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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Battling Ebony Brawling Ivory (Chapters 1-2)

    Chapter 1: Gretta Gallucci – An Introduction

    We could still walk around without darn Corona face masks when I had last gotten laid. That was in the last week of March 2020, when I, Gretta Gallucci, had my naked body wrapped like a blanket around another woman’s naked body. My dripping pussy rubbing against another woman’s dripping pussy. It was a nice fuck. But I broke up with that woman soon after that amorous sexual union between our bodies.

    I was in that relationship for three years of my life. We are now in the year 2024. So, without any attempt at concealment and to be very blatant THE ITCH IN MY CROTCH was bothering me. Three years and eleven months is a pretty long time for a woman as attractive as me to go without a fuck.

    I mean how long can you stay under the sheets, masturbating? Satisfying oneself with one’s finger was nice for a while, but it wasn’t long before one longed for that primitive joy of skin rubbing against skin.

    That feeling of a naked body wrapped around your naked body. That feeling of my naked body sweating it out with another woman’s naked body. Our sweats mingling. Me and another woman bathing in each other’s sweat.

    Me not getting laid has nothing to do with me being unattractive. And it’s definitely not because of a lack of personality. I have always been an aggressive woman (a bitch, some ex-girlfriends might say) and I always knew what I wanted. I was a go-getter.

    There is another reason for this prolonged lull in my sex life. And it is because I am not really into men. I could have gotten laid every day of my life if I was into men.

    I am a lesbian. Yeah, I like bitches.

    Women who aren’t scared to admit that they have an itch in their crotch and who intend to do something about the itch. An itch that can be satiated only by rubbing it against the pussy of another woman.

    It’s often said that opposites attract. Not for me. I am an aggressive woman and I find aggressive women attractive. Small, puny, and obedient women repel me.

    Only a woman who was my equal, both mentally and physically got my cxnt wet. I couldn’t find a woman like me in fucking Alaska, which was where I have lived all my life. I knew I had to go out into the world to escape this sexual rut I found myself in.

    Yeah, so me choosing Kradan, a remote island in Thailand as my sexual destination had a lot to do with my sexuality or rather me being a lesbian. And I have the Internet to thank for that. Any self-respecting lesbian or bisexual woman will tell you that the internet is a god sent.

    I was part of an exclusive invitation only lesbian group on the internet, called Mesomorph Sapphos United.

    A post about Kradan gave me the impression that the beaches there were teeming with lesbian and bisexual women. Lesbian hotels, lesbian nightclubs, lesbian baths (can you believe that?)

    Hopefully it wouldn’t be that hard to find a woman of my preference in Kradan. A country like Thailand where people openly flaunt their sexual preferences was my perfect holiday destination after four years without a good fuck.

    I had read somewhere that people in Thailand spent a large part of their day worrying about how they looked naked. I wouldn’t blame them actually; you better have a good body if you spend a good part of your life on a beach. You didn’t have to worry about your body if you were in Alaska, not when you live beneath so many layers of clothes to protect you from the cold.

    Anyway, there are no fucking beaches in Alaska. At least none worth going to. None that I knew of. And even if there were any beaches you couldn’t walk around half naked on them like they did in Thailand.

    You would have to wear a bloody sweater to the beach because it’s so fucking cold all the time. That’s the problem when you live in a cold state like Alaska. You can’t go anywhere without wearing a million layers of clothes.

    You didn’t have to wear all that shit in Thailand. Here you could just walk out to the beach in a two-piece bikini.

    Not that I was worried about my body. In fact, I have a bloody good body (even if I say so myself).

    I am proud of it. I am 6 feet tall and weigh around 180 pounds. Yeah, I am one big woman. I always was big from around the time I was 18. Now at forty-five, to say that I am a robust woman would be an understatement.

    I have a big face, a fit woman’s face, at least that’s what my friends say. I have large eyes, a long nose, long lips, a jaw that is a bit manly and blonde hair.

    Not a beautiful face to be honest. But the face of a strong woman, both physically and mentally.

    More of a Peta Wilson face than a Julia Roberts face.

    My neck is thick like a bodybuilder. I have a solid pair of tits to go with it. A lot of women have breasts that are soft and supple. But not mine.

