May 6th, 2024, 09:07 PM
Senior Hostboard Member
Nymphos of the Caribbean: Part 7
Brooke had a rather disappointing first night on this cruise with a rather enjoyable sexfight being interrupted by the ballbusting head of security for the cruise. She knew that she and Lana would see each other again but not being able to finish a fight is still every nympho’s biggest pet peeve. The busty brunette decided to take her mind off of things by going to the pool and getting a nice tan. Maybe check out some girls in bikinis, much like herself. She would prefer to tan in the buff but she was still technically a wanted woman and didn’t want to draw too much attention to herself. At least not yet. If she was going to strip in public, she would need a very good reason for doing so.
She laid there wearing sunglasses as she enjoyed the soothing warmth of the sun on her flawless skin. She found herself reflecting on her troubled past. How she deliberately allowed herself to be not only La Malvada’s attack dog but also her sexual plaything. All in the name of bringing her down and in the end, she still failed. Tamara had claimed her prize and while she was glad that the drug lord was finally finished off, she couldn’t help but feel some bitterness towards Tamara for succeeding where she had failed. It was the first time the ebony police chief faced the evil raven while Brooke had had sex with her multiple times for years preparing for it. She also found herself thinking about Vanessa and what her team was up to right now. She then decided that it’s best not to dwell on the past and focus on her new line of work as a bounty hunter. Suddenly, she felt the sun’s warmth disappear from a portion of her body. She then realized that someone must be standing over her, no doubt ogling her in her black bikini.
“Excuse me, you’re in my sun.” Brooke said without opening her eyes. The person didn’t move an inch.
“Could you move a little please?“ Brooke asked politely. Again, no response.
Brooke then got annoyed and finally opened her eyes.
“Are you deaf?! I said you’re in my…” Brooke then stopped when she finally saw who was pestering her.
Standing adjacent to her chair was the Clouded Leopard herself, Lana Newsted. Clad in a gray bikini, likely her way of being funny. Or maybe she just really likes the color. She had a pompous grin on her lovely face and her bikini did very little to contain her enormous G cup breasts that Brooke shamelessly gawked at. She now saw the British babe in her full glory without the darkness from last night. She looked even more amazing. Her long, jet black hair went down to her ass. It reminded Brooke of La Malvada, which agitated her further. Brooke’s expression changed from surprise to strength and determination.
“You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you, love?” Lana asked mockingly.
“Of course not.” Brooke said confidently. “I just wasn’t expecting you to show yourself again so soon.”
“When I see something I want, I never let it out of my sight.” Lana said seductively.
“How did you even know I’d be here?” Brooke asked.
“I suppose we’re just kindred spirits.” Lana answered.
Brooke continued shooting daggers at her rival, lowering her sunglasses as she did so. She wanted Lana to see clear as day that she was watching her and would not fall for any tricks.
“Oh, lighten up, why don’t you?” Lana asked with a chuckle. “I’m on vacation too, you know.”
“Really?” Brooke asked skeptically.
“Yes and I think we’re both a little too worked up from last night.” Lana said as she sat down beside Brooke on the edge of her lounging chair. Her bikini clad, shapely ass mere inches away from direct contact with Brooke’s leg.
“I guess you’re right.” Brooke said.
“And I happen to know a very effective way for us to both relieve stress and put the disappointment of last night behind us.” Lana said flirtatiously as she began caressing Brooke’s smooth legs, giving the brunette goosebumps.
Brooke’s heart began to race. Lana was undoubtedly a master at seduction. Any lesser person in her position would cave immediately but Brooke was the lieutenant of Las Brujas for much of her life. She had largely built up a strength to resist seduction.
“Right here and right now? In front of everyone?” Brooke asked.
“Why not?” Lana asked rhetorically. “No one saw us last night and what we’re doing is not an uncommon sight on a cruise like this.”
“Alright, fine.” Brooke said, giving in. “But only because I’ve still got a bone to pick with you. That bounty better be worth it.”
“I’m always worth it.” Lana said with pride.
She got up closer on Brooke’s chair until she was kneeling directly over her, faces inches away, noses centimeters away. Her knees were on either side of Brooke as Lana’s long, dark hair flowed down onto Brooke’s largely naked skin.
“You know, this Caribbean heat isn’t something I think I’ll ever get used to.” Lana said as she began undoing her bikini straps.
