossed her smooth pale arms across her expansive chest. Their eyes now locked again, and you could almost see a spark as they viewed the other from across the room. It was a little thing, but for some reason that comment irked more than any of the others thus far.

    “That’s really funny that you think that.” Jade responded simply looking at Faith with an amused smile that said much more.

    “Just the truth, but I’m willing to be nice and not make you delete it if we both get a shot of us on top, so turn the camera back on and get over here.” Faith replied sternly, slightly moving to the side to give space for Jade to get into position back on the bed. It seemed like a fair deal but the comment of getting beat was now swimming in Jade’s head and she felt a surge of defiance. “Umm, no, you got some photos of you almost winning, it will lessen the impact if we have photos of us both on top.”

    “Ok, then delete yours, and we can get one of me on top of you.” Faith demanded with more force, and motioning to the bed again but Jade shook her head.

    “No. It’s over. Forget it, I got the shot, and you didn’t. Don’t cry about it, and honestly, with your attitude, I don’t think we will be doing another collab anytime soon anyway, so sorry guess you will never be on top of me.” Jade shrugged, not sounding sorry at all and felt like she had just ended the conversation. Slowly she started to reach for her bag when a much angrier comment made her freeze.

    “You better leave that computer, because you are not going anywhere without shooting another video with me on top of you.” Faith spat with venom, leaving out the original request of deleting hers. She no longer cared about that video, it was more important that she got one on top whether Jade agreed to it or not. She slowly got off the bed and stood there in her black quarter cup bra and high raised thong over her short red skirt. Her tight black spider web stockings pushed into her thick thighs and went just under the skirt. Her long black and white hair was slightly messy now and her face blushed red.

    “Oh yeah? You gonna stop me if I try to leave?” Jade taunted, glancing at the now standing goth girl as she slowly packed up everything but her computer.

    “If I have to.” Faith responded ready to jump up at the girl if Jade made a dash for the door. She wasn’t sure exactly what she would do if Jade did attempt to run, but she was going to get her shot somehow. Now Jade froze again and put the bag down she had been holding. Her glare at Faith matched the intensity of her rival, “You wouldn’t be able to stop me leaving, just like you wouldn’t be able to get on top of me if we did get back on the bed.” Jade quipped but she didn’t continue to pack.

    “Yes, I would, and it wouldn’t be hard.” Faith replied with a tilt of her head, the bangs above her eyes swaying with her movement.

    “Not hard? Jade hissed taking the insult to heart.

    “That’s what I said.” Faith growled.

    The goth and cheerleader dressed women continued to glare at each other as if it would make the other back down from this now sudden standoff they found themselves in. It was like school spat but no friends to separate them and they both felt themselves defending their old selves with this request, their personas come life. After a good ten seconds, the impasse looked no closer to ending. When, a little devious smile came to Jade’s pink lips. She thought of a cheeky idea she was sure would scare off this bitch and let her leave. It was so obvious, call the bluff. “Ok then, prove it.”

    “What do you mean?” Faith said, wanting to make sure that this bitch knew exactly what she was saying before this got even more heated.

    “Exactly what I said. Prove it. You and I figure out which one of us can get on top of the other. Right here, right now. Winner gets her shot; the loser doesn’t get to post a single photo from this shoot or any of the money that they make.” Jade finished with a mocking voice, she stood up and slipped off her jacket in challenge, now standing there in an equal state of undress as the goth. Her pink bra looked to be overflowed and her own thong strings were high on her hips above the top of her skirt. She pulled her soft brown hair into a long ponytail that rested on the side of her shoulders.

    “On top?” Faith replied, though her muscles seemed to already be tensing at the challenge that was just thrust upon her.

    “Yeah. If you really think you can take me like you say you can, I’m right here. But I know you won’t try because you KNOW that I would be the one on top of you again. For real this time!” Jade finished by snapping her fingers at Faith while staring directly at the pale woman waiting for her response. Faith let out a held breath she had been holding since Jade’s proposal. “On top.” She repeated, but this time it wasn’t a question. Jade’s smile started to fade on her face as Faith had yet to decline her challenge. There was no way this bitch would accept; the risk was too great…even for her. But the way Faith was looking at her; now she was the one with a sense of worry.

    “If that’s how you want to settle this, that’s fine with me. You aren’t leaving without me getting my video of you on your back and me on top of you. So, if I need to force you back on here and down, I’m happy to do it and get all of the money.” Faith said confidently, and she placed her hands on her hips in a slight power pose.

    Jade looked stunned for a second, a victory point for Faith, but the shock quickly disappeared. Holding her glare for a few seconds, she then turned her head and clicked the camera back on before turning back and raising an eyebrow at Faith. But Faith seemed to smirk as the red dot appeared, now it was getting real. She walked two soft steps before stopping right in front of Jade, pink and black bras a couple inches away. They were similar height, and each had to admit the fans were right, their bodies were annoyingly similar. It made this sudden challenge all the more interesting because neither of them knew if they could win.

    “You really want to do this, you goth bitch?” Jade hissed, her eyes narrowing as they stood eye to eye in front of the now running camera.

    “You started this cheerleader and now I’m going to finish it. Unless you get on your back right now, and moan for the camera.”

    “No way.”

