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Thread: Wipe Down Part 3

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Wipe Down Part 3

    “You should have just wiped down your bench bitch.” Aishwarya panted in the last few seconds before the far more intimate test of strength began between her and her new gym rival, Samantha. The hot breath escaped her mouth in waves that blasted Sam in the face after each pant. The soaked black ponytail stuck to her back as her darker-toned body yearned for the coming battle, and now it was here on a platter.

    “Nah, if I had, I wouldn’t have gotten you here alone, and I knew you were looking for a fight.” Sam breathed back with a gush of bubbling excitement, and her hazel eyes seemed to glow as she got even closer to Ash with their hands conjoined by their weightlifting straps, “And, I know you have been watching me over the last month, hell, you have been watching me over the last year. You were looking for any excuse to confront me and I finally gave you one.” Her pale nude body seemed to also twitch at the chance to meet this sweaty hot rival, to settle an unspoken score.

    “Yeah, I have been watching you.” Ash admitted making them both shiver as their spines tingled and goosebumps began to appear down their conjoined arms, “Just like you have watching me. I know all about your little passive-aggressive efforts against me. Coming to my machines, my bars after I finish and adding a bit more weight each time. Making sure I see you do it. So petty. We should have done this months ago if you wanted it so badly.”

    “Please, you were doing the exact same thing to me and that’s why I knew you were just looking for a reason to get in my face. You wanted to test me, test my body, just like I wanted to test you and yours. And no, it’s better that we waited…seeing how much stronger you have gotten, how much stronger I have…taking you down now at your peak…this is what I want…what I need.” Sam hissed but her hazel eyes seemed to burn with a mix of fire...and maybe lust. The lust to beat Ash obviously, lust to prove her nude-toned body had more to give than her rival.

    Ash’s pants picked up at an even faster pace at the truths being spoken aloud. “Yeah, you’re right. This is what WE need, and you finally decided to draw me out. I know what you wanted…trying to get me to lift in your sweat, submissively.” Ash hissed right back, as the two girls rocked like two snakes waiting to strike. Their hot muscles tensed and prepared as the tension grew and grew.

    “That’s right, but I’m so glad you called me out instead so we could finally get here. And now I get to crush you and cover you with my sweat which is way more…satisfying.” Sam admitted with a heated stare and a slow lick of her lips as she was ready for her meal.

    “No way, I’m going to be doing the crushing, and the smearing of my hot sweat all onto your submissive body. And I’m going to love every second of it.” Ash pretty much moaned back as the yearning was spiking. She returned the lustful stare while biting her lower lip lightly. Their sweaty foreheads were inches apart and the time for exchanging words was ending. Ash’s body was on fire, and nothing would stop her from this increasingly wet confrontation. Even if people started walking into the gym at that moment, it wouldn’t matter. Nothing. Nothing would stop her from settling this with her gym rival naked on the floor.

    “Fuck you, Aishwarya.”
    “No, fuck you, Samantha.”

    Their full names turned out to be the signal to begin as the pressure began to build between their palms at an exponential rate. Ash quickly felt her toned shoulders and forearms snap to attention as they sensed the power asserting itself from Sam in equal force. Their smooth backs went fully flexed and even their sore asses and thighs, which had already been at war for the last quarter hour, were snapped and contracted to renewed concentration. Two head-turning, sweaty women on their knees, pushing hand to hand while they grunted lightly as the battle began. They pressed like this for a long minute in the dim light, palm to palm, more so feeling out their rival little by little instead of trying to break her right away. When their fingers slipped once, they were caught mid-fall by the wrist straps, nearly cracking heads as the leather dug into their skin painfully. Power was the most important aspect, but skill would be right behind it. The short break forced them to relax and realign their fingers to begin again with a more cautious approach. Sweat indeed exploded once again from every pore on their nude bodies as their muscles began to burn little by little and the heat of the room and the other’s body engulfed them. Another minute passed with the two women starting to grunt and pant loudly, but outside of winning and losing a few inches back and forth with their arms, neither girl had much success moving her rival with only their hands and had yet to break the unsaid taboo about what they had really wanted to do.

    “That all you got?” Sam finally huffed, breaking the long silence as she hissed through the pain of her burning muscles. They were eye to eye and nose to nose, inches from touching. “Scared to get even more sweaty?” She continued trying to taunt and distract her rival into slipping up or making a mistake.

