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Thread: Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

    Three months had gone by. The longest three months of my life and I’m sure Hitomi’s life. Describing in vivid detail all the domination, humiliation and degradation that Stacy subjected us to would make this story longer than the entire Harry Potter collection, so I’ll just give you some snippets. Immediately after our fight, we had a normal, relaxed, non-competitive threesome in the shower. It was quite nice, in all honesty. Afterwards, we all went back to Stacy’s room to get a good night’s sleep. However, just as dawn hit, Stacy began living up to her promise of going full dominatrix on us.

    The first night, she spanked us and whipped our asses with a belt so much that we couldn’t sit down at all the next day due to our asses being so raw and tender. She also fucked us both with strapons to the point were our pussies became red and swollen. Often, she would force one of us to watch while she fucked the other to make the witness become fearful, knowing that she would be next. It never got much easier. She would put clamps on our nipples until they became raw and itchy before she began nibbling on them. Other days, she would force us to spend the entire day with small vibrators in our pussies and she would turn them on at random and often inconvenient times. The sadistic bitch. Of course, she would pussy fuck us just about every day. When she was doing paperwork, she would force one or both of us under her desk to eat her out. She pulled our hair so much that I’m surprised she didn’t scalp us.

    She showed our tits almost as little mercy as our cunts. She would grope, paw, squeeze and manhandle them relentlessly and at any given moment without warning. She would make us lay on top of each other as she used both hands to fist us from behind. Being the cumslut that she was, she would deliberately make us douse her in our cum. She would never allow any of us to shower without her. She would force us to give her oil massages. She would only let us wear clothes when we were out in public and when we did go out, she dragged us out on dog leashes. The looks we got were beyond embarrassing. When asked by people, she would pretend that she didn’t speak Mandarin to make them go away. We all slept in the same bed, as I expected but we didn’t get much sleep due to Stacy using our bodies for her pleasure all night and sometimes well past dawn.

    On days when Stacy was tired or bored, she would make Hitomi and I fuck each other while she watched since she enjoyed watching our fight so much. Those days almost felt like days off as I was down for just about anything that involved sex with Hitomi. Other days, she would force us to all lick each other’s pussies in a triangle position. She would do basically any sexually humiliating thing that a woman can possibly experience to us. All of this went on for three months and everything I just described to you? She did it to us at least ten times. No less. Some things she did over 20 or even 30 times. I knew Stacy’s all business attitude from before was bullshit but I never could have even begun to imagine what a freak she really was. The constant humiliation made my blood boil and my hunger for revenge was the only thing motivating me to get through it. If it wasn’t for Hitomi being by my side through all of it, I might have just snapped.

    Eventually, the boys at Langley got back to us on those pills and that symbol we found. As it turns out, what they found was pretty insane. I still remember the day one of our fellow spies delivered it to Stacy in a park as well as the code phrases they used.

    “The chocolate mousse is not in season.”

    “The carbuncle ate itself.”

    Where do they come up with this stuff? But I digress.

    The white sun flag is apparently the symbol of a secret society/doomsday cult known as “The Bringers of Light”. Named after Lucifer himself. Surprisingly, they weren’t Satanists. In fact, they worshiped both God and the Devil and believed that the two work in tandem with one another. The Bringers of Light believe that humanity is beyond hope and is utterly consumed by sin. They believe that Judgement Day will see all humans barring a select few sent to Hell and of course, they consider themselves that select few. Ai and Diwei were apparently members. Their actual mission was supposedly to help start a nuclear war that would wipe humanity out. To bring about Judgement Day. Their use of sexuality as a weapon is their cult’s way of using humanity’s own sinful urges as a weapon. Their leader is a complete mystery but this group apparently has members all over the planet. Ai and Diwei have refused to talk after months of interrogation.

    The three of us were mind blown by all of this. It all just sounded like something out of a movie. The CIA promised to continue tracking down leads on the Bringers of Light. Stacy was of course concerned that if this cult had infiltrated the Chinese MSS, what other intelligence agencies could be compromised? At the end of the day, we all decided that all we could do is wait for more intel. Stacy seemed particularly disturbed by this whole thing. I don’t blame her…Or at least I wouldn’t have before she took out her concerns on Hitomi and I.

    Eventually, the three months finally passed and the inauguration went off without a hitch, surprisingly. I guess the Bringers of Light were laying low for the time being. Two of their agents getting nabbed no doubt spooked them. After what felt like an eternity of being used as sex dolls, Stacy finally decided to let us free and sadly, Hitomi had to return to Japan. We made sure to see her off on her plane.

    “It’s been an honor working with both of you hot bitches.” Hitomi said jokingly.