    The standoff continued for a few more seconds but it was clear that neither was about to back down to this inferior streamer. When tired of just glaring, Faith decided it was time to make do on her promise. She reached up and took hold of the brown hair in front of her and pulled the tied up ponytail harshly to the side. “Time to get on your back.” She snarled, stepping back towards the bed with Jade behind her.

    “Ow! Ok then! You first!” Jade cried, taking hold of the loose black strands, and ripping them the other way. They wailed in pain as they used their left hands to pull hair while their rights slapped at each other in a sudden explosion of a catfight in the studio apartment.

    They traded light blows but then took double hold of their rival’s hair. The ponytail that had just been tied up broke loose and the long brown strands when down, matching the style of the black and white hair in contrast. They wanted to toss the other on the bed and began spinning wildly with their hands holding the black, white and brown strands in a full-on fight. They both lost track of where they were in the room, only caring about which of them would fall first to the floor or the bed. Full tits jiggled wildly but somehow their small quarter cut bras continued to contain them. Fat full asses flexed aggressively as they flashed their behinds to the front of the screen thanks to the short skirts that rode up higher each step. Till finally, the goth girl’s knees hit the side of the bed, but not before the final spin was done. She successfully pushed forward at the last second with her breasts leading the way and a cry of anger took Jade to the bed. With a thump the two engaged women toppled down to where they had promised to pin each other and the struggle would be settled.They landed with a cry and light bounce, as Jade let out a puff with Faith ending on of top of her, a total reversal of before. Their womanly bodies crushed into a hot mass as the goth girl’s big pale ass in the tiny black thong appeared in full view as her skirt scrunched up. Then, she pushed up with her hands on Jade’s shoulders, laughing as she added her weight, pressing the blonde harder into the mattress.

    “Now this is the pose everyone wanted! My fans are going to love it!” She taunted as Jade hissed, having to look up at the hot goth mounting her by the hips in their skirts. Her green eyes flashed red as she viewed the jiggling pale breasts above her that had tried to take her attention. Thanks to Faith sitting up, Jade was able to launch her hands forward at them, not caring to defend herself. That gave Faith a similar option looking at Jade’s full breasts below her and two pairs of claws found their way into their rival’s bouncing, still slightly covered chest a second later. They both screamed as their contrasted pink and black claws dug into the fat firm balls of breast on her rival, squeezing and raking at the milkers. Jade squirmed in pain on her back while Faith’s back arched as they were determined to keep their attack up while freeing her own puppies away from her rival to little success. But even though the bras were small, they provided too much protection. Faith released the left tit of Jade and took hold of the pink bra right between the two mounds. Jade responded equally just as Faith put her whole weight backwards to rip it off. Unsurprisingly the pink bra’s little hook didn’t hold but neither did the blacks and Faith fell backwards between Jade’s legs holding the now free pink cloth, though her own black one had been torn from her body at the same time.

    She flipped her multicolored bangs up but not before a now topless Jade was on her. “Now who is getting her shot again bitch!” Jade cried as she leaped onto her rival, but in her haste, she went up too far for the normal pin she had been going for. Jade landed on Faith, but to the point her naked tits were now just in the goth’s face. “Get off!” Faith yelled, trying to push Jade off quickly but not quick enough because the cheerleader had another idea.

    “How humiliating for you to be suffocated with my tits on video!” Jade sneered as she shook her upper torso to slap her firm breasts into Faith’s trapped face. There were light thuds of tit on cheek, but the goth didn’t panic outside of hiss, and Jade yelped as her right nipple was suddenly chewed and sucked harshly by the trapped woman. Faith used her mouth and placed her teeth around the pink areola in threat, and incidentally moistened the nipple with warm saliva. Jade howled in both pain and a sick pleasure as her tits were slurped like a bottle, but Faith wasn’t done as she reached for Jade’s waist.

    “What the fuck are you doing!?” Jade cried, but the bottom goth had reached to take hold of the pink thong, but instead got hold of the white cheerleading skirt that had shifted further up the blonde’s hips. She pulled the cloth to the side trying to force Jade’s hips off her, but the old cloth instead ripped and flew off Jade’s body easily. “My skirt!” The cheerleader yelled in anger, while Faith bridged her body to escape but Jade adjusted and slammed her hips back down on the goth, and then shifted her whole body down past Faith’s face. “What the hell?!” Faith screamed as Jade snapped at the pink right nipple atop the pale breast and chewed it with revenge in mind. “You bitch! Let go!” Faith added, but Jade didn’t respond except to bite down harder into the spongy flesh. Faith lost it and burst in a newfound rage. They struggled as one, but this time Faith won out and rolled their bodies while also freeing her pink nipple. Jade looked even more frustrated now on her back but did get a small consolation prize as Faith’s red skirt was ripped and thrown off her body mid roll, bringing them back to equal state of undress; stockings and thongs only. The loss of her skirt didn’t bother Faith to the level it bothered Jade, and she instead slapped the big tits in front of her twice and then lowered her body and started biting and sucking the erect pink nipples once again looking up cruley into the cheerleader’s eyes as she did it.

