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Thread: lethal fight

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    : : As I approached the bathroom, I first heard the grunts and groans... And then, I saw them... Claude and Angie... My wife and that black woman... They were finally at it, as expected... Everybody else was there: Bob, Angie?s husband and the other two couples; they closely watched the clash, without interfering.
    : : ?Where the hell is Luke?? asked Bob suddenly. ?Someone call him... I want this to be fair and...?
    : : ?I?m here!? I said, entering the bathroom. ?You could?ve waited for me, at least!?
    : : But one of the women, Gabrielle, pointed her finger at me:
    : : ?It?s just that we couldn?t wait any longer! Claude and Angie were eager to do it... There was nothing we could do...?
    : : I knew that, already. Since we all gathered here, at this summer resort, my wife and Angie talked it over and over: who was the better woman in a no holds barred fight? A black, or a white one? Does the race have any relevance in it?
    : : Angie, the black, gave varoius examples from the boxing world: black men are usually the champs. My wife told her about the full contact champs: mostly were white.
    : : But boxing and full contact are restrained by rules. And men are more eager to prove themselves in fights... Racial supremacy could be established only if untrained persons settled it, untrained for fighting and matching in size, weigth and age...
    : : They matched in age: both were in their late twenties. My wife is a pale skinned redhead and has thin, slender calves and thighs, an outstanding ass and broader shoulders than Angie?s. Her tits are a little too flabby and, now, as she struggles, I see her nipples protruding through the white bra.
    : : They also match in heigth - Angie being a little taller than my wife: half an inch for the most. She has stronger legs and the most powerful pair of butts I ever saw, but her arms are thinner than Claude?s. Her mammaries are smaller but firmer. She is a wild negress... Both are dressed in white panties and bras and they fight barefeet.
    : : And they are untrained too. Untrained, but savage.
    : : Arms enlaced, they push and shove wildly, both parting aside the other?s arms in bursts, searching to get a grip on the opponent?s shoulders or neck, encouraged by the other two couples who urge them to fight. After awhile, they clutched hands and, panting, they pedalled on the floor, lips contorted in rage, foreheads touching now and then, engaged in a test of strength. They suddenly split, only to rush against each other, grunting in rage. A loud thud was heard as the two bodies clashed and they got in a mutual hug. Breathing through clenched teeth, they went on pushing, breast to breast, forehead against forehead, impinging on feet. All at once, groaning loudly, Claude briskly twisted and managed to get Angie in a side headlock; she started to pull her around in bursts, forcing the black woman to bend waist. Angie made serious efforts to remain on feet, but my wife got in control by hardening the lock. Angie breathed faster, hardly keeping up with the furious dragging around. She was forced to part her long legs in order to keep balance and she already gave grunts of dismay.
    : : Bob put out the cigarette; he was really annoyed. He asked me:
    : : ?Er, are we allowed to give them advices??
    : : ?OK!? I said. ?You give Angie an advice, I?ll give Claude an advice! Seems to me that?s fair...?
    : : ?OK!??
    : : I sensed the growing tension of the clash as we made this arrangement... My wife hardens the necklock and forcefully drags Angie after her, jerking in brisk moves. Bob?s wife moans louder and louder, hardly keeping herself up while Claude goes wild, panting in deep tones, like a hunting tigress. All of a sudden, they freeze, breathing heavily. Their breasts pound in fast pace, almost falling out of their bras and both have parted wide their strong legs, while steadying their grips.
    : : Claude is in a better position, having the negress caught in the headlock - however, Bob?s wife has Claude?s midsection captured between her arms. Their trunks are already covered with droplets of sweat and briskly, they start to jerk, trying to outpower each other in brief bursts. Claude rocks Angie back and forth, trying to make her lose balance, but the negress hardens the grip on my wife?s waist, attempting to hook her legs from behind. Their bellies inflate faster, their mammaries bounce, they grunt in effort, showing their clenched teeth and, there it is! - Claude finally manages to outpower Angie, bending her from the waist until she definitely steadies her in an awkward stance, trunk contorted.