    I have a tough pair of mammaries. And they have stayed tough over the years. My arms are sinewy and well-built, and I have really long fingers for a woman. My abs - I always had a bit of meat on it. I never really managed to get rid of it, but it went well with my mammaries.

    It isn’t really a paunch or anything, just an inch of fat around the lower stomach and the hips. A few of my lovers over the years have remarked how sexy they thought my abs and hips were.

    I wear size 40 jeans, and this is largely because of my buttocks. This might sound immodest, but I have a nice ass. Not one that shakes around a lot like that Jennifer Lopez. But nice rock-solid buttocks that will only wiggle when I run on the beach. My ass complements my tits perfectly.

    As for my crotch, I must admit that it has always been a hungry one. Yeah, I am horny for a 45-year-old woman. Always have been a very sexual being. More on this later.

    Now my legs. I am particularly proud of my thighs.

    A lot of women with nice tits and ass do not have the enormous thighs that would complete their body. Giving it that finish. Mine are like a couple of tree trunks that form my lower body. Everyone likes a woman with enormous thighs. And my thighs really are enormous.

    My calves are thick and shapely, and they go well with my thighs. Like the rest of my body, I have large feet for a woman. I wear size 12 shoes, so you can imagine.

    When I was a teenager, I often got toe aches because my parents couldn’t afford larger shoes.

    Enough about my body. Let me talk about my pussy. My pussy has been lonely. Lonely for a long, long time. There has been an itch in my pussy for years now.

    And it is to get a scratch on this itch that I am going to Kradan, Thailand.

    What I am talking about is a different kind of loneliness.

    A loneliness most ordinary humans would never understand.

    Or maybe they would understand but would pretend to not understand.

    A loneliness for which there is no easy solution. I am in search for my exact equal. A woman who is as well built as I am. Who is as sexual as I am.

    A woman worthy enough to fasten my pussy on her pussy and lock my mouth with her mouth. I am not going to settle for anyone lesser than that. I am not a compromising woman.

    I would rather stay sexually hungry than go through the motions with a woman who does not get my nipples hard.

    There aren’t many women like me. But there could be a few. There could be another ONE like me. I just want to meet that ONE. It is all or nothing for me, Gretta Gallucci.

    Chapter 2: Gretta Gallucci in Kradan

    The early morning was dreich and dark. The clouds gathered over Kradan, threatening rain but it was hot and humid. Waves of heat washed over me as I stood on the balcony of my room, looking at the sea in the distance. The clouds gave the blue water a dark grey texture.

    My forehead and armpits were covered with sweat. I could feel my cxnt sweating inside the tight panties that clung to my crotch.

    I planned to walk to the Paradise beach even though it did not seem like the heat would slacken its early morning assault.

    I had flown in the previous day.

    I had stayed at the hotel yesterday, hitting the pool for a while before going back to my room to get rid of the jet lag.

    There was no need to hurry. I had an open visa for the next six months. Ample time for me to explore all the pussy in Thailand. And find that ONE of course.

    A strong wind began to blow from the sea, and it briefly quashed the effect of the heat from the cruel sun.

    I had woken up early today because I wanted to go to the beach before it got too crowded.

    There were a few hundred people on the Paradise already despite it being so early and cloudy. It is only quarter past seven in the morning but there are already quite a few cars on the roads and lots of people on the footpath that led to the beach.

    I congratulated myself for choosing to stay at the Coral Island Inn, from where it was only a short walk to the Paradise beach.

    Skimpily dressed men and women. Men in shorts or underwear. Women in beach thongs and bikinis. Tourists and locals mingling together.

    The cloudy weather had not dampened the holiday spirit.

    I walked among different races of people, slowly dodging them, making my way forward on the footpath as cars and buses whizzed past me on the road on the right; the low sound of waves hitting land on my left.

    I had walked for quite a while now and I could see a huge board in the distance that said, “WAY TO PARADISE BEACH”.

    I decided to check it out. A lot of tourists and locals were going to the beach this morning. I felt like soaking in the sea for a bit despite the bad weather. It was still hot, despite the wind. Enough exploring for now.