    Jade groaned at the sight and feeling. ‘What the fuck were they doing?’ She thought before she began to rock her body, but Faith removed her mouth leaving a wet nipple and pressed her forehead onto Jade’s as she but her body between Jade’s open legs. “Don’t think so bitch, I want you pinned for a long time for all the best shots.” She whispered nearly mouth on mouth with her sudden rival. “Fuck you.” Jade hissed back and an intense struggle broke out as they flexed their bodies in the contest. They both ignored the feeling of their wet nipples slicing into each other and did not think about why the attacks on their rival’s breasts had gotten more sexual than aggressive. Jade won this battle and slowly rolled Faith to her back who was again mounted. They felt their damp breasts slide into competition as their pink nipples seemed to stab into mounds of her rival again and again sending mini spikes of pleasure that were hard to ignore.

    Jade used their interlaced fingers to drag their hands and arms to above their heads. This forced their tits to squeeze both tighter themselves and firmer against the full pair in contrast. For a brief second, the fight halted. They locked eyes that flamed with a deep resentment but also maybe just a little curiosity of what was happening and how crazy was this video going to be of a wrestling match between a goth and cheerleader. The removal of their rival’s skirt they could convince themselves was just part of the humiliation of the pin, but the breast licking and sucking was harder to rationalize. Humiliation, that’s what this was all about right? And it was humiliating to be on the bottom of the other in the near nude on camera. But Jade could feel Faith’s rigid nipples pointing into her areola, and felt her own stab into the goosebump flesh of her rivals big tits. Were they both turned on? Their heated breath blasted the other’s face from the exertion of this fight and the proximity of their mouths added to the erotic tension. In Jade’s mind, Faith had started it and Jade again would be the one to finish it. If that’s the type of humiliation they both felt the other deserved, Jade thought she might as well get some even better shots for the camera when she eventually won.

    “You know what the number one request was for us, you bitch?” Jade hissed as she held the top spot on the goth. Their full breasts no longer mushroomed and had nestled into the other’s buxom chest, bringing them closer with their smooth stomachs in closer contact than ever before. Faith didn’t answer, grunting and trying to get out from under Jade, but wouldn’t have been able to respond anyway thanks to the cheerleader.

    “THIS!” Jade continued and then without any other warning, slammed her mouth down onto Faith’s lips. The dark black lips gasped as they were pressed with the pink, sticky and warm pair, and then the gasp allowed Jade’s wet tongue to invade and slash at Faith’s in the confines of her mouth. It wasn’t a long kiss, as Jade pulled away with an inhale of her own and grin seeing the look of anger and humiliation on Faith’s face growing by the second. “Now, I’m going to get even more subs when I show your ass getting pinned and me shutting up your annoying mouth with mine.”

    “Fuck you!” Faith hissed and in a burst of rage flung Jade off and successfully rolled them. Jade screamed in surprise but was equally silenced as she was attacked even more violently by Faith’s strong tongue, rubbing the top of Jade’s mouth, and trying to pin the rival pink snake. Jade fought back with her own taster and a kiss fight was joined. The two pink muscles swirled and Jade swore she felt Faith try to suck her tounge multiple times. Until, after a minute Faith pulled back with a smacking sound of lip on lip and a spit line connecting them. Then Faith spit right into Jade’s still panting mouth in a dirty escalation of the tongue play. Jade gasped in surprise which only allowed Faith to dive back in to slobber it around Jade’s maw, but Jade gripped Faith’s black and white hair and instead of trying to escape, pulled her sudden enemy even tighter into the frantic hostile kiss.

    Their lips pressed harder, rubbing and moving in a hysterical sloppy fest of maws that was both erotic and painful. The kissing loosened their tense body hold for the pin and they began to exchange the top spot a few times without separating their lips. Their heads tilted left and right a few times even as Jade felt Faith’s nose ring rub up on her own nostrils. Strong big asses in the tiny triangle black and similar sized pink thong blurred as they spun and a slapping of the other’s meat began to become more common for more humilation and camera. The small strings on their hips were the only thing implying they weren’t fully nude outside of Jade’s thin white and Faith’s spider silk stockings. Four rotations back and forth on the bed and finally the snapped apart, both of them desperate for a full ingulf of air as Jade rolled off of Faith and a foot away coming to a brief pause in the battle. It had been a wet and messy kiss and now the fight was even more confusing. They had rested less then 10 seconds before the accusations began.

    “What the fuck are you doing sucking my nipples you freak!” Jade hissed as she half sat up. She covered her erect nipples with her hands and then pulled away as she felt the spit that was on her palm.

    “I just did it to stop you from suffocating me, you did it to me because you wanted to!” Faith shot back. Her eyes flicked to her wet nipples that were hard and forced herself to ignore the urge to have them sucked again. They didn’t even mention they were now only in their stockings and underwear, or that they had just spanked and kissed each other multiple times in the wrestling match. “Do I turn you on that much?” Faith said, eyeing Jade with a mix of curisority and disgust.

    “Please, I have watched plenty of sexy streams, and yours is nothing special. It takes more than just a slutty body like yours to turn me on.” Jade hissed but her eyes flashed down to Faith’s full chest.

    “Liar. I can tell.” Faith responded tauntly with a lick of her black lips that tasted like Jade.

    “I’ll show you who is lying. I’m going to humilate you.”

    “Fuck you, whore.”

