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Thread: The Mating of Daisy and Dottie (Chapters 1 to 5)

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    The Mating of Daisy and Dottie (Chapters 1 to 5)

    Chapter 1: Daisy DePalma

    Daisy DePalma stood in her backyard lawn, her large bare feet dirty, lifting 33-pound dumbbells in her third set of shoulder presses. Daisy had turned nineteen ten days ago. Daisy was a big girl. Her breasts jutted out of her tight cotton shirt that was drenched with sweat. If Daisy had such large breasts at nineteen, how big would her breasts be when she turned thirty? Many of her high school classmates wondered about this behind her back.

    The month was June and Daisy paused for a few seconds before starting the fourth set of overhead presses of twenty numbers. June was the month of rain in Wisconsin, and it was beginning to drizzle as Daisy stood in the backyard, exercising.

    The Norway Pine trees were nearly 100 feet tall and towered over Daisy exercising in the backyard lawn. Daisy held her own among the sublime backyard vegetation. It was hard to miss her.

    It was cold outside, but Daisy had large sweat stains under the armpits of her shirt and on her back as well. Now that wouldn’t be too surprising if you knew Daisy DePalma.

    Daisy’s aroma also held its own among the plethora of natural smells in the backyard.

    “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns n Roses played from a stereo that Daisy had placed on the lawn beside her.

    Ask any of Daisy’s former classmates about her and they would tell you three things.

    One, Daisy had no friends.

    Two, she was as tall as Michael Jordan (well not exactly, she was 5’11 which was tall for her class) and as hefty as Xena (once again a gross exaggeration of facts but she weighed 218 pounds which was more than any of the boys in her class)

    Three, Daisy had an aromatic body odour which everyone secretly envied. Daisy did not like wearing a perfume. She was a big sweaty girl. That was the way she was, whether anyone liked it or not.

    Daisy DePalma did not look like a nineteen-year girl who had just finished high school. She looked like she could be an enforcer for the Don Vito Corleone.

    Daisy was an outsider. Her classmates called her Xena behind her back.

    Her classmates made fun of her “thunder thighs” because she had beautiful legs with well-endowed calves and fleshy thighs which every boy and girl wanted to grope.

    Daisy lived with her parents who were farmers in Hooper, Wisconsin. Their house had two rooms.

    Daisy began to sleep with her room locked from her eighteenth birthday onwards. This wasn’t permitted by her strict conservative mother when Daisy was younger but then Carrie DePalma decided that her daughter needed her privacy like any other eighteen-year-old girl.

    This opened a whole new world for Daisy. She discovered the joys of masturbation under the cool comforts of her sheets. Daisy became aware of her own body.

    Daisy’s body began to turn muscular as she turned eighteen and she wanted to become a body builder. Every morning, she would wake up early and perform push ups and squats. Daisy was one strong, tall, and strapping girl.

    One thing bothered Daisy though. Her body aroma. She had tried every deodorant, but nothing worked for her. She would exert herself just a little and she would start sweating and smelling.

    Daisy did not plan on going to college. Not that her parents could afford it even if she wanted to.

    Daisy never was much of a student. She figured she would stick to body building and maybe take part in a few bodybuilding contests and see how it goes. She didn’t know what else to do.

    Chapter 2: Dottie De Franco

    Dottie DeFranco ran across the empty road. Her large bosom, covered by a sweaty t-shirt shook vulgarly as she ran. If there were other men or women on the road, they would have stared at Dottie.

    Dottie had been running for nearly an hour now. She was determined to push herself. It was nearly 5 am and there was nobody else on the road. By the time other joggers hit the road, Dottie would be done with her running.
    Dottie enjoyed the solitude of her early morning jog. This is why she always started from her home at 4 am.

    She had been running ever since she had turned eighteen.

    Dottie was tall. Around 5 ’11. She had been the tallest person in her class and would always be asked “how’s the air up there?” by her classmates.

    Dottie was nineteen and did not know what to do with her life. Her parents could not afford to send her to college. Dottie had not been much of a student so there was no way she was getting in anywhere on a scholarship.
    Like Daisy, Dottie was an only child.

    The DeFranco’s, like the DePalma’s were a farming family in California and Dottie’s father wasn’t doing too well. Dottie had filled out and she used to help her dad out on the farm. Her muscles had begun to grow ever since she had turned eighteen.

    Dottie was a hefty girl. Her classmates used to call her Lindsay Davenport because of her strapping figure.

    Dottie had very few friends. Her classmates found her to be strange with her passion for working out and her large figure. Dottie stuck out like a sore thumb.

    Dottie liked female bodybuilders. She liked to collect pictures of them and in fact had an album full of female bodybuilders in a variety of poses.

    She took care of her body and watched every fitness program on the little Sony TV, that ran on batteries, in the living room.

    She wasn’t too bright in school so she might as well build a nice body so that some rich hard-working guy would be attracted to her, and she could get hitched and cook him bacon and grits for breakfast and wash his clothes. Dottie was not an ambitious girl.

    Dottie had an interesting fetish. She liked to smell her armpits. After working up a nice sweat she loved to smell herself. Smelling herself turned her on. It got her nipples hard.

