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Thread: Wipe Down Part 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Wipe Down Part 2

    Over the next day, Ash rested her body but not her temper. The entire scenario seemed more ridiculous by the second, but the short scuffle had ignited something in her that she could not wash away. The only thing on her mind was the midnight challenge, and how she would perform against this sudden gym rival. Before she knew it, Ash was walking back into the gym. It was now pitch black and eerily quiet just before midnight. She found the front door of the gym building unlocked and slipped in, shutting, and locking the doors behind her. She took the stairs to the top floor, 4 flights, using them as a slight warmup for her legs which seemed to twitch in anticipation of what was to come. With every single step, Ash felt the temperature of the building rise until she made it to the final floor where the heat seemed to settle like a fog. Opening the main gym door unleashed a final intense wave of heat that seemed to be stored inside like an oven. The summer days, and hot nights that followed had turned the room of weights and mats into a sweatbox. Even her skimpy sports bra and tight scrunch bum shorts she had picked for this lift felt abrasive on her dark skin as some sweat already began to drip down her forehead.

    She didn’t have to look for Samantha, because to the left of the door was the redhead waiting for her, sitting on a stool, and typing on her phone. The sound of the new arrival snapped her head up and her hazel eyes narrowed at Ash in the darkness. Maybe she was surprised that her rival had shown up, or maybe she was excited, her face didn’t show much emotion. The redhead hopped off the stool, shoeless, and wearing a similar get-up as her rival, a tight sports bra, and equally tight body-hugging scrunch bum shorts, a style that many women now wore for workouts. Their bodies now looked even more comparable in the skimpy outfits, though they clashed in color, Sam’s were baby blue versus Ash’s dark red. The pale girl took a few steps and stood in front of Ash, where she crossed her arms and waited until Ash dropped her bag, slipped off her shoes, and took a similar pose. The heat of the room became second fiddle to the heat of their stare-off and the fire that had been bubbling in their stomachs since the confrontation a day ago enflamed into an inferno.

    “Didn’t think you would show up.” The pale girl spoke in a slightly high pitch, breaking the silence of the standoff. Finally leaving her little power pose, Sam walked a few feet to the right and flipped a single switch. Ash prepared for the bright lights, but she didn’t have to worry because only a dull shine appeared above a far squat rack in the corner of the room. The chosen arena.

    “And give you the satisfaction of you getting to think you scared me off? No way, I accepted your contest and I’m here like I promised. Ready and happy to put you in your place.” Ash responded, still crossing her arms over her endowed chest in the skimpy workout outfit that she had picked for tonight to match her rival. Sam rolled her eyes as she now took in Ash’s get-up which was identical to hers outside the clashing color. Similar thoughts of comparison came flashing into her head, much like they come to Ash’s mind the day before and she felt a sudden wave of nerves build in her. Their outfits weren’t the only things matching as both women had done their long wavy black and red hair up in long ponytails that hung on their shoulders. Their foreheads were bare and allowing the sweat to drip down them in small waves. Sam pushed those down and let a cocky grin come to her mouth, “Well, and here I thought you would be wearing those big t-shirts and sweats that you were in earlier. I’ll give you credit for daring to copy my style, but you still don’t look better than me.”

    “Just because I don’t feel the desire or need to dress like a stripper every time I lift, you think that means I’m scared to wear this or show off my body? Like I said before, I just don’t care for the stares, but I’m going to make sure you get a good look tonight at the better body. And I’m sure you can see; that these types of outfits were made for someone like me.” Ash snipped back.

    “Nah, I think you not wearing them before means you just aren’t as confident as me. Don’t blame me for your insecurity, and DON’T even think you have a better body. And after tonight admit that little fact too. Like we agreed, a lift-off, loser ends her membership at this gym and doesn’t bother the winner ever again.”

    Ash nodded letting the catty outfit comments drop, “That’s what we said. Guess I’m not surprised you are so insecure that you would rather do this to get me to leave instead of just apologizing for not wiping down a bench. This whole thing could have been avoided if you took 10 seconds out of your little show.”