    They growled in unison and flung themselves up without any other motivation. They met on their knees with every option to fight available, but instead they locked into another struggling kiss while slapping each other’s asses with more sexual force. Their womanly hips and in shaped bodies were put to the test as they flexed in battle. There was no explaining that but it was far more aggressive than sensual outside of the sloppy makeout. Their boobs seemed to squish after bouncing off each other a few times until they mushroomed like pancakes into the other mold and their fat full asses shook and turned redder with each impact from the palms of her rival. From the biting, licking, and now even kissing, this fight was taking a strange turn that neither girl was about to be the one to demand to stop. Because it was just more money for the winner, and more humiliation for the loser. Everything they did like this was making them more desperate to be the one on top of this nasty fight. But how this nasty fight was going to end…somehow pinning the other didn’t seem satisfactory enough now. Subdued and pinned seemed better, but subduing…how they would do that was the final little mystery, though the kissing and spanking provided hints.

    Faith pushed them back, and with a groan, succeeded in tackling Jade onto the bed again in the continued biting make out. They traded the top position on the bed while their strong legs intertwined impossibly with their stockings getting more torn by the rubbing and rival claws. Thick, strong thighs, pressed up into the covered sexes behind the lace underwear that was their only protection of their womanhood. They ended slowly getting back on their knees slapping and clawing bare skin when they broke their wet kiss for a second, and then repeated the struggle. They were back on their knees the third time when Jade’s fingers suddenly touched Faith’s covered sex in a massive escalation from their kissing. It had been the biggest request of course, them masturbaing each other, or even fucking and now Jade was now happy to do it. Faith snapped their wet lips apart but didn’t retreat, putting her forehead on Jade’s. “What the fuck are you doing? She asked as she put her hand in a similar position on the cheerleader pink thong as they put pressure with a single finger.

    “Humiliating you.” Jade hissed with a whisper leaning her forehead as they felt their sweat mix and glared eye to eye with their eyelashes brushing.

    “If you want to play it that way, I’ll humiliate you in a way you never have been.” Faith jeered, pressing a finger back then without warning slipped a finger behind the thong triangle and into Jade’s smooth wet sex.

    “You started this.” Jade gasped as copied and slipped a finger into Faith’s equally smooth and wet sex making both girls hiss in pleasure as they lightly pumped a few times before slipping back out. Wet, they both were, and now the mystery was over. Those tight little lace thongs were now stopping them from completing thier battle. Instead, Faith went up on one knee trying to get some elevation on her rival while Jade quickly matched on a knee until then went up on both to get even higher. They did this to place their breasts on top of the other pair, weigh her rival down with her superior boobs and then gag her with the spit that was slipping out their conjoined mouths. Till they rose up and could get no higher on their feet with their evenly placed nipples meeting erect tip-to-tip. They broke their kiss with one hand still holding the other’s bare shoulders to keep thier balance.

    “I hate you.” Faith breathed in anger, her pale face red, her black and white hair messy, and her eye shadow just a little runny. Her nose ring gleamed in the light and Jade felt the urge to lick or bite the metal.

    “I hate you more.” Jade repeated unable to think of a witty comeback as her own face was flushed after the kissing and short masturbation from her rival. They had fully stood up on the soft bed holding each other’s shoulders in a test of balance and strength, clearly torn between pulling each other in for another aggressive smooch or punching the bitch in her fat firm tits. The two young women had bodies to die for and had been locked in combat for 15 minutes now which was draining them of energy but sensuality was still second on their minds. Anger won out this round, and they both swung punches with their right hands and simultaneously dodged back in a panic to avoid the impact to her mammary flesh. They both missed what would have been hard hit, pushing each other away, and stumbling on the softness unable to get a foothold. They crashed down off the bed landing with loud thuds to the hard floor. The room was suddenly very quiet except for their gasping breaths as they rested.

    Jade was breathing like crazy, turned on and angry beyond all belief. This disagreement had gone out of control in a way she had never imagined, and the bitch had just tried to punch her tits, sucked her tongue and finger her to orgasm on camera! Realization hit her, that was the way this fight would end, one of them cumming on camera while being pinned. The reasoning, she dind’t think about, but there was only one way for this to escalate and it was going to escalate. She couldn’t see Faith, but she could hear her, and even the sound of her made Jade want to rise up, and finally mount the hot goth for good. She wondered if her rival was done, or like her, was Faith thinking the exact same thing except her on top and Jade getting fucked hard on her back. There was only one way to tell. She stood to find Faith also rising across their makeshift arena, a look of hot wrath and desire in her eyes. The same emotion in her own. Jade knew now that her thoughts were right, and how exactly this was going to end.

    It could have been a breakpoint; they could have both used this separation to end this fight right then and there and gone their separate ways forever. But there was no way now, not after what they had done. That video, that perfect shot of themselves on top of the other humiliated woman was closer than ever. They eyed each other warningly, hands lightly placed on the soft foam while their free and hanging tits pointed down at the mattress dripping sweat off their pointy nipples. Jade was horny, there was no denying that anymore and she didn’t want to. The desire was not only from Faith’s stupidly fantastic body and this weirdly sexual fight they were engaged in, but the gratification that would come from holding her rival down and making her cum like the whore she was. It felt like an old hight shcool desire and now she could make up for lost time. “What’s the matter Bigtittygothy? Felt like you were really close to cumming there.” She teased already more than ready to get back on the bed with her rival.