    Dottie lived in a small trailer with her parents and did not have a room of her own. She slept on the couch in the living room. She took her baths in the backyard. Their trailer did not have a bathroom.
    After she passed eighteen, Dottie would lay in the couch in the living room and finger herself in the night. After her parents had gone to sleep.

    Dottie couldn’t control her sexual feelings. She was always aroused and sexually frustrated. She longed to be naked with another human being. She longed for the rub of her naked flesh against another’s naked flesh.

    But no man gave a shit about the muscular Dottie. Dottie just stuck to her workouts and her jogging. She didn’t know what else she would do with her goddamn life.

    Chapter 3: The Meeting of Daisy DePalma and Dottie De Franco

    The DePalma’s and the DeFranco’s were concerned that Daisy and Dottie had no friends. It was decided that Daisy and Dottie would spend a vacation together before the two young women decided on the future.

    The arrangement was proposed by both set of parents in the hope that two young women who were loners would become friends with each other. Also, the DeFranco’s were reeling from a financial crisis, and they couldn’t afford to have Dottie around during the vacation.

    Carrie DePalma took pity on her friend’s daughter and invited Dottie to spend the vacation with them. The DeFranco’s agreed.

    Daisy and Dottie had never met each other.

    But now the time had come. These two young strapping farm girls would meet.

    It was all fixed. Nobody asked the two strapping girls what they thought about the arrangement. Dottie would stay in the DePalma house. The two girls would share the same room to get acquainted with each other as the idea was for them to become friends.

    Of course, it wasn’t exactly a great idea if you looked at things from the point of view of the two girls. Both young women were fiercely individualistic and put a very high price on their privacy.
    Both women had their secret interests and fetishes.

    But it wasn’t like they had a choice. Everything was arranged between the two families and a new double bed had been put up in Daisys room. Her single bed on which she had masturbated feverishly was taken away.
    Daisy felt like she was being forced into an early marriage with Dottie.

    The day of Dottie’s arrival came. Daisy’s parents had to rush to Michigan after Carrie DePalma’s mother was taken sick with a heart attack.

    Daisy had to drive all the way to the airport by herself to pick Dottie up in her dad’s blue Ford farm truck.

    Now as she sat in her car, Daisy wondered what it would be like to share a room with another girl. She would not be able to walk around naked in her room anymore, which she liked to do.

    And where would she masturbate? Daisy liked to rub her vagina against her pillow to reach orgasm. That would be nearly impossible now as Dottie would be on the bed with her. She would have to masturbate when Dottie wasn’t around. Or masturbate in the shower which she was not used to.

    Daisy was a little worried whether Dottie would become wary of her because of her body aroma.

    As Dottie sat inside the plane, she too was sceptical about this new arrangement.

    How could she smell herself with someone else in the room? Where would she finger herself?

    She knew the DePalma’s were a little more well off than her folks. They had a bathroom in their house. That’s what her mother had told her.

    She also wondered whether Daisy shared her passion for working out.

    But in a way the two of them were also looking forward to this new arrangement as an opportunity to make a friend.

    Both young women were lonely, did not have a boyfriend and longed for companionship.

    Daisy parked the truck in the airport’s parking lot and walked towards the domestic terminal.

    She was wearing a white top and tight blue jeans. There were sweat stains on her white top and on her neck and face. As usual Daisy was sweating profusely despite the cool and rainy Wisconsin evening.

    She had a sign that read Dottie De Franco. Neither Daisy nor Dottie knew what the other young woman looked like.

    It was drizzling that evening, and a cool breeze blew across the tarmac which was wet with the intermittent rains.

    The plane from California to Wisconsin had landed and as the passengers trickled out of the terminal, Daisy held the sign up for Dottie.

    A tall girl who wore a cream top and black jeans walked out of the terminal and Daisy just knew it was Dottie.

    Then Dottie turned her face and saw Daisy holding the sign up with her name. She waved and Daisy waved back.

    Daisy walked towards Dottie and said shyly “Hi, I’m Daisy. How was the flight?”

    “Oh! It was fine, thanks for asking”, said Dottie with a shy smile on her face.

    Dottie extended her hand, and the two young women shook hands. Both women realized that both their palms were wet with sweat and smiled awkwardly.

    “Welcome to Hooper”, said, Daisy as they shook their sweaty hands.

    Both the girls immediately noticed that they were about the same height and size which was surprising as neither of them had ever met a girl as big as herself.

    Dottie had two large heavy bags. Daisy picked one of them and the two girls walked to the parking lot carrying the bags.

    It had stopped raining, but the tarmac was slippery, and the two girls walked slowly. Neither of them spoke much. Both young women could sense the other’s shyness and awkwardness.

    Daisy opened the trunk for them to put the bags in and when she lifted the bag a whiff of her body odour hit Dottie. It was a smell of sweat mixed with some kind of talcum powder. Dottie thought it was a nice and sweet odour.

    When Dottie lifted her bag to put it inside the trunk, Daisy got a whiff of Dottie’s body odour. It was a heavy perfume. But there was also the hint of sweat in her odour. Daisy was relieved that her new roommate smelled a bit of sweat.
    They got into the truck.

    Neither woman uttered a word until they left the airport.

    After they left the airport, there weren’t too many people on the roads. Hooper was a real small town with a population less than five hundred.