    : : ?Aaaah!? Angie moans in distress, eyelids writhed in pain, knees shaking. She can hardly keep her left sole on the floor, as Claude keeps on jerking over her neck.
    : : ?Lift her, Angie! Lift her from the ground!? hisses Bob.
    : : ?Crush her neck! Crush her, Claude!? I shout at my turn as both women strain, following our advices. They struggle, but Claude?s better position enables her to pummel the black woman in the face. Her repeated blows make Angie grunt and shriek and suddenly, blood starts to pour from her broken lips and nose.
    : : She grunts louder and louder, attempting to grab my wife?s pounding mammaries, but the repeated blows wear her out and Angie stumbles forward, almost falling on knees, but she manages to stand while Claude gets behind her, capturing her waist in a crushing embrace. Hugging the black woman, she pushes her forwards towards the nearest wall and it?s a matter of seconds until forcing her to kneel; enraged, Claude still pushes the squirming negress and wrestles her down her on all fours. Grunting, my wife finally manages to position herself on her foe?s back, prying her muscled legs in order to keep balance.
    : : ?Aaah!? Angie opens wide the eyes, as if looking for a place to run to, while Claude impinges harder and harder on her back. Angie?s nose and mouth bleed even harder now, a red gluing creek pouring on the floor from her face.
    : : ?Yeah! You got her! Pin her, now! Pin her, Claude!?
    : : They groan in deep tones interspersed with short shrieks, as the struggle grows in intensity. My wife is atop, hugging Angie?s midsection, but Bob?s wife pedals on knees and waddles her big ass from side to side, attempting to throw Claude aside. Curling her body, Claude mounts on Angie?s back and tries to squeeze her trunk between legs, but the black woman still has resources and leaps forcefully, flipping Claude frontwards. My wife is unable to keep balance and she finds herself with the butts resting on the negress?s shoulder blades, legs parted wide, propped on extended palms over Angie, breasts hanging over the latter?s head.
    : : Angie leaps once more and forces Claude to enwrap her trunk with the legs, in order to maintain her position atop but the negress raises on feet, making my wife prop on extended palms only, her calves being crossed beneath Angie?s belly. Claude strains her legs, attempting to crush Angie?s trunk, but the negress goes wild, and raises her ass up in the air, making my wife give an aaah of bewilderment as she finds herself almost flipped over her foe. In reflex, she grabs Angie?s face with the right hand and starts to rake it vividly, making her scream in fear, but this was a fatal mistake.
    : : Claude lost balance and allowed Angie to clutch hands on my wife?s toes. She twists them in brief, brutal moves, forcing Claude to uncross the ankles, while snaking her ebony body in brisk moves, shaking my wife from side to side. And then, sensing Claude?s distress, Angie leaps, throwing my wife frontwards. But Claude is still above the black woman and, in a moment of inspiration, she manages to catch Angie?s neck between thighs.
    : : Now, they are both on all fours, but Claude has Angie?s head between her straining legs.
    : : ?Go on, Angie! You can make it! Go on!? urges Bob.
    : : ?Squeeze her damned head, Claude! Squeeze her!? I shout.
    : : Claude stands on erected palms, face writhing in effort, body quaking from Angie?s furious twists. She still has the black?s head between the muscled thighs, but Angie, grunting in rage, leaps like mad on knees, shoving each time Claude frontwards, making her mammaries dangle back and forth. As perspiration already ruisselates on my wife?s thighs, I find myself thinking that her legs will become slippery and...
    : : Suddenly, a moan of astonishment leaves Claude?s lips as Angie pulls out her head from between Claude?s straining thighs - taken by surprise, my wife tries to crawl away on knees and palms, but Angie, kneeling behind her, clutches hands to Claude?s calves, preventing her from running free.