    “I was going to wipe it down, but you are just impatient, and couldn’t wait! It’s a LIVE workout show! And…” Sam snapped and was about to say more when Ash interrupted the rant. “Whatever! We could complain about each other all night, or we can start and settle it here for good. So, let’s go.” Then, she looked around the empty gym and then back at Sam, “Also, how did you get access here after hours?”

    “Dated the guy who worked here years ago, and they never changed the code after he left,” Sam answered easily. “And fine, bitch let’s start. Legs versus legs and ass versus ass. A squat off. We face each other in the dual squat rack under the light. Start with low weight and just match single rep lifts adding 2.5 kg each time until one of us collapses and the other completes it. That girl who finishes the heavier rep is the winner.”

    Simple was the word and Ash had to admit it felt like it was the near-perfect solution for two women who prided themselves in the gym for their asses and legs specifically. Those were the muscles they trained with the most enthusiasm and the best sign of who ruled this gym.

    “Okay, perfect.” Ash nodded and then glanced up at the clock. “It’s midnight. Time to start?” She finished with a confident tone as she pulled her large water bottle out of her bag. Her voice might have shaken Sam if the redhead’s voice hadn’t come off equally as confident in her pose and the dangerous smile that came to her lips once again.

    “Almost. First, give me your water.” Sam replied, reaching out her hand. Ash’s fingers tightened on the cool bottle which seemed like a single saving grace in this abrasive heat that was already growing, “Why?”

    “Cause, we need this contest to be equal. Look, I’ll go first.” Sam spoke and then reached down to her big jug that had been next to her legs. Pulling it up, she uncorked the top and then poured the water out onto the floor. The clear liquid splurged down for a few seconds until the jug was fully empty. Sam shook it a few times then glanced at the darker girl, “Your turn.”

    Ash still hesitated for a second, but she had already come this far, and she had agreed to play this game that Sam had initiated. Slowly she popped open her bottle and poured all her water onto the floor in similar fashion. Only once it was empty and she had dropped the bottle to the ground did Sam reach back into her bag and pull out two regular-sized water bottles. She tossed one to Ash who almost missed it in the shadows catching it in the last second. It was nothing more than a single bottle, unopened and slightly warm thanks to the heat it had been resting in.

    “Yours, and mine. That’s all the water we get for this lift-off. Keep it fair.” Samantha explained and Ash gave her a critical stare. “Have you done this before? You seem very prepared.”

    “Why would I tell you if I had?” Sam shot back, but Ash caught the smallest switch of tone in her voice. Ash just shrugged in response, but Samantha looked at her hard before speaking through grided teeth, “Fine, I haven’t. But I’ve always wondered what would happen if someone confronted me at the gym, especially someone like you.” She made a motion to all of Ash’s fit body before continuing, “I have gone through this scenario in my head a million times, and I would bet you have as well because only someone who would agree to this AFTER getting into a scuffle the day before would ACTUALLY show up to do it. And yet, here you are, and here I am wanting to settle it.”

    Ash rolled her dark eyes, but the bitch wasn’t wrong, “Nice little detective work, and fine, I won’t lie, I have thought about this scenario too. And it’s always been someone like you that I was besting and standing over after winning.”

    Sam’s sneer twisted wider at the admission, and she flashed her bright white teeth, “Well, then let’s find out which one of us is standing on top of the other at the end.” With that, she turned and started walking to the dual rack in the corner of her gym. Her full-sized muscular ass flexed in the tight shorts like she was nude. The muscle shifted behind her in the light blue shorts as she strutted, giving a little show to Ash, who was forced to walk behind and stare at the impressive-looking glutes. By the time they reached the racks Ash was furious and desperate to retaliate with some show of her own, and now she had her chance before they started.