    Dottie saw a whole lot of sugar maple trees across the green hills. It was pretty and she relaxed.

    They drove over a red steel bridge.

    “Are you planning on going to college?” asked Dottie, eager to break the ice between them. Dottie knew it was a banal question. She wasn’t looking forward to college at all. But she was nervous and felt like she had to say something.
    They passed a white stucco house with a large storm shelter.

    “I don’t know. Are you?”, replied Daisy, half-heartedly. She had found school boring and wasn’t really looking forward to college.

    “Yeah, I guess so. I mean it would be a nice experience for me though I’m definitely going to miss home”, said Dottie. She was lying once again. She didn’t give a shit about college. She wished she could become a farm hand in some remote farm somewhere.

    Dottie saw a white-water tower in the distance. It towered over a gas station and a few houses.

    “Oh! Well, tell me something about your hobbies Dottie”, said Daisy. It came gushing out of her. She hoped she did not sound over eager to please or anything.

    Dottie wondered whether she should tell Daisy about her secret hobbies and decided that was the best thing to do as Daisy was going to find out sooner or later.

    “Mmmmm. Let me see. Well, I like working out. And I’m into watching and collecting stuff about female bodybuilders and all. What about you?”, said Dottie in a terse voice.

    “God really? That is so cool. I’m into that kind of stuff too. I mean I work out every day and I hope to become a body builder one day”, said Daisy.

    “I knew it! I mean you look pretty hefty for a nineteen-year-old girl. You have done a good job Daisy. I mean you have a bodybuilders figure,” said Dottie looking at Daisys body.

    “You’re pretty hefty yourself Dottie. I mean look at you. God, I thought you would be one of those girls with a paper-thin figure and lots of make-up. I am so relieved you’re into bodybuilding like me,” said Daisy. She really meant it.

    “Me too Daisy. Hey, you know what? We could actually work out together. If that is all right with you,” said Dottie, gulping. Was she sounding too eager and letting out the fact that she was a friendless nineteen-year-old woman?
    Daisy did not reply immediately.

    They passed The Great American motel. It was painted red and said “affordable, clean and quiet” under the turned off neon sign. There was not a single car in its parking lot.

    “Great idea Dottie. That’s totally fine with me. I mean it’s a real drag to work out all alone. It would be nice to have someone to compete with while working out. It kind of motivates one to do better don’t you think?”, said Daisy. She sounded excited.

    “Great! But why do you work out alone. Don’t you have any friends that you can work out with?” asked Dottie.

    It was not an innocent question. The two young women were feeling each other out.

    Daisy’s usual response to a question like this would be to lie and say that of course she had friends but none of them was really.

    But with Dottie she didn’t want to lie. Dottie was going to find out sooner or later that she was a loner.

    “Not really. I don’t have many friends. I never really found anyone that shared my interests,” replied Daisy in an even voice.

    “I understand. We are in the same boat, I guess. Even I did not have many friends during high school”, said, Dottie and let out a little sigh.

    “People in my class thought I was weird for working out so much”, said Daisy.

    “Yeah, same here, Daisy. So, when do we begin working out together?”, asked Dottie, looking sideways at Daisy.

    “Well, its 10 am now. We’ll get home in around 30 minutes. I’ll just take you around the house and we can start in the evening. You’re in a real hurry to workout with me”, said Daisy, giggling a little.

    Daisy was quite taken in by Dottie and her enthusiasm.

    “Actually yes. It’s been my dream to work out with another woman who shares the same passion for working out”, replied Dottie. She was gushing now.

    “Well great. Today evening ….. we work out together. It’s a deal then”, said Daisy.

    “What kind of exercises do you do usually?”, asked Dottie.

    “I pretty much stick to the basics. I do a lot of sit ups, push ups, and stomach crunches. Dumbbell presses. What about you?”, asked Daisy.

    “Hey same here. How many push ups can you do at one go?”, asked Dottie.

    “I can do hundred. How about you?”, asked Daisy.

    “You have a lot of catching up to do girl. I cannot stop without doing at least a hundred and fifty”, replied Dottie mocking Daisy light heartedly.

    “Oh yeah? Well, we’ll see about that soon Dottie”, said Daisy mocking back.

    The two girls talked about their schools, both forming opinions about the other girl in their minds.

    They had a lot in common. And both young women began to feel that this arrangement with them staying in the same room was actually a good idea.

    They could also smell each other.

    Both women were sweating profusely now. It did not escape Dottie’s attention that Daisy was not wearing a perfume. There was only a faint smell of some talcum powder.

    Daisy was relieved because Dottie was actually sweating as much as she did. And the smell of her sweat was mixed with the perfume.

    The two girls sat in the truck checking each other out occasionally. And smelling each other.

    Chapter 4: A New Friend

    By the time they reached Daisy’s house, both young women were sweating profusely. It was not exactly what you would call a hot day. It was rainy, cold and windy.

    There was a strong wind blowing. Hooper was known for its tornadoes.

    But Daisy and Dottie just could not help sweating.

    Daisy drove the truck into the front yard.

    Dottie liked the look of the house with its red Spanish tile roof and the cream brick walls. The glass windows were large. There were well trimmed bushes around the house and a neat lawn.

    There was a flash of lightning as they opened the trunk and took out the bags.