    : : For awhile, they struggle. My wife attempts to free herself, but the negress clutches hands harder and harder on Claude?s ankles and suddenly, she leaps forwards. It?s now her time to capture Claude?s waist from behind. My wife gulps in astonishment and twists her body, but Angie hardens the powerful embrace and, impinging on soles, forces Claude on all fours, right near the water closet.
    : : Face covered with perspiration, my wife pants and struggles, but Angie bellows like a raging bull and, squeezing her belly, brings Claude?s writhing to a halt. They both take time to position themselves and the squirm starts all over again. Claude grabs Angie?s arms, trying to alleviate the pressure on her belly, but the black woman leaps in brief bursts, shoving my wife forwards, forcing her once more on knees and palms.
    : : ?Oh, my!? pants Claude, breathing heavily. She tries to catch her breath, but Angie reinforces the hug by capturing Claude?s trunk right under the bouncing mammaries. She?s now hardening the squeeze, making my wife exhale, then goes on by wildly rocking her trunk from side to side, like an alligator wearing out his prey.
    : : ?Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!?
    : : Claude starts to shriek briefly, scared by the growing pace of the assault - she tries to crawl away, but Angie is now savagely shaking her body from side to side. I sense Claude?s moans of exhaustion turn slowly into pants of fear as Angie goes on rocking her body.
    : : ?Yeah, Angie! Do it! Do it!? shouts Bob from the bottom of his lungs. ?Soak the bitch! Soak her!?
    : : Claude?s head is being thrown from side to side in that savage waddling and her hair is now falling over her face in wet laces. She tries to steady herself but Angie suddenly reinforces the hug and this time, captures my wife?s swaying mammaries in the powerful embrace.
    : : ?Ooooh!?
    : : Claude howls in dispair and, jerking her head, inhales deeply, attempting to stand the squeeze, but the negress is now straining in strong bursts, making my wife pant in exhaustion:
    : : ?Aah! Aaah! Aaaaaaah!?
    : : ?Push back! Push back, Claude!?
    : : She attempts to straighten her trunk but again, Angie goes on rocking her body; my wife pries wider her knees, clutching hands to Angie?s arms and, pushing back, she manages to shove Angie backwards, but Bob?s wife squeezes her even stronger now. Suddenly, she powerfully drags Claude, bringing her on butts. She strengthens the hug on the spot, crushing her breasts and a sharp moan leaves my wife?s mouth, while the negress grunts in effort, squeezing the very air from Claude?s lungs. She moans louder and louder, eyelids contorted in effort and impinges on soles, twisting, attempting to shove back Angie. However, Bob?s wife uses the momentum to drag once more Claude, then slides her arms up, getting my wife in a full nelson. Claude is obviously dazed and can?t oppose to Angie?s rapidly changing tactics: having my wife on butts and kneeling behind her, Angie briskly impinges on soles and obliges Claude to bend more from the waist.
    : : ?Oh, my God!? cries Claude, eyes opened wide, in fear. She pedals on the floor, trying to stand the pressure but it is obvious that the negress overpowers her.
    : : ?Gosh!? I say, when seeing my wife being folded, trunk over pried legs. Claude breathes heavily and impinges on soles, but Angie is so powerful that it takes her only few seconds to bring my wife?s shoulders to the knees level, packing her. Claude grunts in confusion and twists relentlessly, attempting to break free. Squirming, she manages to flex calves besides thighs, flat on the floor, but Angie mounts on her back. She keeps on pressing her trunk to the floor and Claude flails uselessly her arms caught in the full nelson. However, she stands the attack. Groaning, both women strain in sheer effort, but sensing that Claude can still resist, Angie suddenly slides her hands under my wife?s bra, cups her breasts and starts milking her in brief, brutal squeezes.
    : : ?Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!?
    : : Claude vividly props on erected palms and stands the assault for some seconds but finally, yelling and moaning from the ache in her crushed tits, is forced to bend elbows.
    : : ?Yeah, Angie! You?re folding her! Crush her tits! Crush ?em!?