    As they took their spots on the opposing wooden platforms, Ash did a low frog squat to start, showing off her flexibility while also provocatively spreading her knees and legs at Sam. It was a normal stretching movement, but her eyes met and locked to Sam’s for a second too long for it to be on accident. The way they were dressed, the way they spoke about standing over each other, another type of tension was building between them…though it went unsaid. However, Ash’s show victory was short-lived, because across from her, Sam started stretching too, swinging each of her toned legs up and down, then turning around and leaning forward to reach for her toes, flexing her hamstrings and ass towards Ash once again. But instead of just staring at this, Ash stood, flipped around, and took the same pose. They held this for 10 seconds and then caught each other looking from between their legs. They shot up and turned fully with naughty taunting stares. “Get a good look at my ass?” Ash snarked and watched Sam roll her eyes again.

    “Just comparing us, and not really seeing my equal now that you are dressed like that.” Sam shot back and Ash bit her lips in frustration at the little comment. They went back to stretching, rarely breaking their eye contact as they warmed up their strong muscles for this contest. Their legs and asses were the main show, but the girls each had, good shoulders, arms, and abs that had just a bit of definition to their sculpted womanly bodies.

    The two squat racks were facing each other so that the girls would be forced to look eye to eye as they went down each rep. Safety bars were set, and with the stretching done, the girls took their spots. Without another word between them, the squat off began between Aishwarya and Samantha to become queen of this gym. It was boring at first, both women easily doing just the bar of 20kg, and the first few increases only were really to warm up as they dipped low and stared eye to eye in their scanty little clothing that stretched each flex. They didn’t speak much in these early sessions and the water was ignored. But soon, thirst and soreness began to gnaw at them. The first sign was at 80kg when for a second it looked like Sam might fail but got it up at the last second while Ash laughed at the short struggle of her opponent. But for the next two reps of 82.5 and 85 kg Ash almost went down, and she could hear Sam snickering at her near fail.

    At that point they both cracked their bottles and chugged more than half their water, letting it run down their smooth bodies a bit on purpose to cool them. Ash thought maybe she should have spread her water out, but because it was one rep for each lift, a single mistake might cost her a victory. And she didn’t want to regret not finishing the water or blame her thirst for a fall. The heat didn’t provide any comfort, and sweat had long exploded on the girl’s bodies, dripping to the hard wooden floor, and making their free skin shine with a slight gleam. Little by little the weight crept up until there was 100 KG on each girl’s bar, two full plates. Ash had only done this amount once in form, and never after 10 minutes of squatting. She would need the last bit of her strength to get a full squat down and up and could only hope that Samantha was in a similar position. Sweat dripped down her face and she blinked twice to clear her eyes looking over at Sam’s sweaty body across from her. “You tired?” Ash breathed with just a little taunt in her tone as she felt her legs quiver. The bitch was stronger than she expected, and it looked like Sam’s body wasn’t just for show, the muscles in her abs more prominent now mid-lift.

    “Nope, not at all. Are you?” Sam replied with a huff, but her knees had shaken more than once in the last few seconds. She begrudgingly admitted that Ash’s brown legs looked even better now, and Sam felt a spike of fear that she may have bitten off more than she could chew. In truth, they were both hesitating, trying to pull every second of rest they could from this small break to taunt and examine the other’s flexed form. Trying for more time, Ash reached for her water and chugged the rest of the life-giving liquid down her dry throat. It was refreshing and did give her a boost, though Sam was doing the same until both bottles were empty, crushed, and thrown to the floor away from them.

    Finished, Ash kept staring at Sam who looked right back at her, sweat dripping off their noses and chins. There was something erotic about how they were dressed and how sweaty they had gotten facing each other. Ash’s brown eyes glanced down at the big chest in the light blue bra that moved up and down. They couldn’t really compare chests with them both stuffed into the bras, and they were just heavy now with how soaked they had become with sweat. A cheeky little idea flowed to her head that could solve both those issues. “You know, I think I’m going to remove a little weight and wipe my eyes.” Ash spoke cheerfully and Sam stood up straight in surprise, “Wait, you quit?” The pale girl asked, her tone a mix of relief, but also maybe disappointment at what sounded like an unsatisfying way to finish this.