    “You weak bitch…you still think I’m scared of your sweat?” Ash huffed as she shifted with her thighs and felt her own bare tits bounce slightly from the movement, inches from the other big wet pair.

    “Yeah, I know you are.” Sam huffed back, taking an inch and moving her left thigh just a bit forward for more leverage. This brought the front of their sexy thighs together like molten steel. It seemed it was enough to break down the final wall.

    “Well, let’s get sweaty then, and do this the right way!” Ash groaned and then lunged her body forward while stretching their arms to the side like two Ts in a sudden shift of tactics. For the first time, her big brown sweaty tits mashed into Sam’s pale waiting pair in a clash of the two feminine bodies. The four big mounds slapped loudly with wet skin on wet skin, and the two fighting women’s forms seemed to mold down to their stomachs in an instant becoming one hot sweaty mess. “Ugh!” Sam squealed as she was pushed back in the sudden surprising surge almost a foot losing ground. Ash’s sweat seemed to mix with hers and coat her abs and breasts. Her massive firm pale boobs lost the initial meeting and were indeed flattened by the aggressive pair of Ash for the slightest of seconds.

    “BITCH!” Sam cried and made a wave-like motion with her body, bouncing Ash off her for a second. The dark-haired girl instantly lunged tits first again, but this time Sam was ready to do the same. With an even louder smack than before, big sweaty breasts crushed with a splatter of sweat going everywhere, even splashing their faces as they came together on equal terms. The squishy fat of their chests molded as they compressed while Ash and Sam screeched in unison as they were finally forced to press into the sweaty womanly form of their rival and there the real contest began.

    How a woman could be so soft in places and so firm in others all at once was the only thought flowing in their minds as they fought conjoined now. The fight had shifted immediately from their arms to their backs and chests, though it felt like every muscle in Ash’s body was fighting its counterpart. Their open pores seemed to absorb the other’s perspiration while they pressed into the inferno of her rival’s form. Their contrasting skin of pale and dark clashed beautifully in the shadowy glow of the gym and twice their sharp nipples locked and slashed into the other’s areola. It was the first time either girl’s natural tits had ever felt another pair on them, let alone a pair as thick and firm as her own, but they were determined to prove their own was superior. Three times they backed up and did a front-to-front crush with grunts of anger and excruciating ache, but continued to find themselves in a stalemate as they mushroomed each other’s proud chests, muscles driving them forward. Asses recoiled and flexed as they held their arms out still to their sides and their firm stomachs brushed when their lower bodies would meet. They ended the brutal bashing with their conjoined bodies creating a triangle shape, leaning all their weight into their rival’s soft tits from their knees, big asses pushed out behind them, trying to soften the other’s taunt tit flesh for another brutal beating to come.

    “You like this don’t you? Our bodies together.” Sam hissed her flexed back moved and tightened as she and Ash met again, a pool of sweat forming each time they held their little breast press in the crevasses.

    “Just as much as you do. I feel it.” Ash shot back in a quick exchange of taunting words that only excited them more. They bounced off each other with their hips and brought their arms out in front again to renew the pushing, but now their foreheads touched, and tit on tit was not only expected but desired. After a minute in this stance, Sam started winning ground and she pushed Ash back by a foot. Ash grunted angrily, occasionally slapping their tits together when she held her ground, and they came together in a muscle mash once again. Slowly Ash won back her space leaving a trail of sweat as she moved. The entire rubber floor under had already been soaked wet with fluid and now back to par, Ash adjusted, her left breast slipping between Sam’s bringing them closer once again so that their navels lined up perfectly. Then Ash started to win, her breasts slipping under Sam’s and pushing them up and back a bit before pushing with her arms to win back and even take a foot of her own. But it didn’t matter because neither had committed to staying in their spot. Sam moved back and dodged the next rush before countering with her own.

