Syn knew this time would come, for what was that quote? Like shooting ducks all in a row. And in a row they were. The who's who of the NeXus realm. She had studied them all, countless ways, and from every possible conceivable angle. Past enemies were questioned, some even recruited to assist in what she would call ...

The balancing the scales.

With each battle, light versus darkness would fight, with neither side ever claiming a true victory for very long. Those that embraced evil would switch to the path of the light, and vice versa. To those that continued to observe, it was becoming one cosmic collective headache. How could such beings, often considered on the bottom half of the food chain even possess the Crystal of Making at one point?

Those responsible would pay the ultimate penance, sending a strong message to those that would dare tamper with the inner workings of the NeXus realm, less they share the same results that had befallen the once proud realm called Rhydin. The laws there were no longer followed, time lines held no sway, random eras mixed with other cultures, producing bastard realities that only severed to increase the chain reaction destined to destroy them all.

They would not be committed to death, after all, that had been tried too many times with less than positive results. Everyone has their place in the NeXus realm, whether it be for good or evil. Of late, the forces of Neutrality had made themselves a player, throwing the balance once again into chaos. Three major factions, all wanting to achieve that ultimate supreme power.

The perfect example of the three factions? The brothers of Steele. Arion Steele, the good. Devantious Steele, the neutral. Argus Steele, the evil. And yet with one single action, the roles of the three have played could be instantly switched. Reversed. The gargoyles, StyXx. StyLz. Stonze. Another example of the three factions.

And yet ....

And yet there were still two of the three that had not yet encountered their third to their own personal triad.

Jere Wulfsohng, and his brother Brohm. Pheus and Solah. Finally, the single players. Yes, there were many, but only a select few that were worth mentioning ... Taboo. Lilia, or whatever guise she was portraying at that time. The ever unpredictable, but equally dangerous Briar. As mentioned, countless other players that were nothing more than simple pawns waiting, bidding their time in hopes of soon toppling the higher pieces.

Good versus evil had their time in the sun long enough. Now it was the dawn of a new era. A stronger era. An era that would best represent the NeXus realm.

A neutral one.

The Crystal of Making would glow brighter, and brighter still, consuming all within its brilliance until ...

Until ...