    “Oh, no, not off the bar and I definitely do NOT quit,” Ash said back with a tone of uncaring, and then without any other warning, she peeled the soaking tiny red top off her massive tits and welcomed the warm air to cool them off just a bit as they came free. Sam’s greenish brown eyes widened in disbelief as the two dark-toned orbs came lightly bouncing from their small hold, and Ash’s topless body was as good as she had imagined. She was far more stacked than Sam had guessed and suddenly her blue top felt like a prison.

    In less than a second, sweat began to drip from the dark orbs as Ash leaned forward, and two droplets hung at her even darker nipples for a long second before falling to the wooden floor. It was freeing and the look on Sam’s face was exactly what Ash had wanted because this lift wasn’t really about who was stronger, but also who was more secure, who was queen, and a real queen wouldn’t be scared to lift topless or compare their tits.

    But before she could taunt, before she could show off more, Sam was stripping. The pale girl pulled her own light blue top off, and Ash hissed as two seemingly equal orbs to hers bounced unrestricted from the wet cloth. They were as fully stacked as they looked, and the bra now seemed even more worthless with how taut they stood up on Sam’s chest. She had pale pink nipples, almost ghost-like though they looked as nubby as Ash’s dark pair, pointing at her threateningly. Then, Sam tossed her wet sports bra at Ash, but the woman didn’t catch it letting it fall to the floor looking at it confused.

    “Why not use mine instead of yours to wipe the sweat off you Ash? You look like you could use a wipedown.” Sam taunted, leaning forward on her bar, and giving Ash a little smirk while she swayed her tits just slightly back and forth.

    Ash snickered at the increased boldness of her rival, “Well, I don’t want to be rude and be the only one with a chance to wipe her face and body down. You can use mine too Sam.” She threw her red bra at Sam who did catch it and waited. Ash then picked up the small blue bra and glared at it as it dripped sweat on her hand. It wouldn’t help dry her body because of how soaked the cloth was with the sweat of Sam’s fat tits, but the thrill of doing this just to see Sam do the same was too much. The exoticness of their contest seemed to grow thanks to this little game. Ash lifted it and rubbed the wet cloth all over her face and then her own tits for good measure. The wet piece of cloth helped little outside of removing the current sweat and replacing it with Sam’s as it smeared onto her steaming body. The only satisfaction she had was Sam was doing the same with hers, covering her body with Ash’s sweat. It was weirdly hot seeing the redhead glare at her as the ginger used the red bra to wipe her big pale globes down, taking time to wipe under them, lifting them slightly with her other hand, and again showing off their impressive size. Ash then lifted her own jugs and wiped under her big brown orbs. There was a sick pleasure of knowing that they were sharing a dirty little secret covering themselves in each other’s workout juice. After almost two minutes of this, Ash threw the red bra into the dark and then took hold of the bar. Sam did the same and with their bodies only slightly drier for the second, the final lift was on.

    “I know you won’t be able to lift this sweetie. Have fun getting a new gym.” Sam teased as she braced her body under her silver bar.

    “Oh, babes, you almost snapped in half on the last set. Your weak ass is out of here after this.” Ash giggled as she mimicked the pose then her face hardened. This was it. “One, two, THREE!”. They counted in unison and both bars were lifted with two heaving grunts. Instantly, their eyes shut as their already sore legs screamed in pain. The weight was only 5kg heavier than the last but felt like 100kg with the heat having felt as if it had doubled. The sweat on their bare backs made the metal dig into their smooth skin and they felt like they were going to collapse before even the first dip. They had signs of agony on their pretty features as their forms cracked and knees shook violently starting to go down. The muscles of their legs and asses felt like they were high-wired to a car battery and there was no break or relief. Both young women dropped and then began to rise at the same time with the weight, and for a long second both bars rose a few inches as if they might do it. But the heaviness, the heat, and the pain were too much. With a cry Ash felt her legs quit without warning, her eyes shut hard in shame as she fell to the ground, but the shame only lasted a second because a second cry had mixed with hers and instead of one loud slam, there were two loud clangs as the bars smashed into the safety holds above them while Ash and Sam both collapsed down to the wooden floor. The carnivorous empty room seemed to amplify the sound 10-fold and only when the ringing stopped did their gasping groans replace it. Almost another two minutes went by before Sam rose to her knees. She looked over in frustration as Ash slowly pushed up as well, and their eyes said it all. The only question that mattered was simple, and then Ash said, “Who won?”