Brooke just looked at her, deadeyed. Doing an excellent job of hiding her deep lust for her new rival. Lana however, could easily tell how much Brooke wanted her. The feeling could not be more mutual. Brooke refrained from stripping herself just yet.
“You’re not getting shy on me now, are you, love?” Lana asked. “You certainly weren’t shy last night.”
“You’ll have to prove you’re worth the time and effort first.” Brooke said smugly.
“Arrogant cunt.” Lana said in an annoyed tone. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m always worth it!”
Lana then decided to stop playing games. She sank herself fully on top of her American rival. Naked breast to bikini’d breast and mouth to mouth. The raven immediately shot her tongue out and jammed it through Brooke’s lips. Lana’s tongue passionately raped Brooke’s mouth but the brunette did not kiss back. Lana found herself frustrated by this. No one has ever been able to resist her to this extent and that was something she took a significant amount of pride in. She knew Brooke would at some point break, as they all do but her annoyance at the brunette’s persistence still remained. The raven hugged them closer together, pushing her nipples deeply against the fabric of Brooke’s bikini.
“Mmmmm…” Lana moaned into her opponent’s mouth.
What Lana didn’t know was that Brooke loved to use this psychological tactic to aggravate her opponents. It worked quite well on Vanessa in their last encounter and Lana seemed to be worked up over it herself. What neither of them knew or really cared much about was that they were being watched by two particular witnesses on the other side of the pool. Denise and Kelly had come to the pool to get some sun themselves when their attention had been captivated by the busty, battling bikini babes. Kelly had briefly left to get some drinks while Denise continued enjoying the show but had just come back and handed one to her sister.
“Kel, you know I don’t drink anymore.” Denise said.
She had no choice but to stop after getting pregnant with Lexi and never looked back even afterwards.
“More for me then.” Kelly said happily. “Is the brunette still playing hard to get?”
“Looks that way.” Denise said. “The raven is really letting her have it though.”
“Sexfights are the best fights.” Kelly said as she sipped on her drink.
“Is that so?” Denise asked.
“Denny, are you kidding me? You’ve never had one?” Kelly asked in bewilderment. “You haven’t lived as a woman until you’ve done that!”
“What exactly is so special about it?” Denise asked.
“Oh, where do I begin?” Kelly asked rhetorically. “It’s just so primal and passionate. You feel so much. Rage. Competitive spirit. Determination. Hot blooded excitement. An animalistic urge to dominate your prey. And of course more pleasure than you can possibly imagine. It’s like the ultimate sexual thrill ride. The greatest roller coaster on the world can’t compare to it.”
“Where has this side of you been all this time, sis?“ Denise asked. “You talk like it’s your religion.”
“It might as well be.” Kelly said. “You remember that snotty cheerleading bimbo back in College?”
“How can I forget?” Denise asked. “You ranted about her to me every day.”
“Well, one day I got sick of her shit and finally told her off in front of her squad of airheads.” Kelly explained. “She was so humiliated that she challenged me to a sexfight. She explained the rules to me. I accepted just because I would’ve done anything to put her in her place. We went at it all night but I eventually fucked her brains out and loved every second of it.”
“And here I thought you were in bed all that day because of a bad hangover.” Denise joked.
“Well, I kinda was.” Kelly said.
“What?” Denise asked in confusion.
“We fucked each other so hard that I actually got cum drunk off of it and it gave me a hangover.” Kelly elaborated. “It was totally worth it though.”
“You’re just fucking with me.” Denise dismissed.
“I wouldn’t have believed it either until it happened to me.” Kelly said. “But anyway, you gotta give it a try. No woman in the world should miss out on that.”
“Kel…” Denise sighed.
“Don’t “Kel” me!” Kelly argued. “This whole cruise is full of hotties and I know they’d all wanna lock up thighs with you! You have my good looks after all.”
“Actually, I’m the older twin. So you have my good looks.” Denise jokingly argued.
“Whatever. I’m gonna get you a hot bitch to fight before this cruise is over. Mark my words.” Kelly promised. “I’d be ashamed to call myself your Sister if I didn’t do that for you.”
“What am I gonna do with you?” Denise asked rhetorically.
The twins continued watching the fight between the other raven and brunette. Brooke was still not budging and now Lana was really starting to get pissed. She broke their kiss in a spray of saliva.