    : : ?Fight back, Claude, for God?s sake! Fight the bitch!? I shout, but my wife?s trunk is brought closer to the floor with every moment while all she can do is breath fast through clenched teeth and try to maintain control of herself; however, she is being folded frog-like beneath her foe who squeezes harder and harder her big mammaries, the breasts falling off the bra during the manoeuvre... Claude?s nipples harden under Angie?s savage squeeze. Her feet are flat on the floor, toes pointing outwards and after awhile, her potbelly touches the floor between parted thighs. She yells from the bottom of her lungs but can hardly fight back, being worn out by Bob?s wife, laying all her weight over her. Claude?s screams fill the bathroom and she throws her head from side to side, barely propping on shaking elbows:
    : : ?Aargh! Haaaaa! My tits! My tits! Haa!?
    : : ?Good girl, Angie!? shouts Bob. ?She can?t escape now!?
    : : ?My tits! Aaargh! She tears my tits! Haaa!?
    : : ?Keep calm!? I shout. ?Keep calm and gather your strength, OK? Fight back, OK? You can make it, you hear me??
    : : Claude nods, breathing heavily. Propped on knees, Angie is curled over her, hands clutched to the mammaries. She steadies now and then her strong ass over my wife?s back, preventing her from the least attempt to escape.
    : : Time passes by, and none of them dares to take the initiative, but the seconds are running in Angie?s advantage. The tit crush slowly exhausts my wife, making her scream in sharp tones, every now and then. Claude?s pounding potbelly touches the floor in the rhythm of her fast breathes. Her bikinis are deeply engulfed in the asscrease, flocks of genital hair showing besides the material. She suddenly jerks, but Angie readily spreads wider her legs, laying all her weight on my wife?s back. Her strong, round butts dominate Claude?s prying ass. Once more, Claude jerks, but the negress suddenly presses her chin on her spine, right between the shoulder blades.
    : : ?Aaaah! Oh, no! Aaaah!?
    : : ?Go, Angie! Go! She stands no chance! Finish her! Finish her!?
    : : ?Fight back, Claude! Fight back!? I shout.
    : : ?I can?t! Aaaah! I can?t! Aaaargh! She?s breaking my tits! Aaaargh!?
    : : ?You give?? hissed the negress.
    : : ?Give?! Aaaah! Just wait, slut!?
    : : Claude screams helplessly while Angie, sensing she?s in control, presses harder her chin on my wife?s spine, while squeezing her breasts with all her might. For awhile, both women strain, bodies trembling - Angie grunts in low tones of effort while my wife screams sharply. All of a sudden, Claude attempts to grab Angie?s hair by throwing her right hand up and behind, but this was a big mistake: her left elbow couldn?t support Angie?s weight and slid on the floor. She realised she was on the point of losing any control of the fight and attempted to prop on palms but it was too late.
    : : Her face touched the floor and this time, the black woman solidly mounted her and started rummaging her hands between her tits and the floor.
    : : ?You?re mine, Claude!? hisses Angie. ?You?re damned mine!?
    : : ?Watch the nipples!? shouts one of Claude?s friends. ?She goes for the nipples!?
    : : Hissing and mumbling, the two women squirm wildly. Claude attempts to grab Angie?s hands, but the negress manages to get her nipples between the thumbs and index fingers, kneading them. An endless shriek is heard:
    : : ?Aaaaaah! My nipples!... Aaaaaaaaah! My niiiiiples!... Aaaaaaaaaaaah!?
    : : My wife raises head, screaming from the bottom of her lungs. Her hands search hastily for a target, but Angie squeezes her nipples wildly and all of a sudden, Claude?s head fall on the floor:
    : : ?Aaaaaah!... my nipples...?
    : : ?C?mon, Claude! Fight back, for God?s sake! Fight the bitch!?