    “I don’t know,” Sam admitted in a moment of truth. Neither bar had been set back…and even if one of them had gotten closer to completing the rep than the other, there was no way to tell now, and no way to prove it.

    “Then, who loses…do we continue?”

    “I don’t know!” Sam repeated more harshly. This would not stand, but she wasn’t about to suggest a continuation of adding more weight. Her legs couldn’t do that amount again and starting to lower it seemed unsatisfying and weak. Even a body squat sounded like torture in her current state. Thankfully for her, Ash was already a few steps ahead of where Sam’s mind would have gone.

    “I’m going to be honest with you Samantha, I’m starting to think that just out-squatting you isn’t really the most satisfying way to beat you,” Ash spoke quietly though her dark eyes were hard with determination and maybe a little bit of curiosity.

    Sam was silent for a second then spoke, “I don’t disagree. What do you suggest?”

    Ash went quiet again thinking of how to play her cards. She knew what she wanted but was almost nervous to bring it up because once she said it, there would be no backing out if Sam accepted. “Well…how far are you willing to go?”

    “I’m down to do anything to beat you,” Sam repeated instantly and that pushed any doubt out of Ash’s mind. Two days of knowing each other’s names and they had gotten this far. “Name it,” Sam added with a determination that made Ash’s hands clench in anger before they relaxed. Then the dark-haired girl smiled wickedly at her pale rival, “A test of strength, palm to palm, on our knees until one of us submits.”

    A moment of silence grew between them as the challenge was laid out. Then a dark smile grew on Sam’s face, matching Ash’s, “Bitch. If you wanted to go body to body against me, you should have said so in the beginning, I was just worried you would back out if I offered that at the start. You couldn’t even handle a little of my sweat on a bench and now you want to go hand to hand? What a change a day can make.”

    “Please, I was never scared of your sweat or you. I just can’t stand inconsiderate bitches and with this tie, I think it’s the perfect challenge for me to out-muscle you and out-sweat you. Squatting was a good warm-up, but I think between us, we need to go a bit more physical for a winner to be decided. Like we were going to before we got separated yesterday.”

    “I like the idea of getting overly physical with you, bitch.” Sam panted and there was a new tone to her voice, a deep excitement that made her quiver. This challenge was way more aggressive, if not a bit sexual in nature, but the girls continued to ignore that aspect or at least bring it up until Ash filled her palms with her big brown tits and then ran her fingers through the soft squishy fat. “Then, let’s go, Samantha. Your big sweaty body versus mine, this time, face to face and muscle on muscle.” She didn’t add ‘breasts to breasts’, but the motion explained that very clearly in their topless state.

    Sam’s mouth turned into a sadistic smile, and she nodded enthusiastically while even licking her lips at her rival, “That sounds great Aishwarya, hell, even better than the squat off, but I’m willing to up the ante even more between us if we want to keep playing the one up game.”

    Ash continued to glare but didn’t interrupt and Sam took it as a sign to continue and offer, “We took our tops off during the squat to cool off, so let’s cool off again. I dare you to get fully nude with me for this test of strength if you are brave enough. Take your shorts and anything else you have under them off, and I’ll take mine off too. I don’t want a single piece of clothing for you to hide behind, because after I crush you.” Her smile grew and she whispered in the quiet, “I’m going to wipe down every inch of sweat off my body and onto yours, bare skin on skin. Everywhere.”