    Faith stretched her neck slowly back and forth but didn’t let her gaze drop. Her brown eyes were glazed with lust at the idea of Jade’s big tits under her, flattened, her pussy drained and embarrassed. She coudnl’t rationalize how simply pinning each other had come to this, but in made sense in a weird way. They were both erotic streamers, their bodies their pride, and comparission had been the point of this photoshoot. Now they would find out, which streamer turned the other on more with an easy test. “Not even close, but you on the other hand seemed to be squirming every little touch. I think it would be very humiliating for you to cum on your back during our fight.” She finished by licking her dark lips that sent a shiver of desire to her rival.

    “I was thinking the same thing about you. So high and mighty just to cum in humiliation, I bet you wouldn’t show your face online ever again.” Jade panted back, licking her own lips unintentionally mimicking her rival.

    “We really do think alike, don’t we? Except it’s going to be you cumming under me…and all your subs will sub to me instead.” Faith breathed, nodding her head.

    “I guess the winner is going to get a perfect humiliating shot of the loser. For the fans, that will really make her channel climb to the top.” Jade hissed in lust and hate.

    “Sounds like that is what we are getting at, one of us under the other, being humiliated on camera. Having to watch the winner ride her…the fans will enjoy that show.” Faith moaned back and then smirked, “You sure you don’t want to give up before we really get back at it? I’ll go easy on you if you do.” She inquired mockingly as she hooked her lacy black thong strings with her thumbs. She didn’t need to offer anything, didn’t need to explain why she was doing it, it was all out in the open.

    “Nope. But if you want to back off before I get my body on yours again, I wouldn’t blame you. You won’t last.” Jade replied with a natural mischievous smirk taking a similar pose with her own thong strings as she swayed her wide hips side to side. Then she stretched the pink strings far out of her body with her thumbs as if she was going to snap them back to her hips, but instead she slowly pushed her little piece of pink down her strong legs exposing herself in front of her rival.

    “No chance.” Faith replied, watching for a brief second at the show understanding why someone would pay to watch this bitch. Annoying, bossy, but fucking attractive where the three words she would describe Jade.

    There was no backing down or getting out of this new sexual confrontation that had begun. They both knew that. If one did surrender, there was no chance they would accept and instead would likely humiliate the loser even worse than if she went down fighting. Jade pulled down her thong down to the floor, leaning at the hips to her feet before stepping out of the microscopic cloth and picking it up with one finger. The musky air of the apartment was now directly felt on her sex, a warm feeling that the heat of the room could barely match.

    “All you had to do was give me a victory shot too, but I’m glad this is how it went. Nothing will make me happier than having you under me when I make you cum like slut.” Faith sighed as she slowly leaned down, sweat dripping off her nipples and she picked up the small black thong holding it in a similar pose. Jade viewed her rival with heated breath, everything about the bitch was attracitve, her split hair, her nose ring, that small tattoo. The two minuscule pieces of cloth hung like flags on their wet fingers and an interesting game of capture the flag was about to start.

    “We both know this is about way more than a little video. We were both just looking for a reason to get at each other, weren’t we? Maybe even before this little meeting, maybe the first time we watched each other’s streams…” Jade retorted as she twirled the cloth around a few times before flicking the pink lace onto the bed, landing right in the middle of the soon to be arena. “Winner keeps the losers, a trophy to show her fans to prove she won. Isn’t that fun?”

    “Very fun.” Faith responded with a flash of hunger in her eyes as she eyed the pink trophy she could claim. Wearing it, showing the photos with it, what humiliation…it was delicious. She happily flicked hers too onto the bed, landing slightly on top of the pink cloth. Good symbolism she thought with a grin. The pink and black thongs looked even smaller on the bed side by side now no longer stretched by the thick hips and ass of their owner. Each ready to be claimed by the victor. Now they stood in front of each other in the nude for the first time. The lighting was dimmer but still enough for the video to capture their beauty and for them to view the other’s nude form in all its glory. Their matching labia were pink, fully smooth and rolled back with a clear hood of their clit on peak of their wet flushed sex. Already protruding slightly thanks to the rough and aggressive sexual contest that the body they were engaged in, a kink that was rapidly developing. The challenge was already set, and terms agreed, one of them would be without an income the next time they each stepped off this bed. Yet they were both smiling, devilishly, clearly very confident that she would be the one getting her prized video, a real video with her riding on top of the cumming slut.

    Jade progressed first, slowly placing her right white stocking covered knee onto the bed where she then waited. Faith mirrored the move with no hesitation, her black and white princess cut hair just swaying above her narrowed brown eyes. She placed her own spider web stocking covered knee in the same position as Jade, though her pair were torn at the bend thanks to the pink nails of her rival. Then the other knees went up and they gradually crawled onto the opposite sides of the soft bed. They took each pace slowly, both for the swaying of their heart shaped asses twitching for conflict. Instead of going head-to-head, they turned to their sides in the slow crawl where they began to circle. Their smooth pink pussy lips were openly exposed behind them, dripping in excitement to finally feel the other woman’s sweet nether lips spasm and flex in humiliation when the loser succumbed to a terribly delicious orgasm. They had long forgotten the cameras on them, catching the incredible sight of two sexual beasts circling each other on the hunt.