    : : The pants and shrieks grew louder but suddenly, my wife gathered strength and powerfully jerked her head back, catching Angie off guard: her head smashed the black?s face, spurting her nose, obviously dazzling her. Another reverse headbutt ensued, shaking Angie, forcing to release her prey, gazing around in confusion.
    : : ?Oh, my...? she sighed, covering her face with both hands. Her trunk was meandering but she still rode her white foe.
    : : And again, Claude powerfully headbutted in reverse, erecting her trunk. The negress fell on butts behind Claude, breasts and belly quaking as her ass thudded on the floor. My wife turned on knees, facing Angie who couldn?t regain composure, still sitting, barely keeping her trunk erect on extended arms.
    : : Grunting in rage, Claude leaped forwards, embracing her foe?s waist and impinged on her strong legs, forcing Bob?s wife on back. In a matter of seconds she got atop, squeezing the very air from the negress?s lungs, face buried between her breasts. Instantly, Angie crossed ankles behind Claude?s back and began scissoring her in bursts.
    : : ?Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!?
    : : Claude moaned loudly with each squeeze but she managed to snake higher on the negress?s trunk, until Angie?s neck got in her biting range and suddenly, her teeth sunk in the younger woman?s throat.
    : : ?Je... Je-sus! Aaaaaargh!?
    : : Bob?s wife raled in desperation and grabbed Claude?s hair, yanking it furiously, but Claude never resumed her biting and blood started to pour on Angie?s neck, making my wife go wild. However, Angie managed to slip arms besides her crushing thighs and grabbed my wife?s buttcheeks; then, she slid the fingers under Claude?s bikinis, in the ass crease, prying wide her ass. Instantly, my wife straightened the trunk, screaming. Angie was now raking Claude?s parted butts and my wife?s bikinis slowly engulfed in her crotch, exposing the thick bush covering her groin.
    : : The two females were struggling furiously now, Angie scissoring and raking my wife?s ass, Claude bringing back her arms and clutching hands to Angie?s forearms, trying to part them away from the butts.
    : : But Bob?s wife couldn?t be stopped and slid the right hand further in my wife?s groin. Her fingers dissapeared in Claude?s curly tufts, grabbing her bigger labies.
    : : ?Oh, no! No! Noooooooo!?
    : : ?Bite her! Bite her bloody throat, Claude!? I shout but my wife, disoriented by the scissors and cunt scratching, resorted to pummelling Angie?s breasts.
    : : The younger negress yelped and vividly scratched my wife?s crotch, obliging her to plunge back her teeth in her neck. Both were sticking now to their chosen targets, Claude chewing Angie?s throat, the latter slipping the fingers deeper and deeper in my wife?s private flesh. Blood was pouring from the negress?s neck, and from my wife?s crotch, gurgling sounds were heard, but both went on, grumbling, driven by rage.
    : : ?My ass!? suddenly shrieked Claude! ?Aaaah! My ass! Aaaaah! She got my ass!?
    : : She sunk her teeth deeper in Angie?s throat, making her gurgle in fear, but desperation made Bob?s wife fumble vividly in my wife?s womanhood, while hardening the leg scissors.
    : : ?Chew her throat, Claude! She can?t stand that! Chew her! She?s yours!? I shout, and my wife sunk deeper her teeth in the negress?s flesh. She must have rippen some big veins, since, all at once, a gluing creek ruisselated on Angie?s neck, making her rale in desperation.
    : : But Angie?s fingers were covered too with blood from my wife?s crotch and she started to rake Claude?s groin madly, snatching her tufts - this, combined with the scissoring was too much for my wife.... She was still biting the black woman?s neck, wildly, but, all of a sudden, it happened: Claude resumed the biting, arched her trunk and joined legs. She writhed the eyelids and gave an endless moan:
    : : ?Aaaaaaaaaaaah! She got me! She got me! My clit! Aaaaaaaaah! She got me!?
    : : Angie?s right hand was curled beneath my wife?s panties, in the groin, rummaging through her blood bathed crotch, making Claude gulp and stampede on the floor.