    Maybe I might pick up a Thai bitch at the beach today. On my second day in Thailand. Hope is what keeps a woman with an itch in her pussy going.

    After walking for a bit, I could see white sands in the distance. I had finally reached the beach. But the whole background of the beach was drenched in grey because of the gathering clouds. I wondered whether it would rain soon.

    It took me a while to completely digest the extraordinary beauty of this beach. Miles of beautiful white sand and the dark blue of the ocean filled with hundreds of small and large specks of human beings.

    The sound of waves hitting land in the background.

    For a while the itch in my crotch was forgotten as I took in the sights of the beach.

    But the itch never sleeps. Not for long. And soon I was off again on my lesbian hunt.

    There were lots of women all right. All kinds and sizes of fanny. A large Brazilian tourist contingent was on the beach sands.

    One thing I must say I like the look of the Brazilian women. I had seen their pictures on the net. They are very bovine. Very uninhibited. You take one look at them, and you know they want it as much as their men. They make no bones about it.

    I realized that the soles of my feet were getting a burn, standing on the hot white sands. I moved towards the sea. The waves weren’t too strong at this time of the day.

    I was thinking about how I had read on the Internet that people in Kradan swam naked. It was a good idea. I mean what the hell. I was on a fucking holiday. This was the time to let my hair down.

    That was it then. I was going to swim naked in the sea.

    I extended my arms behind my back and unhooked my bra. I felt better as soon as it came off. The breeze blowing from the sea caressed my naked mammaries and I could feel my nipples grow a little hard.

    Then I removed the sarong that covered my thighs; after which I bent down to take off my skimpy beach thongs. My enormous mammaries loomed large in front of my face as I removed my thongs.

    How long it had been since they had jostled and played with another woman’s mammaries, I thought to myself. Now the thongs came off, and I was butt naked.

    I suddenly felt very sexy, standing butt naked on a public beach. A few women were staring at me now. I enjoyed the attention.

    I ignored the eyes staring at me and looked around for a place to put my clothes.

    I noticed that the white sands were filled with the clothes of the people who were swimming in the sea. There were clothes strewn all over the place.

    So, I placed my clothes on the sand under the tallest of coconut trees and then started to gather some pebbles. I picked up a handful of them and put them on my stuff. I also made a mental note of where I had put them. I knew it wasn’t a very good idea to just leave your clothes on the beach like that.

    But I was confident about finding my clothes when I came back.

    I could feel more eyes on me now. I had been noticed. Many of the women were ogling at me. But I was never one to keep a low profile. It was not in my nature. I paid them no attention.

    Slowly I walked towards the water, all 6 feet and 180 pounds of me. I felt good with the wind tickling my naked mammaries.

    I was walking unhurriedly letting all the women take in the sight. This was nice. I knew I looked good naked and the number of people staring were increasing by the second. How could they not stare?

    None of them had seen a woman as large as me. That was for sure. I mean some of the Brazilian women I had seen on the beach were big but even by their standards I was a big built Amazonian Alaskan woman.

    A lot of American tourists come to this part of the world, but I am sure none of them had ever seen an American woman like me. I bet most of the women knew they did not stand a chance with me. Sure, I had lesbian written over my every move. But I was searching for THE ONE!
    With some women you just know they are lesbians even when you see them for the first time, and I was like a walking advertisement for a lesbian. Guess I was worth a wank for some of these women.

    As I walked into the water, the waves engulfed first my large feet, my shins and finally my thighs as I walked deeper into the ocean.

    I could still feel the eyes following me. But soon they would lose interest when my body was fully immersed in the ocean. I would become another chick on the beach.

    The waves were milder than it looked from the shore, so I decided to go deeper. I felt a tickle when the water touched my nipples.

    I was swimming now, carefully avoiding the naked and the semi-naked women in the water. It felt nice to have my huge naked Amazonian body plunged fully in the ocean.

    The waves were a bit stronger as I swam deeper, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I felt glad that I was such a fit woman. All the hours in the swimming pool at the gym were being put to good use now.

    My strong legs and arms were perfect for swimming in the sea. I decided to swim towards the deep. Just to get my body warmed up. I swam for around ten minutes and stopped when my feet could no longer touch ground.

