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Thread: Wipe Down Part 1

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Wipe Down Part 1

    As Aishwarya looked down at the gym bench, she let out an annoyed sigh. It was dripping with sweat from the previous occupant and had not been wiped down clean as per the gym rules. She glanced her brown eyes up at the woman who had been using the bench over the last hour or more, a ridiculous amount of time for anyone to take up a single space. The offending redhead was talking to her phone on video, set on a high tripod that faced the entire gym. Already annoyed she had been forced to wait; that was too much for Ash to let go.

    The offending pale-skinned girl was still dripping sweat everywhere as she started another lift in her bright redhead sports bra and tight shorts of identical color. The woman was working out hard, Aishwarya wouldn’t deny that…but that did not give her the right to just ignore gym rules and more so common decency. Maybe if it had just been the sweat, Ash wouldn’t have been bothered enough. But the waiting and the videoing, and WITH the sweat left on the bench were enough to make Ash say something. She waited for the girl to drop her heavy weight from the sumo squat and then approached just as the woman said to the camera, “Wow, that was a hard one, but I think I kept my form, tell me what you think!” The woman was so into her videoing that she didn’t see Ash approaching her. A complete lack of awareness Ash thought with a huff.

    “Hey, can you wipe down your benches when you are done?” Aishwarya spoke loudly with an aggressive tone that matched exactly how she was feeling.

    The redhead glanced up in surprise at the other woman appearing over her, the voice getting through the headphones, “Um, Sorry everyone, one sec.” The redhead said to the phone before looking up again with one headphone removed, “What?”

    “I said, can you wipe your benches after you use them? You left it soaked. It’s gross.” Ash repeated, gesturing to the wet bench a few feet away.

    “Oh, sorry! I’ll do it once I’m done with my lifts.” The redhead replied, then turned back to her camera, “Sorry everyone, just someone here who was worrying about a little sweat at the gym, but you know me, I work out hard and might get a little sweaty doing it!” The redhead laughed and winked at the phone.

    “Well, I want to use that bench now, and its fucking gross,” Ash added, tapping her foot in annoyance.

    The woman let out a sigh as her timer dinged for her to start another lift but she didn’t pick up the weights, “Oh, wow, real young Karen here at the gym today everyone. Let me deal with her so we can get back to it.” She pushed off her headphones fully and turned to Ash with an angry expression. “Is it that big a deal to interrupt my lift? I told you; I will do it as soon as I finish this, or you can just wipe it down yourself if you can’t wait.” The woman then turned her body fully towards Aishwarya and cocked her hip in what felt like an aggressive stance. She was objectively very attractive, and Ash took a second to scan her eyes down the redhead’s body. Her skin was very pale but without blemish, and she had a thick fiery red mane of hair that was long but kept up in a simple ponytail at the present. She had a thin waist with some lightly toned muscle on her abs with a plump chest that looked like it had to be stuffed tightly into the red sports bra by some miracle. Her legs and ass looked to be the real deal, strong, mid-workout, with toned thighs, calves, and an ass so big, it could be seen from behind, tightly stretching the small shorts. The thing that startled Ash the most was up close this body seemed, at least at first glance, her equal.

    Aishwarya had picked up the gym three years ago and never looked back. She had transformed her body from being a skinny girl with big tits to a well-built, strong woman...with big tits. Since working out, her body had transformed and she and everyone around her considered her very attractive. She had warm almond skin with big brown eyes and a stunning face with a silver nose stud. A full chest and equally full ass that she considered the best in the gym by far. Her long black hair was naturally wavy, though she always had it in a ponytail while at the gym like the woman in front of her. Standing now in front of this redhead, Ash felt a challenge unlike she had in the last three years, or maybe because she felt at her peak that there couldn’t be someone who matched her. Maybe Ash could admit she had noticed this girl before, but never this up close. Now she could see the redhead’s points of pride were equally as well built, and maybe this woman was the closet challenge she had to fittest in the gym. Ash felt not only the annoyance of the situation happening but also a new question burning in her about which one of them was stronger…and which one of them was hotter filled her brain. She pushed them out with the slightest shake of her head said again with no room to compromise. “Wipe. It. Up.”

    “Yeah, and what if I don’t? You going to report me?” The redhead snapped back rolling her eyes with a slight chuckle.

    They glared at each other another second before Ash finally looked away, “Whatever.” She mumbled deciding it was not worth it. She turned and took a step away when her ears picked up the words, “Little bitch.” The redheaded had muttered the insult under her breath and Ash froze in place. If the music had been turned up in the weight room, she would not have heard the snarky little comment, but fate seemed determined for this conversation to continue. Ash turned back, but the woman wasn’t looking at her anymore and was leaning forward to mess with her phone. Now, Ash could see the ass the redhead has been using to squat with. It was very plump and could hold a recoil, but still looked equally as firm and strong as her own. But there wasn’t time for a full comparison between herself and this redhead right now. Her slight annoyance was now turning into rage, and she was not about to be called a little bitch by this rude whore without retaliation.

    “What did you call me?” Aishwarya spat turning fully back around as the redhead had sat down.

    “Oh, nothing.” The woman shrugged, brushing it off without even looking at the darker girl.

    “Oh, good, because I thought I heard you call me a little bitch, and that would be pretty ironic because between the two of us, there is only one weak little bitch, and that’s you.” She added and walked forward standing right in front of the phone.

    The redhead’s eyebrows scrunched looking up at Ash, “Whatever, get out of my shot.”

    But Ash had enough of the woman’s attitude, “Nah, not till you wipe up that bench.” She snarked pointing back at the place she had come from. But it seemed that the woman was equally done with Ash as well. “Well, I’m not going to do that till I’m done, so get out of my shot or I’ll move you.” The woman firmly stated.