    “Do you do the bushes yourself?”, asked Dottie.

    “Yeah. We can’t afford a gardener. I do the lawn too”, said Daisy.

    Dottie was impressed. She saw a couple of chimneys atop the red tile roof.

    They went inside.

    The floor and staircases inside were all hard wood. It was cool and cozy inside the house. This was luxury compared to the trailer Dottie had lived in.

    Daisy took Dottie to their room in which they would live together.

    Dottie smelled a hint of sweat inside the room. Maybe Daisy had been working out inside the room, Dottie thought to herself. The smell of Daisy’s sweat was pleasant and not repulsive.

    Dottie looked around the room. At the head of the bed were posters of the rock bands The Melvins and The Stooges. Daisy was a punk rock fan, thought Dottie.

    There was a pretty huge double bed right in the centre of the room. It was the bed she would have to share with Daisy.

    There was a single set of cupboards near the bed. So, they would have to share the cupboards too.

    On the walls there were pictures of female tennis players, cut out of magazines. No male players.

    “So, you a big tennis fan or something?”, asked Dottie.

    “Well not exactly but I really think the women tennis players are so cool. I mean they have such awesome figures and all. I collect pictures of them. Got an album full of their pictures,” replied Daisy.

    “Really? That is like my hobby too. I love collecting pictures of female bodybuilders”, said Dottie, excitedly.

    A weird questioning smile broke out on Daisy’s face when Dottie said this.

    “Why the smile?”, asked Dottie, surprised at Daisy’s expression.

    “Umm. Well, nothing. But don’t you think that’s kind of gay? I mean I have not met many girls who collect pictures of female bodybuilders”, said Daisy in a mocking tone.

    “Now why would you say a thing like that?”, asked Dottie feeling a little uncomfortable but smiling anyway.

    “I don’t know. It’s just that women bodybuilders are always posing in skimpy clothes and all. I just kind of feel that it is pretty gay for a woman to look at their pictures. Let alone collect them”, said Daisy in a slightly accusatory tone.

    “Oh yeah? And collecting pictures of female tennis players is not? I mean you hardly have any male tennis players on your wall. And everyone knows about women tennis players. They hardly ever wear anything. And the greatest of them all, Martina Navratilova is a lesbian,” said Dottie in a challenging tone.

    “Hey just one Martina does not mean they are all that way. But look at all the women bodybuilders posing off half naked on magazine covers. I mean I am pretty sure most of them are lesbians. I mean working out together and all, they probably cannot resist each other,” said Daisy hitting back at Dottie.

    Suddenly, the two young women were glaring at each other now.

    “Oh! That is hilarious. So, the two of us will be working out together this evening. Does that make us lesbians?” said Dottie laughing out loud.

    “God, no you total pervert. That is not what I meant. Do not twist things up Dottie,” said Daisy.

    A placatory smile broke out on Daisy’s face. Dottie also smiled.

    Suddenly their eyes met, and they stood there for some time smiling at each other. Then Daisy broke the stare.

    “Hey maybe you should get a bath now. You are sweating so much”, said Daisy, eyeing the patches under Dottie’s armpit.

    “I think you should get one too. You are sweating as much as I am”, said Dottie, not giving an inch.

    They gazed at each other. They smiled again.

    “We both should. You can take a bath in this room. I’ll use my parent’s bathroom”, said Daisy.

    “Ok”, said Dottie, still smiling.

    Daisy took a new t-shirt from the cupboard and walked out to her parent’s room.

    Both girls were happy. They had hit it off in the beginning itself. There had been some friction too. But both girls had enjoyed the back and forth.

    Neither of them had ever spoken openly to another girl in their whole lives. And they had just met.

    Both women had a feeling that this was going to click. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that this new arrangement was a really good idea.

    When Daisy came back to their room, Dottie was in her bra and was using a roll-on deodorant over her armpits. Daisy glanced briefly at Dottie’s enormous breasts and then looked away.

    Daisy took out her own talcum powder from the cupboard, stood beside Dottie in front of the mirror and sprinkled it on her armpits.

    When she was alone, Daisy would walk in naked from the bathroom and sprinkle the powder over her armpits. But now since Dottie was there, she had to do it with her brassiere on.

    “Hey you know what? You should try using a roll-on deodorant. It is more effective than talcum powder. When talcum powder mixes with your sweat it makes you stink”, said Dottie.

    “Oh. Maybe I should give it a try sometime. Is it expensive?”, asked Daisy, trying to sound casual.

    “No, it’s cheap as hell. You don’t have to buy a new one. My Helen Barnett’s roll-on deodorant is pretty new. Both of us can use this one”, said Dottie holding up the deodorant for Daisy to take a look at.

    “Oh ….. er don’t you think that would be gross? I mean how can I use the deodorant you used on your armpits?”, asked Daisy a little surprised by the offer.

    “Hey, it is cool with me. I think we both should use the same roll-on deodorant. I mean it would bring us closer together. Kind of like a bonding between us”, said Dottie in a tender voice.

    “Hmmm. Well ok. If its ok with you then maybe we should try doing that,” said Daisy still a little uncomfortable.

    “From tomorrow then?”, asked Dottie, as if she wanted Daisy to promise her that they would use the same deodorant.

    “Sure Dottie”, said Daisy, still sounding surprised.