    Now they began to move in earnest on the gym floor. Feigning and striking with big tit body blows that threatened to topple their rival to the floor. All the while their arms were still conjoined, half the time no longer holding to hand but more so the girl’s trying to twist and force the other’s arm and shoulder back painfully. In a shocking and interesting escalation, Ash forced her dominant hand forward taking Sam’s with her, she tried to take hold of the wrists to control her rival, but slipped, so she took hold of the easier target, the redhead’s full-ass. The source of the pale girl’s power and her palm felt the incredible muscle. But instead of freaking out or allowing it to distract her, Ash’s opposite arm was forced back in retaliation, and she felt her sweaty ass clapped with a strong palm of Sam. They coiled, their upper bodies turned in this gripping of ass while still trying to push with their thighs in what looked like a painful dance for control.

    “You that desperate to feel my ass bitch?” Sam grunted, her fingers squeezing the big muscles of Ash hypocritically.

    “Just feeling exactly how much, you got back there…and now I know it’s not as much as me. You can feel it.” Ash groaned back kneading the big muscle as hard as she could from this position.

    “Bullshit, you weak bitch. I’m feeling yours even better than you are feeling mine.” Sam hissed and muscled her forced backhand in a switch, but just like before Ash was able to win the other side and they switched hands and gripped cheeks, taking a second handful of their rival’s sexy glutes. They threw their tits back into it with a grinding push coming even closer than they had been the entire night. Ash felt like her nerves were shocking Sam’s and now that her ass was being squeezed it became even harder to ignore the growing sensation between her legs. They could sense the stretching of their rival’s tight abs when they got nice and close smearing each other with their workout juices. They were so engaged in their mashing and bashing that they had not acknowledged the intensity of how pointy and erect their nipples had become, or the heat between their legs that seemed even more an inferno than the gym itself. The pain in their shoulders though shot like a knife and they were forced to release their ass-grabbing and fall back into a stalemate, slowly coming back together with a deliberate leisureliness.

    “You really like all my sweat on you, don’t you bitch?” Ash grunted as they slide their slick bodies with the occasional slap of tit on tit or even stomach on stomach. But they still took their time to spread and rub every exposed inch they could reach.

    “I’m covering you a lot more than you are covering me,” Sam replied with a snarl and to emphasize this, she started rotating her upper body in wide circles to smear more sweat onto Ash while also somewhat erotically grinding on her rival. The dark girl snarled and mimicked her rival, but in the reverse motion, filling the room with the squishing sound of their sloppy tits. It was almost a mutual break from their fight, but another level of eroticism heat seemed to appear from this hot little mesh.

    “Maybe you just wanted to grind me naked this whole time.” Ash groaned as she found her sharp brown nipples meet the ghost pink ones where they bent each other and held for a long second. Ash hated how much she enjoyed the feeling of Sam’s erect nipples on her breasts, feeling them pressed down, or her own force back. Her big tits interlocking with a fat firm pair were better than anything she had felt on her body and the thrill that these opponent tits wanted nothing more than to crush her own and flatten her made it more alluring.

    “You bared your tits first bitch. Don’t lie, you wanted this type of sweaty fight as much as I did! And now I’m going to fucking finish you.” They separated slightly, and their nipples sprung back to full attention freed from their opponent’s bountiful mass. Their arms had long started to tire, and they sagged slightly at their sides while their lower bodies burned in fatigue…yet a heat in their loins seemed to keep them going.

    Sam twisted their arms down to their sides and forced their own big tits together. It made them firm like they were wearing two push-up bras for tits that did not need them. The next clash with Sam felt more like two full balloons unable to mold while using their nipples like needles, desperate to pop the other girl’s mounds. Ash gasped at this new sensation but she flexed her triceps and pushed forward once again. The muscle fight was still on, but there was no doubt, everything was about whose tits were fuller, better shaped, and could take this beating while dishing it out with even more force. But after another minute, heat again reared its head. The girls knew it was going to come down to whoever could finally get the other down on her back and have gravity join her side. With that, the girls started to stand, each of her toned legs braced straight back behind her and her big ass giving it all in a final push. Ash quickly matched Sam’s body c but was unable to straighten her legs and that second of lost focus allowed Sam to bend it back. Still, Ash won with her own dominant arm forcing Sam’s back with a cry but not enough to stop the surging redhead as the woman’s pale tits got above her own and pressed into her sternum. One last big tit push and the pale girl broke Ash’s stance. Both her arms were forced back near her ass and could on groan as she felt Sam’s strong form push her by the tits, first down to her thick ass, and then humiliatingly to the floor.

