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Thread: Change 3

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Shindy's Avatar
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    Ashley was in pain, for the first time since she was much younger, she was getting an ass kicking, and to make it worse in front of all her friends and her man. She wouldn't tolerate it. Despite the pain, she was going to teach this arrogant bitch a lesson. As Maria closed in to continue her attack, Ashley eyed her closely. Her foe had large dark eyes, outlined with thick black eyeliner, although her face was bruised, she was obviously an attractive woman. Her pierced tongue occasionally was visible as she was breathing through her mouth because of the stress of the fight. Her lips were painted with dark maroon lipstick. Maria's body was firm her muscles not prominent but well-defined. Had Ashley not thought that her own breasts were perfect, she would have thought Maria's were. They were full, firm and perhaps a bit oversized, but Ashley smirked to herself as she noted her handiwork marring the perfect orbs. Maria's tits had taken a beating earlier in the fight. THe tattoo that encircled Maria's pierced belly-button was ornate as it flowed to surround her entire body but the craftsmanship was only okay and not as well done as the design at the base of Ashley's back or around her ankle. Ashley gathered her strength as Maria closed in and swung her "bitch-killer" punch as she had termed it. The swing was a looping right hand that had dropped nearly every opponent she had faced.

    The problem for Ashley was that when she had used that punch in the past, she had been winning the fight, and this time, she was facing a faster, stronger opponent who was in better condition at the moment. Maria blocked the punch and partly dodged it, counterattacking with several overhand rights of her own, all of which connected. The crowd moaned for Ashley, whose blonde head was rocked by the blows. Her legs visibly wobbled as Maria hit her again and Ashley used her arms to steady herself against the wall. She was bent over from the blows though and Maria took advantage, slamming an uppercut into her face before pressing in and leaning her body against the blonde's and pinning her to the wall. Ashley turned her head to the side as Maria licked her face in a display of arrogance and superiority. Ashley could feel her foe's hot breath against her cheek and ear as she struggled with futility to escape her opponent.

    "What's the matter bitch, " Maria hissed, " you in a little trouble? Bit off a bit more than you could chew this time you blonde cunt?" The brunette whispered into Ashley's ear.

    "" Ashley struggled to force the words out as she grimaced in pain with Maria's shoulder driving into her bruised breast.

    "You're losing, bitch, and you're gonna lose even worse..." retorted Maria.

    "We'" Ashley's retort was cutoff by the fire that suddenly burned between her legs. Maria had dug a claw into Ashley's pussy and the pain, despite her clothes, was unreal. Ashley quickly responded in kind, burying her own hands, one into Maria's crotch and one into her left breast. Maria matched her and the two women shrieked, gasped and winced as they clawed at one another and stumbled in a strange dance into the middle of the room.

    "I' and....tear your cunt.....bitch..." gasped Ashley even as her face contorted in pain.

    "Your weak..." hissed Maria, "...and battered....and I had you beaten....from the start..." she gasped. Her own face though, revealed the pain she was suffering at Ashley's hands.

    Maria suddenly shrieked though and although everyone thought it was pain, it was exertion. She fought through Ashley's attack and using her grip on Ashley's body, she drove the blonde back into the wall, slamming the blonde firmly against it. Ashley whimpered and was dazed again as her hands came free of Maria's body and Maria released her to prance around the room once with a big smile and her arms raised as a champion.

    "I own this bitch!!" she screamed to everyone as they all laughed, even people Ashley called friends. "She thinks she's so tough, look at her!" The crowd cheered. Maria walked up to Ashley's man and said, "Why don't you come for a real woman, baby? " And took his hands and ran them over her big tits. "When I'm done beating the piss out of your girl, I'll show what a hot latina is all about..." and she leaned in and kissed him.

    Ashley was enraged, but was too battered to immediately react. Instead she leaned against the wall, almost in tears, and plotted...She regrouped as Maria's attention turned towards her yet again....

    to be continued....

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    NICE... looking forward to more! And thanks for posting.


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