    Daisy showed Dottie around the house. The house was large compared to Dottie’s trailer in California. Daisy took Dottie to the first storey where there were two rooms. Then they went to the terrace on the second floor. They terrace looked unused and was wet from the rains.

    Then they went to the backyard which had a lawn and the tall Norway pine trees.

    The tornado shelter in the backyard was prominent. Dottie’s farm back in California did not have a tornado shelter. Dottie wondered what it was like inside a tornado shelter.

    They both sat next to each other on the wet lawn. It was cloudy and rain seemed to be imminent. But the two young women seemed to be enjoying each other’s company.

    Once again, they could both smell the sweat on each other. They had both begun to perspire again and could clearly smell the odour coming off each other’s bodies.

    Dottie recognized Daisy’s odour as one that was pretty similar to her own. On her part Daisy was relieved that her new roommate was a sweaty girl like herself. It kind of evened things out between them.
    “So, when are we going to work out together?”, asked Dottie.

    “Oh soon. After lunch ….. in the evening maybe,” replied Daisy. She felt her nipples harden.

    “Oh, all right. What do you wear while working out?” asked Dottie.

    Daisy was a little taken aback by this question because she used to work out naked or semi naked. But she could not tell Dottie that now. Not just yet.

    “Well, I like dressing light. Maybe some loose shorts and a t-shirt,” said Daisy.

    “All right. Hey why don’t we get an early lunch, take a nap, and maybe start afresh in the evening?” asked Dottie.

    “Cool idea. Let’s do that. I can see you are dying to work out with me, Dottie.”

    “So are you, Daisy.”

    It began to rain.

    They went back into the house and Daisy heated up the roast beef and curried potatoes that was in the fridge.

    Dottie had never seen so much food in her life, but she tried not to binge.

    Daisy could sense Dottie’s awkwardness.

    The two girls had lunch and then went back to their bedroom. They both sat on the sofa in the bedroom.

    “So, tell me Dottie. Who is your favorite female bodybuilder?”, asked Daisy.

    “Mmm. Let me see. I guess it must be Charlene Rink”, said Dottie.

    “Never heard of her. Mine is Venus De Light”, said Daisy.

    “Oh my god! Venus is no bodybuilder. I thought she was a porn star. Does she not act in lesbian videos?” said Dottie mocking Daisy a little bit.

    “Well maybe. But I want to be a big woman like her with some flesh on my body rather than be a beefcake”, said Daisy.

    “Well, well, well. So, my new roommate is into lesbians and all? Good lord. Is this what my mother sent me to?”, said Dottie laughing out loud.

    “Oh, shut up, Dottie. I mean you knew her too, didn’t you? God and you knew she acted in lesbian videos? Now how the hell did you know that? Do you watch her lesbian videos?”, said Daisy a bit angry.
    Dottie was a little uncomfortable now. Daisy really had her.

    “Oh well. Who does not know about Venus De Light? I saw her on CNN. And I do not watch lesbian videos, ok?”, said Dottie a little annoyed.

    “Sure Dottie. Whatever you say”, said Daisy a little annoyed herself.

    There was an uncomfortable silence between the two young women.

    “Ok let’s talk about something else. Tell me about your school and your class,” said Dottie changing the subject quickly.

    Daisy’s face was red.

    “Oh well school. Well, there is nothing much to say except that I was not exactly the most popular girl in class. I mean I just did not share the same interests as some of the other girls. I really hated it,” said Daisy.
    “Why do you say that?” asked Dottie, curiously.

    “Well, I was taller than most girls in class. That kind of intimidated the girls and the guys too. And as you can see, I am pretty big too. I know I cannot blame all of it all on my physical appearance. But my size turned off everyone in the beginning itself”, said Daisy, sounding a little depressed.

    Daisy felt like Dottie was extracting all her deepest secrets out of her.

    “I understand. I know how it is”, said Dottie.

    “The worst part was that they had this name for me”, continued Daisy.

    “Oh. And what was that?”, asked Dottie.

    “They used to call me THE PIG. They all said I had a body odour problem”, said Daisy.

    “God that is so nasty. They must have been a bunch of assholes”, said Dottie.

    She took Daisy’s hand in hers. Daisy let her take it and gave Dottie a sweet smile.

    “You want to know about my class?”, asked Dottie still holding Daisy’s hand.

    “Oh sure! I would love to”, replied Daisy.

    “Well, hey it is not much different from yours. I mean I had no friends too. I guess a lot of it has to do with my physique too. I mean I am not really like other girls. Also, I kinda gave up on them. I mean they were all on a completely different plain. No girl in class shared my interests. God it was totally depressing”, said Dottie, in a forlorn voice.

    Daisy felt sorry for her.

    “You know what Dottie? The two of us really have a lot in common,” said Daisy and squeezed Dottie’s hand. Dottie squeezed back.

    They were still holding hands, sweaty palm against sweaty palm. The two big girls smiled at each other.

    “Hey and you know what? I think my classmates used to make fun of my body odour too. I mean they had no name or anything for me, but I have heard them say stuff about how much I smell and all. Quite a few times actually”, said Dottie.

    “God really? Now that is such a coincidence”, said Daisy.

    “Yeah, I know. It really is Daisy”, said Dottie.