    When I turned around, I realized that I was about 500 feet away from the shore. Ahhh! Such a pleasure this was.

    The people on the beach were far away from me. Just minor inconsequential specks.

    I was just floating in the sea now allowing my muscles to relax after the swim. I just lay there in the water letting the ocean take me wherever it wanted to.

    It was idyllic. It was like having sex with Mother Nature. I was looking up into the grey-blue sky and my ears were under the water. I could hear the faint noises of the waves.

    Directly in front of me I could see the edges of my nipples. There was nobody to disturb me here. I contemplated my day so far.

    I started to think about hitting one of the lesbian nightclubs in the night. I was certain about picking up a woman there. That made my heart lighter, and I suddenly began to feel better.

    I was going to get laid tonight. No question about it.

    Tonight, my mammaries were going to nestle or jostle against another set of mammaries.

    The very thought of sex was enough to awaken my itch once again. Like I said earlier the itch does not sleep for long. Not when it has been growing for more than three years.

    Well, I did not have to wait for tonight to appease the itch, did I? I could do something about it right now. I have never masturbated in a public place. But there was always a first time, I guess.

    And so, I inserted three fingers of my right hand into my vagina and started rubbing.

    My long fingernails helped me dig deep into my clitoris. I balanced myself with my left hand to stay afloat. I was aroused now. My nipples had turned into a couple of tiny rocks on my mammaries.

    Suddenly, through the periphery of my vision I could see someone swimming towards me.

    I woke up from my sexual slumber and removed my hands from my crotch. Bloody hell! Who was this interrupting me?

    Whoever it was, the person was still far away. At least a hundred feet from where I was.

    But I could tell the person was swimming at a great speed because the distance between us was closing fast.

    As the swimmer got closer, I could make out long black hair. Then the swimmer disappeared behind a wave.

    I waited for a few seconds waiting for this darn intruder to pop out from somewhere.

    I was hoping that whoever it was would go somewhere else so that I could continue to masturbate in peace.

    There was no sign of the swimmer for a while. A minute or two must have passed and I was going to start masturbating again when a head popped out about twenty feet ahead of me.

    It was the intruder again. And I could see the person quite clearly now. It was a woman. A dark brown woman.

    I could see her dark brown arms and legs as she swam towards where I was floating. In fact, she was swimming straight towards me.

    As she swam closer, I could see her ass popping out of the water every now and then. It didn’t look like she was wearing anything around her crotch.

    The woman stopped when she was about ten feet away from me and came up for air.

    Her upper body came out of the water, and I saw that she was topless. Her naked dark brown breasts were there for me to see.

    One look at them and I could tell that she was well endowed. An extremely decent pair of mammaries I must admit. Not as good as my own but still very respectable. I would give her mammaries an 8 on 10. And I was very strict when it came to tits.

    I suddenly realized that I had also seen her naked ass just a moment ago.

    Now one didn’t have to be a genius to figure out that this woman who had disturbed my peaceful masturbatory slumber in mid ocean was butt naked. Just like me.

    Hmmm, now this could be interesting, I thought to myself. Very interesting in fact.

    “Hey there”, I called out to her.

    She was still a little out of breath from her high-speed swimming and didn’t reply immediately.

    Her breasts were jutting out at me as she regained her breath. They certainly were big allright.

    “You all right out there?”, I shouted out, a bit concerned.

    She smiled. But she had a tough face. She looked Brazilian. It was just a wild guess. I could tell she was around my age. Certainly, in her forties. She looked tall judging from the size of her shoulders.

    “Hello, I am OK”, she replied in accented English. She was floating like me now.

    I caught her stealing a glance at my mammaries. I guess mine were jutting out at her, just like hers were jutting out at me.

    “What are you doing swimming so deep into the sea?”, she asked curiously.

    “All those women started staring at me when I took off my clothes. I felt a little shy with so many women gaping at me”, I joked.

    She smiled at that. The woman stared at me for a second like she was trying to figure me out or something, her smile still occupying her tough face.

    “Where are you from?”, It sounded like her English was pretty good even though it was heavily accented.

