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Thread: The Barbie Series - Barbie's New Friends

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    Senior Hostboard Member tr0tz's Avatar
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    Sadly, this is the last one from the Barbie series that I got :-(

    Barbie's New Friends

    by Eagledriver

    Barbie drove her BMW 525 slowly down the dimly lit streets of the shady part of town looking at the building numbers as she went. There it was 1708, a run down apartment building used by the dregs of society to exist. She pulled her car over and looked out the window, seeing the light on in the third floor window just as she?d been told to expect. ?Well, I guess it?s time,? she thought to herself, a slight uneasiness in her. She could take care of herself, she was sure, but she was outside of her element and wanted this to end quickly.

    She opened the car door and stepped out of the car, moving towards the steps leading up to the apartment building. She walked slowly, her eyes fixed but taking everything in, letting nothing escape, her senses on full alert. She climbed the steps and entered the building, walking down the barely lit, grungy hallway, then up the three flights of stairs. She opened the door to the floor and walked down the hall until she came to the door marked 311. She knocked three times as she been told to do.

    The door opened slightly and Barbie could see the whites of someone?s eyeballs looking through the narrow slit of the chained door. The door closed, the chain was unlatched, and then the door opened quickly. ?Hurry up. Get inside!? yelled the voice behind the door. Barbie moved quickly through the jam and the door shut closed and the chain was again latched as well as the throw of a dead bolt.

    The apartment was barely lit but she could still see that it was just as filthy like everything else in the building. ?You Barbie?? inquired the voice from behind. The blonde turned to see a petite woman, no a girl really, staring up at her. ?Yes I am. Are you Jodi?? asked Barbie watching the woman as you moved past her down the dingy hallway. ?Yeah, that?s me bitch. Bobby says you have a hunger for S&M and that I could help you. What are we talking?? she said as Barbie followed her into the living room. The room was fairly clean except for the walls and the lighting was better giving Barbie a better glimpse of this girl. She couldn?t be more than 18 years old, short about 5?, dark brown hair, and huge breasts.

    Barbie took a seat across from her and got down to business. ?Yes, I?m interested in certain fetishes that you might entertain,? replied the blonde looking at this girl. Jodi took a good look at Barbie, noticing her well-developed physique and concluded ?So what is it you?re into. Domination? Wrestling? Boxing? Torture? Or a little bit of everything?? Barbie was looked at her carefully. For someone so young she was perceptive. There was intelligence in the eyes. ?Oh, you can say that. I like to box and wrestle mostly?? Barbie started to say when Jodi interrupted. ?But mostly against women who are your equal. You want someone you can completely dominate like a rag doll. Is that it?? Barbie looked at her deeply, she was very intuitive this one. ?Something like that.?

    Jodie got up and left the room returning a minute later with a binder that she tossed at Barbie. ?Go ahead bitch and look through that, you?ll see the things I?ve done. Tell me if that?s what you want.? Barbie opened the binder and looked through the photos, some Polaroid?s. There were various pictures of what Jodie had experienced, from boob torture, spankings, and facesitting, to boxing, wrestling, titfighting and bondage. In most she was on the receiving end of the punishment. In others, she was the one administering the punishment. Barbie looked up at her and smiled, ?Yeah, that?s what I?m looking for. Seems you?ve experienced a lot for someone so young.? Jodie looked back at Barbie, knowing that she would have to endure much from this bigger woman, then caught the twinkle in the woman?s eyes. Without hesitating she stood up and pulled off the T-shirt she was wearing, exposing her boobs. ?These are what it?s all about. I figured you?d want to see them, to see what you?re buying.? Then she unzipped her jeans and pulled them off, her cotton panties hugging her tight ass. She spun around for Barbie then said, ?The rest of the package is solid too. Most women wish they had my body. I?m a 32E by the way, all natural, just in case you wanted to know.? Barbie smiled at the young woman, impressed by the package in front of her. Her breasts were huge and full, not flat, and looked even bigger on such a small body. Barbie then stood up, undid the buttons of her white blouse and dropped it to the floor. She then reached around her back and undid the clasp of her bra, ?This is what you?ll be up against, they?re 38EE?s.? Barbie then undid her black slacks and dropped them to the floor, her thong bikini briefs leaving little for the imagination. Jodie was duly impressed by what she saw. Barbie then sat down pulled her shoes off and completed removing her slacks.