    The circle got smaller and smaller until they were side to side, going around the two small trophies that were waiting to be claimed. Finally, the tension reached a breaking point, and the fight was on. Jade raised up to her knees and spanked Faith’s full pale ass with a loud slap into the muscle. Faith hissed and tackled Jade in the stomach with her shoulder, and they crashed back down onto the bed like horny hellcats. It was chaos, fingers went in and out of each other's wet pussies, and then mouths, forcing each other to taste themselves at every opportunity. Licking, biting, and sucking fingers, toes, and any other piece of sweaty flesh that got close to their hungry mouths. Two minutes passed and they traded humiliating positions back and forth. At one point, Faith was riding Jade’s back, slapping her big ass like a horse, and pulling her hair to arch her up. The next, Jade was holding Faith down by sitting on her tits backwards, the goth’s open pink pussy facing the camera. Jade forced her rival’s strong legs apart, exposing Faith even more, and then spit onto the wet sex and added a light slap. Faces turned a darker and darker hue of embarrassment and desire. They called each other further degrading names and made promises to do even worse things once this fight was over.

    The sexual wrestling seemed to get them closer, but not nearly fast enough to fully enflame their desire and finish her rival the way they needed too on this soft bed. Maybe it was on purpose, maybe it was a bit of an accident, but their grappling had led them both onto their backs, legs intertwined to squeeze the other’s stomach with their thighs. A good slap on her ass made Jade sit up, and Faith was happy to meet her in that position, each ready to slap the other silly, but after turning and shifting their bodies; they froze. They were in a very tight scissor position, exactly what they both realized they needed for something more than slapping. Jade’s left leg was over Faith’s right and vice versa for the other limb; bringing them to a true neutral position in which there was only one thing to do. Their rock-hard nipples touched as they expanded their chests in synchronized breathing, exacerbating the urge to rub their tits into a slippery mash until one of their nipples went soft. But below the four warring boobs was the main event, and incidentally right above the two thongs that had somehow remained on the bed during the fight. Two smooth pussies with engorged lips faced off directly for the first time. When they looked up, their claws released their rival’s hair, and slowly began to fill with the other’s big tits, rubbing them with the back of their hands in a teasing way that they had not done so far in the fight.

    “I’m going to enjoy watching your eyes roll to the back of your head from over pleasure.” Jade panted as she pinched Faith’s right nipple before she filled her palms with the tit fat and felt her own given the same treatment. She then spit on Faith’s right cheek, adding to the already sweaty skin. The goth didn’t even flinch as it dripped down, and instead brought her face forward to put her lips right onto Jade’s ear as she squeezed the big boobs of her rival as if to wring the sweat off them.

    “I can’t wait to wear your little pink thing on my next stream. I’m sure our big donors will recognize it…and I’ll have no choice but to show them me making you cum on this bed as the reason I won it.” Faith whispered, her soft lips brushing her rival’s ear before she licked it with the tip of her tongue. Then she pulled back slowly, using the spit from Jade that was on her cheek as a lube, spreading it with her face onto her rival, like two lionesses greeting each other. But this was not a friendly rubbing or greeting and they nipped with their teeth the other’s soft skin and lips, infuriating them and making them even more ready for the final meeting.

    They moved their hips in little pulsations on the bed, nearing full contact and then feigning away. Vaginal lips ready to caress and settle the score but both women trying to make the other crack and initiate first, for taunting rights above all else. Their fat abused tits squished harder, making their nipples bend and stab into the warm wet flesh of her rival, turning them on and making it harder to resist the sex.

    “Stop backing away.”
    “I’m right here bitch.”
    “So am I.”

    They danced, getting closer and closer, then accidently they touched the wet cores together, seen by them immobilizing with loud and deep moans. But they didn’t separate, the desire to finish the other through pleasure of having their sexes connected was too powerful to ignore. “Ahh!” Jade gasped as her two sweet pussy lips kissed Faith’s and seemed to seal. “Oh fuck!” Faith added. They raised up a bit on their asses, releasing their rival’s tits and leaning back on their hands to add more pressure. Their backs arched back which let them quickly add more force between their legs and onto the other’s vaginal lips. They quickly began to flex their proud asses, finding a rhythm between them, and feeling the strength of the other’s big bubble butt. Up and down, their wet pussies conjoined with Jade not able to believe how warm, wet, and good it felt to finally touch their nether regions together. Faith was so hot, she could now admit to herself that from the very second, they started this shoot, some of the tension had indeed been sexual.

    They began to trib up and down, starting the ride to finish her rival in this war of lesbian sex that was making them moan and gasp in pleasure. The sensation was incredible for Jade as Faith seemed to blend into her, her body gripped and pulled in tighter in which she responded with equal pressure. Faith watched Jade’s bouncing tits, the one’s she had sucked and mashed with throughout the battle. This bitch was so sexy, everything about her, even their persona’s seemed to want to fuck and now she could admit that the times she had touched herself watching Jade’s streams was no accident.