    The two girls smiled at each other sympathetically. Then Dottie broke their palm against palm hold and entwined her fingers with Daisys. Daisy returned the favour and the two girls interlocked fingers tightly.

    “I am glad I came here Daisy. I think the two of us have a lot in common. I have never said all this stuff to anyone else. It’s only been a few hours since we met,” said Dottie, and tightened her mutual finger lock with Daisy.
    Then the two young women loosened the finger lock for a second and locked their fingers even more tightly together.

    “Me too Dottie. I never thought I would say all this stuff to anyone. I feel pretty good now. I really do,” said Daisy and then she brought her free hand and took Dottie’s free hand.
    They interlocked fingers so that they had both their hands linked with each other.

    Once again, they loosened their finger locks for a moment to get a tighter grip and feel of each other’s fingers.

    The two hefty girls sat like that for a few moments, fingers locked, both of them in a sexual daze.

    They could smell each other distinctly now.

    Dottie was really warming up to the smell of Daisys sweat. God this big strapping girl really smelt hot. She was a real sweaty girl. Dottie had never met a girl who smelt like Daisy. She had always thought that it would be hard to find someone who had a sweating problem like herself. But Daisy was unbelievable. God how lovely this girl smelt, thought Dottie to herself.

    As they sat there with their fingers entwined, Dottie noticed tiny drops of sweat on Daisy’s face. The armpits of her t-shirt were dark with sweat stains.

    Daisy also confirmed in her mind that Dottie had a sweating problem. She had been doubtful earlier because she knew that everyone had a sweaty day here and there. But being a copious sweater herself, she had not found it hard to recognize the fact that Dottie had a sweating problem as bad as hers or even worse.

    As she gazed at Dottie, she saw a mirror image of herself. Both of them were tall strapping girls. They were both equal in height. Both of them hefty. Built like oxen would be the perfect description for them both.
    Both of them had large shapely breasts.

    Their complexions were the same. Pale white. The color of farm girls who spent a lot of time outdoors.

    Now as they sat talking and holding hands, both young women could feel a bond developing between them.

    They were so immersed in each other that they lost complete track of time.

    “Hey, I thought you wanted to work out with me. Or have you chickened out?” asked Daisy after they had talked for a long time.

    “Oh yes. Shit! Its six-o clock”, said Dottie checking the clock in the room.

    “Well then let’s do it. Let me see how good you are honey bunny,” said Daisy getting up from the sofa.

    “Well, you better be careful what you say missy because I’m gonna kick your candy ass,” said Dottie.
    “Let’s see.”

    “Yeah. Let’s see.”

    Chapter 5: The Workout

    Daisy was taking off her jeans while Dottie unpacked her bags.

    Now as Daisy stood in her panties, Dottie saw her bare legs for the first time. They were bodybuilders legs all right. No doubt about that. Daisy had large quads. Good lord, this was one big amazon she was going to work out with.
    Daisy took out a pair of shorts from the cupboard and slipped it over her legs. They were skimpy shorts and it still revealed quite a bit of Daisy’s quads. She also had large feet. Daisy wore no nail polish.

    Dottie took off her jeans and now it was Daisys turn to stare. When she saw Dottie’s legs, the first thing that came to her mind was Demi Moore in the movie Striptease. Dottie clearly did not miss leg day. Dottie had legs to kill for. Daisy knew instantly that Dottie had legs that resembled hers. Dottie had large feet too. No nail polish on.

    Dottie took a pair of shorts that she had unpacked and slipped it on. Both girls had not changed their t-shirts, which were the same sweat laced ones they had been wearing since morning.
    Both girls wore no shoes. They were going to work out barefoot.

    “I’m ready. Let’s begin,” said Dottie eagerly.

    “Sure. Do you want to work out in the lawn or here?” asked Daisy.

    “Let’s work out here today. It might rain outside. We can use the lawn when it is too hot here,” replied Dottie.

    “Ok then. Let’s do some squats first,” said Daisy.

    “Cool. But can we make this thing a little competitive,” asked Dottie, with a naughty smile on her face.

    “Well, what do you have in mind?” said Daisy returning the smile.

    “I say we hold hands while we do the squats. That way we can do it at the same speed. We must do it together. I mean when I squat you squat as well. And when I stand you stand too. There must be no scope for reducing the pace or cheating,” said Dottie. She sounded like a referee.

    “Cool, but I must warn you Dottie, you’re gonna have a real hard time keeping up with me,” said Daisy in a challenging tone.

    “Oh yeah? We’ll see,” said Dottie returning the challenge.

    Daisy glanced quickly at Dottie’s large breasts and looked away quickly.

    Now the girls raised their arms up to their shoulders. They moved forward and entwined their fingers.

    “Hey, wait!”, said Daisy without breaking the finger lock.

    “What”, asked Dottie.

    “You said you wanted our work out to be competitive. Well, I have an idea to make this a lot more competitive. But I am not sure you’re gonna like it”, said Daisy, with a smile on her face.

    “Well, what is it?” asked Dottie.

    “Let’s do some talking while we do this. I mean we could swear at each other while doing our exercises. Just to destroy each other’s confidence,” said Daisy.

    “Hey now that is a cool idea. Why did you think that I would not like it?” asked Dottie.