    Now the erotic tension exploded, but if Sam had expected Ash to hesitate or maybe even freak out at the threat, she did not get her wish because Ash even chuckled with a hungry smile of her own, “Glad you offered Sam because I was going to tear those soaked shorts off your body before we started anyway just to wipe my body off before I crush you. And you are right. There should be nothing between us during this challenge and NOTHING between the winner wiping her sweaty body off on the loser, because that’s what I’m going to do to you, slowly, inch by inch. This started about sweat, and it should end with sweat.” Ash breathed, her anger and the thrill of this new contest starting to restore her burning lower body muscles. They were already topless, and that had been a pretty quick decision, so to them, being nude wasn’t as big a jump as the first stripping. In unison, they hooked their soaked skintight weight shorts with their thumbs and pulled them down their smooth pumped legs, the cloth peeling wetly off the oily skin. Each had also hooked their tiny little sting thongs under them that would go unnoticed. The worn shorts were wetter than a towel that had fallen in a pool but once again, they threw their used clothes at their rival to be used in this dirty ritual of ‘cleaning’ before the challenge. Wiping their legs and arms, ass cheeks, and stomachs, covering themselves even more now with their rival's nasty sweat. They were now nude, but their bareness offered nothing to cool them, the heat had long passed that point it would help.

    Being nude seemed like the natural escalation of their body conflict, but that was a small step compared to touching each other naked. The idea of feeling Sam’s nude form sent a weird thrill in Ash’s body everywhere. She had never been with a woman, and outside of comparing herself to other girls in the gym, didn’t have much interest in them. But now she felt a deep yearning to beat Sam, and that yearning included a burning desire to rub her nude form onto her rival’s submissive form fully naked. A desire beyond any she had ever felt for a person, man, or woman before. And judging by the look in Sam’s eyes, she figured the redhead was imagining a similar situation, and that made it even more exciting. They both knew in the back of their minds that their big sweaty tits would need to mash if they really wanted to go all out. And maybe that’s what they both wanted. Maybe stripping down, and flexing their naked bodies in the dim light had all been some sick animal ritual that would lead to the physical struggle of skin on skin until one was broken and soft like their tits.

    Ash began to stretch again, leaning forward to pull her sore, tense lower muscles, and flexing her body in a threatening display to Sam. “Shame it will be so difficult to hold you with all my sweat, but I’m sure I’ll manage once you are nice and soft,” Ash emphasized this by running her hands up and down her sweaty skin, mainly around her hips like she had been dipped into a baby oil pool. Her black hair slapped her back in the ponytail as she reached up and squeezed some sweat out of the strands.

    “I was thinking the same thing about you Ash. I don’t want you getting away from me after you cry out your submission, so, I have one last idea, if you are willing to put your defeat off for another minute or two?” Sam offered as she too stretched, leaning back, and showing off her flexed abs, and the tautness of her massive sweaty tits.

    Ash raised an eyebrow in question at the redhead, but responded with a snarky tone, “I’m willing to put off making you cry out your surrender if your idea makes it easier for you to not get away from me.”

    “Oh, don’t worry,” Sam replied, turning around, and showing off her bare pumped-up ass at her rival again. Then she turned her head as she leaned over, getting another stretch in while showing off her legs and ass in the most erotic display yet, her pussy just visible between the spread cheeks. “What I have in mind will make sure we don’t separate, and the winner will get all the time she needs on top of the sweat-covered loser.” The redhead stopped stretching and slowly reached down into her gym bag still leaning forward. She shuffled it around a few seconds before pulling out two wrist guards with short straps used for deadlifting. Ash knew exactly what the woman was suggesting now, and her breathing hitched at the idea.

    “Do you have a pair?” The pale girl asked as she held up the two items towards her rival.