    Ash laughed loudly, “No chance you could do that, little bitch.” She finished, cocking her hip in a mimicking pose that the redhead had taken a minute ago. Like most days, she was wearing baggy sweats and a big, oversized t-shirt, but with this confrontation, Ash felt the sudden desire to wear something sexy, or at least more revealing than the woman in front of her. While Ash had been regretting her choice of outfit, the redhead had stood up, placed her headphones down, and took one big step forward. Suddenly Ash and this woman were face to face, the pale girl stopping in time before they touched bodies.

    “You really think I couldn’t move you? Call me a bitch again if you are so brave, and we can find out.”

    Ash leaned forward till her face was only an inch from this woman’s sweaty forehead. Then, slowly, and making sure her lips pronounced each syllable, “Weak…bitch.”

    Then a lot of things happened in an instant. The redhead pushed Ash, Ash pushed her back, and suddenly they were screaming in a burst of motion shoving each other aggressivity. It all happened so fast, but before even a single strand of hair could be pulled or a single slap was given, several pairs of hands had appeared, and the two women were pulled apart by the other gym goers. “Samantha!” One of the big trainers yelled before getting a firm grip on the redhead’s waist and pulling her back. Ash too had a familiar trainer pull her away and the scene was ended.

    Ash quickly got led to an office and given a stern talking to and warning. When she left, she watched the now-known Samantha get pulled into the same office where an equally loud voice grilled her. Humiliated by her actions, Ash went back to her lift, but couldn’t get into it. She left the gym only ten minutes later, shaking her head. People were already whispering about her as she passed them, and she was sure a video of her attacking the redhead would appear online soon. Turning the corner to the parking lot, she found a hoodie-wearing woman leaning on the brick wall of the building. It was Samantha, and her light brown hazel eyes flashed when she saw Ash appear.

    “Waiting for me like a little bitch?” Ash hissed taking the initiative to start the conversation though she kept walking, going right past the ginger without a second glance.

    “Wait!” A newly familiar voice called out and for some reason, Ash decided to listen. Maybe she was curious? Maybe she did indeed want to see what this bitch wanted to say or what would happen between them next. Turning back to this Samantha, she watched as the redhead pushed up off the wall and slowly sauntered up to Ash, removing her hood and stopping a few feet away. Her pale strong legs were still bare in the same tight gym shorts, but the hoodie hid her upper body fully. They were not standing as close as they had been at the gym before their slight tussle, but the tension seemed equally as thick.

    “I don’t know about you, but I don’t think we should leave it at that,” Samantha spoke as she gestured up at the top-floor gym with her head. “And I’m not going to apologize, and I know you aren’t either.”

    “Well, we can agree on that.” Ash nodded at the woman. “But that can’t be why you are waiting here for me? And before you say anything else, just know, I’m not about to have some street fight with you, or any fight for that matter. That was fucking stupid of us up there, and I’m not going to lose my membership or get arrested for assault because you are petty. So, let’s leave it at that, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. Leave me alone.”

    “I guess we agree on a few things. Because I’m not about to get in trouble by fighting you either AND I dislike you. You’re a bitch, but we won’t be able to leave each other alone as long as we both go to this gym, people will talk anytime we are in the room together. So, I have another idea to settle this if you want to hear it?”

    Ash didn’t move, cocking her head just slightly and Samantha took that as permission to continue. “Come back tomorrow at midnight. The gym closes before, but I have access. Just me and you alone up there. We can do a little lift-off and find out which one of us is the real, weak bitch. The winner stays, and the loser cancels her membership. That way we can be sure that we don’t have to see each other again.”

    “A lift-off?” The words alone sent a thrill in Ash’s body, and her eyes flashed in sudden excitement at the idea of beating this, Samantha at something they both had a lot of pride in. “Okay, let’s say I am interested in this. How would it work?”

    “Simple, squat versus squat. Whoever can lift the highest weight wins.” Samantha explained as if she had done this before.

    “Simple. I like it. I’ll be there and happily finish what we started.” Ash replied with a cocky grin and after a glimpse of surprise, a tiny little smirk came to Samantha’s pink lips in exchange. “Good, then I’ll see you tomorrow night at midnight. Oh, and you might want to dress more appropriately for the gym, because at night, they turn the AC off, and it can get hellishly hot up there. Judging how you acted today; it might be a bit much if you can’t stand a little sweat.”

    If the redhead had expected Ash to back out, she was wrong because Ash laughed mockingly, “Please, I only wear baggy clothes cause guys stare all the time. I would look even better than you if I wore those tiny shorts you do. Plus, when I work out, I push myself to my limit, and I sweat a lot. I bet a lot more than you, but I’m just considerate enough to wipe down the bench and machines as I go instead of making people wait. And if you think a little heat and sweat is going to scare me away from beating you, you are so wrong.”

    Samantha laughed right back at the comments, “Well, I guess we will see about that, and who can pull off tiny shorts better. But I don’t have any more time to waste with you now. Tomorrow night. Come fresh, and let’s figure out who the weak bitch is, up there, alone.”

    Ash nodded and then deciding she might as well know her rival’s name officially, she added, “Aishwarya.”
    “Samantha.” The pale girl responded with the slightest of nods and with that, the two women walked away from each other. A time set and an unsettled score to settle.

    To be continued

    Short story while I work on some others.The next part should be up soon ish.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 1

    I’m sure these girls will find other ways to compete as well.

  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 1

    Wow. Right up my alley. A couple of muscular alpha women ready to settle who is the better woman. I can't wait to see how this unfolds! Thank you.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member pjaz12345's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 1

    There is a sense of eroticism in the tension between these two women. Good writing & a brilliant start.

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