    ?Those can?t be real,? Jodie said. Barbie smiled and motioned to her, ?Come over and check them out. They?re real.? The little girl moved over to where the blonde sat. Barbie stood up and nodded so Jodie grabbed hold of both tits, feeling and squeezing them. ?Convinced?? Jodie moved back to her seat ?Yes. I can?t believe it but they?re real. You certainly have nice big firm tits, Barbie.? She figured Barbie?s tits were bigger then her head and that they probably weighed 5 pounds each ?Are there others?? Barbie asked Jodie. Jodie nodded yes, then went to the bedroom again and reappeared with another set of binders that she gave to Barbie. Barbie started to flip through the photos as Jodie looked on. Barbie pointed to one of the girls. ?That?s Kate, she?s got medium size tits but and she can take lots of punishment. That?s Carla, big tough girl with pretty nice tits, she mostly dominates. This one is Hope, she?s got no tits at all and always gets the shit kicked out of her. Here is Nikki. She?s kinda plump, really big tits like mine, can go either way.?

    Barbie looked through the photos one more time and selected Nikki and Kate. Jodie went to the kitchen, and made a call. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. She went to answer it and returned a moment later with two other women. Nikki was about 5?5? and Kate slightly shorter at 5?3?. Nikki was slightly heavy but had a tremendous set of tits. Kate?s tits paled in comparison. ?Ladies, this is Barbie. Barbie, this is Nikki and Kate.? The women exchange greetings and both young women looked over the stranger before them. Usually their services went to men, but on occasion women would seek their company. Barbie stood in front of them, both women looking at the blonde?s huge orbs. ?Okay ladies, show her what you got,? said Jodie. The two young women then undressed for Barbie. Nikki?s tits were big 38D?s and fuller then Jodie?s, and a big ass. Kate was more curvaceous and had a nice pair of C cups and a nice bubble butt.

    Barbie looked the two over and the four women talked for a while. Barbie then said, ?I think it?s only fair you get to see what you?re getting into.? With that she pulled a videotape from her purse and handed it to Jodie who loaded it into the VCR. She hit the play button then sat back as the tape rolled showing a blonde boxing a smaller blonde. The women watched, Nikki, Jodie and Kate whispering at certain points in the tape, each time glancing at Barbie who was rubbing her panty clad pussy with one hand and pulling on her nipples with the other. She was getting off in front of them and as the tape went on first Kate and then Jodie moved over to her, each girl grabbing one of her huge knockers and beginning to pinch and pull the already erect and hard nipples. Nikki moved in between her legs and took over massaging her moist panties, eventually sliding them down so she could finger the big blonde?s cunt. The three young women worked on Barbie taking her to a climax of tremendous proportions. The four women then huddled together exchanging kisses.
    ?Well, I?ve never done that before. You ladies are certainly talented in that aspect,? Barbie stated as she stood up and went to the VCR to remove the tape. ?So what do you think now that you?ve seen what can happen?? she inquired. ?Well, I?ve had guys do similar things to me, though maybe not so intently,? commented Nikki. ?And I?m pretty sure I can take a similar amount of abuse. But I?ve never boxed before,? replied Jodie. ?That?s okay, I didn?t come here because of your boxing skills,? was Barbie?s answer. The two young women looked at Kate who said, ?I?m not so sure, I?ve done some wild S&M, nipple clamps, bondage, whips and chains, but this is totally new to me. I?m?. scared.? Barbie could certainly understand that so she offered, ?Well, I can?t force you to do it. It?s a personal and business decision on your part. But I can offer you a nice room at my penthouse to recover, and a tidy fee of, say, 10,000 apiece.?

    The three young women then conferred amongst themselves, whispering, and glancing at Barbie every so often. It was a lot of money for women living in poverty, eching out a meager living through prostitution. Then they seemed to have come to a conclusion, Jodie being the spokesperson said ?Okay, we?re in.? Barbie smiled, ?Great!. Why don?t you ladies get your things packed and we?ll leave tonight.? The women dressed and Nikki and Kate disappeared out the door, returning 30 minutes later with a suitcase each. The women then moved out of the apartment, down the stairs, and out to Barbie?s car and off they went.