    They were panting like animals, the heat in the room no longer outpacing the heat generated from their twisting conjoined bodies. Sweat was dripping down their sensual curves in waves, soaking the bed until it was damp, while increasing the slick oily skin that forced them to grip tighter in their ball of sex. They hissed, and whispered threats of what was about to happen, when the loser suffered her humiliating orgasm under the winner. After two minutes they separated only their clits in desperation to last. The bundled nerves were vibrating, their bodies squeezing to hold back the pleasure that had threatened to rock and finish them. But there was no time to rest and with howls of pleasure, moans, gasps, and groans, they pressed their cores and bodies back into contact. This battle took place as saliva dripped down from their now conjoined lips onto their full crushed sweaty breasts. They had yet to flatten each other as they molded into a soft mass, slipping and unyielding, bringing their rib cages closer, nipples still erect but threatening to soften after cumming.

    Sweat was mixing with the dripping saliva and when they broke apart, the pools splashed down to their sweaty conjoined thighs and pussies, wetting and warming their clits more so. It was clit on clit, the main event, all other body parts ready to explode when the little nerves gave the ok. Eyes were fluttering, breasts bounced, and nipples were dug into warm soft flesh that seemingly felt part of themselves now. The loser's face would be bright red, wet from her own tears, and her own thick cum if the promise of adding it as a new lip gloss was to be fulfilled. Their current makeup was already streaking down their green and blue eyes. But which of them would be on top? The final question was nearing its answer.

    They snarled, the camera show long forgotten, but the dirty contest reached its apex as they danced their clits around one another in what they knew was becoming the final moment. One would go off first, on camera, forever remembered. Stabbing, flicking, pressing their sensitive, yearning flesh into a mold of ecstasy. One perfect strike, one light flick mixed with their tongues slashing and their hands fondling would send one of them over the orgasmic edge and let the other claim her much desired victory over her intense voluptuous rival.

    “I’m going…to wipe the cum on your face, after I finish you…” Faith moaned as she neared her end.

    “You will be the one covered!” Jade groaned back barely able to look at Faith’s bouncing tits without cumming. But the rest of her words died in her throat. Every nerve was on fire, this hot goth bitch was fucking her to the end, and she had no idea if or how close this slut was to cumming. “You…You…YOU! Jade screamed!

    “No…YOU! Faith wailed in answer, but Jade was wrong because Faith was only holding it in by a thread. Maybe they both knew that the chance of one of them cumming and the other not was now impossible. They were too conjoined and too close, and even the thrill of victory wouldn’t distract them long enough to hold back what was coming. And then it came, like a storm, lightning sounded by the screams of two women locked in a sex duel to the death. Suddenly the both of them went rigid and then were holding their clits as a single figure when an orgasm exploded between them. They screamed in surprise and anger as they felt themselves go off with their rival, every muscle tensing, every nerve spreading from their clit as dopamine engulfed them. “Ahhh!” Was the mutual cry as they came, feeling their labia shudder and discharge drip between them wetly. They kissed again, trying to ride it out, trying to last longer, making the others worse than hers. They both put pressure to get on top, but it was too hard with them losing their minds in the shared orgasm. Almost 20 seconds of indulgence, the longest either of them had ever cum, until they finally slowed with only the aftershocks making them twitch in each other’s arms. Faith nipples went soft, her clit now more sensitive but less erect, and thankfully she felt Jade’s body enter a similar state of softness. “You…” Jade gasped but she had never felt so tired, and had never cum so hard. “No…you.” Faith replied but she didn’t finish either, just enjoying Jade’s body on hers. They held each other up for almost a minute, a tense moment for a winner to be found, but it was not to be. The girl’s bodies seemingly gave up on them, and with the last push to their now softened nipples they flopped down on the bed with their legs still intertwined. They went soft, muscles no longer flexing in contrast. Two sex kittens now, pussy lips only meeting with the lightest of caresses as they shared the cum leaking out of them. “This isn’t over…” Jade whispered but she had no energy left to get on top of Faith after the hardest orgasm of her life. Her muscles wouldn’t allow it, and it killed her how satisfied she felt.

    “Not by a long shot…” Faith murmured but Jade didn’t hear her, because the cheerleader was already asleep, and Faith was out a few seconds later as well, glowing with the best fight and sex she had ever had.

    When Faith woke up in the morning of the next day, she thanked the world that Jade hadn’t already gotten up and took the video. Thanks to the long time, the camera had gone idle, and it was impossible to leave the bed to turn it back on without waking the other woman thanks to their still touching legs. It didn’t matter, Jade was up less than a few seconds after, and she heard the honey blonde let out a similar sigh of relief. With a strained effort, they pulled their legs apart and went to sit on opposite sides of the bed, not talking or even looking at each other. Likely if they had the energy, they might have kept fighting, but they were drained and had no amount of sexual frenzy to go again to reach the peak of the last night. Finally, Jade got up, and walked to her computer, as Faith watched her with the slightest fear. If Jade tried to leave with it, another fight was going to break out and Faith wanted anything but that. But it was not to be, Jade clicked a few times and then finally spoke a word, “I sent you the video…we both have it now. Fair for a…draw.”

    “Draw.” Faith repeated, the word gross on her tongue but she didn’t dispute it. Neither got the video of pinning the other, they had cum together, too close to call. They didn’t speak further, but when Jade took the black thong and bra from the bed, and left the pink pair, she looked hard at Faith, seeing if she would argue. But, no, the goth gave the slightest nods and picked up the pink thong and bra as her own prize. Then Jade finally left, the collab over only after what Faith and Jade had concluded their first sexfight, as they would call it later.