    “I flew in from Alaska”, I told her nonchalantly.

    “Did you come alone?”, The woman was still smiling a little. Seductively I thought to myself.

    “Why, do you intend to keep me company if I am alone?”, I asked her, suggestively.

    It was not a completely innocent question, but I asked it with a straight face.

    “I was here alone on the beach, looking for some company and that’s when I saw you”, the woman looked amused at the surprised expression on my face. She had let it be known to me that she was alone.

    “Ok. So, you came to the beach all alone, eh?” I asked her, trying to feel her out.

    I thought she would be a part of the Brazilian contingent that I had seen earlier.

    “Yes. I am on a solo trip. I was pretty bored on the beach. I had come here in the hope of meeting some woman”, she said coolly.

    Ahhh! She had come to meet women, had she? What kind of a woman comes to meet other women in Kradan? A lesbian of course, I thought to myself.

    I noticed that she had moved a lot closer to me as we were talking.

    We were probably just five feet apart from each other with only the water between us. I had a better view of her mammaries now. She had huge nipples that matched her large boobs.

    I always had a thing for women with large nipples. For the first time the eroticism of our situation hit me.

    Here we were, two large butt naked women, only five feet apart from each other, deep in the ocean. We were at least 500 feet away from the shore.

    We could do whatever we wanted to each other. It was almost like I was anticipating something of a sexual nature to happen between us.

    I had never had sex in the ocean. And the very thought was enough for me to feel a small tingling in my crotch.

    The crotch knew. The crotch always reacts to situations.

    “What is your name?” I asked her, adding a touch of seduction to my voice.

    “Beatriz. And what is yours?” she asked still speaking very slowly. She glanced at my mammaries again.

    But this time it was a longer glance. She really was checking out my tits now. My heart was beating fast in anticipation.


    The woman had a naughty smile on her face like she was anticipating something too.

    “I saw you taking off your clothes, Gretta. I think it is very bold of you to swim naked in the sea”, she said. The seductive tone again. She spoke with a look of admiration.

    “You think so? And did you like what you saw of my naked body?”, I asked her. Assuming a seductive tone myself.

    I felt my mammaries heave. I asked her like it was a harmless question.

    But it was a loaded question. Pretty direct. Asking another woman what she thought about my body.

    “It was hard not to like. You are so big and so tall. I think you have the best body I have ever seen on a female. It is so sexy and so shapely and so sensual”, her tone was half admiring, half seducing. I liked her accented English.

    That was about the most obvious pick-up line you could ever hear from a lesbian. And I am not one to shy away. I am not used to women hitting on me so openly. This Beatriz babe had guts.

    “So, were you stalking me? Are you usually in the habit of stalking naked women on beaches?” I asked her.

    She had thrown the gauntlet. Now it was up to me to take it.

    “I wouldn’t say I was stalking you, Gretta. I was looking for company, and you looked like you were alone”, she replied confidently.

    “Hmmm. Is that so? So, you like naked women do you, Beatriz?”, I asked her, really turning it on now.

    We both smiled at my question.

    This was sort of a spoken erotic foreplay going on between the two of us.

    I moved a little closer to her and now we were only around three feet apart. I had to show her that I was up for it.

    I wanted what she wanted. Now we were so close in the water that we could both raise our hands and touch each other’s mammaries if we wanted to.

    The sky became darker. The air a touch cooler. Drops of rain began to fall on us. Not too heavy. Less than a drizzle.

    “Naked women, I like. Especially tall naked women with fit bodies. Like you. What do you like Gretta?”, she asked. Her tone of speaking had become so damn seductive.

    I felt like a bubble was going to burst. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me on my first day out in Kradan.

    More than three years without any sex and now here I was in the middle of the ocean with a naked Brazilian woman. This Brazilian chick had certainly made her intentions clear.

    “I like women who look just like me. Women who are as big as I am and as aggressive as I am”, I replied.

    I knew what I said was very direct the moment I said it but then that’s how I talk.

    I had to show this Brazilian Amazonian woman that I was no prude. I wasn’t going to act all surprised just because I got hit on right in the middle of the ocean.