“Fight back already, you hot bitch!” Lana demanded.
She then slipped her hand underneath Brooke’s thong and began rubbing her labia hard and fast.
“Agh!” Brooke grunted.
“You feel that, little miss bounty hunter?” Lana asked teasingly. “Fuck me back. You know you want to.”
Lana knew how to use that hand of hers, no doubt about it. Brooke had then decided that her charade had gone on long enough.
“Alright, you thieving cunt. You win!” Brooke admitted as she pulled Lana’s black hair nice and hard and resumed their make out session. This time fighting with her own tongue.
Lana smiled complacently into Brooke’s mouth, having finally gotten what she wanted.
“And the brunette finally breaks.” Kelly commented. “I knew she would.”
“If sexfighting was a sport, you’d be a good commentator.” Denise said jokingly.
“It’s the only sport that matters.” Kelly joked.
Brooke was more than happy to reciprocate Lana’s move as she slipped her hand down the British bombshell’s thong and began assaulting her twat right back as their tongues continued to battle. Lana pulled Brooke’s brown locks with one hand and undid her bikini top with the other, letting Brooke’s H cups bounce out freely.
“And the jubblies are finally loose.” Denise commented.
“Damn, she is stacked.” Kelly commented. “No wonder the raven went after her. I’d love to fuck both of them.”
“I have a feeling you’d fuck every girl on this cruise if you could.” Denise teased.
“Damn right I would. Even you and Lexi.” Kelly said.
“Ha ha.” Denise fake laughed.
Brooke and Lana broke their kiss again as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes.
“Maybe after I get the bounty, I’ll ask if I can keep personal custody of you.” Brooke said.
“I’ve stolen many priceless treasures in my life but you’ll be my prized possession once I tame your inferior twat.” Lana shot back.
The two were putting such a show that many more people couldn’t help but look. While such things were far from out of the ordinary on a cruise like the SS Orgasmic, the raw energy and fury that Brooke and Lana were giving off was proving to be quite hypnotic. One witness in particular was transfixed by them. This had already been quite an enjoyable day for him as he had just left the bar where the three waitresses had put on a rather intense and passionate show for him. Now here he is seeing another show at the pool. While he could chalk this up down to pure luck, he believed that these two things happening so close to one another was no coincidence. That it was the universe trying to tell him something. This had not been his first time on the SS Orgasmic and on this expedition in particular, he had big plans and he had a strong inclination that the battling, bikini babes could help him. So, he decided to do something risky. The white suited man walked up to the chair where Brooke and Lana were lost in their own little world and decided to interrupt them.
“What’s that guy doing?” Denise asked.
“Poor bastard has no idea what mistake he’s about to make.” Kelly joked.
“Excuse me, ladies.” The man said to Brooke and Lana as they continued fingering each other furiously. “I was just wondering if…”
“Fuck off and mind your own business, bellend!” Lana yelled at the man, losing her usual sultry and cool demeanor.
“Yeah. Look all you want but never interrupt! Can’t you see we’re busy?!” Brooke asked angrily.
The man seemed rather put off by such blatant aggression towards him but he got the message and backed off. In all honesty, he knew he should’ve waited until they were done but he did want to see just how dedicated they were to what they were doing. Color him impressed. He would make sure to find out who these two knockouts were and he also had to take note of the three waitresses from earlier today.
“Geez, I had no idea sexfighting could bring out such emotions in women.” Denise commented.
“You have no idea, Sis.” Kelly said. “It just makes every blood cell in your body boil. That guy is lucky he left with his balls intact.”
“No kidding.” Denise said with genuine curiosity.
Denise could not help but be interested in how such a thing could inspire such strong passion in people. Passion that she feels has been missing from her life for far too long. Regardless, she wasn’t sure just yet if she wanted to immerse herself in such a vicious world. Maybe if she didn’t have a daughter but now?
“He was kinda hot, though.” Kelly added. “Maybe I’ll find him later and give him some pity pussy.”
“You’re such a slut.” Denise joked.
Kelly didn’t even attempt to argue. She just chugged her drinks and let out a rather unladylike belch.
“And a pig.” Denise added. Again, Kelly said nothing.
The fight between Brooke and Lana continued to escalate. The two had now fully shed their thongs and knew what they wanted next.
