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    Senior Hostboard Member cage's Avatar
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    WARNING: This is a fantasy of extreme nature about violent, brave, lusty people who are willing to personally suffer the consequences or reap the rewards of their actions with out regards to the norms of modern society or the qualms of conscious. Don?t read it if you are not interested in such topics or at all squeamish. Also, make sure you are mature enough to know the difference between illusion and reality. This is not a how to book.
    This is an extremely violent story involving a brutal fight between two family groups. Do not read this if you are underage or disturbed by such extreme fantasy themes.

    The Battle of the Barn ? The Next Summer ? Part II by Mr. Cage

    3 to 6 minutes

    I looked around quickly to see if there was anything I should do for Tina, but she was behind me and fighting near the wall. Cleft saw my head swivel and charged forward. I turned in time to raise my right arm and catch the majority of the force of his swinging strap on my forearm. Cleft continued into me. We hit. I dug my left fist into his right kidney and then grabbed him. He twisted around and got me in a right arm headlock. I grabbed the back of his long hair. Hey if he didn?t cut it why shouldn?t I? I got his left fist pumped into my face. I jerked back on his hair and leaned forward. I leaned forward more, bringing my right hand down. Cleft didn?t know what was happening because his eyes are looking at the roof. Dad had told me earlier to fight dirty from the start and not wait for the other guy. Okay, this is for you Dad. My right fist smashed Cleft in the balls from below. Cleft cried out and cursed me. I grabbed his balls in my hand and tired to crush them as best as I could. He squealed and escaped by jerking away. He turned his back and quick staggered away bending over and yelling about me being a faggot. I ran after him and brought down both my fists into the middle of his back. He fell forward on his knees. I looped the strap around his neck, drove my knee into his back and drove him face first into the dirt. I pulled back on both ends of the strap and pressed down with my knee. I had the fucking prick. I looked around to see if anyone was coming to stop me. I was going to finish this bitch right here and look for someone to help. I looked just a moment too late, but more on that later.

    Grandpa was taking a beating under Porky. The two old men were tearing each other apart in slow motion, but Porky and his extra weight were on top. He was slowly getting to a position of superiority where he could begin to finish off his decades long enemy and finally take some revenge for five years of beatings, ass fucking and humiliation. Less than a minute into their unequal struggle, my Dad came in from the side on a run. He sucker punched Porky just as the fat old prick got into the straddle position. Porky?s head snapped to the side and he rolled off Grandpa. Dad had just enough time to kick Porky in his fat belly before being tackled by Ferret. Grandpa set up, covered in blood, dirt and sweat. Porky was rolling over. The old man was hurt and exhausted. Grandpa looked for his strap but he had lost it. Instead he kicked Porky in the ass pushing his enemy face down in the dirt. Grandpa rolled over and climbed onto of Porky as the fat bastard rolled over. Now the positions were reversed and Grandpa started pounding Porky?s ugly face evening up the score.

    After Big Mama had splashed Grandma, our Matriarch was in serious trouble. Big Mama quickly climbed on top, straddling the other old woman?s belly. These women hated each other?s tits and every fight between them left their tits swollen and bloody. Big Mama grabbed Grandma?s 42DD tits by the nipples and started ripping and twisting. Grandma was still gasping for air, barely able to move. Big Mama grew tired of trying to tear off the nipples and leaned over to bite them. Just then my Dad?s hand grabbed her hair. He was on the way to help Grandpa. He dragged the fat bitch off and punched her hard in the face, knocking her on her back in the dirt. He ran off to help Grandpa and left Big Mama on her back with blood pouring out of her nose. Grandma rolled over and tried to press up. She got to her knees but just stayed there gasping trying to get her lungs to work again. Her tits were swelling and bleeding from multiple cuts. Big Mama had put her tits in a ringer.

    Dad did his quick rescue of Grandma and then Grandpa as Ferret and Nasty looked on recovering from their first three minutes of fighting. At the same time Dad was running around saving the center of our line, Mama ran to the right to help Aunt Irene. As soon as they saw what was happening, Ferret and Irene moved to intercept the rescuers, but they were too slow to stop either one.

    Ferret tackled Dad and drove him back into our half of the barn. They landed in a rolling tangle of legs, arms and flying fists. Ferret got some revenge with a nasty bite to Dad?s forearm as he tried to put a headlock on the Johnson man. Dad jammed fingers into Ferret?s mouth and tried to fishhook him, but the man got away. Dad hammered him in the face a couple of times, starting the nose flowing freely again. Ferret got a knee up and crotched my Dad. Ferret climbed on top and smashed Dad in the face again and again, before Dad bucked him forward. Ferret landed on Dad?s face and Dad proved he could fight dirty. Ferret started screaming and pounding the dirt. He reached his hands under him and tried to pry Dad away. Finally the Johnson man rolled on his side and used my Dad?s ears to pull his face away. Ferret?s right pectoral had three deep bites in it and was pouring blood. Dad then drove his knee into Ferret?s crotch. They rolled away and scramble up. Dad was still definitely ahead.

