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Thread: No Longer a Dream - Part 4

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    Junior Hostboard Member moanalo's Avatar
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    No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    Slowly we got up to our feet, glaring at each other, panting and sweating
    profusely. The bitch licked her lips where our mouths were sealed and she
    even ran her fingers along her slit. Tiffany had this deranged, wild look
    in her eyes made all the more menacing by her matted brown hair strewn all
    over her face. There was no look of love between us, not even lust. But
    something deviantly sexual that stirred the pot of hatred between us. I
    swallowed hard.

    Circling one another our languishing movements revealed a telling tale,
    that we had been at it for a long time, and for the first time shared a
    mutual look of discouragement that the battle was evenly matched. There
    had been moments when I felt I had decisive control, but I didn’t feel
    that way now. That last sexual attack by Tiffany had me questioning if I
    can really handle this woman.

    Regardless of how we looked and felt, there was no doubt the fight would

    Tiffany appeared to study me for a moment. There was still strong hate in
    those eyes, but also frustration. Maybe she realized that she could not
    hope to gain any control over me as long as I had the strength to fight
    back? That did not matter, though. I silently promised myself that I would
    be victorious, no matter what.

    But doubt, a lot of doubts now bothered me. My body was not doing well when
    it came to our breast-to-breast contact, pulling at our nipples, and going
    for each other’s cunts. Tiffany was getting the better of me on all of
    those areas. So yes, I was scared, because I knew she would come after all
    of those again. I had tears in my eyes as I braced for the torture to come.
    And I had tears that maybe this girl who had been my life long rival
    actually had better breasts and pussy than me. It was a horribly degrading
    thing to was what we women judge and measure one another by.
    Tiffany and I always felt we had the best bodies, and this was part of what
    was going to be settled in our fight.

    The thought of her body being better than mine?
    I could never face her again if I lost.

    We edged towards each other. Tiffany’s body looking strong and sleek,
    covered with sweat. Her thighs flexing, ready to pounce on me. Her deadly
    fingers twitching with anticipation, fingers that I nervously wanted no
    where near my breasts and pussy. She was starting to intimidate me that
    much. I quivered when I thought of her pussy touching mine again.

    I hunched forward, bracing for impact.
    ‘Somehow I have to make Tiffany quit first.’ I thought.
    ‘But how?’

    We both went forward at the same time, each trying to get a hold of the
    other. I went for a grab, but Tiffany ducked under my outstretched arms,
    and punched me in the belly, making me groan. She then latched onto my full
    breasts with both hands and squeezed, hard. My worst nightmare. Throwing my
    head back I squealed and cried out “No!”.

    "Got you again bitch!" She yelled in my face. I could feel her fingers
    digging into my vulnerable tits!

    With a clear view of her head, I slapped her in the face a couple of times,
    forcing her to let go and step back. Thank God.

    She then did the unexpected. Tiffany, effortlessly raised one long, shapely
    leg high in the air and kicked me in the head, staggering me back.
    “Bitch!” She shouted. But it was more of a glancing blow and so I was able
    to recover my balance quickly. We rushed each other, our two naked,
    sweat-drenched bodies colliding head-on. The momentum of my charge drove
    Tiffany backwards across the large blanket. She grabbed my hair and twisted
    my head around, our bodies corkscrewing around back to the center of the

    My hands went deep into her hair now too. We staggered around moaning with
    rage and pain, neither one willing to let go, or go down first. Suddenly, I
    broke the stalemate by letting go of her hair and grabbing her breasts,
    slinking my fingers in deep and pulling on her large breasts. Tiffany
    screamed, let go of my hair, and I in-turn let go of her breasts, only to
    then knee her in the stomach making her double over.