“Anyone else feel like interrupting us?” Brooke asked with barely contained venom as she looked around at the crowd. No one said a thing.
“That’s what I thought.” Brooke said.
“I think we both know how to settle this.” Lana said. “Cunt to cunt and clit to clit.”
“Yes, of course.” Brooke agreed. “Tit to tit and tongue to tongue as well.”
“You do know how to show a bird a good time.” Lana admitted.
The audience looked on in awe as the two hotties began to wrap their lush, smooth legs around one another…until a devastatingly familiar sound hit both of their eardrums.
“What’s going on up here?” Rebecca asked as she rudely pushed her way through the crowd. “I’m head of security, make room!”
She finally managed to make her way to what the crowd was circling around and Brooke and Lana now got a good look at her face without the darkness concealing it. As they had guessed, she was a strawberry blonde. Her hair was long and thick, cascading down her voluptuous body until it reached the tip of her ass. Her hair also covered her right eye, giving her a sassy and seductive look that the other two had to admit that they liked. Her tits were definitely a G like Lana’s and clad in a white bikini. Her expression changed from annoyance to a smug grin that admittedly made both Brooke and Lana nervous. Did she know that they were the intruders last night? It wouldn’t make sense but two wanted women can never be too careful.
“Oh, I see.” Rebecca said. “No wonder what the big commotion is.”
Brooke and Lana continued to stare awkwardly at the security chief.
“Well, what are you looking at me for?” Rebecca asked rhetorically. “These people want a show. Give it to them!”
The crowd applauded in agreement. Brooke and Lana got over their nervousness and focused more on what they were doing. They turned their heads back in each other’s directions and engaged in another heated and passionate make out session with lots of tongue as the crowd got thicker and thicker.
“Agh, we can’t see anymore!” Kelly complained. “Come on, let’s get a better look!”
She got up and Denise followed, adjusting her yellow bikini as she got out of her chair. Brooke and Lana had to admit that fighting for an audience was equally exciting as it was annoying but nothing would stop them now. Still, they were wary of Rebecca and her true intentions. They would have to keep an eye on the strawberry blonde from now on. As well as each other, of course. As they knew their potential purserer and potential rival was watching, the brunette and raven did not intend to show even the smallest amount of weakness. They bearhugged each other nice and tight as Brooke’s H cups and Lana’s G cups mushroomed together. They both felt the overwhelming bliss of their rival’s nipples grinding against their own as their legs wrapped together and they finally began their tribbing session in earnest. Rebecca had a strong suspicion about these two. Even if they weren’t the intruders from last night, they both just gave off a very bad aura to her. Still, she would not act without proof. She’d been lectured by her bosses on the bad PR more than enough as it was. At least these two were good for putting on a show. A part of her also believed that their willingness to fight out in broad daylight for a crowd like this would mean that they weren’t who she thought they were…Or perhaps that’s exactly what they wanted her to think.
“Mmmmmm…” They moaned as their tongues did battle outside of their mouths, sliding all over one another.
“It’s like watching a porno live in person.” Denise commented.
“And a good one at that.” Kelly added.
Many of the women watching would love nothing more than to join in. Not just for the sex but to put some of the spotlight on themselves as well but they knew better than to get in the way of something as sacred as a sexual rivalry like this one. Lana pulled on Brooke’s brown hair to get some control of their kissing while Brooke retaliated by squeezing her tight buns. They felt their juiced up cunts kiss each other deeply and passionately as their clits did battle right alongside their tongues. Lana then broke the kiss with a loud pop and a trail of spit between their lips.
“Is that the best you’ve got, love?” Lana asked mockingly. “I’ve outfucked better cunts than yours in my sleep!”
“Wow, her accent is so sexy.” Kelly commented.
“Yeah.” Denise said, surprised at her own agreement with her Twin.
“You’re not going to take that from her, are you, brunette?” Rebecca asked challengingly to Brooke.
Brooke looked at the crowd around her as they all awaited her answer. She then grinned deviously.
“Well, “love”…” Brooke said sarcastically. “If you’re so sure of yourself, why don’t we take this to the pool?”
“Yeah! Get wet!” Kelly cheered.
“I’d say they’re plenty wet already but sure.” Denise agreed.
