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Thread: Where there's Smoke ...

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner Bradyn Zachariah's Avatar
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    The RLD ... Or more affectionately known as the Red Light District. To the history buffs, it was upgrade of what Old Earth called Las Vegas, (Double the size of California, before the great earthquake that cause it to fall/sink into the ocean, combined with a continual Marti Gras theme that showcased every know creed of human, alien, daemon, and cyborg. Just to name a few. It was the hot spot, the in place, of New Terra.

    With all the lucrative businesses, and a fluid economy, it was easy to overlook the more darker elements that also dwelled within the RLD. Crime. Drugs. Prostitution, and other things that were referred to as the Nature of the beast within the black market sector of the RLD. The upper region sections were well protected from the ... Lower class citizens.

    To any onlooker that bothered to look up towards the rooftop anytime during that day, would have thought nothing of the squatting figure partially hidden within the shadows. Not even the ninety degree heat, plus factoring the humidity did nothing to cause any movement ... Save for a pair of eyes of the darkest brown, they were almost black in color, were well shielded behind a pair of anti reflection spectacles, observed the alley within the shadow of the building, as well the main straight that crossed in front of it.

    His toned dark frame was dressed in form fitting impact gear, the best the Corporation could buy ... Or produce.

    This was going on the third day, and though there were no visible signs of fatigue, it was his patience that was wearing thin. However, if his contact was correct with his paid for information, he would wait three more days to obtain this price. No one had dared ventured into the alley way since late Wednesday, which meant a potential transaction was going down. Of course there were the eye scouts sent to make sure no Paladins Knights were patrolling the area, or anyone lurking around that should not be.

    Any normal person would have suffered severe cramping, not to mention extreme dehydration from being in his current position, luckily for Smoke ....

    He was anything but.

    That nagging doubt was beginning to make the back of his neck itch, that doubt that his informant yanked his chain. He certainly hoped not because he would have to break his other arm, a stern warning given, and a promise to be kept. Dusk soon claimed the city, the heat/humidity dropping down to a more tolerate level. There would be no need to use up as many electra credits in running the central AC units. but the fans were provide more than enough adequate cooling.

    10:48 pm. The arrival of an eye scout. He remained on the outside of the alley, selling watches, and other random jewelry, no doubt stolen from the ritzier section of the RLD. Another would arrive twenty minutes later, under the guise of a potential customer. A hint of a smile tugged at those darkened features. Finally, it was going down.

    The customer would soon light up a cigarette, a signal that all was clear. An all black terrain vehicle pulled into the alley way, followed by several more eye scouts. These scouts were armed to the teeth. Ten minutes later, two more terrain vehicles pulled into the alley ... Mental note made, all three had been modified, the super glossy finish gave it away. Those were made to absorb a direct hit from most of the Paladin Knights top arsenal. Hopefully he'd be able to salvage one for his own personal enjoyment.

    Squinting his eyes cause his line of vision to zoom in on the happenings below with 92% clarity. The contacts were working to perfection. Body heat signatures were counted, along with the heat radiating off from the assortment of weapons, seen or not. What he didn't expect was three second in commands of rival squads meeting for this transaction. This was way bigger than what his informant had discovered. Bonus cut for him now, instead of another broken limb.

    This was no mere drug/guns/money exchange ....


    It had been some time since he had a decent workout. Perhaps he'd even break a sweat ...

    Meet Smoke. Those below are about to, maybe they'll live to talk about it.

    Probably not.

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    Inactive Member Mirrored Ways's Avatar
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    The woman knelt,easing down into a crouched position on her haunches as her muscles pulled taut... waiting for that release of energy. Such wasn't to come as her eyes lost their focus, her appearance seeming to waver. Perhaps she wasn't there. Just an illusion.


    A cough and she was clearing her throat as she scowled at the benefactor to her talents, shaking her head roughly.

    "Take a stick and shove it up your ass. I've been at this for fifteen hours straight. If that isn't enough to prove to you that I'm worth it and I'm not going to botch your job then you can shove it all."

    Lips peeled back in the semblance of a snarl that made her seem wicked and dangerous. The growl rumbled in her throat as her eyes flickered to the appearance of a lioness's own amber eyes.

    "Well... really Ms. Baine... that all is not really necessary. We trust your skills and your talents perfectly... you can understand... that we just have to be sure."

    "Perhaps I need to write this out in blood for you?"