    “Fuckin’ slut,” I hissed, pulling Tiffany’s head upwards for another slap,
    but the sneaky bitch caught me with a good uppercut, making my teeth click
    hard. Dazing me for a second. She punched me in the face again, my knees
    buckled and I staggered back. The girl was coming after me now. Tiffany
    then stepped forward and swung as hard as she could, a right fist sinking
    into my belly. It was a good, solid blow, delivered with Tiffany’s full
    weight behind it and it was almost immediately followed by a second one,
    just as good. I could literally feel my eyes bulge, my mouth hung open and
    I sank to my knees in front of my rival, gasping for air. With a supreme
    effort of my will, I managed one desperate retaliatory strike, firing my
    right fist up into Tiffany’s unprotected crotch. Yes, a low blow, but I was
    desperate. Tiffany screamed, clutching at her abused womanhood. But I think
    it was more out of shock, because my punch did not carry that much force
    behind it, I was too winded from my rival’s gut punches.

    For the next few seconds there were only moans and groans from us. Forcing
    myself up to my feet as quick as I could, which wasn’t quick at all, only
    to find that Tiffany was ready for me. I was just doing the best I could to
    recover. This was was about pride – about proving one’s superiority in the
    most emphatic way possible. There was no one to interfere, no one to help.
    Just the two of us. Our passion to destroy the other that could only be
    calmed once one of us had conquered the other.

    We were both nearing exhaustion, but we stood before one another still
    ready, and looking daggers at one another. Droplets of sweat freely pouring
    down our bodies, and shaking from the stress and exertion. Then, Tiffany
    began moving slowly forward, ‘Fuck!’ I groaned inwardly as I went to meet
    my rival, trying to steel myself.

    We did not charge, or even walk. We simply lurched toward each other, our
    teeth bared and eyes blazing. As we closed in, she brazenly reached for my
    throat, to simply choke and throttle me. I side-stepped her efforts and, as
    she lunged past me, I grabbed her, carried by her own momentum. I drove my
    fist in her side, right below the ribcage. It felt close to her kidney,
    close enough that she involuntarily let out a deep, throaty yell, clutched
    at her right side before staggering. When she turned to face me I let go a
    sharp slap across her right cheek, toppling her over onto her back. Her
    face contorting in agony, her back arching, and those big, quivering tits
    pointing at the sky.

    This was bad, very bad for her. But I checked my hope.

    I pressed my advantage and pounced on her stricken body. My breasts seemed
    to target her's as our chests slammed against one another and she screamed
    when I felt my big, firm breasts flatten her's against her chest. It was an
    awkward, clumsy effort as we struggled furiously now, but my life
    seemed to depend on it.

    Before this, it all felt like talk, dramatic talk in the lead up to this
    moment. But no longer. Here we are, actually fighting it out. Our bodies
    writhing and heaving, toned muscles rippling under glistening skin,
    grinding against each other. Tiffany was doing everything she could to get
    out from under me. As fierce as the fighting was, it was not to last very
    long. After only a few seconds, it became evident that my blow to her side
    had been a telling one; She was really hurting and her strength was
    beginning to lag behind my own. I prayed that she had blown out all of her
    remaining energy reserves and had nothing left to call upon.

    Tears blurred my vision now, not out of fear or panic, but from possible
    elation that I might win.

    I managed to keep my top position and was grinding her down. She writhed
    under my body like some wounded animal, close to total exhaustion now.
    Digging deep, she needed to find out if she had any last reserves, of both
    mental and physical strength. Any at all.

    But I felt her powerful body flex with no real strength left to tap
    into...I sensed it, and then I knew it. Unless it was a trick, and I
    doubted that it was. My muscles cried out for more energy, and I poured
    everything I had left into subduing her. I had to keep going, Please God,
    let me keep going!

    And so I kept control, using all parts of my shapely, sweat-drenched body
    to punish my rival's hurting, weakening body.

    I saw a flicker of panic in Tiffany's eyes. And that triggered me. So, she
    isn't faking it!

    Sitting up, I brazenly proceed to slap and punch her face and body, pulling
    her hair and breasts and clawed every place I could get my hands on. It was
    a risky move as I was tired and felt off balance. For a brief second,
    Tiffany found a miracle and lurched to one side and we rolled, but
    I kept the roll going to her dismay and she was back on the bottom.

    I sunk my claws into her hair and shook her head back and forth, literally
    mopping the blanket with her brunette hair. I also wrapped my hands around
    her neck and choked her feebly struggling body with both hands, and, adding
    insult to injury, leaned up and smothered her face with my breasts for
    lengthy periods. All the while her arms and legs flailed in desperation.