The others in the crowd all nodded and cheered in agreement. Brooke gave Lana a smug look, waiting for her answer.
“Have it your way.” Lana said.
“Good.” Brooke said.
The two battling beauties then peeled their labias off of each other with a grunt. As they stood up and the crowd eyed up their toned asses, they immediately pounced on each other, both trying to get a hold of her opponent and be the one to toss her in the pool.
“Give the ladies some room, people.” Rebecca said as the crowd did just that.
The two groaned and struggled to get an advantage.
“Goddamn whore!” Brooke cursed.
“Arrogant slut!” Lana shot back.
They were so focused on their little scuffle that they stopped paying attention to where their position was in relation to the pool. Rebecca then smiled almost evilly and decided to take advantage of that. As they got within a few inches of the pool, the strawberry blonde then charged right into them and pushed them both in at the same time.
“Ahhh!!” Brooke and Lana shrieked as the crowd applauded.
They made a big splash from their combined body weight. They emerged from the water as they both took a deep breath and flipped their drenched brown and black hair out of their face as it was slicked back. They then both glared at Rebecca.
“Oops.” Rebecca said sarcastically.
“She’s a feisty one.” Denise commented.
“I bet she’s even feistier between the sheets.” Kelly added.
Rebecca took her job seriously. Too seriously according to most but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun once in a while.
“You’re lucky I have bigger fish to fry right now, bitch!” Lana threatened.
“When I’m done with this slut, you’re next!” Brooke threatened.
“I’m trembling.” Rebecca said sarcastically.
“Ahhhh!!” Rebecca suddenly yelped as she was pushed into the pool by the mischievous Kelly.
“Kel, what the fuck?!” Denise asked in amazement.
“C’mon, she was asking for it.” Kelly excused.
Rebecca emerged from the water right between Brooke and Lana as she flipped her soaked blonde hair back and glared furiously at Kelly
“You meddling skank! Do you have any idea who you just fucked with?!” Rebecca asked furiously.
“No but I know who they’re about to fuck with.” Kelly teased as she pointed behind Rebecca.
The strawberry blonde turned around too late as the brunette and raven pounced on her and immediately began stripping her bikini off before manhandling her.
“Ugh!” Rebecca groaned as she was molested. “Get the fuck off of me!“
“You need to be taught a lesson about how rude interruption is.” Brooke said.
“Don’t start fights you can’t finish.” Lana added.
“Fucking cu…” Rebecca was about to curse until Lana silenced her with her tongue in her mouth.
Brooke squeezed and slapped at Rebecca’s G cups, pinching her bright pink milk buds as she licked at the security head’s neck.
“Mmmmmmm!!” Rebecca moaned into the forced kiss.
“Damn, that’s fucking hot.” Kelly commented.
She was about to jump in and join in the fun but Brooke and Lana shot her serious looks in their eyes. Looks that basically said “Fuck around and find out”. Kelly got the message. Rebecca was being punished for her meddling and they would not spare Kelly either. The horny raven was disappointed but relented. She could still enjoy the show at the very least. That was something. The crowd watched in complete enthrallment as Rebecca was dominated and humiliated by two total newcomers to the cruise. Some of the audience rather enjoyed the sight as Rebecca had quite a reputation for giving passengers shit over the most trivial things. She had been toning it down a bit under orders from her boss but it was still rather cathartic for long-time fans of the cruise to see her get a taste of her own medicine. Brooke and Lana enjoyed dishing out their revenge on the woman who so rudely interrupted not one but now two great fights between them. The strawberry blonde finally managed to break her mouth away from the raven’s.
“You goddamn slu…” Before she could finish her sentence, Brooke had taken Lana’s place tonguing her mouth down while Lana had taken Brooke’s place lapping at her neck and manhandling her womanly splendor.
Denise found herself becoming way more enthralled by what she was seeing than she expected. She had initially watched Brooke and Lana going at it simply because it wasn’t something you see everyday. Now that it had escalated this far however, Denise could not deny that she was already starting to understand why her sister and so many other women were possessed by the act of sexfighting. She looked at the three nymphos fucking each other in the pool and could just feel the raw, animalistic emotions ebbinb off of them. The sexual pleasure, the competitive fires and the deep lustful fury that compelled them. It was intoxicating just to watch. She couldn’t imagine how it must feel to actually participate. Perhaps she would look more into this sexfighting thing at some point in the near future.