    After almost ten minutes of an equal battle of bodies and breasts, Sam slammed Ash down to the now-wet mat with a thud that bounced off the walls of the empty gym. Ash let out a desperate groan of hate and frustration as she felt herself now between the black rubbered floor and the sweaty, steamy pale body of Samantha completely on top of her. Dripping on her, covering her with perspiration, Ash felt as if her pores were being filled by the redhead’s sweat like overflowing pools. The two hot young women’s bodies remained flexed in this locked battle and neither seemed to be ready to give or accept a surrender as their grips tightened. Being on the floor seemed to reawaken their muscles and even as Sam tried to straighten their arms and untangle their legs to solidify her pin, Ash resisted any attempt to do so.

    After a few seconds of this struggle, and knowing that this fight wasn’t close to over, Sam leaned her face down to make Ash look at her eye to eye and face to face. Then she smeared her forehead sweat and her entire face onto Ash who copied her rival until the redhead stopped and pushed Ash’s head down harder with her own, “That’s what I thought bitch, you on your back.” She gasped in a thrilled moment of resting on Ash, feeling herself sweat onto the black-haired bitch and her pale body covering her darker rival. “Give up and submit to me.” She hissed and she emphasized this by putting more weight and pressure on her rival’s pressed body and tits especially. Her pale-toned ass was almost like a moon in the dark.

    “Fuck you, this isn’t over. Not by a long shot.” Ash growled back and she forced the frustration in her gut down from getting pinned first. With a scream, she flexed every muscle in her body and strained both their arms above their heads. With their legs twisted and arms up top, Ash forced a roll and took the top spot on Sam who let out a scream of surprise. But after, there was no cry of foul play from the pale girl, just a grunt of irritation as she now was getting sweated on and could feel some torn-up pieces of rubber stick to her sticky wet body. Winning the tit knee fight was a point for the redhead, but it seemed that was only going to lead to rougher play on the hard rubber floor. That was fine. Now on top, Ash leaned up and slapped her big chest down onto Sam’s with a smack. The girls cried out together on impact as already sore breasts were brought back to battle. Red and tender, their whole bodies were in pain, and the heat of the room had brought them to near dehydration. A renewed splatter of sweat seemed to shoot around, and more started forming small pools between their conjoined bodies as they held this for a few seconds.

    “It’s not about who got on top first…it’s about who is on top at the end.” Ash hissed her lips touching Sam’s, but it would be foolish to call it a kiss. Because Sam pressed her head forward and her lips even harder into Ash’s mouth as she spat back lip on lip, “Yeah, that’s right.”

    The redhead’s big pale tits absorbed the meaty blow but were pressed out like mushrooms once again even as the tops took a similar form. “Bitch!” Sam groaned and then before Ash could repeat the move, had taken back the top spot and returned the favor with her own breast slap. Pain shot through their forms as their tits felt like they could swell up even bigger. The girl’s muscles had given them far too much power and as much as they wished they could, they couldn’t train their boobs. Again, sweat exploded off them as they groaned as they fought on the floor with Sam on top, then Ash, then Sam, seen by which big muscular ass was visible, flexed in the light and shining thanks to the sweat. Their tensed abs ground over again while Ash slammed down on Sam for what felt like the 100th time. This time she dragged her big brown breasts up and down her rival’s pale body a few times extra, enjoying the endless friction of their soaked physiques and the erotic sensations of humiliating her rival. She could feel herself perspiring into her rival’s curves and now softening muscles while her near-dark nipples seemed to draw lines in the oil that covered Sam.

    A few more rolls occurred, the woman grunting and cursing the other while she was on the bottom and taunting while she was on top. A few rotations later, however, Ash again took the top spot, feeling more natural being on top of Sam than not…and more naturally conjoined with the bitch as well. “You just won’t quit, will you?” Ash huffed at the redhead who groaned but won back some space and pulled an equally pained whine from Ash’s lips now on their sides as their weakening bodies continued to struggle. Their arms fell to their sides on the floor and though their legs still were warped together, they no felt locked and could slide easily free if they wished. Strength and muscle had disappeared, and the abrasive temperature had long drained them of their fight. But still, one had to be beaten, one had to be pinned, beaten the way they promised…or so they thought. With their slick legs, each woman’s thigh had moved up and up till they had pressed between the split point, where their rival’s nude sex was waiting and dripping more than just sweat.