    “Hah! You like to talk dirty don’t you Gretta? Is that how you like it?”, she was a little taken aback by my straight talking.

    For a moment her smile was partially replaced by a look of very slight resentment.

    “Yes Beatriz. Not only do I like to talk dirty. But I like a woman who can talk back dirty as well. Someone who gives back as good as she gets”, I said to her. I didn’t say it like I was challenging her or anything, just as a statement of fact.

    I was careful not to offend her because I liked where this was going.

    “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that Gretta. Even I can talk dirty too. This Brazilian bitch can talk as dirty as any tall American bitch”, she said to me.

    That really got my crotch itching badly.

    Here was a woman who wasn’t going to back down. I liked that quality in women. Especially in lesbians.

    “I have never been with a Brazilian woman before. My milky white skin rubbing against a Brazilian woman’s dark brown skin. I have always fantasized about this”, I said to her trying to break the tension between us and bring back the sex talk.

    Luckily, she took my lead. Enough rough talk for now. I didn’t want to turn her off.

    “I have never been with an American woman before. It’s always been my dark brown tits against another pair of dark brown tits. I have always dreamt of me and an American woman in heat”, she said.

    We were back to the sex talk again.

    The sexual tension between us had reached a crescendo a moment earlier and then fallen away thanks to my rough talk. Now we would both have to work at rebuilding it again.

    “Ah! So, you can tell me a thing or two about Brazilian women then”, I said looking directly into her eyes now.

    “I can do more than tell. I could demonstrate to you some of the things that a Brazilian woman can do”, she said in an aggressive voice. Now that was clever allright.

    This woman was really impressing me. She certainly knew how to talk. She wanted me to know that she was no mouse.

    “Oh, what is the hurry now Beatriz? We have all the time in the world. And I am sure this American bitch can show you a few things you haven’t seen. I can give my own demonstration as you put it”, I retorted.

    “I am in no hurry Gretta. I was just making it clear that I did not swim all the way here just to have a conversation with you”, she said seriously.

    “Of course, my dear Beatriz. Did you think I flew all the way to Kradan to improve my swimming skills? Of course not. I came here for some action and that is what I am going to get”, I said coolly.

    She smiled at that. It was a good come back. And I could tell from the way she smiled that she was impressed.

    We were two tough women measuring each other up.

    “Well, I am really glad that both of us concur on our intentions, Gretta”, said Beatriz.

    “I am glad too. It is always nice to meet like-minded women”, I retorted. I wanted to say like-minded lesbians but decided against it.

    “So, you were asking me about Brazilian women”, said Beatriz renewing our aggressive verbal foreplay.

    “Yes, I was. Tell me Beatriz, what does a Brazilian woman smell like when they sweat during sex”, I asked her. I always liked to ask this question to women I wanted to go to bed with. Most of them were repelled but some lesbians liked it.

    And I had a feeling Beatriz wouldn’t mind.

    Beatriz smirked at my question. It was almost a manly giggle. Ah! Just like I had thought. This was one dirty bitch, and she liked some dirty talk with another dirty bitch.

    “Hmmm. Interesting question. When I am in heat with another woman, there is the smell of our mingled sweat. My sweat smells of cachaca, which is native Brazilian liquor because that’s what I drink all the time, Beatriz replied.

    What a clever thing to say. Mingled sweat smelling of liquor. This was one imaginative woman.

    “So what is the smell of the sweat of an American woman like yourself ….. during sex? , Beatriz asked me.

    Now this was a first. No woman had ever wanted to know what I smelled like. This dark brown beauty was really getting me off.

    “We drink a lot of beer because of the weather in Alaska, so we smell of beer when we sweat during sex”, it was a half joke, but I said it with a straight face.

    She laughed loudly at my reply. Beatriz looked impressed. Both of us were good talkers. We were well matched in that department.

    “This might sound strange Gretta, but I quite like the smell of beer. I am a dirty bitch and I want to bathe in the beer sweat of an American bitch”, Beatriz declared.

    This was getting dirtier by the second.

    I realized that the itch in my crotch had become unbearable. The dirty talk between us was really turning me on. And judging from the look on Beatriz’s face she was turned on too.