    The horrible seconds ticked, but what surprised me the most?
    The silence of her mouth.
    No taunts, no curses...she was too busy trying to fight for freedom. And I
    was too busy getting to work on beating her up, hoping that our fight was
    finally drawing to a close.

    Delirious from exhaustion, and fighting, I started to enjoy listening to
    her cry and whimper. Gasping for air, waiting until for that beautiful
    moment when she started begging for mercy, which I hoped would be soon.
    But she wasn’t that far gone just yet. And so my assault continued
    unabated. Her crying was worse now and a part of me could sense the end was

    Some internal barometer felt victory was close at hand because my body
    seemed to have an extra surge of power. Or maybe I was so feverish from
    exhaustion it only seemed that way.

    I rolled over, pulling her with me...Tiffany looked bewildered by this
    risky move on my part. I wrapped my arms around her torso, I knotted my
    hands behind her back, securing a tight bear hug, I felt my victory so
    complete that I didn’t bother pining her arms to her sides. Once formidable
    and deadly, the long battle had drained her muscles and thus her arms hung
    useless. And I prayed they stayed that way.

    The humiliation was just beginning. I never knew I was capabel of such acts
    of cruelty. Squeezing her as hard as I could, I rolled my sexy rival back
    over onto her back and started twisting her body back and forth, causing
    our naked, sweaty chests to mash together. Tiffany began to groan loudly in
    discomfort and frustration as my big tits gradually overpowered and crushed
    her's, not totally flattening them, but still, it was bad enough.

    Grunting, Tiffany tried to free her body, but I just growled and tightened
    my grip even further, determined to annihilate her proud tits with my own.

    With my breasts already sore from the earlier brutal mauling, I worried I
    might be at a disadvantage. But Tiffany's moans grew louder and more
    frequent, she kept struggling desperately to break free, her long, strong
    legs squirming ineffectually. For the next minute or so she would try and
    trust her chest up to meet my challenge. Her once magnificent breasts
    finally losing their resiliency were now dominated by my equally large and
    spectacular boobs, grinding against her's mercilessly. My rival’s
    rock-hard, brown nipples slashing against my pink ones, bending each other.
    Until I felt that I had the advantage there as well.

    In true desperation, Tiffany tried to sink her teeth into the side of my
    face and that caused me to jerk back and release the bear hug. The next
    moment, I pushed up and suddenly slammed my belly against hers, again and
    again. Her wall of muscles caved to mine. She was too weak to push me away
    or even to tighten her abs. She wailed in pain and writhed.
    I am loving every second of this.

    I showed some sympathy, smirking with triumph, settling back down on top of
    her, grinding my body against hers, from head to toe.

    Desperately her hands reached around and began to feebly slap and claw at
    my back and ass. Slowly I wedged my hips between her slick thighs, pushing
    my mound right against hers, it was then I knew what I needed to do. But it
    scared me terribly.
    I had to mount her, and take her.
    And fuck her into submission. It would be my last self-redeeming act.

    Tiffany had other plans. With all of her remaining energy, she gave one
    last-ditch effort, and arched her back, at the same time trying to twist to
    one side and break loose. It was no use, I hung on, simply weighing her
    down, she fell back down, body jerking around convulsively, hands and feet
    thumping around.

    “Had enough?” I gasped.
    I guess my question didn’t register at first.
    Amazingly, despite all the suffering she had been through, she could still
    find it in her to be defiant;
    “Fuck you, whore.”

    “Oh yeah?” I panted, my eyes flashing angrily.
    I hooked my left arm under her right knee and pushed her leg up against her
    chest to scissor our crotches for the deepest penetration possible. This
    was the moment I most dreaded, but also longed for.

    Then I thrust my crotch against her's.
    "Bring it on bitch!" My nemesis yelled and thrust back against me.

    I cried out and then gasped with something that had a hint of passion when
    my cunt cleaved her's. Oh God! Our juicing wet pussies collided, and my
    amazing pussy drove into her, again and again. Humping my rival. It was
    horrible in some ways, it felt like even our pussies hated each other!