    “Not to you. Never to you.” Sam finally breathed back, then she shifted her thigh up again and pressed harder into Ash’s pussy. The black-haired girl let out a slight moan and though her arms and tits felt as though they had enough, a fire that had always been there was now growing, spreading down every limb. The redhead seemed to freeze hearing the sexual moan, and then shifted to keep her leg tightly between Ash’s legs to attempt to get another moan from her rival…“I’m going to break you Aishwarya even if every muscle in my body cramps, even if I have to crawl over you, I’ll find a way to finish you…and honestly, I don’t think I even need my muscles.” They shifted again and hot legs still intertwined seemed to rub up and towards each other’s sex in a slow escalation as Ash too felt the yearning to press her thigh into Sam’s warm sex. There was a second long groan that escaped Ash’s lips as the pressure increased and she returned the rub earning an equally hot whine out of Sam’s mouth.

    “How are you going to break me without your muscles Samantha? Unless you think there are other ways to finish each other…because I think there are.” Ash harshly whispered yet seemed like a scream in the quiet. She knew the answer. She had known since the second they agreed to go body on body completely nude, or even earlier, the second they had gotten into each other’s faces. The sensual grunting that had doubled in length and pitch during their roll around had removed any secret to how their fight was going to end. There was a long delay from Sam then in an equally raspy voice. “I’m still going to pin you…and then I’m going to make you cum like a sweaty little whore while trapped under me. That’s how I’m going to beat you, Ash.”

    The emotions and feelings that had been thundering in Ash’s head exploded all the way down to her tender nipples and enflamed pussy. All the sexual implications of their confrontation had been real, and now she knew that Sam was thinking and feeling everything, she was. That made it a million times better, and a million times worse. “That’s exactly what I was thinking Sam, except I’m going to be on top of you, and you will be cumming like a sweaty needy slut under me.” She responded and felt Sam shudder as their bodily touching had a whole new meaning. Or maybe it wasn’t new because everything they had done seemed to have been building towards this movement. Ash felt her thighs split wider and her sex pressed up with Sam’s sweaty muscle. She moaned loudly and returned the sexual attack with her own leg into the hot sex of her rival. Their twisted legs now clamped on each other, trying to stop her rival’s movements as best she could while pumping her ass own ass forward. Now focusing on the sex only made them want to cry out in desire and with how far they had pushed their bodies, each knew that cumming would turn them weak and submissive. They began to grind their tired legs into the other’s body, all the while still rolling on the floor slowly, rubbing their shifting and bruised breasts far more sensually, to tease pleasure instead of forcing pain.

    “Your sweat is making it really easy to grind your pussy like your muscles.” Ash moaned; her lips pressed into her rival’s shoulder.

    “Please, your sweat makes you so fuckable, like how your muscles make you so easy to pin.” Sam moaned back, openly having aggressive sex with her gym rival. They had only been humping a minute or two when Ash got pushed and down onto her toned back in another sweaty roll of the two sex-dueling women. Sam’s ass worked like a piston, having a sexy recoil every jolt as it did the most the work at bringing Ash to orgasm. Ash indeed cried out as the soaking sweaty thigh of her rival rubbed her dripping open dripping sex, yet she returned every thrust of thigh with her own. Her clit had become engorged, and it too now was forced into the skin of her Sam, but she could swear she could feel Sam’s clit…god, they might even be similar there. She wanted nothing more than to remove the straps and put her hands onto the thick pale booty fucking her, try to control it and slap it, but that would offer up her own ass on a platter for Sam which seemed dangerous at her current level of arousal. But Ash somehow rolled them and pumped her thick brown ass into Sam who took it while crying out in pleasure and frustration. Their screams of pleasure rang louder than any weights falling to the floor before, and the women were climbing to a peak neither knew their bodies could reach. Sam’s big slick breasts traveled up and down, meeting Ash’s brown nipples which seemed to find and clash with the light pink ghost nipples of her rival.

    Maybe for a second, Ash thought she had Sam finished on her back to be fucked nice and hard, but the redhead surged one of their conjoined hands down from the side of their bodies and groped Ash’s glute just like Ash had just been imaging doing to her rival a second before. The dark woman groaned, and the pair rolled again, till the redhead was atop the black-haired girl and fucking her hard. Ash tried to get back at Sam and slap the big pale ass hard, but Sam kept their arms locked to the outside, ready for the surge and matched what little strength they had left. Then she spread her legs slightly in a dangerous move, to give her more leverage and pin Ash fully while also opening her sex a bit more for pleasure.