    “And I want to lick the cachaca sweat off a Brazilian woman’s body”, I said without winking.

    We were measuring each other up. I felt like we were nearing the final stages of our verbal foreplay. The feeling in my crotch had reached a crescendo in anticipation of what was going to happen between the two of us.

    We had really drifted a long way away from the shore now. In fact, I could hardly see the shore from where the two of us were now. It was only water around us.

    But the sea was calm with only the occasional wave splashing salt water on our dark brown and white faces.

    Beatriz’s short black hair was completely drenched and so was my short blonde hair.

    We were still around three feet from each other, our naked bodies dancing and floating in the water.

    “So have you ever mated with another woman in the ocean, Gretta?”, Beatriz asked me now.

    Mated. What a word to use. I almost laughed out loud when she said this.

    I had never heard anyone use the word mate to describe sex. Isn’t mating what animals did? But it had a nice ring to it. Two lesbian women mating in the middle of the ocean. It was such an erotic thing to say.

    “No back home, us lesbians’ mate inside blankets or duvets because it’s so cold. It is nice in a way. It’s nice to have another body wrapped around yours in that cold weather. And your body wrapped around your lovers. Just the knowledge that you are using your bodies to mate and also provide warmth to each other. It is very erotic”, I replied.

    “So, is that what I am Gretta? A lesbian?” asked Beatriz, in a mock innocent voice.

    I could tell her that she was really enjoying the way I talked. As much as I was enjoying the way she talked. We were playing a game. A mating game. A game in which we were mutually arousing and seducing each other through our verbal duel.

    “You are not just any lesbian. You are a tough lesbian. One who is not scared of her needs. And you’re a lesbian aren’t you, Beatriz? Because I am a lesbian. And I only mate with lesbians” I told her in an aggressive tone.

    The ocean had become surprisingly calm now. There were no waves at all.

    It was like we were in an enormous pond with the water moving around a little.

    Mother nature must have sensed the sexual tension between our naked bodies. She must be anticipating the impending mating between the two of us I thought to myself.

    In fact, this was almost like a threesome between Mother Nature, Beatriz and me. Mother Nature was the silent stimulator, egging the two of us on, arousing the sexual feelings inside us.

    “Oh, I am a lesbian all right. And I know I want the two of us to mate here. Right in the middle of the ocean. Unless you are too much of a pussy Gretta”, said Beatriz accepting the challenge. That was it. Beatriz had made a direct statement of her sexual intent.

    It was for real now. It was up to me to make the next move.

    “That’s what I want too Beatriz. Let’s mate then”, said I and pushed myself towards her.

    Until now we had both been careful to keep a distance between us. It was like an unspoken line of control which both of us would not cross while we were seizing each other up. But now the time had come. Our sexual feelings for each other had been aroused to such a degree that there could be no more talking.

    There was nothing left to say. Now we were a piece of flesh for each other. We were going to enjoy each other’s flesh.

    We were like two animals that had just met and decided to mate. The only object here was to provide sexual relief to each other’s bodies.

    We were going to give into each other completely. Surrender to our desire for each other.

    A split second after I pushed myself towards her. Beatriz also pushed herself toward me.

    Our naked bodies encountered each other for the first time. My nose brushed against her dark brown cheeks and her nose rubbed against my white cheeks.

    Our breasts jostled against each other for a moment and so did our thighs. For a second the impact of our contact pushed both of us backwards and we weren’t in contact anymore.

    But such was the strength of our desires that we immediately pulled each other back together with our hands. I felt Beatriz’s hand on my hips as it snaked its way around to my back.

    She pulled me towards her bringing both her hands around me as our naked bodies united once again.

    I returned her embrace and the two of us let out gasps of pure sexual excitement as we clasped each other tightly. Beatriz had her face turned to the side and I planted a kiss on her cheek.

    She turned her face towards mine when I did this, and the tips of our noses brushed against each other. I tightened my embrace and Beatriz did the same as our bodies became one.

    Beatriz was stronger than I had imagined. Hers was a really tight embrace.

    Both of us simultaneously turned our faces side wards and lined our cheeks against each other. Her mammaries and mine met. Hers was larger than I had imagined. They were hard, comparable to my hard tits.