    They arrived at Barbie?s top floor penthouse where Salena greeted them at the door and showed the guests to their rooms. The three young women were amazed at the size of the place. They?re lives on the poor side of the city hadn?t prepare them for such luxury and it seemingly overwhelmed them. They settled in their rooms then met Barbie in the living room for a quick tour of the penthouse. She went from room to room then led them to the gym where they would fight. ?While you?re here, you are my guests so if you need anything, just call Salena and she?ll take care of all your needs. I figure we?ll have our fun in a week, which will give you time to settle in. It?ll also give you time to backout of the deal. Several rules, though; no phone calls, and no leaving the place for the time you?re here. That voids our deal and you won?t like the repercussions. Questions?? The women looked at Barbie, then each other, the nodded their agreement. Nikki seemed to like the place as she looked over the weight machines. ?Can we use these things while we?re here?? she inquired. ?Sure, you have full access, you can even use the ring if you?d like,? was Barbie?s reply.

    Through the weekend and into Tuesday, Nikki worked out on the weights, hoping that it somehow would help her in their upcoming fight with the big blonde. Nikki was able to lift quite a bit of weight and seemed to relish the upcoming event. When they met Wednesday morning for breakfast, they discussed a little exhibition for the evening. Nikki was intent on taking on Kate, who was still apprehensive about the whole matter but needed the money. By mid-afternoon, Nikki had goaded her into a catfight in the ring.

    At 7pm they gathered in the gym, Nikki entering the ring then stripped down to her bra and panties. She had at least a 30-lb. weight advantage on Kate even though they were about the same height. Kate got in the ring with some hesitation, then stripped out of her cloths until she was down to her bra and panties. Barbie looked on, smiling, and said, ?Okay, we?ll make this a short fight. Don?t want you two hurt before I get my chance at you on Saturday. We?ll set the timer for ten minutes.? Nikki smiled at Kate and said, ?Don?t worry, Kate, I won?t hurt you too much.? Barbie sat back down next to Jodie then hit the remote for the timer. The bell sounded and the fight was on.

    Nikki charged at Kate running straight into her, powering her shoulder into Kate?s breasts and driving her into the ropes. Startled, Kate grabbed at Nikki?s hair as the bigger girl wrapped her arms around her and squeezed. ?UUUGGGHHHH? cried Kate as Nikki?s bearhug tightened. ?Let go of my hair you bitch!? cried Nikki as she increased the pressure of her grip on her opponent. ?OOHHHH? yelled Kate under the assault and she released her grip on Nikki?s hair. The big girl then whipped her across the ring, sending her into the opposite ropes. Nikki came quickly after Kate grabbing her hair and slamming a punch into her belly, then one into the right boob. Kate cried out in pain so Nikki repeated the blows, inflicting more pain. ?Is this what you wanted to see Barbie?? asked Nikki as she swung Kate over and slammed her to the mat with a loud ?THUD?. Barbie looked on, smiling, nodding approvingly as Jodie yelled, ?Come on Kate, fight back!? Kate was almost in tears as Nikki reached down, grabbed her hair and pulled her back to her feet, then whipped her into the corner. Nikki came crashing into Kate using her 30-lb. weight advantage to its fullest. She hooked her fingers in the bra and twisted the material, allowing the straps to dig into the back and sides of Kate?s body, then used it to throw her back down to the mat. Nikki was in complete control as she crashed her supple ass down on top of Kate?s stomach, trapping the girl beneath her. ?Having fun yet, honey?? laugh Nikki as she pulled Kate?s bra up freeing the large breasts. Nikki then began bouncing up and down on Kate?s tummy as her fingers dug into the trapped girl?s tits, pulling and twisting them, then working the nipples. Kate screamed out in pain as the bigger girl mauled her tits.