Rebecca meanwhile, was absolutely at her wits end. She struggled to escape but her two opponents bearhugged her from either side, pressing her tits into her arms as they molested her. The sounds of grunting, moaning and water splashing were all that could be heard as she felt Lana jam her fingers straight up into her lower lips.
“Mmmmmm!!!” Rebecca shrieked into Brooke’s mouth at the sudden intrusion.
Brooke grinned into the make out session as she knew what Lana was doing.
“This’ll teach you to interrupt us again, you bitch!” Lana mocked.
Brooke ended the kiss to give their common enemy a moment to catch her breath.
“Do you think she’s learned her lesson, Lana?” Brooke asked condescendingly.
“You know, I’m not quite sure.” Lana answered. “I think we should make her cum at least once to be certain.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Brooke said deviously.
“Don’t you fucking daaaaarrrrreeeee!!!!” Rebecca screamed as she felt her labia being assaulted by both of their hands.
The cool, distinctive feeling of the water on her cunt combined with the two hands pleasuring it was out of this world. Her arms were caught between her two captors, so kissing them back was really her only means of resisting or counterattacking. The two ravenous nymphos treated the blonde like a sex doll being shared between them. They relentlessly licked, kissed, groped, fingered, pawed and spanked her. Rebecca felt like a cheerleader in the boys locker room. A piece of meat being used for the pleasure of everyone else around her. The brunette and raven constantly went back and forth swapping spit with their prey while their hands swarmed all over her body. Rebecca was just way too overwhelmed to do anything about it. She felt one of her opponents violently press her thumb up against her clit under the water while the other knifed her entire hand inside of her and then proceeded to fist her. That was the final straw. As Brooke and Lana both tongued her mouth down simultaneously, Rebecca climaxed at long last.
“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!” She screamed bloody murder as she came.
The other two could feel the sheer kinetic force of her cum blasting into her hands under the water as they released her. Rebecca fell forward, resting on the edge of the pool as Brooke and Lana smiled complacently at their work.
“Next time you mess with us, we’ll fuck you until you pass out.” Brooke threatened.
“And then we’ll take advantage of you in your sleep.” Lana added.
“Rinse and repeat until we get bored of you.” Brooke concluded.
Rebecca wanted nothing more than to teach them both a lesson but the orgasm was a powerful one. She was way too exhausted to keep fighting when she was already outnumbered. Still, she silently vowed to make these whores pay. Not just Brooke and Lana but Kelly for pushing her in. Some of the bystanders went to try and help Rebecca out of the pool but she shooed them away with her hand. She had been degraded enough for one day. Brooke and Lana turned to look at each other. With their eyes, they silently communicated that they had relieved enough of their sexual frustration from last night. Besides, they had the entire cruise left to settle the score. The crowd dispersed, having gotten their show.
“That was…really hot.” Denise admitted to Kelly as they walked away.
“See, girl? I told you!” Kelly said excitedly. “You gotta try it sometime, sis.”
“I’ll think about it.” Denise said. “I still have a daughter to raise…and a second daughter in a grown woman’s body.”
“Hardy har.” Kelly said sarcastically.
Brooke and Lana then dried off and left, leaving Rebecca laying on the edge of the pool in defeat. As the last of the crowd was gone, the man from earlier had stepped in front of Rebecca.
“That was quite a display.” He said.
“Mr. Broderick?!“ Rebecca said in shock as her face went red. “Sir, I can explain!”
“No need. I saw everything.” Broderick said. “I rather enjoyed it.”
“You…You did?” Rebecca asked with mixed happiness and sadness. “I’m sorry, I…”
“You lost, Becky. It happens to the best of us.” Broderick said. “I just hope you won’t let it get in the way of your job…Or your revenge.”
“Of course not, sir.” Rebecca said, regaining her composure and determination. “I’ll get back to work.”
Broderick then helped her out of the pool with one hand and handed her her white bikini with the other as she got dressed again. She then realized that this was the first time her boss had ever seen her naked.
“Sir…” Rebecca asked. Uncharacteristically shyly. “Did you…like what you saw…with me?”
“Of course I did, Becky. You have an amazing body.” Broderick answered honestly, making Rebecca blush.
There was some solace from this little incident after all. Rebecca found herself feeling better already.
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