    : : ?You got me! Aaaaaaaaaaaah! You got me, Angie! Stop it! Aaaaaaah!?
    : : Still, scratching Claude?s innner parts, Angie let lose of the waist crush, but enwrapped my wife?s neck with the left arm and headbutted her from beneath. Claude was shaken from head to toe. Another headbutt ensued, and another one, until my wife?s elbows bent. A fourth headbutt made her crumple over her foe and her legs parted, unconsciously, leaving the groin at her enemy?s disposal.
    : : From now, she couldn?t oppose to Angie?s cunt scratching. She started to shiver and, aimlessly, her feet stampeded on the floor.
    : : And then, Bob?s wife grabbed Claude?s left buttcheek, pulled it apart, exposing even wider her groin and plunged the fingers on full length in my wife?s cunt.
    : : A deep rale was heard and Angie took advantage of Claude?s dismay and rolled her on back, mounted on her belly, slid her right forearm beneath Claude?s neck and pressed her chin with the left palm, arching back her neck. My wife jerked and writhed, but, as the seconds went by, her moves became clumsy - it was obvious that she has reached the end of the rope. She could only grunt briefly. After awhile, she started to quiver, while her veins inflated, almost on the point to break, head pushed back.
    : : Another seconds went by. A moan of disbelief left Claude?s mouth and Angie jibbed over her in an outburst of power, bending Claude?s neck more. My wife attempted to cross ankles on her foe?s back, but she could only bring her legs up and flail calves, erratically, besides Angie?s body. Her panties were deeply engulfed in her crotch, fully revealing her groin, blood pouring from her clotted genital hair on the bathroom?s floor.
    : : However, Claude gathered her remaining strength and pressed palms on Angie?s chin. For some moments, she managed to bend the black woman?s head backwards, but Angie grunted like a wild lioness and reinforced her chinlock. Claude?s arms bent from the elbows, overpowered, and her legs pried, allowing the negress to better position herself over her. And again, Angie sank on her in furious bursts, making Claude?s calves flutter aimlessly in the air. She attempted to push Angie?s head back, she gritted, eyes bulging, and moaned in desperation, pressing soles on the floor, in search of a better position.
    : : She bridged, in an ultimate display of power, raising Angie from the floor, but Bob?s wife hardened the neck hold. A gurgle was heard then and Claude?s arms fell apart, letting Angie?s chin lose while her long legs outstretched, in a definite yield.
    : : ?Aaaaaaah!?
    : : ?You?re mine, whore!? hissed the negress and reinforced the lock.
    : : Claude raised again her legs, but could co nothing more than flail calves. Bob?s wife strengthened the chinlock and this time, Claude?s thighs slowly fell apart. Her feet were twitching like electrocuted and her knees touched the floor. She clenched teeth, desperate, and started to snake under Angie in short jerks, but the negress impinged on both soles now, pressing with all her weight on Claude?s extended neck. Bob kneeled like a wrestling ref besides the women and started to slap the floor.
    : : ?Go, Angie, go! She can?t take it anymore!?
    : : However, Claude still had resources and threw her hips upwards, bumping the negress?s belly, clutching hands on her arms, alleviating the pressure on the neck. But Angie was too heavy and, gritting, she started to jib repeatedly over my wife, making her ass fall back on the floor.
    : : Once more, Claude attempted to bridge, but her feet slid and she outstretched legs while Angie went on jibbing on her, shaking my wife from head to toe. She was unable to escape Angie?s lock, her snaking moves beneath the younger negress being clearly helpless.
    : : ?Yeah... You?re mine! You?re mine!?
    : : Claude attempted to grab the negress?s hair but her arms fell back on the floor. She gave a brief gurgle and mumbled:
    : : ?Stop... it! I can?t... I can?t take it... beg... you!...?
    : : Bob clapped hands:
    : : ?Good girl, Angie! Good girl! You?re breaking her! Do it! Do it!?