    Nikki released her foe?s breasts, then reached around and undid the clasp of her own bra, freeing her huge orbs. ?That?s better. Now, let?s see how this feels,? as she slammed a fist down into Kate?s right tit. ?YYYEEOOOOOWWW!!!!? cried Kate. ?Your tits aren?t much,? laughed Nikki as she punched the other boob. She then brought her fists out to the side and then sank them both in at the same time trapping Kate?s big boobs between them. ?OOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEE,? she cried. Nikki got up off the other girl, pulled off her panties, then dropped back down on top of Kate, this time in a school boy pin. Kate was trapped again. She struggled underneath the bigger woman in a vain attempt to free herself but Nikki?s weight advantage was too much. Nikki laughed again, ?Oh you poor thing! Time for more fun!? and with that she pulled Kate?s face into her cunt while bouncing up and down on her foe?s breasts. Barbie and Jodie chatted, watching intently as Nikki took apart Kate. After a minute or so, Nikki got up and reversed herself then dropped back down on top of Kate smothering her face under her large ass, pinning her arms beneath her legs. Nikki then cruelly reached under Kate?s panties and mauled her cunt, pulling on her labia while she ground her ass into opponent?s face. She then worked the girl?s big tits over, punching, slapping, pinching, and twisting them. One could barely hear the muffled cries from Kate. With less then two minutes left, Nikki got off her beaten foe, then worked her head between her legs and applied a scissors hold to Kate?s head. Kate?s nose was solidly up against Nikki?s pussy as the bigger woman took pleasure in administering more punishment. Her hands were free to work Kate?s tits at will. Nikki was quite disappointed when the buzzer sounded ending the fight. With one last squeeze she released Kate and stood up, triumphantly placing one foot on Kate?s right boob and raising both arms in victory. Kate lay moaning and crying under her tormentor.

    Barbie and Jodie began to hoot and holler as they clapped for the big woman. ?Way to go, Nikki!? yelled Barbie. ?You were awesome!? commented Jodie as the women rose from their seats and entered the ring to congratulate her. They hugged and kissed her then lent Kate a hand getting her off the mat and to her bed. Salena came with ice packs to help sooth the pain and before long Kate was resting soundly. Nikki went and took a shower as Jodie and Barbie went to the living room to chat and watch a movie.

    The next few days past quickly and Saturday evening arrived. Nikki and Jodie were somewhat excited about the evening events but Kate was quiet and somewhat depressed. She was sure that Barbie would pick her to fight first. Her stomach felt queasy and she was trembling at the thought of facing the blonde bimbo.

    The women filed into the gym where Barbie awaited them wearing navy blue spandex shorts, a matching Nike sports bra, white athletic socks and white Nike sneakers. Her body glistened with sweat, as she must have been working out while waiting for the appointed time. ?Okay, ladies, I think it?s only fair that we have a coin toss to decide who goes first,? she said as she moved across the gym towards them, a white towel across her shoulders. Kate seemed to let out sigh of relief as Barbie continued, ?It?ll be me and one of you against the other two.? Jodie and Nikki smiled nodding there heads as Salena came in to the gym shutting the door and disappearing into one of the side rooms. She came out as Barbie continued, ?Salena will do the coin toss so it?ll be fair. You can only have 2 in the ring for 30 seconds then one of the team has to leave. Any questions?? Jodie and Nikki looked at each other and nodded in agreement, then Kate spoke up, ?When is the match over?? Barbie smiled, looking at her, ?When one teams members are both pinned or knocked out.? Kate turned a shade of white, visibly trembling before the other three women. ?Okay Salena, you toss, Jodie you call it in the air.? Salena tossed the coin in the air and Jodie yelled out ?Heads!? as the coin landed on the floor. ?Heads, senorita? replied Salena to Barbie. ?Okay, Jodie, whose team are you on?? inquired the big blonde. ?Why yours of course, Barbie? she said laughing. ?That settles it, then, it?s me and Jodie versus you two so lets get things moving!?

    Barbie and Jodie moved off and entered the ring settling on the far corner. Nikki jumped up on the ring and pulled off her top and was unclasping her bra when she turned to Kate, ?Let?s go, girl, I need you up here with me!? Reluctantly, Kate got in the ring and began to undress. By this time, Barbie and Jodie were completely topless, wearing only their thong panties. Kate took her time, still nervous about the whole thing. Barbie and Jodie exchanged whispers, apparently planning their tactics. With Kate at her side, Nikki entered the ring first. Jodie got in on her side and then Salena rang the bell and the match was on.