    “You're pinned. I got you, you fucking sweaty slut.” Sam gasped in a moment of victory as her position gave her the slight advantage to fuck her rival.

    “Fuck…you.” Ash moaned as she was pressed onto the hard rubber, but she could not deny the situation that was taking her. The pale redhead was right, and Ash felt all the muscles in her arms fail. She no longer had the strength to roll them over, and all she could do was try and force the bitch off sexually for any chance of victory. They humped over and over, the sound of their cunts hitting and grating on such smooth wet skin could only just be heard as they panted and whined in pleasure. The desire for sex on sex was overwhelming, but even shifting to a new position was intimidating when a second meant everything. Ash could feel Sam’s body molding into her in all her crevasses and pools of sweat forming between them for what felt like the final time. Yet she wanted to go down fighting, and she focused everything on fucking Sam’s now open cunt and erect clit with her leg even as her own pussy and clit were being given equal treatment of sweaty rubbing of bodies.

    No further words were spoken as they let out girlish gasps, and leg fucked like two sweaty whores to the end. Each of their right thighs was now equally covered in cum as they were sweat as the end neared. Desperate, for any sort of chance still on the bottom Ash opened her brown eyes just as she thurst with her leg. Sam moaned anew and threw her head, her long red ponytail wiping with sweat to her back as she did so to try and control the pleasure pulsing in her sore body. But this gave Ash a sudden chance. She leaned her face up and gave Sam’s sweaty smooth neck a long hard lick before ending it with a small nip right under the pale girl’s chin. Sam gave a desperate cry at the sudden sensation, and her ass was doing erratic thrusts because she had begun to cum on top of Ash’s body!

    “That’s what I thought! Start cumming slut! I got you.” Ash screamed but still couldn’t roll them as Sam slammed her body down to solidify her pin. And still, the second Ash’s mouth was open from the moan, Sam planted her mouth onto Ash’s, and the salty sweat from their lips and the sweat on Ash’s tongue from Sam’s neck, exploded in their sudden wet aggressive kiss. Ash gasped as she was tongued, her rival’s tongue slashing hers and drawing it out into an open fight. All the while she was still being pumped by Sam who was cumming hard, and Ash let out the slightest of moans before she too started to cum a clean few seconds after her rival.

    “UGH”, Ash moaned into Sam’s mouth who swallowed the groans and gasps while she returned them cumming herself as they felt their bodies reel in waves of pleasure. It was incredible and horrible as they were forced to share their pleasure. Exhausted muscles tightened in a final blast of power and spasms as gratification overwhelmed their cores and the heat of the room became second to the heat of their sexes. Ash felt her sore and exhausted legs spread wider and almost involuntarily Sam began to do the same, and in the span of three seconds, their clits were just able to touch in an awkward vanilla missionary position. The heat of that touch made them scream at the top of their lungs and forced them to roll. Both girls had a few seconds on top and their hands switching to which ass was being squeezed, until finally, Ash finished her orgasm, a few seconds after Sam’s had subsided as the two sweaty, dehydrated women sucked in hot air filled with each other’s scent on the wet gym floor. But by the end, Sam had again taken the top spot, resting her body on Ash’s like it had been before. Slowly, she half slid off Ash though she kept her body slightly above her rival’s, ending up on top again and resting with one of her breasts still squished into the other dark globe. They lay for a short time realizing only now how tired and drained they were from the lift and fight.

    “I got you off first…you lose.” Ash suddenly whispered in the silence to claim her victory even as she had ended up on the bottom once again in the final roll.

    Sam was quiet, and Ash thought maybe she had passed out or accepted her loss, yet her words finally came. “But…I was on top, and I pinned you, and you couldn’t roll me to my back, or you would have when I started cumming. Plus, you came a second later and never pinned even when we came. So, I’m the real winner because I pinned you AND got you off.”

    There was another pause as they sucked in breath. “No way. We made this about fucking, and you came first! I won.” Ash hissed still staring at the ceiling, yet her body was starting to yearn for more conflict.