    Mom took longer rescuing Aunt Irene. Dirty was using Aunt Irene?s face as a hammer trying to drive a hole in the dirt. Mom stomped on Dirty?s back, grabbed the Johnson woman?s hair and tried to drag her off. Dirty held on to Aunt Irene?s hair and screamed for someone to help her. Nasty answered the call. Mom saw Nasty running for her. She held Dirty?s hair with one hand and raked her eyes from behind with the other. That got Dirty loose and sent her scrambling away screaming and rubbing her eyes. Just then Nasty ran headlong into Mom and sent her flying. Aunt Irene continued to lie face down in the dirt. Nasty and Mom rolled away from the battle line screaming and clawing at one another. They had torn each other apart last year and looked more than likely to do the same again. Nasty had a lead on Mom and seemed to be getting stronger. If Dirty recovered before Aunt Irene got back into it, Mom might be in real trouble!

    Next in line Cousin Rob and Big Dick were busting each other to pieces with their fists. They were swinging all out, the only defense being unintentional blocking by each other?s flying arms. Cousin Rob took a nasty shot in the right eye and got staggered, but his strap wrapped right hit Big Dick right on the bridge of the nose. Big Dick staggered and blood flowed. Better, as Cousin Rob?s right drove past Big Dick?s bloody face, the trailing strap whipped across the bastard?s swollen eyebrow and opened up a nasty two inch gap that quickly filled the eye with hot blood. Big Dick swung wildly with his strap in self-defense. Cousin Rob yelped as the strap hit him across the side and put a welt on his back, but it didn?t slow him down a bit. He stepped forward and drove a perfect football kick straight up between Big Dick?s wide open legs. Oh that?s got to hurt is all I could think of as the foot impacted. Big Dick?s eyes went wide. His mouth opened and no sound came out. His legs collapsed and he fell to his knees before his hands could reach his busted balls. Cousin Rob ran forward, grabbed the downed man?s head with both hand and drove a hard right knee straight into the center of Big Dick?s already ruined face. The Johnson man?s head popped out of Cousin Rob?s hands. Big Dick fell backwards bending his legs underneath him and lay still. His limp cock, still huge, flopped on his belly. Cousin Rob raised his right foot and stomped straight down on Big Dick?s crotch. The Johnson man must have been knocked out already because all he did was flop as his balls were stomped. At the moment of his triumph Dirty came in behind him and slammed a kick up into Cousin Rob?s balls from behind. He went down and Dirty jumped on his back, choking and forcing him face down in the dirt.

    My sister Anne and Sleazy were locked in a tit mauling battle with Anne winning because she had a scissors clamped around the Johnson girl?s waist. Both women were screaming and had tears running down their faces. Their beautiful young tits were ripped and clawed. Anne?s nails were longer and she was carving Sleazy up, but the Johnson girl wasn?t letting up. She had Anne?s nipples twisted in circles and pulled at least three inches out from their normal resting position. Someone was going to lose a nipple in this fight, but neither girl would stop mauling. Anne?s scissors had obviously weakened Sleazy, but in turn the scissors were no longer crushing Sleazy?s waist.

    Cousin Bill had Little Joe in trouble. The smaller boy fought back, but his face was already badly marked and he was retreating. Last year Cousin Bill had made the strategic mistake of actually taking the time to ass fuck the boy before the rest of the fights were over. Luckily it hadn?t cost us anything. Little Joe suddenly lunged forward and went for a tackle. Bill stopped him and hammered him in the middle of the back driving the Johnson boy to his knees. But Little Joe wasn?t out. He drove a fist up into Bill?s crotch. Bill partially blocked it and retreated. Joe grabbed his ankles and for the fist time Bill was on his back and the Johnson boy was scrambling to crotch him again. Bill managed to kick the kid in the face and roll away still obviously hurting from the crotch shot.

    Next in line, Fat Bitch and Cindy still wallowed in the dirt clawing at each other. Fat Bitch was on top riding my sister, but Cindy kept her locked up and close. Both were breathing heavily, but Fat Bitch was slowly losing the endurance race.

    Skinny had her back to the wall with Cousin Tina whipping her without mercy. Skinny tried to cover up, but her arms and back were taking the studded strap again and again. She was covered in nasty welts. Her strap had been dropped in the dirt. She had to get off the wall or she would be stripped to the bone by Tina?s strap. Skinny finally lowered her head and charged forward to grab Tina around the waist. Tiny bent over the girl?s back and locked on a front choke. Skinny clawed at Tina?s ass and struggled for air. She finally got her fingers into Tina?s cunt from behind and freed herself. Tina squealed and relinquished the choke, pushing the weakened girl away. Skinny fell back against the wall and slid down on her ass. Tina rushed forward and stomp kicked down on Skinny?s tiny tits. Tina braced herself on the wall and drove her right foot into the Johnson girl?s chest and then down into her belly. Skinny groaned and clawed at my cousin?s leg, trying to reach the cunt again. Tina ground her foot into whatever she was standing on and Skinny groaned and cried out for help.