    : : Claude was now looking in terror at Bob?s wife and rummaged hands on the floor, as if trying to get a grip on something.
    : : ?Aaah!... I give!... I give, Angie!... I giiiive!....?
    : : She was laying flat on back, neck crushed, face almost blue, hardly keeping her eyes opened, legs and arms spread. It?s only then that Angie let her lose. For awhile, she stood on all fours, examining my wife?s body, laying beneath.
    : : ?Be careful!? said Bob.
    : : ?I?ll check her out!? snarled Angie and savagely rammed her knee in Claude?s exposed cunt, shaking her from head to toe. My wife attempted to curl, in reflex, but her muscles were soaked and she fell back, jerking head from side to side, hardly breathing.
    : : ?Stop it... Angie... I can?t... take it anymore... I give...?
    : : But the negress rammed again the knee in Claude?s cunt, making her scream and plunge both hands between thighs.
    : : ?You want some more, slut?? asked Angie.
    : : ?Don?t!... Please... Stop... that!...?
    : : But Angie kneeled between Claude?s opened legs, grabbed her muscled thighs and raised them up forcefully, packing my wife. Claude?s parted calves were now held up over Angie?s shoulders and the negress rammed once more the knee in my wife?s groin, throwing convulsing waves through her body.
    : : ?Who?s stronger, bitch??
    : : My wife swallowed her saliva and mumbled something unaudible. Angie straightened the trunk then and savagely headbutted Claude in the chest bone. A crack was heard.
    : : ?Haaaaaaargh!?
    : : ?Didn?t hear you, whore!?
    : : ?Stop... it... I?m yours... beg you... can?t take it... anymore...?
    : : ?Who?s the better woman, whore??
    : : Claude?s eyes filled with resignation and she acquiesced:
    : : ?You... you are... You?re stronger...?
    : : However, Angie was not satisfied with it and, pinning my wife?s knees on the floor, besides her shoulders, headbutted her belly now, making Claude rale, but this seemed to enrage the negress even more, as she started to butt her relentlessly, throwing convulsing waves through Claude?s body. My wife had her eyes opened wide as she raled in agony, while the splashing sounds of the headbutts sounded as if someone was trampling in mud.
    : : Raging, the negress was holding apart Claude?s thighs and never resumed the blowing, until Claude eyes rolled up. Her body was shaking after each impact, her calves, pointed to the ceiling, were quaking, her strong butts were shivering and waves traversed her belly and pried breasts.
    : : Suddenly, the negress freed my wife?s legs and got up. Claude?s thighs fell wide apart, knees touching the floor, feet pointed outwards. Arms spread too, she was fully exposed. She had her jaw fallen and her eyes gazed foggily in the ceiling.
    : : And Angie buttdropped heavily over Claude?s breasts, crushing her helpless foe.
    : : ?Aaaaaaaaah!?
    : : My wife?s muscles shivered under the heavy impact but, as Angie got up, Claude remained motionless - thighs parted at maximum and arms spread. A grey stain showed on her bikinis too, mingling with the blood that reddened her clotted bush of hair.
    : : ?She wets herself!? snarled Bob, making Angie smile in triumph before buttdroping once more on my wife?s breasts, throwing waves through her flesh. Claude tried to raise her knees from the floor, but her attempt was futile, and her thighs fell back apart. Only her feet twitched now and then, toes pointing outwards, in that obvious stance of devastating defeat.
    : : Again, Angie got up and buttdropped but now, my wife quaked only after the afterwave of the impact and Bob?s wife took her time to position her powerful buttocks over Claude?s throat, suffocating her.
    : : But my wife remained motionless, stunned for good.
    : : Sensing Claude was turning out cold, Angie grabbed her by the ears and started to bang her head against the floor. My wife?s legs and arms were shaken by the maneuver and a bloody froth gathered now on her lips. Bob was counting the head bangs and Angie looked over her shoulder at Claude?s groin and didn?t resume the furious assault until the grey wet stain started to sprawl wide on my wife?s bikinis, moistening them completely. She stopped the head bangs only when she saw the drops of urine falling between Claude?s parted thighs. Angie slid then backwards, resting her butts over her foe?s hips and started to pummel her alternatively in the ribs. By then, my wife could only give feeble groans.