    “No! it was about strength AND sex, you might have gotten me off a short second before you came, but we didn’t even have real sex! It was about pinning each other, and you got pinned. Plus, you know what? You wouldn’t last if we pressed our sexes together and actually had sex!”

    “Well, we can prove that bitch! Let’s have sex then! If you are so desperate then let’s call this a tie and have a rematch. You give me my rematch for strength, and I’ll give you a rematch for sex!” Ash offered angrily and then began to try and rip off her wrist guards as she sat up, pushing Sam off her slightly. It didn’t work with their hands still knotted as one and she stopped to allow Sam to help as they slowly undid them. Finally, when the wrist guards fell to the ground, they rubbed their raw wrists and stared at each other. The fire between them was burning maybe even hotter but their energy seemed to descend now that they were free. But that wouldn’t do, and Ash felt like they needed to continue, but maybe a bit later. Ash slowly rested back on her knees with Sam a few feet away.

    “I would love to keep going but, did you say we should finish each other at our peak?” Ash said innocently, and judging by the smile that came to Sam’s mouth, Ash felt she was on the right path. “I don’t want you tired from squats, or the heat, or our little pushing contest…I want you fresh physically…and sexually so I can really dominate you.”

    “I did say that, and that does sound way more interesting because if I’m fresh, I can go for hours in both categories,” Sam replied with another sexy lick of her lips that made Ash openly drip cum from her pussy onto the floor.

    “Oh, a sundown to sun-up kinda girl?” Ash smiled.

    “Of course. I bet you are too.” Sam teased back.

    “Yeah, I am.”

    “Well then, if you are really brave, why don’t you come to my flat and we can have our little rematch and take all the time we need…I have a little home gym too, so we can get a few types of workouts in.” Sam offered and Ash let out a cocky smile that even in her state of fatigue felt very genuine. “It’s lift date bitch.”

    “Good. But let me give you a taste of what exactly I’m going to do to you.” Sam breathed with a purr as she crawled forward on her hands and knees, her heart-shaped perky ass swaying behind her as she approached. Even after her intense orgasm, the sight of her rival doing this made Ash yearn for a second contest of the sexual and physical nature, but she waited in place, prepared to strike out if needed but the slow crawling rival near her sent no signs that she was coming for violence this time. A foot away, the redhead paused while reaching one hand behind her head where she pulled free her long red hair, the ponytail coming undone as waves of red golden hair flayed when she gave it a little shake, many of the strands wetly sticking to her smooth sweaty back. Then she moved forward the final foot until she was directly in front of Ash, who waited up on her knees proudly displaying her weakened but still proud body. But instead of rising to match, Sam shifted slightly to the right and then slowly took one of Ash's tender but still erect nipples into her mouth. Ash couldn’t help her brown eyes widening at the sight, and the shiver of pleasure that ran directly from said now-engulfed nipple to her clit. Sam looked up with big hazel eyes into Ash’s brown orbs and then started to suck very slowly. Her lips focused on the brown nipple before she took more of the soft spongy flesh into her mouth, letting out a slight moan as the sweaty nipple and meat filled her maw. Her tongue flicked the nipple while her dry lips were wettened by sweat and spit. After almost twenty seconds she sucked Ash’s left tit, then she switched to the right, giving it an even wetter treatment until she pooped it out of her mouth. Leaving the now spit-dripping brown tits, she ran her tongue up between the two brown tits, leaving a trail of spit until she came face to face with Ash, pulling her tongue away at her rival’s red lips in the last second with a cocky smirk. “Bet you enjoyed that. Don’t worry, more to come soon.” Sam whispered while Ash glanced and raised an eyebrow at her, “It wasn’t bad, but I know I’m better. I’m happy to show you a bit of what I plan to do too.”

    Sam looked at her, almost expectantly and Ash didn’t have to be prompted, she went down on her hands and knees, making sure her ass was sticking out behind her. She then took her time freeing her long black hair and swayed her ass back in forth like a snake ready to strike its prey. But there was no strike and she happily leaned forward and very slowly slipped one of the pink nipples into her mouth. She tasted the salt, and the fullness, resisting the urge to bite. She sucked Sam had sucked her, looking up into her rival’s wide eyes. Maybe she sucked a little harder but not too much, playing the ghost nipple with her tongue. But to add on, after she switched tits, she suddenly slapped Sam’s perky sore ass mid-suck making the pale girl moan loudly unable to keep it in. Only then did Ash rise, keeping her nipples on her rival and dragging them up Sam’s body as she slid up until their nipples aligned, their mixing spit making it smoother and even more erotic.