    On the left of the line, Uncle Dan and Big Nose fought in the dirt. Dan held on his scissors and used his control to keep Big Nose in peril. They punched each other again and again. Big Nose tried to go for the eyes, Dan blocked him. Big Nose tried to go for the cock, but Dan blocked that as well. Big Nose paid with a head butt to his namesake and went back to fighting above the waist. They were both covered in sweat and dirt now and the fight was slowly going Uncle Dan?s way.

    Aunt Geri scored with a strap lash to Big Tit?s face and made the Johnson woman turn half way around. Geri grabbed the woman?s left arm, pulled her forward and drove a knee into the pit of her fat belly. Big Tit went down on her left side with Geri straddling her waist. Geri grabbed Big Tit?s right wrist and pressed it to the ground. Then she leaned forward and sank her teeth into the Johnson woman?s bulging right tit. Big Tit writhed and kicked, but Geri was well placed. She got her teeth into the fat bags and soon had blood as her reward. Big Tit went wild and rolled onto her back. Geri grabbed both hands and tried to go for a school girl pin, but Big Tits bucked and shifted. Geri rolled to the side and clamped her legs tight across Big Tit?s fat belly. The Johnson girl gasped and struggled to get her hands down, but Geri held onto them and sank her locked legs into Big Tit?s fat guts.

    Cousin JR?s fist fight with Gap continued. Both boys had taken some nasty shots and were still hammering away at each other?s faces. The Johnson boy looked worried that JR had improved so much. He made the lunge that the Johnson Family seemed to always make when they got in trouble. JR dodged and used his hands on Gap?s shoulders to cause the Johnson boy to stumble to the ground. On his hands and knees, Gap scrambled to avoid an attack. He wasn?t fast enough. JR landed on his back, wrapping his legs around Gap from behind and his arms around Gap?s head. They hit the ground and JR started to work on his double hold from the top. Gap struggled defensively and managed to avoid a choke, but he was trapped and slowly being worn out.

    Melinda choked Hairy for a minute as the girl clawed at her arms. Then Hairy started trembling. She was being choked out! Melinda rode the panicking bitch for another minute, enduring deep scratches in her arms and wads of hair pulled out as Hairy desperately reached over her head for anyway to break the choke. Melinda used these attacks to get her arm deeper under Hairy?s chin. It was a long effort but by the end of the third minute, Hairy had pissed herself and gone limp. The beauty queen addition to our family had taken out her assignment.

    Cousin Beth and Claws ripped away at each other unknowingly backing into Lisa as she dragged Nipples along the ground by her namesakes. The two cat clawing bitches fell over Nipples. Their weight tore Nipple?s tits from Lisa?s fists. Nipples screamed like her tits had been ripped off. Lisa opened her bloody hands, but seemed surprised she didn?t have a couple of spare nipples inside. Nipple tried to push up, but she had two clawing wildcats on her back. Claws was on top of Cousin Beth trying to rip out her eyes at the same time as she lowered her mouth to Beth?s up thrust tits. Cousin Lisa dropped her right knee down in the middle of Claws? back, spearing the Johnson girl and delivering a secondary blow through her into Beth an then to Nipples who was now driven further into the dirt. Lisa grabbed Claw?s head by the hair and jerked her face back. Claws screamed and reached backwards. Beth blinked her eyes making sure they were still in her head and reached up for Claw?s exposed neck. She clamped on a two handed choke and pressed her thumbs deep into the Johnson girl?s neck. Claws reacted by ripping away at Beth?s face trying to break the choke. Beth had to protect herself, but now Lisa clamped her left arm around Claw?s neck from behind and reached around with her right hand and ripped across Claw?s already blood streaked face. Claws howled and twisted, turning over to try and face Lisa. She ended up twisted at the hips, being choked and clawed from above. Beth added to her agony by grabbing a bloody breast, squeezing it with both hands until its nipple poked out. Then she fixed her teeth to the Johnson girl?s nipple and bit away. Claws screamed in agony and used one hand to claw at Beth?s eyes and the other to try and free her throat. Nipples clawed at the dirt underneath all three trying to get free.

    Cousin Jason and Tiny had rolled across the ground until they were far away from the battle in a corner. I could only see their fight from one camera all the way across the barn. I couldn?t see much, but neither seemed to be dominating.

    Susie blinked her eyes and got back her vision. Moaner was up already and she delivered a perfect roundhouse right complete with studded strap wrapped fist. Susie?s head snapped back and she fell hard to the ground, blood spurting from her swelling nose. Moaner dropped straight down into her thin young belly with both knees. Susie?s guts exploded and she sat straight up and puked on Moaner and herself. Moaner cursed and pushed Susie onto her back. She mounted Susie?s chest and pinned her arms down. Then she systematically pounded the young pretty teen?s face until it was unrecognizable. Susie went limp. Moaner stood up, knee dropped on Susie?s mound. Then she looked around at the fight. That?s when I had my explanation for what happened next. Rather than help the people near here, she ran across behind the line dodging everyone, making a beeline for me. Susie was left bleeding in the dirt and I had a hellcat coming for me with revenge in her eyes.
    To be continued if you want and I have time.

    Next up 6 minutes to 9 minutes

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    MORE AWESOME ACTION!!!, Please continue!


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