    : : ?Finish her! Finish her! Do it! Do it!?
    : : ?Mercy... Aah... Beg you... I... can?t take it... Aaah... You?re... too much... for me...?
    : : Bob was roaring, urging Angie to go on and suddenly, the negress abandoned the pummelling, grabbed my wife by the shoulders, lifted her trunk and headbutted her wildly in the face. She held her like that for some moments, gazing at Claude?s head: it was hanging back, mouth and blank eyes opened wide. She then let my wife fall on the floor, eagle spread and grabbed her ankles, lifting them apart. A kick to the cunt ensued, but neither this made Claude react.
    : : Angie kicked again, forcefully, and a snap was heard, making my wife erect like cardboard. For some seconds, she shivered, uncontrollably, but then, a second kick made her go limp for good and Angie let her ankles lose. Then, she kneeled between my wife?s inert legs and, slowly, she slid her hand in Claude?s tufts bathed in blood and urine, parted them gently and searched for her smaller labies.
    : : Claude mumbled something and writhed awkwardly when Angie clutched her thumb and index finger between the swollen labies. A brief snatch ensued and Claude?s tongue slipped out of her mouth, face writhing in pain, while the negress got up, triumphantly, raising a small button of bleeding flesh. Instantly, a creek of blood errupted from my wife?s crotch and her whole body wemt trembling.
    : : ?Say goodbye to your womanhood, bitch!? snarled the negress and threw Claude?s clit over her chest. ?I told you to stay put...? she hissed, before leaping high in the air, landing with both knees in my wife?s lower belly.
    : : Claude?s jaw fell instantly and her tongue sprang out of the mouth. A wave of convulsions ran through her body and her legs quivered, uncontrollably. Meanwhile, the negress got back on fett and grabbed my wife?s breasts, sunk deep her fingers in the fleshballs and lifted her from the floor by the soft boobs.
    : : Bob raised his hands in triumph, as black Angie held now up white Claude by the tits, arms and legs still fallen apart on the floor. Her thighs were pried so wide, that her genital hair showed off fully besides her bikinis, mingling with blood. The moistened material was moulded on her swollen labies. Suddenly, my wife?s belly contracted and the negress suddenly backed off, as her white foe threw up.
    : : Some seconds went by in wich Claude belched and threw up continuously, thighs feebly fluttering. Then, this stopped too. She was finished.
    : : ?Well?? asked Bob.
    : : I had to acquiesce while kneeling besides my destroyed wife. She could barely breathe, suffocating with her own saliva. She gave me a foggy look, but I was bloody sure she didn?t realise what had happened to her.

  2. #2
    Inactive Member richy14's Avatar
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    Thanks for reposting this Sega classic. Had been a while since I read this one.

  3. #3
    Inactive Member bigguy's Avatar
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    It is a very fun story. I think it would have been even better if Claude and Angie were fighting alone, and not with 6 other people around them and watching. Especially with Claude's husband right there and narrating the story, I can't help but ask why he didn't do anything to stop Angie from brutalizing Clause and perhaps even killing her.

    Claude surrenders, the fight is over, and yet Angie keeps destroying Claude and the only person who does anything is Angie's husband, who seems to be telling Angie to kill Claude. Am I the only one who finds it strange that none of the 5 remaining people in the room would even suggest Angie not kill Claude?

    Perhaps I'm being overly critical of a really fun story, but it is only because it is so vivid and intense that it feels almost real and it causes me to ask the questions that I would if it were nonfiction.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member wildger1's Avatar
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    This is very typical of Sega's stories. Almost everyone of them is witnessed by a group of people who did not do anything to stop the fight. Some may find it disgusting or disturbing but this is his style.

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