    “Interesting,” Sam said then she spanked Ash back who too let out a muffled groan, though lighter as she was able to prepare. It felt like there was no stopping a second fight from breaking out now, but indeed after the spanking, the girl fell back. Each moved back at the same time slowly, then like the trance was broken at least for the moment they gathered their clothes.

    But Ash took the blue shorts and Sam responded by taking the red top, neither girl complaining nor arguing as they traded one piece each. Then, they left the heated gym after taking another minute each at the water fountain. Finally, they left, leaving down the same stairs, legs shaking but the cooler air from outside refreshed them slightly as they exited. They hadn’t spoken, frustrated by the so-called ‘tie’ but equally hungrier for complete victory over the other that would come next week. Sam locked the door and Ash turned away pausing when Sam brought up one last request. “How about tomorrow we spot each other…unless you are too tired after today. Though I will warn you, I might get a little handsy.” Sam offered standing with her arms crossed. “Think of it as a bit more foreplay before we settle it.”

    Ash stretched slightly but gave her a nod, “That sounds good, name the time.”

    “8 PM?”

    “Works for me,” Ash replied like she didn’t care. Sam let out a huff and then turned away but froze when she heard the steps coming behind her, she flipped around ready to fight but instead felt her mouth taken by Ash and her mouth forced open by a strong tongue. They groaned at the sudden kiss that turned into a hot aggressive makeout as the girls took hold of the black and red hair. They traded spit and hot words that promised what would happen on the weekend.

    “Muscular bitch.”
    “Strong whore.” They whispered mid-make out until finally with a smack, Ash pulled away. They were gasping again, glaring at each with cocky smirks. “Just a little extra foreplay, like you said.” Ash hissed licking her lips.

    “I’m going to fuck you so hard, I'm going to win.” Sam replied, her hazel eyes almost mad.

    “Bitch, not as hard as I’m going to fuck you, and I'm going to win.” Ash replied as she took a step back licking the spit of Sam from her lips.

    “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sam replied cleaning her own lips, meaning today with it being 1 AM and finally the two women walked away back to their cars, separating for good. As Ash got home, she drank a near gallon of water before passing out on her couch, her last thought was her wrestling Sam again but without the binds, and soon they were tribing on a big bed, every muscle in Ash’s body flexing again against the pale girl who met her with equal passion and force. Their clits were conjoined and slashing, it was incredible. They were fighting, and then they were kissing trying to force the other off first. But just before the climax, she woke up, gasping and groaning. It had been a dream…but soon it would be a reality.


    Might be the first time I think ever I’ve finished a story on time. Hope you enjoyed it.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 3

    Very hot King !! I like it, even if i belong to the tribbing "cult" whick considers as trib, ONLY the original, the classic trib, pussy to pussy grinding, NOT pussy to thigh grinding. This is my kink. However i know that some women also (sometimes) use pussy to thigh grinding.
    As always your end leaves semi open doors. Not only for a classic pussy to pussy fight. But also for these two women to finally turn to lovers later, to try a relationship. A new Maggie/Amber duet ?
    I hope to have more of this story soon, even if you wrote "end".
    Or, at least, another one of your so well written and so hot stories.
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; April 26th, 2024 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member Austin315's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 3

    Wow! What an amazing story. Thank you so much. I love how the girls kept the competition between thei muscles and who was stronger up until the very end when their arousal finally took over. Man I'd love to see this story continue! Thanks again for this wonderful story

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 3

    Your stories always have immense build up and often start with the girls competing non-sexually only for it to escalate into a full on sexfight. In most of my stories, my girls just challenge each other to a sexfight straighg away. I hope to do things more like your style in the future while also keeping my own style of course.

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    Hostboard Member pjaz12345's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 3

    Best sexual duel erotica I have read this year , would love for you to continue this story forward....

  6. #6
    Hostboard Member WankMank's Avatar
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    Re: Wipe Down Part 3

    this was amazing, hope there is one more round.

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