    “Yes,” Ash replied breathlessly, already reaching down to her bag, and pulling her own weightlifting straps out. Both girls’ pairs of wrist guards were black in color and made of an almost leather-like material. With her idea confirmed, Sam slowly pulled hers onto her wrists and strapped them tight. She suddenly felt more nude, as if adding one little article of coverage to her body amplified that the rest of her form was bare. The feeling passed quickly however as in front of her Ash tightened hers and a second later, they stood facing each other again in identical states of dress, nude and wrist guards. Sam glanced down at the nude apex of her rival, noticing that like herself, Ash was smooth around her sex. Not that it mattered, Sam wasn’t interested in fucking another woman or at least she hadn’t been. But there was no denying she felt another thrill seeing that they both were baby-smooth around their nether lips. It just added another level of comparison between them. She motioned to the left and the girls walked together to the rubber floor off the wooden platform. They didn’t get any yoga mats, and the ground though softer than wood was still firm, made of rubber. It would be painful and more satisfying to pin the other here than on the mats and that went unsaid. Then, Ash held up her hand, “Together?” she questioned, and Sam nodded slowly. The two nude women cautiously approached each other, warily for keeping the truce. Their ponytails seemed wet but neither girl undid them, keeping their hair out of the brawl so far.

    “Give me your right arm first, and we can tie them together,” Sam ordered as she felt the heat of Ash’s body wash over her like a mini sun now that they stood close. Ash did as she was told begrudgingly, and they helped each other get the straps knotted as one locking their first hands together. They switched to the other hand next and were unable to stop their fingers from touching several times, sending tiny shocks to their brains from the first contact as they finally pulled the knot as tight as it could go.

    The intensity and tension doubled as they slowly tested the straps after knotting them together. They could separate both of their hands by about 6 inches apart before it became taught and allowed no more give. The winner of the contest would only be able to remove their conjoined wrists with the other's submissive help, or if the loser was no longer responsive and able to resist at all. It was a dangerous idea but nothing else mattered to the lifters except to beat the other woman down in this new game. Ash flexed her bicep and pulled back forcing Sam’s arm forward a second before the redhead flexed in contrast and suddenly their muscles were in direct competition. Even the slightest resistance increased the copious amount of sweat dripping down their nude bodies and now up close they could watch specific droplets roll down their rival’s smooth clashing skin. From still plump valley of their tits to the mini drips hanging off their chins and nipples. They tested the other arm, the curves of their muscles showing and the straps holding without issue.

    “On our knees,” Ash ordered this time and though Sam glowered at the black-haired girl giving the command, she nodded slowly in agreement. The darker girl slowly went down to one knee, pulling Sam slightly with her by the arms before the redhead mirrored her. Then, in unison, they went down to the other, coming to the fighting position they had agreed. Up close, Ash silently admitted that Sam’s breasts looked even more formidable, big pale globes and pink ghost nipples placed upon them that hung just naturally. They looked so firm in their stance but so squishable and tasty. An urge to smash her mirrored boobs into that big pair was overwhelming. Anything to make this strong curvy rival flat and submissive. To break the pale woman’s muscles with her own. Now she just had to finish the job, and this was the right way to do it. She felt the tips of fingers touch and slowly Ash and Sam interlaced them until their sweaty palms clapped together. There was zero friction, and the touch alone made her shiver. Ash doubted they would have been able to hold each other like this at all without the straps and was thankful for the robes now tying them together. Nothing left to do except get started, the young strong women leaned forward on their knees, panting hot breath and waiting for the sign to begin this far more intimate contest.

    — To be continued.

    Final part should be up on the weekend. Short and sweet.

  2. #2
    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 2

    I’m loving how equally matched they are. They both seem to be enjoying the challenge too! It’s a nice change of pace seeing them work together rather than a typical match full of hate and arguing.

    Selfishly, I’m hoping they stay equals throughout the whole match.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 2

    I like where this is going.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member pjaz12345's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 2

    Gosh , the erotic tension was tantalizing....

    I was so immersed that i was quite surprised at " To be continued."

  5. #5
    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 2

    Wow. Absolutely love where this is going! Looking forward to part 3 for sure. Just wish that wasn't going to be the end!

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 2

    Very hot ! Excellent plot ! Incredible tension between the two women. When and how all this tension will explode to an erotic tsunami... we will read in a few days.
    Classic King !!
    VERY well done !!

  7. #7
    Hostboard Member WankMank's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 2

    Loving it so much and eagerly waiting for the next part..

    Sent from my NE2215 using Tapatalk

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