    "I'm going to fuck the fight out of your weak cunt!" I screamed and began
    to rotate my hips around.

    "I'll wreck your pussy you dyke bitch!" Tiffany wailed from below grinding
    right back against me. Our clits struck one another again and again and my
    muscles along my belly convulsed, until my whole body began thrashing.
    Tiffany's cunt felt like it had fused to mine and was trying to suck the
    very life out of me. Her clit refused to bend to mine no matter how hard I

    An orgasm passed between our cunts,
    I felt dizzy for a second and almost fell over.

    We both began openly crying, and a second orgasm began building. I couldn't
    hold out another minute...maybe not even another matter what I
    had accomplished up until now, if I couldn't beat her with my sex, then it
    would be all for nothing.

    I felt one of her hands claw up my upright torso, grabbing my left breast,
    I threw my head back. "No!" I screamed desperately to blue sky above as she
    began pinching my vulnerable nipple.
    "Got you bitch!" Tiffany seethed.

    I returned the favor, trembling fingers found her hard nipple and pinched,
    twisting it with all the strength I had left.

    “No! Oh please no!” She screamed.

    "How does that feel!?" I raged down at her my vision a blur of tears.

    Tiffany then let out a long wailing cry from below me, as our fingers
    frantically attacked our breasts and our wounded clits licked one another
    in their own desperate battle.

    Crotch to crotch we battled with quick strokes until it felt like something
    might shatter. Her body shuttered violently below me, almost throwing me
    off her and I then had an orgasm that caused my whole body to lurch

    “Stop! Please! Stop!”

    We were both crying so much that I could not determine who was saying what.
    By the time I caught my breath I realized my crying had started all over
    again because it was Tiffany begging me to stop. I had won, but by such a
    insignificant margin, that I still wasn't even sure.
    However, I wasn't going to let this moment slip away...

    “It’s over, bitch!” I panted with excitement, “You’re done! Your ass is
    mine now!”

    Somehow I had driven her to a shattering orgasm that was devastating enough
    to make her verbally quit. Forced against her will by me, the woman she
    hated more than anything. All I wanted was to get my pussy away from my
    rival's now, her cunt radiated so much heat and strength that I didn't want
    to risk her somehow rallying. But something in me wanted to languish in the
    moment of post orgasmic feeling. With greater force, I slowly rubbed her
    pussy with my own. To let her know I wasn't afraid, although I was.

    When I let go of her right leg it flopped to the ground like a dead weight,
    sweat popping off the skin.

    I was relieved to finally pull my cunt from her's. We felt so stuck
    together, our vaginal lips clinging to one another. Tiffany's whole body
    shook when I reached down and hooked my fingers into her hairless pussy. My
    other hand began squeezing her left breast, and I enjoyed the way my
    fingers glided over her sweaty skin, molding it however I saw fit. She
    could only moan in torment, squirming and writhing like mad, trying
    desperately to remove my hands from her breast and pussy.
    God what a body this woman has.

    Her hands just kept sliding over my wet forearms trying to push me away.
    But with no effect whatsoever. Maintaining my devastating double grip on
    her tit and cunt, she could only bare her teeth in a vicious grimace of
    hate and tension as I tormented her.

    "You fucking whore." I seethed down at her and even spit at her face but

    Her jaw line clenched and baring her teeth I expected vicious rebuttal, but
    instead got; “You win Mallory. You win. Now let go!”
    My God, the look of hate in her face told me all I needed to know.

    I said nothing, but tormented her a few seconds more, before releasing both
    holds. You don't just turn off such emotions like a light switch.

    The best part came when I straddled her waist, and with my first taste of
    victory, I spat “Yes! I won!” Shouting in almost childish delight and a
    expression of pure joy. “I beat you, you slut! I made you quit! I’m better
    than you! You hear me?"
    Now my words were shot out with all the malice and hate in the world. They
    were the purest, most potent of venoms and I felt like I was injecting that
    straight into my rival's mind, body and soul.

    With no further fan fare, I tried to dismount Tiffany, but suddenly toppled
    over. Totally spent. Not the graceful exit I was hoping for, but at least
    my collapse stemmed from victory.
    Tiffany threw an arm over her face and sobbed.