    “Well, it’s not going to be a normal exchange of words. I mean we have to talk dirty. Use dirty words and all sorts of obscenities. Try to defeat each other not just physically but also mentally,” said Daisy.

    “I’m game for that Daisy. Believe me I know a few swear words that you have never heard in your whole life,” said Dottie, a fiery expression appearing on her face.

    Their fingers were still interlocked as they decided the terms of engagement.

    “Well, then what are we waiting for?”, said Daisy.

    The two girls stood about a foot apart from each other with their fingers interlocked tightly. Their eyes met and they glared at each other.

    Then together they moved downwards, squatting. Then they moved back up, their bodies straightening.

    They continued like this for some time, eyes locked together, and fingers entwined.

    Dottie was the first to increase the speed of their squatting. But Daisy was up to it all right. Daisy took it up a notch and they started to move up and down at a faster rate. As the speed of their squatting went up a few notches, the intensity of their mutual finger lock also increased. Their fingers were tightly interlocked now, their nails digging into each other’s hands. They were looking deep into each other’s eyes, a hint of a competitive smile on both their faces.
    “Am I too fast for you bitch?”, asked Daisy in a mocking tone.

    “No, you whore, I am just getting warmed up”, Dottie mocked back.

    “Fuck you bitch, you can never beat me”, said Daisy.

    “Says who you fucking whore?”, said Dottie increasing their speed once again.

    “You cannot win cxntface, I will outlast you”, shouted back Daisy.

    “Words are no use honey bunny”, shouted back Dottie.

    Both young women were enjoying this exchange of words. It made them feel wild and dirty. The squatting session had become a wild competitive frenzy between the two hefty girls.

    Their fingers were tightly entwined, and their palms had turned sweaty. Both of them were performing the squats as fast as they could.

    Their body aromas reached each other’s nostrils as they were working out so close to each other and both girls could smell each other perfectly. They were like two wild and primitive animals sniffing each other even as they competed with their bodies.

    They breathed and gasped heavily even as they trash talked and squatted. This competition had made them so sweaty that they could see each other’s brassieres under the wet t-shirts. Their large breasts heaved.
    “You stinking cxnt, you are finished”, yelled Dottie into Daisys face.

    “No, you are finished you sweating cxnt”, yelled back Daisy.

    There was no real anger or animosity between the girls. They were smiling feistily at each other even as they abused each other. They liked the dirty and cheap trash talking talk between them.

    On the one hand, both young women were sweating like hell, which made them physically dirty. On the other hand, they were both using such low language that it gave them both a real kick.

    They had passed a hundred squats now and both girls showed no signs of letting up.

    Their foreheads and necks were drenched with sweat now.

    Fingers tightly interlocked like they were lovers.

    Fiery and feisty expressions on their faces.

    They went on and on. Up and down and up and down.

    By the time they passed four-hundred and eighty squats, both girls began to struggle.

    “You getting tired? I am a bit”, said Dottie, panting.

    “Well, me too. Should we call this one a tie?”, asked Daisy, panting heavily.

    “I will stop if you stop,” said Dottie, a little relieved.

    “Ok then let’s call this one off,” said Daisy, as relieved as Dottie.

    Both girls disentangled their fingers and stood up. Their quads and buttocks felt like jelly.

    “Girl, you are pretty good all right”, said Daisy, gasping.

    “Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself, girl, that was a pretty good fight”, said Dottie.

    The two girls smiled at each other. Though there was no clear winner they had really enjoyed this competitive workout.

    Their breasts heaved as they tried to catch their breath.

    “I have never come close to doing five hundred squats in my life,” said Dottie.

    “Me too”, said Daisy.

    “So, we were good for each other. All that trash talking egged us on. We must do this every damn day”, said Dottie.

    “Definitely”, said Daisy.

    They smiled at each other again and their eyes met.

    Dottie took Daisy’s hand in hers and they entwined fingers. This was the third time since they met that they had entwined fingers. But this time they both noticed that their fingers were a perfect match. They fit into each other perfectly.
    They stood like that for some time with fingers entwined. Both women gazing shyly into each other’s eyes.

    “What is your upper torso like?”, asked Daisy.

    “What do you mean?”, asked Dottie.

    “I mean is your upper body muscular like your legs and calves?”, asked Daisy.

    “Yes, they are. Why do you ask?” asked Dottie, trying to get a better grip of Daisys fingers.

    “Can I see it? I mean could you take your t-shirt off?”, asked Daisy loosening her grip on Dottie’s fingers so that Dottie could get a better grip on her fingers.

    “Hmmm. Now nobody has ever asked me to show them my upper body. I think I am going to say yes. But only on one condition”, said Dottie.

    “What is that?” asked Daisy curiously.

    “You must take off your t-shirt too. And we can compare bodies”, said Dottie.

    “Ok. It’s a deal”, said Daisy.

    Daisy disentangled her fingers from Dottie’s and took off her t-shirt. She stood there in her skimpy black brassiere and shorts.

    Dottie admired Daisy’s body, utterly mesmerized.

    Daisys upper body complimented her shapely legs perfectly. She had large breasts, which jutted out of her brassiere. Her abs were perfect, the muscles sticking out like they had been sculpted. Her biceps and shoulders were muscular. She had a hardworking bodybuilders body. There was no question about. Her body looked even more sexy because it was drenched with sweat.