    Nikki came out and circled Jodie, then grabbed her right arm and quickly twisted the limb while spinning her and then releasing her into the ropes. Jodie bounced off and Nikki caught her with a solid right punch to the belly, which dropped the smaller woman to the mat. Nikki wasted little time and pressed her big weight advantage, dropping down on top of Jodie crushing chest her under her big ass. Jodie moaned out as her body was slammed by the heavier Nikki, reaching up and latching onto her foe?s hair and ripping her head downward. Nikki screamed ?Let go of my hair!? as it was ripped from her skull. She grabbed a handful of Jodie? hair and tugged at the dirty blonde mane. Jodie was being crushed under Nikki?s weight and tried desperately to toss her off by pulling the bigger girl side to side. Nikki in turn started to slam Jodie? head into the mat until finally she forced the little girl to release her hold on her hair.

    Jodie grabbed for her tormentor?s wrists, but Nikki was too quick and soon had Jodie in a school boy pin. With her arms trapped under Nikki?s knees there was little she could do but try and twist and turn her body in an attempt to dislodge the heavier woman. Nikki bounced up and down on Jodie? chest then reached around her back and found the little girl?s nipples and began tugging and twisting them. Jodie cried out in pain still trying to knock Nikki off of her. But the 40 lb. plus weight advantage was too much and soon Nikki took complete control of her foe.

    The heavier woman worked her foe?s nipples, pulling her tits out then letting them go, allowing the large orbs to fall back down onto her chest. Nikki looked down and smiled at Jodie as she now sunk her talons into her large breasts, digging her claws in and making the smaller woman scream out in pain. Kate watched, remembering her own encounter with Nikki earlier in the weak, content that it was someone else?s turn this time. Meanwhile, Barbie stood on the apron of the ring across from where the action was, her large breasts resting on the top rope, awaiting her turn which she knew would come.

    Nikki released her hold and stood up, dragging Jodie to her feet by her hair and slamming her into the turnbuckle. She looked at Kate, ?Your turn, Kate. Hit the bitch hard!? Kate was hesitant as Nikki held Jodie up for her, waiting for her partner to take over. ?Didn?t you hear me! I said ?Hit her!? Let?s go!? but Kate still couldn?t bear to hit her friend. Nikki slammed Jodie into the turnbuckle again, stunning the smaller woman again. She then turned her around and pounded several punches into her large tits, while yelling at Kate, ?Get in here now and start punching her or I?ll start working you over! And this time I won?t go easy on you like I did the other day! Now get your fucking ass in here and start hitting her!? Reluctantly, Kate came through the ropes as Nikki turned Jodie around and pulled the smaller girls arms behind her back, completely defenseless. Kate closed her eyes and sent a right into Jodie? tummy then followed up with a right to her left boob. ?Punch her harder then that, Kate!

    Kate plowed another punch into Jodie? belly, this time with a loud SMACK! Nikki released her hold dropping Jodie to the mat then ducked out of the ring. Kate was on her own, standing over her friend as Nikki urged her, ?Well, don?t just stand there, hon, she?s all yours now!? Kate stared down at Jodie who was holding her belly lying on her side, moaning with tears running down her cheeks. The small girl then started to crawl away, heading for her corner where Barbie awaited. Kate realized that, if she didn?t do something, Barbie would enter the ring and Nikki would probably leave her to the big blonde. With that, she went after Jodie, grabbing her by the ankles and pulling her back towards her own corner.

    Jodie cried out in pain as her hurting boobs were dragged across the mat. Kate released her ankles letting them fall to the mat then dropped down on her back, grabbed her hair and pulled the head up, causing her back to bend. The little blonde yelped out as her hair was pulled from her scalp. Jodie lifted up with her arms to try and relieve the pressure on her back and scalp. Kate, using her free left hand, reached under and grabbed Jodie? left tit, pulling and squeezing it. ?Now that?s more like it!? yelled Nikki as she watched her teammate go to work. Barbie just looked on smiling, enjoying the punishment the two women were dishing out to her own teammate. Kate pressed her advantage, digging her nails into Jodie? unprotected tit, kneading it unmercifully. She then let go of her friend?s hair, Jodie? head dropping down to the mat. The respite was short lived as Kate grabbed her hair again and pulled hard, pulling the little blonde back up and then attacking the right tit. She mauled the big orb finding some excitement in torturing her friend.