    A thick swallow was offered from her business partner, the only real leway that kept Mirror and her sometimes elusive partner Smoke in line. The metaphorical "And" to their team.

    "Now Now that won't be necessary."

    The balding man in his 30's shuffled up quickly to the woman and clapped a firm hand on her shoulder. Locking eyes with him, it seemed enough for the blond woman sobered and stood up.

    "You better be damn well pleased that you're dealing with me and Anderson here... if my partner (in crime) was here he'd be done with this shit."

    A huff and she folded her arms in front of her chest. "Do we have a deal or not."

    Chin lifted in a challenge, eyes narrowing as she waited. A curl of a smile then tipped at the corner of her mouth. Whatever the man saw then had him screaming in horror before he was sliding the briefcase over to her.

    "Yes, Oh my lord... Yes we have a deal."


    Beaming a smile she snatched up the briefcase from the floor and winked at Anderson before swatting him on his back.

    "Let's book it."

    A sigh. "Really Mirror... must it always be like this?"
    "Long as it gets the job done? You bet your ass."

    Just another average day of pleasant introductions for the one known as Mirror and the ever empathetic "And"erson.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner Brehnic Kohnar's Avatar
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    Mental note. Never, and I mean ... NEVER, get Smoke on my bad side. I don't think it would ever happen considering our past, but I make that mental note just incase. Who am I? Name's Brehnic Alexander Kohnar the Third, I'm an Immortal, New Blood Edition. I'm also a member of the card carrying merc squad, The Rogues Gallery. Shameless plug, but hey, it pays to advertise!!!

    I had been enjoying a little down time following some back to back jobs with the Gallery, via my custom made hot tub, complete with mini bar and Holo Def spectrum series 9000 viewer, which also had caller ID. While placing my bets on the weeks games, I get a text message on my private line. It was from Smoke. He had located the time and place of the next big exchange. Which was no mean feat in itself considering those in the know, are quite picky who else knows. Smoke would not have contacted me, unless it was game on.

    He's anal like that.

    I cashed in a few favors (along with some elite brand property) for some ... Extra insurance, never know when the Paladin Knights will stick their holier than thou noses into affairs that don't involve them. Bottom line, I get a V.I.P pass, front row, ring side seat to the gathering.

    No, not that kind of *gathering.* (Google Highlander/Immortal for more info on that particular subject.)

    What I didn't know was three of the most notorious factions that walked on the planet, had formed some sort of truce, to do business for one night only. They sent a top of the line custom made all terrain vehicle to pick me up, complete with exotic eye candy. Carlos, the second in command of the Rigellian Deth was even inside. Oh yeah, this just kept getting better. "I wasn't expecting to be picked up, Carlos. Don't trust me after all this time?"

    Carlos flashed me that million dollar smile, literally. He had a grill permanently fused to his teeth, which billed him in the ball park of ... You guessed it. ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!! (Cue the Austin Powers/Dr. Evil theme here).

    "Ain't about dat, B-3, it's about respect man. You know we don't let any outsider to one of 'dese, but you down with all three factions, so we thought to get first dibs on getting you 'dere in style, RD style man!! I picked out da candy myself, man. No retread on 'dese models. Top of de line, state of de art. The best for the best, you feelin' me?"

    I was impressed. I didn't think these Cyber mates were due out for another four - five months, especially these models. Carlos informed me that Preston was offering these to me, as a show of good faith.

    Like that say, if it's free it's for me.

    A little wine, some imported shrimp, and we were on our way. To say there wasn't any tension in the air, would have been a flat out nada. These factions ... The Rigellian Deth, Caprician Vypers, and the Earth V Mafia. These three are the main bad of the bad. The Gallery has done various jobs with each of them in the past, with a zero tolerance rule about going against the other faction. That's how we roll.
    That's how I'm one of the select few that can be at this gathering.

    Everyone was playing nice, little conversation here and there. I made sure my gifts remained inside the terrain vehicle. Didn't want them to be among the body count when the uber violence began. That's the one thing about being an immortal, it hurts like all get out when I take one for the team, but it erases any doubt about me playing the field.

    A quick glance at my watch told me that it was going down soon ... In more ways than one. Knowing Smoke, he was already in place, and had the entire section primed, set, and ready to go. Question remained, which faction was going to take the blame for this. That was until I saw what was being traded ...