    “Your turn now, Dottie”, said Daisy.

    “Ok”, said Dottie.

    Dottie took off her t-shirt and threw it on the floor.

    Now it was Daisys turn to be mesmerized.

    Dottie’s mesomorphic upper torso was something to marvel at. Every muscle was well defined. Broad shoulders and a thick neck characterized her upper torso. The washboard stomach was particularly impressive with not even an inch of fat.

    Dottie’s body was also covered with sweat.

    “What do you think honey?”, asked Dottie.

    “I must admit that I am impressed with your body”, said Daisy, smiling.

    “I am impressed with your body too”, said Dottie returning a smile and the compliment.

    They stood there like that for some time, posing for each other, and marvelling at each other’s bodies.

    Every inch of their bodies were covered with sweat now. The air was filled with the smell of their pungent aromas.

    “Daisy, you know your classmates were right when they said that your body aroma was very distinctive. I mean you are a smelly girl”, said Dottie, without any malice.

    Daisy blushed at Dottie’s comment.

    “Well, you sweat a lot too. I mean your body aroma is as distinctive as mine. We are both in the same boat when it comes to our body aromas”, said Daisy.

    “Yeah, I smell too but god Daisy you are the mother of all stinkers. I mean just smell yourself. You are probably the most unhygienic person I have met in my whole life. What perfume do you use? Eu de piss?”, said Dottie, laughing out loud.

    “Fuck you bitch. I bet your deo stinks, after you use it”, said Daisy, not missing a wink.

    Now Dottie blushed a bit. She gritted her teeth.

    “Then let us smell each other out. And we will decide who stinks the most”, said Dottie.

    “You mean smell each other’s armpits?”, asked Daisy, a little taken aback.

    “Yes. Are you scared that you stink more than me?”, asked Dottie mockingly.

    “Ha. You must be kidding. I will sniff your armpits first”, said Daisy, accepting the challenge.

    “Ok then. Smell me you bitch”, said Dottie, and she raised her hands above her head.

    Dottie had small bushes of hair across both armpits and somehow Daisy thought that was sexy. In a very dirty and vulgar way.

    Daisy moved towards Dottie, lowered her head and sniffed Dottie’s armpit. The aroma was both musky and attractive.

    The whole situation was weird. She was actually smelling another girl’s armpits. A girl whom she had met a few hours ago.

    Dottie’s armpits had the smell of sweat mixed with deodorant. The sweaty smell stood out. Daisy identified the odour as being quite like her own body odour. Dottie smelt hot. She had to admit that much.

    “God you are not bad at all. You are a smelly girl. And all this time I thought I was the smelliest girl out there”, said Daisy.

    “Enough talking, now it is my turn”, said Dottie and stepped toward Daisy.

    Daisy raised her arms above her head, obligingly revealing quite a bit of hair on her armpits. Dottie looked surprisedly at her new friend’s armpits. They were bushier than her own.

    “I thought I was the hairiest girl out there. But look at you”, said Dottie.

    They giggled excitedly.

    Dottie lowered her head and sniffed Daisy’s armpits. For the next few seconds Dottie was mesmerized. Oh, what an aroma. The smell of Daisy’s sweat was better than her own. Dottie buried her nose in Daisy hairy armpit and inhaled the sensuous aroma coming from Daisy’s armpits.

    “You like it, don’t you? You like the way I smell”, said Daisy, mocking Dottie.

    Dottie raised her head and looked Daisy in the eye.

    “Yes, I do. I must admit it is my secret fetish. I love smelling myself. It turns me on”, said Dottie.

    “Really?”, asked Daisy, a little taken aback by Dottie’s confession.

    “Yes. Do you think that’s weird?”, asked Dottie.

    “No. But you mean you actually get turned on by the smell of sweat?”, asked Daisy.

    “Well, yes”, replied Dottie uncertainly.

    “You mean, you got turned on because of my smell?”, asked Daisy.

    “Kinda, yeah”, said Dottie.

    “Interesting”, said Daisy uncertainly.

    There was an uncomfortable erotic moment between the two girls before Daisy broke it.

    “In that case we should smell each other together,” said Daisy breaking into a smile.

    “Really? You mean you like it too?”, asked Dottie.

    “Not exactly. But I might. I think it’s sexy. Getting turned on by another woman’s body odour. It has something very dirty about it. In a sexy sort of way”, said Daisy.

    “Great. Then let’s begin”, said Dottie excitedly.

    “Do lets”, said Daisy.

    With that they both raised their armpits and began to sniff each other’s armpits. Like a couple of wild animals.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If you liked the first 5 chapters, do consider buying the book on Amazon:


    Daisy and Dottie, two nineteen year old bodybuilders are forced to spend a vacation together by their parents because neither young woman has any friends. It is rainy season in the deserted small town of Hooper, Wisconsin where Daisy lives with her parents. Sparks fly between the two shy young women after Dottie joins Daisy in Hooper. Daisy and Dottie invoke the wild, passionate and competitive aspects of each other's personalities and they clash with each other after they turn into workout buddies and also share a bedroom. Their relationship alternates between tenderness and hatred as the two young women come to terms with their sexuality and their intense sexual attraction towards each other.

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