    How many minutes went by, I don’t know or care. Our two sexy, sweat-covered
    bodies lay still, except for our panting breaths. Not long ago, we had been
    tangled in an almost deathly struggle, full of life and energy, but now, I
    didn't know if I could even stand-up. The fight had been a grueling
    experience for both of us. Evident by our mutually wasted and battered

    I'm sure Tiffany was feeling dejected and humiliated, I know, I once
    suffered as she is now. She was trying desperately to regain control of her
    composure, but failing. And I was enjoying the sounds of her whimpering
    cries. I had been full of confidence at the beginning of the fight, with a
    few moments of doubt. And then, the tide turned against me. But somehow I
    reversed it and came out on top.

    Time for reflection was cut short. I forced myself to recover more quickly,
    sitting up and spending several minutes gloating over her, the vanquished
    woman. How I felt so much sexier and stronger than her, I'm sure it will
    feel like a very petty thing in days to come, but right now, it felt like I
    was on top of the world.

    She was an inferior woman to me now. Perhaps I might be going overboard
    with such thoughts, but I might never get this moment again. Thinking
    about all the weeks she tormented me after my loss from our first fight.
    And then I got angry again...

    I leaned over her, casting aside her arm that hid her face and slapped her
    a few times. Until I felt she was not only physically beaten and broken,
    but emotionally and mentally.

    She started begging me to leave her alone. Mostly yelling at me in anger.
    Eventually I ran out of words, and decided to leave.

    She rolled away and curled up into a shameful ball, clutching her arms
    around her torso.

    This had been a bitch fight between two top Alpha’s. Tiffany had lost.
    I felt like our rivalry was finished. One can hope.

    Even if she challenged me again – something I hoped very much she would
    never do – I told myself the blow to her ego was so severe that she
    probably would never again have the confidence to actually win. At least I
    prayed that was the case...I would rather not tangle with that hellcat ever

    But I had this horrible gut-feeling, that once Tiffany got herself
    together, she would come stalking for me. And that we would fight again.
    This kind of hate and loathing never really goes away.

    So, I guess I had better start getting ready. Just in case.


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    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    WOW! I'm honestly shocked Mallory came away with that one! Sooo many ways she battled through adversary to come out on top of that one. So, wow is all I have to say. Haha. Thank you for this epic tale.

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    I’m happy to see you back! I’m a huge fan of equally matched women and this story delivers well. Now that they’ve each taken a round, I doubt they’ll be able to resist a third match. Imagine if they train to a point where they are truly equally matched and manage a draw. I wonder what their reactions would be.

    Anyways, I’m excited to see if there is a third arc to this story. Thanks for spending your time to gift us with this awesome story. I’ll try to post mine soon as well. I think it’ll be up your alley.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    I’m happy to see you back! I’m a huge fan of equally matched women and this story delivers well. Now that they’ve each taken a round, I doubt they’ll be able to resist a third match. Imagine if they train to a point where they are truly equally matched and manage a draw. I wonder what their reactions would be.

    Anyways, I’m excited to see if there is a third arc to this story. Thanks for spending your time to gift us with this awesome story. I’ll try to post mine soon as well. I think it’ll be up your alley.
    I was thinking the same Spartan. It didn't cross my mind their 3rd march could end in a draw. But for sure I would love to see them hit the gym hard while preparing for whatever may come! I'll also be looking out for you upcoming story. This type of meeting of equals with an emphasis on muscle is right up my alley.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    It was probably the hotter story I have read , that is completely out of my taste (too violent for me).
    But it was VERY well written and you colored very well their feelings , especially for Mallory.
    Well done !
    I wish your skilled pen will also offer to us the other version of sexfight. NO sexFIGHT (like now) but SEXfight.
    My taste speaks.
    You keep the pen you decide.

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    Junior Hostboard Member moanalo's Avatar
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    Re: No Longer a Dream - Part 4

    Thank you for the comments. Very much appreciated.
    And yes Giannis, I very much like the idea of a SEXfight.
    I expect a third match will be coming up.

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