    Meta Growth Stabilizer. One shot of that shyte, and you're strong as a brick house. Too much of it, and you're left with the intelligence of a brick. Ecstasy Prime? Damn, I thought that stuff was outlawed by every planet under the Federation Unity Pact. Someone knows someone, that's for sure. Bio body armor? Holy frakkin' shyte!! I thought that was still in the planning stages ... This was no simple drug trade.

    If Smoke was here ... What about Mirror? Not like I could ever tell when she was around ... But if she was also here, things were going to get really interesting. Not to mention bloody. Ring side seat baby, I loved it.

    Fo' Shizzle, yo.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Mirrored Ways's Avatar
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    She got a kick out of exchanges. Swinging that briefcase like it was nobody's business.

    "Mirror really... you make that seem a bit gay... you're supposed to be one of the most wealthiest business owners this side of red light and you're acting like you have a box of candy in that briefcase rather then what is in it."

    Her smile was more of a baring of teeth then anything as she squared her shoulders, that *image* of the man she had made more useless then a potty trained toddler settling more squarely around her aura.

    The delicious kick of it all was that for Mirror it wasn't just an illusion. Duplication down to genetics practically. The woman had researched her talents to the point that she could even mimic genetic structure. If Mirror ever became a thief needless to say it would be hard to leave it on her.

    "Yes." A sigh and Anderson roughly scrubbed at his bald head. Nervous near mousy eyes were quickly searching for that elusive Smoke. As if Mirror seemed to know what Anderson was thinking she just looked at him with that stoic gaze of indifference.


    A rough shove of him in a place she had already assured would be safeguarded and was "Rogue" owned. Eyes narrowed she rechecked her appearance in the glass case of a porn shop. Entirely fitting.

    Briefly she scowled remembering not to long ago before the project had got their greedy paws on her... she'd once been nothing more then a scrawny, leggy wallflower. Dorky glasses and braces and the whole nine yards. The girl that no one ever would realize at that age that ten years down the road she'd be an absolute knockout.

    Truth be told such promises came true... especially with a little help from the Project. Still it had taken her 13 years past her rebirth into Arianrhod Baine to even be able to look at her true face in a mirror.

    Jaw squared she tightened her grip on the briefcase, shoulders tightened she turned away and walked straight into the mouth of the lion so to speak. The crowd was waiting and the circus was about to begin.

  5. #5
    HB Forum Owner Bradyn Zachariah's Avatar
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    Flashback ...

    Project Genesis, sub level C.? - One of our two greatest achievements, perfectly bio-engineered assassins, the female was called Mirror. The male's abilities seemed slow in evolving at first, and he was deemed a genetic failure destined to be recycled? until one day ...

    It just happened.

    "Look at him. He's finally moved well far ahead of our projected learning curve. See, I told you he would do fine without the implants. He's already watched over 1000 downloads of virtual every known source of martial arts, kicking boxing, and ultimate fighting."

    "Has he spoken yet?"

    "No. It could be a side effect from the mind wipe program we installed. But he understands. Comprehends. Interesting thing though, his ability seemed to activate while he was observing the training session of Mirror."

    "So you it takes a line of sight to began the process, hmmmm? What did you call it again?"

    "Photographic reflexes. I think we can notify the Direct in good faith that we were able to save this one, and our jobs as well."

    "Total agreement there. Do you have a name for him as well? "

    "As a matter of fact, I do. Look at this footage, taken outside yesterday on the training course. Only after watching several hours of Covert Ops? downloads, he had already adapted to all their styles, forming them into a single element. Look at how he moves. He is almost elusive as .... Smoke."

    "Hmmm ... Mirror and Smoke. Smoke and Mirror. Cute. Put those two together, and they would form quite the tandem."

    "My thoughts exactly. Hopefully with the continual assistance of our Immortal friend, we can create even more variants."

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    Present time ....

    The domino effect refers to a small change which will cause a similar change nearby, which then will cause another similar change, and so on in linear sequence, by analogy to a falling row of dominoes standing on end. The domino effect also relates to a chain of events.

    Smoke had purchase a single item that when once used, would have that desired effect. He had already spotted his dreadlocks wearing associate, and wait ... The one with the briefcase, walking like she owned the place. It didn't matter how she found a way, she always did. Just as she knew not only he was there, but where. It slid between his gloved fingers effortlessly. A simple flick of the wrist, and the effect would begin.

    All three Sic's were looking over what they would be receiving, along with several others making sure there was no funny business. Anyone caught breaking the truce would have serious repercussions.