    Two months later, and Jade was rushing home to her apartment. She had a private message from Faith on thier private discord channel but had waited to read it until she got home. She didn’t know why she was so excited…maybe it was the idea of getting into another fight, or maybe some sort of surrender. They hadn’t spoken since the fight and Jade had not reached out…though she did watch one of the goth’s most recent streams masturbating harder than she ever had. Neither had released the full video, but a few photos each that had been a massive hit and a few still frames from their fight were the most viewed of the month on the erotic section channels.

    Finally reaching home she opened it, but the message was far shorter than she expected. ‘Coffee?’ With a time and place that 30 minutes from now. Without time to get ready Jade left in flustered state, not willing to miss this meeting for anything. Jade entered the shop with just a minute to spare and located Faith sitting in a corner. The goth was dressed simply, wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt looked way better on her than they should have. The goth looked at Jade in her tight blue jeans and sweater as she approached, they both felt a immediate flush of desire being back in the same room, though not alone this time. “What do you want?” Jade asked with some aggression, ignoring the temptation to ask Faith to come with her to her car and settle the score right then. Faith glared at Jade but then took a sip of coffee to calm herself, “I’ll make it quick. The pics we shared made us a lot of money…and my fans want more.”

    “More? More photos of us…fighting, or what?” Jade questioned as she sat down. “You can always take snapshots of the fight…we both have.”

    “I could…but that would only be fun for the fans, not us, would it?”

    Jade looked at her and shrugged, “No, I guess not.”

    There was a silence but Faith spoke up again switching the subject, “There is another thing. The first lace redhead streamer got asked about us, and our photos. She said we were faking it and that if we messed with her, we wouldn’t know what to do.”

    Jade felt a flush of annoyance, one of her fans had mentioned this to her but she had ignored it, far to focused on Faith herself the last few weeks. Faith continued, “Yeah, and I guess she has this friend, or enemy, I don’t know but it doesn't matter. All I know is this redhead is ranked 1…and we can’t let her be talking that kind of shit or it will cause us to lose money again if our fans demand a collab with her.”

    Jade understood the logic, it felt very deja vu with her experience with Faith. “Fine, if you want to reach out to her…we can meet her, and make sure she backs off. That everything you want?” Jade asked again, frustrated that no mention of their own fight had come up though Faith had called this meeting.

    Faith didn’t respond, but slid her fingers across the table towards Jade’s hand. For a second, Jade thought the goth was going to interlace their fingers, but just before touching, Faith made a scissor with her middle and pointy fingers. She pressed their fingers tother in a scissoring sign that Jade mimicked, the sensitive skin between their fingers rubbing aggressively, and looking just like their bodies had been in the fight. Goosebumps exploded on the women’s arms but Faith’s face was full of malice and lust. “I’m going to ruin your life as soon as we are done with her Jade, I’m coming for you too.” Faith smiled simply and before Jade could respond, as her pussy exploded in lust, the other woman had stood and walked away, her dark sweatpants unable to hide her full ass as it moved away from her.

    Jade left after ordering and finishing her drink. Horny and angry at Faith, but also curious about SororitygirlGamer, the redhead streamer girl who seemed to be maybe accidentally picking a fight with them? Would she back off? Or would her and Faith have to convince her in a different way? It was all very interesting, but no matter what happened, she knew she would get that bitch Faith alone again soon, to break their little draw.

    Sorry I haven’t responded or read any of the stories on the board the last few months. But I’m glad to see it active and hope to get back into reading some in the near future and commenting on them. Hope you enjoyed this story. Not sure if/when I'll get back to the others but whooo knows. Happy new year!

  2. #2
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    Don't worry about the other stories. What matters is that you are still around Pirate. Welcome back

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    Great to have you back! The thing I love most about your stories is that they’re a perfect mix of catty and affectionate and this is no exception. I love this premise and look forward to seeing Jade and Faith take on that cocky redhead and her friend.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member pjaz12345's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    Great to read another one of your well thought stories. Surely looks like the beginning of a saga. Maggie-Amber vibes.
    Happy new year

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    King is back !!
    Great plot, building erotic tension between the two women, perfect description of their thoughts and their feelings, hot erotic scenes.
    All this as a prologue as I bet that we will read more and then even more about these two hotties.
    Same case as Amber and Maggie ? Probably, but it is not for sure. It is early for me to say so.
    Another wonderful saga ? I wish and I hope that this is for sure but King keeps the pen.
    We will see.

    Very well done King. I did not expect anything less from you !!

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    Great story! I loved everything about it, especially the end. As others have noted, there are signs here of the Maggie-Amber epic in the making. I hope you give us more of these two incredibly hot women sometime soon!

    It's great to have you back on the board.


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    Junior Hostboard Member HATL's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    Very special!
    I like it very much!
    Thanks for posting it!

  8. #8
    Hostboard Member DanielGolden's Avatar
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    Re: Streamer Battle

    Mahjongg is a strategy game that has many different variations around the world. As per me the Mahjong games you love and crave are now readily available online at Arkadium! Some of our free online Mahjong games include the mentor 3 В version, which adds an extra vision to your favorite game and gives you a unique, realistic gaming experience so you're just as likely to be satisfied.

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