    Nikki was shouting her encouragement as Kate continued her unrelenting assault on Jodie? body. After exacting a heavy price, Kate got off the sobbing Jodie and tagged in Nikki. Nikki came through the ropes quickly, taking hold of Jodie? ankles and using them to flip her onto her back. She then straddled her, pining Jodie? arms down above her head and pressing her tits into her trapped foe?s. She maneuvered her legs until she had the smaller girl in a grapevine, expertly pulling the legs apart and pressuring Jodie? groin. Weakening under the heavier woman, Jodie squirmed less and less, Nikki proving to be too much for her. For a full 5 minutes, Nikki exerted complete control using her body to crush her friend beneath her. Barbie was enthralled at the exhibition before her eyes, watching Nikki intently, fingering her nipples until they were hard and erect.

    Kate reached into the ring with her hand, ?Tag me in! I want to show you what I can do!? Nikki laughed, ?Okay, Kate, you finish her off.? With that Kate came through the ropes and Nikki got up off Jodie. She then grabbed her hands and pulled her up, holding the battered blonde up, her arms behind her back. Kate came over and started with a series of hard punches to Jodie? tits and belly, exacting more punishment on her friend before Nikki let go and exited the ring. Laying on her side and clutching her tummy, Jodie was defenseless before her tormentor. Kate looked at Nikki and smiled, then dropped down to the mat, her knee crushing her friend?s breast against the mat. Jodie howled out in agony at the new attack grabbing her assailant?s knee in a vain attempt to remove it. Kate pulled Jodie? arms away, lifted up and then dropped down a second time, rewarded with an ear splitting cry of pain.

    Kate got to her feet, then grabbed hold of Jodie? blonde mane, pulling her up and over to the ropes. With Jodie facing outward of the ring, Kate pressed her body against her back while she simultaneously grabbed hold of the top rope and pulled it down until it was positioned across her friend?s breast. She then pulled the ropes into the already battered tits, working the ropes in and out, up and down, torturing the abused orbs. Jodie was trapped and her nipples suffered severely. Barbie moved over along the apron of the ring to watch. Kate took notice and intensified her attack, inflicting much more pain and torture on Jodie?s breasts.

    Nikki looked over at Barbie who gave her a nod with a smile attached. Nikki moved in and slammed her fist into Jodie? aching right tit, then the left. She slugged her trapped friend in the gut, then began randomizing her punches as Kate pressed the beaten girl?s body into the ropes. The tag team assault impressed Barbie, her body aching to get into the act. She watched as Nikki reach inside Jodie? thong and began to pull on her blonde bush, yanking the pubic hairs in all directions, then ripping them out. She grabbed hold of the thong bikini and pulled it up tightly into a wedgie, using it as a weapon to assault Jodie? cunt. In the mean time, Kate started to pull the top rope up and down across poor Jodie? nipples. The little blonde was wailing out, tears streaming down her face as she begged her attackers to stop. Finally Barbie said ?That?s enough girls, I think Jodie has suffered enough punishment for one night.?

    Kate released the ropes and moved off, thrusting her hands into the air in triumph. Jodie sank to the mat and curled up into a fetal position holding her aching tits and cunt, sobbing. Nikki smiled at the little girl, then looked at Barbie who nodded approvingly. Salena came forward with some ice packs, water and towels to treat the hurting battler. Kate moved over towards her corner, high-fiving Nikki as Salena pulled Jodie from the ring. With her back turned away, Barbie ducted through the ropes, for the night was just getting started.

    [Note by tr0tz: how does it go on ...?]

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    I figured I should reply eventually. I LOVED these last 2 parts, I didn't have them either. AWESOME!!

    Someone should continue this, even if it's an "unofficial" continuation. IF it happens, Baribe should obiterate them, tits to crotch. However... as this is called "barbie's friends" I think it'd be cool if they stayed her friends, Jodie in particular, maybe atleast jodie staying with barbie and helping her get revenge. And barbie getting revenge on everyone that helped destroy her I SOOOO wanna see happen. As with as brutality as possible. [img]smile.gif[/img]


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