    Brehnic was deeply involved in a conversation with two of the three rival factions, going over some potential trades once this impromptu convention was over. "Hey Kohnar!! Check these out!! 20th century Cubans, man!! They don't make these anymore." As Brehnic turned to get a good look at a possible investment, he'd grimace in pain as a tiny object sliced through the air, cutting cloth and flesh alike before embedding itself into the window ...

    It was like a ripple effect, as those close to Brehnic were either checking on the man, while others were already inspecting the thrown object. "Hey, it's a fucking ninja star." One shout. " Looks a lot like Grayson's too." Said another. "Dammit, I knew the EvM's can't be trusted!!" And with that minor exchange, the testosterone levels were starting to spike. Weapons were being primed, while short tempers were made even shorter. The fuse was lit, and the dominoes were falling.


    The Paladin Knights, right on schedule. With a little tip assist from an unknown source. Where the three factions just moments ago were ready to take each other out? Suddenly became a unified force against the one thing they dislike more than each other. The Sic's of each faction, along with Brehnic were shoved inside the terrain vehicles, as the fire fight broke out. All involved were locked, loaded, and playing for keeps. Another twist of the wrist and a thick grey smoke was filling the alley ...

    Orders were shouted, cover taken. Needless to say, this little event would be the highlight of the Nightly news, and those that managed to survive? There would not be another trade between all three any time soon. There would be a lot of questions asked, accusations made, and rumors abound. None of that mattered to Smoke at the moment. He had a small window to work from, in acquiring what he was paid well in advance. He was already down on the alley well before the second smoke bomb went off.

    "SHIT!! I just saw Smoke man!! He's here!! He's he ..." A simple gesture, the grabbing of the head. But the force used to twist it just right? The Rigellian was dead before his body hit the ground. He served his purpose. Now there would be panic ... "Fuck!! Did he say Smoke?? Take that bitch down!!!" Granted some had shit for courage. The thick makeshift fog would serve its purpose ... Another flick of the wrist, another down. Gun and energy fire filled the alley, as one of the terrain vehicles was targeted by a rocket launcher ... Where they that stupid? In small spaces like an alley, the explosion would most certainly ....

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    A hiss of breath murmured in a rough tone. So manly, it was almost silly to think upon. Needless to say, for some reason no matter what image she took over, she knew Smoke could see right through it. Possibly that connection that kept them linked was the reason. Strangely enough the Project never had found out about the pair's uncanny communication through telepathy or empathy or whatever it was. She supposed it couldn't be determined as telepathy... considering there were no words or really voices for the most case. Well at least not all the time.

    Mostly. Images. Reflections. Memories.

    Even with the attack and the terrified screams when awareness struck the stupid driver of the truck she was thrown in and supposedly arrested with the rest of them started barreling out towards an alleyway. Not pretty. This didn't really give her much time.

    A grimace and she snapped the handcuffs apart. The launcher would only give her a few seconds at best. No time to kill them, after all they'd be dead soon enough.

    Images merged and the change took place, leaving the supposed crime boss now a rather large and fierce looking lioness. Snarling before she snatched up that briefcase in her mouth she ran in the tight area and leapt.

    A smash of glass as she went through the front window, muscles tensing and rolling even as she changed again, swift to merge into the formation of a business woman that seemed in a hurry to get to work or to beat the line at Starbucks. It didn't matter... she at least got what she came for.

    Cursing mentally she all but heard the final crackle of the radio.

    "Holy Shit... both of them are here sir... I repeat... Mirror is h..."

    The explosion would always beat out the transmission. A sigh of relief before she took off running to the agreed upon meeting spot. Another day just inches away from dying. Mirror couldn't complain in the least.

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    *** Flashback***

    "How is she doing Anderson?"
    "Well sir... given the last patient in here... she's doing surprisingly well."
    "Hmm... so it seems"

    A grunt of appreciation as they looked over the glass room where the woman was stalking back and forth, blood covering her upper body from where the previously mentioned patient had been executed.

    Shivering now the woman stared wildy at the room that had seemingly become her cage. All glass... but still a cage... for she was not aware of those looking from the other side... looking in on her.

    The katana they had provided her with was dropped as if it had suddenly burned her hands. Still the two that watched her could not help but notice with provoked interest how day by day the woman became more stoic, more indifferent to her actions.