    Our legs entwined while we embraced each other with our upper bodies.

    I disentangled my legs from hers and wrapped them around her buttocks. Taking my lead, she wrapped her legs around my buttocks.

    Whatever move one made the other was ready to match it. She was like the perfectly competitive lesbian lover that I had been searching for.

    Now that our bodies had merged perfectly, we slowly slid down into the ocean. We went underwater but neither of us made any move to break free of the embrace.

    Time stood still for us as our entwined bodies slipped into the deepest annals of the ocean, both of us completely overwhelmed by the feel of skin against skin. Two hearts beating against each other.

    Our bodies were now so tightly locked together that we must have looked like one person to anyone who was watching us. It would have been quite a sight.

    My eyes were open as we went deeper into the ocean, and I could see hundreds of small fish around us. Watching us. Maybe they sensed what we were doing. We must have been going down for only a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime to me.

    Neither of us wanted to break the mutual embrace. Trying to draw as much pleasure as we could from each other’s naked flesh. My crotch was itching like never before.

    Finally, after what seemed like ages, I felt Beatriz trying to break free from our embrace. One of her hands had come off from my back and she was pointing upwards indicating to me that she was going back up for fresh air.

    The two of us couldn’t hold on much longer without air. She disentangled herself from my body and went up first. As she pushed herself upwards, the nipple on her left breast rubbed against my cheek.

    And then her crotch rubbed up against my face as she swam upwards.

    I could tell that she was a tall woman. At least 6 foot like me.

    Now I couldn’t hold my breath any longer and I swam upwards, following Beatriz.

    I reached the surface a split second after Beatriz had made it. Both of us gasped as fresh air filled our lungs.

    I could tell that Beatriz was laughing as she tried to get hold of her breath. I was laughing myself. A laughter charged with sexual joy and arousal.

    It took a few minutes for us to regain our breaths. We were a few feet apart once again. Mother nature had separated us. Like a jealous lover.

    Beatriz was looking into my eyes, and I met her gaze, both of us smiling slightly. We were both silent for a few seconds, floating a few feet from each other. I could tell from Beatriz’s face that she was unbearably aroused. She wanted me badly, just like I wanted her.

    “Gretta, I know an island nearby. It has a small beach. It is usually deserted. But we will have to swim for a bit”, said Beatriz.

    The two of us were waking up from the amorous slumber of our underwater tryst. Now we had to find a new abode to finish what we had started.

    “Good idea Beatriz, Let’s swim to the island”, I told her excitedly.

    “It is the perfect place for the two of us, considering the situation we have on our hands”, she said all crafty and seductive.

    “Oh, and what situation is that situation Beatriz?”, I asked naughtily.

    “The situation of two hungry crotches”, replied Beatriz.

    And with that retort, she plunged into the ocean and started swimming.

    I started a couple of seconds after she did. I was right behind her, and I could see her dark brown buttocks, back and her head popping out every once in a while, in front of me.

    We swam for a few minutes like that. Beatriz was swimming easily like a veteran, but I kept up with her.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If you liked the first two chapters, do consider buying the book on Amazon:


    Gretta Galluci, a lesbian bodybuilder heads to the island of Kradan, Thailand in search of her sexual equal. Gretta has not gotten laid since the Corona lockdown started and she is in search of a lesbian woman who is as sexually aggressive and combative as she is. On her second day in Kradan, she bumps into Beatriz Barboza, a woman as strongly built as her, in the middle of the ocean. Together, Gretta and Beatriz embark on an adventure of lesbian lust and competition over a month in the sizzling heat of Kradan. Battling Ebony Brawling Ivory is one of Kama Fight's most intense tales of lesbian lust, competition and love between two equally matched muscular women.

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    Re: Battling Ebony Brawling Ivory (Chapters 1-2)

    To the forum users - This is an almost completely rewritten and finished version of Adventures in Brazil. I shifted the action to Thailand and also eliminated (actually made her part into a cameo) one of the characters and refocused the story onto the two main characters. I added around 12,000 words of new material to the story. So do consider buying if you liked Adventures in Brazil.

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