    “It’s been a lot more than that.” I said. “A shame it has to end.”

    “I hope we can work together again someday.” Hitomi said.

    “The sooner, the better.” I said.

    We hugged and made out for about two straight minutes before Stacy pulled us apart. We all said our goodbyes and as Hitomi got on the plane and it took off, I felt my heart sink. I’ll never meet another rival quite like her. Even Stacy seemed to notice how down I was and put her hand on my shoulder.

    “She has her job and we have ours.” Stacy said. “Let’s go home.”

    “Yeah…” I said somberly.

    “Oh and one more thing.” Stacy said as she reached into her purse and handed me a card. It was a CIA ID with my name and picture on it. My jaw dropped.

    “Congratulations, Jamie Connection.” Stacy said. “You’re no longer a freelancer but an official CIA agent. You’re now licensed to fuck.”

    “Wow…” I said in bewilderment.

    “It will only get harder for us from here on out.” Stacy advised. “And it’s only a matter of time until we get another lead on the Bringers of Light.”

    “I’ll be ready.” I said confidently. “And the next time we fight, it’ll be one on one and I’ll crush you!”

    “Don’t let your promotion go to your head already, fire crotch.” Stacy teased.

    We waited for our flight and got on it. This assignment had proven to be bigger than anyone could have imagined but I wasn’t going to get cold feet now. I’m a spy and I’ll act like one. The Bringers of Light had better be ready to bring it on!

  2. #2
    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

    That was a very hot and entertaining story! Loved the dynamic between Jaimie and Hitomi and I'd say Stacy did fit in perfectly, too. I was wondering if you'd bring that mysterious flag up again or if you wanted to save it for a possible sequel. As a minor bit of criticism I think this was quite an info dump at the very end where a small teaser would have done the job as well. But then again I'm that kind of author who prefers to leave some threads open to spark the imagination of the readers, even if it is not to everyone's liking.

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    That was a very hot and entertaining story! Loved the dynamic between Jaimie and Hitomi and I'd say Stacy did fit in perfectly, too. I was wondering if you'd bring that mysterious flag up again or if you wanted to save it for a possible sequel. As a minor bit of criticism I think this was quite an info dump at the very end where a small teaser would have done the job as well. But then again I'm that kind of author who prefers to leave some threads open to spark the imagination of the readers, even if it is not to everyone's liking.
    Fair enough. I guess it was my way of building suspense to the sequel and making the villainous group seem intimidating. Anyway, I’ll take a break for Easter before I get to work on the sequel and this sequel will be the longest continuous story I’ve ever done. At least close to 30 parts. It will also be third person for reasons you’ll see. That being said, the story is so long that it will likely take up the rest of 2024 for me, so at times I will take breaks from it to focus on other smaller ideas I have.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

    Hot story. I am glad that it will continue, as you wrote, in another story.
    Stacy and Jamie got into trouble with the “Bringers of Light” cult, we're waiting to see how they untangle.
    Little by little, you are building your own "universe" in your stories. They are action stories where the dominant form of action is erotic.
    Interesting universe, especially as you have adorned it with hot heroines.

    The story, as you write, will last long enough, taking occasional breaks with some different and smaller stories.
    This hot form of variation is also good news.
    I am optimistic that you will find the way to bring the 732 team to play a role as well, also a few heroines from other stories.
    As for the length of this story... 30 more chapters ? All of 2024 ? ONLY ? LOL.

    You and your stories are now a "must read" here. Rest a little, you deserve it, and come back refreshed.
    But don't leave us waiting for too long for the new story/sequel !
    We are more than ready to welcome chapter 1 !

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    this sequel will be the longest continuous story I’ve ever done.
    Wow! Coming from you this really means something...

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Licensed to Fuck: Part 7

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Hot story. I am glad that it will continue, as you wrote, in another story.
    Stacy and Jamie got into trouble with the “Bringers of Light” cult, we're waiting to see how they untangle.
    Little by little, you are building your own "universe" in your stories. They are action stories where the dominant form of action is erotic.
    Interesting universe, especially as you have adorned it with hot heroines.

    The story, as you write, will last long enough, taking occasional breaks with some different and smaller stories.
    This hot form of variation is also good news.
    I am optimistic that you will find the way to bring the 732 team to play a role as well, also a few heroines from other stories.
    As for the length of this story... 30 more chapters ? All of 2024 ? ONLY ? LOL.

    You and your stories are now a "must read" here. Rest a little, you deserve it, and come back refreshed.
    But don't leave us waiting for too long for the new story/sequel !
    We are more than ready to welcome chapter 1 !
    You’ll just have to wait and see.

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