    "She's incredible... more like a fucking machine or a beast then anything. Look at her... that look in her eyes now is so different from before..."
    "Yes... it reminds me of Ice"
    "Or glass..."
    "Mm... what was the name they gave her again?"

    A shuffle through papers, scanning down bar coded names till resting on the imprint coding for Arianrhod Baine. Such a suitable name since her memory had been washed away and she only knew who she was by what they called her.

    "Mirror. They called her Mirror."
    "Huh. Fitting."

    "I'd like to get fit in her." The new voice had Anderson and the doctor turning around, a voice that was marked with an unchecked hunger. Some of their projects hadn't turned out so well... but this one was acceptable besides the fact that he was reckless. A perfectly inhumane killing machine.

    "You know the rules Venom, you don't get access to the product unless it ends up broken or useless."

    Venom's eyes seemed to light up at the prospect... the idea that he might just be one to help break the woman.

    Before any such notion could imprint itself in his head, Anderson was swift to remedy the situation. Looking back on the woman he watched her as she was raging again at her "cage"

    It seemed whatever she saw reflected in the glass... holograms that Project Genesis had specially imprinted through ultraviolet projectors was driving her mad. Still it was working... for whatever she saw... she became... until her own reflection was what she saw with her own eyes.

    "Has she seen the other?"
    "Perhaps she should..."

    The idea seemed to please the doctor that kept watch over the project. A click of a button and one of the glass walls seemed to clear out. Rolling a clear image of the prisoner kept in the cell beside her own.

    The change had a sudden reaction for both because Mirror's screams of rage and bitter horror suddenly faultered. Tears of hatred going cold on her cheeks as her mood altered.

    Subdued again and seemingly as cold as the ice of the Artic she went towards that cleared glass. Crystal clear.

    Eyes that seemed to hold no emotion stared out at the one standing on the opposite side of the glass. A bloody hand touched on the glass as she stared at the one called Smoke in shock.

    Sliding down to her knees, her hands clenched in fists even as her eyes never moved from that one glass wall.

    ~Help me... save me from this place... keep me from myself. By God. Kill me.~

    Restless she lifted back to her feet, tearing her eyes away from Smoke and the trio took a step back from their own watching room as Mirror came right over to them on the opposite side of the glass.

    Eyes narrowed with hatred before she picked up the katana once more. The excess blood was wiped clean on her shirt. All the time her eyes never left the glass where the trio watched.

    "Interesting" This from the doctor
    "Oh Jesus... do you think she can"
    "Don't be stupid" A snarl from Venom as he punched Anderson and grinned in victory as the man slumped to the floor.

    "That wasn't necessary. Get out of here Venom, I have a suddenly very important phone call to make."

    Urgent suddenly the Doctor seemed, but Venom was agreeable to such... for it seemed he was aware that whatever the Doctor had seen exchanged was enough to inform the Director.

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    HB Forum Owner Bradyn Zachariah's Avatar
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    The time? 01:45 am

    The place? A penthouse suite, downtown RLD.

    It was on all the local news channels. Most of the state channels. And on several of the inter planetary channels.

    -=A small scale war involving three well know rival factions, The Rigellian Deth, Caprician Vypers, and the Earth V Mafia. The Paladin Knights were tipped off by an unknown source, which led to a surprise encounter with the three factions, in a disclosed location. The end result was structural damage within a two block radius, 15 reported dead, 27 injured. Those number could change by the time a final tally is made. The Paladin Knights are still unsure what brought the factions together, and what they were exchanging, though sources close to the case thinks it could have been import drugs. =-

    The holo vision was clicked on to another channel, as Brehnic Kohnar the Third popped a bottle of vintage champagne before pouring several glasses. So wide was his grin, that it looked to be placed on there permanently. His left shoulder/arm was in a sling, courtesy of a throwing star from a rival faction. An injury he had no problem selling. "I could not have planned that any better if I tried. This little mishap will keep us busy for the foreseeable future, and will keep your pockets lined as well. I'm a man of my word, here you go Bradyn."

    Tossing with his good hand, a silver key floated in the air, before being snatched down by his enigmatic associate. There would be no offered words of thanks, only a nod of the head. Brehnic knew not to even try. The offered drink was sipped slowly, a nod of Bradyn's head once again, this time in the direction of Arianrhod. "I swear I don't know how you talk to him without saying a word. Anyway, here's the file you wanted. Don't worry, I didn't peek, or had any copies made. Not that I need to tell you two this again, but the Corporation's been too quiet of late. I know they're stilling looking for us, dead or alive. Business aside for a second, guys be careful, okay?"

    One of the few times Brehnic was actually sincere. He had history with these two, and they were part of a select few that he trusted with his secret. Bradyn, set his glass down on the table before approaching Brehnic. Placing a hand on his good shoulder, he'd grasp it firmly, a nod of the head once again. Actions speak louder than words. That was the best way to describe him.

    And Arianrhod? She was like a sister to him, and when/if she needed something, she normally got it within twenty four hours. Was a guilt thing? Paying penance for his greed, not knowing what his so called benefactors true motives were, and the countless bodies used to create their perfect race. The way the two looked at him sometimes, it was like they were aware of the burden he carried.

    "This penthouse is in the safe zone, you both can crash here until things die down. No doubt the P. K. will be posted at every transport., not to mention the factions will be out for blood as well. Be fore you say it Arianrhod, I know they don't pose a threat to both of you, but your luck is bound to run out sooner of later. There's a top notch food processor if you get hungry, I'm off to enjoy my two cyber mates."

    Saluting to both, before disappearing behind a pair of oak double doors, leaving the tandem known as Smoke and Mirror to their own devices. Bradyn would pick up his drink before settling down onto the large couch, a shake of his head. Unzipping the upper half of his body armor until his torso was partially exposed, the remote reached for, and buttons were pressed until he found a Ultimate Fighters channel.

    Once he was certain that Brehnic was retired for the rest of the night, the trademark emotionless stare was replaced with one of slight fatigue. Room was made if she decided to join him. "Enjoy the workout tonight Baine?" Deep bass tones spoken, with a small hint of amusement.

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    The whole exchange was regarded with the thoughtful precaution of Mirror's placid personality. Well if chilling to the bone for characteristics could be valued as being placid.

    For now her brightly charged amber eyes were subdued, that inhumane look in her eyes would never fully melt away but with the mastering of her "gift" she had found a balance to make her eyes just seem as intoxicating as molten honey and nothing more... wouldn't want to freak out the boys after all.

    Then again the boys weren't really an option. With Brehnic like the overprotective big brother and Smoke nearly her dark shadow such was foolish to consider. Not that Mirror would ever provide that much trust to anyone beside the duo she already had.

    After smirking briefly at Brehnic for the exchange she was able to fully relaxed now that the blasted briefcase was out of her hand and she wasn't at a risk for being blown to bits.

    Inhaling sharply the thought of food summoned her attention. As seemingly bitchy and indifferent and as cold, cruel, and calculating as Mirror seemed... she had a ridiculously overwhelming sweet tooth. It was a shock that she could complete any mission without munching down on a candy bar or a bag of some sort of sweet concotion.

    She didn't directly respond to Smoke as she ransacked her own personal stash of goodies before coming up with an armful of candy bars and a few choice bags of Gummi Bears, boxes of NERDS, and mini-size bags of Skittles.

    That grin only briefly touched her features as she slumped down on the couch beside him, ripping open a bag of gummi bears and offering him some as she watched the screen flicker through it's images.

    "I suppose... though my timing was off by a quarter of a second. If it'd been a half... you'd be finding yourself another partner."

    Tearing the head off of one of the bears with an almost carnal enthusiasm she considered him thoughtfully.

    "You know... I almost think you get a kick out of making them believe you're still mute."

    A shrug off of the amusement even as it passed, a turn to press her back into the soft cushions as her legs draped nonchalantly over Smoke's lap. The image of perfect relaxation... if not for that ever urgent quiver of anticipation that lept through her muscles from time to time.

    "I was reading up on shapeshifters... you know... werewolves... Bastet and the sort... reading about how painful it is for them."

    A furrow of brows.

    "It's starting to become like that for me. At least I'm not losing myself in it all... but I don't know. Perhaps the price of it all I guess. Figures."

    A grunt as she shut her eyes, letting her hair spill along the back of the couch even as she shrugged out of the body armor incorporated vest. Specially designed and fitted for Mirror to make it easier to cast the mimic of whoever she chose to be. Candy left to spill at either side of her she ran a finger against an old scar that ran from just beneath her bra to her navel.

    "Perhaps we should let them find us... I'd like to kill those fuckers so we can have that stupid ass happily ever after."

    A sigh. So they were no Jay and Silent Bob... nor were they anywhere near being Cloak and Dagger... but for the latter... they damn well seemed close enough.

    "So what next..."

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