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Thread: "Desert Storm" - sequel to "The Queen Bitch"

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    Inactive Member Freshfight's Avatar
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    "Desert Storm"

    Orchid strolled past the self-defence class on her way to her office. As per usual, all the guys? heads turned to eye up the formidable figure of the Special Forces officer. Orchid caught sight of Fresh and winked as she past. A badly bruised Lucy could say or do nothing as her conquerer flirted with her boyfriend.

    Tamar on the other hand had nothing but evil looks for her senior-ranking officer. Brought in 6 months ago to replace Orchid as the elite forces self defence instructor, she had been constantly clashing with Orchid after receiving constant criticism over the way she trained her students and for being to violent with them. At 24, Orchid who had moved up the ranks was wise enough to handle the fiery 19-year-old redhead. She never got involved in any verbal slanging matches with Tamar, although Tamar always tried to incite the officer by deliberately pushing in front of her in the lunch queues, or by rubbing shoulders with her if they would pass in a corridor. This was about to change as Tamar, eager to incite Orchid more, shouted out for Fresh to come to the front for a technique demonstration. Orchid slowed down almost to a halt, watching her friend move to the front of the tent. Orchid then watched in horror as Tamar sent a kick in between Fresh's legs that stopped about a centimetre short of his groin. As Fresh sent his hands down to protect himself, Tamar followed up by grabbing him by his shoulders crouching down, and then in one motion, drove her leg into his stomach and pulled back, sending Fresh tumbling over her. Fresh would have fallen on to Tamar had it not been for the fact that Tamar extended her leg and motioned it behind her, sending Fresh crashing to the ground behind her. To finish off, Tamar flipped over landing directly on top of Fresh, with her well-endowed chest planted firmly on Fresh's face starving him of air. Orchid rushed over grabbing Tamar by the back of her T-shirt and threw her off Fresh before tending to him to see if he was ok. After being assured that he was ok, Orchid turned to face Tamar, now on her feet facing her class. "And that's how you deal with the enemy in three easy steps", Tamar told her class. Orchid walked up to Tamar with a furious look on her face. Not wanting the class to overhear, she scolded the redhead about her violent demonstrations and before walking away, warned her that if it continued she would be suspended. Tamar just laughed at her superior, "Suspend me! No honey, the only thing that needs suspension around here are those punchbags you've sewn onto your chest". Most of the class were now trying to hold back form laughing, some girls failing. Orchid turned around, realising that she was going to have to teach this hotshot a lesson. "Oh really? Why don?t you see if you can pin me like you pinned Fresh", whispered Orchid into Tamar's ear. Tamar had wanted to duel with Orchid for some time now, and her response was instant. "My chest will be the last thing you see", she whispered back.

    Tamar then turned to her class. "We have a special guest for today?s lesson, Orchid has volunteered to allow me demonstrate to you all how to pin your opponent". The class began murmuring sensing that one, that was not the truth and two, after all the tension built up between these two; they were finally going to have it out. Orchid, dressed in her daily wear was wearing a super-thin nylon shiny metallic khaki shirt, tight enough to reveal the perfect form of her 40DDD breasts jutting out from her chest like a set of torpedoes. Below she had a matching long skirt, made out of the same material that clung very tightly around her well-toned behind dropping down over her legs only just disguising their form. Tamar wasn?t alone in her resentment of Orchid. A great deal of the female soldiers disliked Orchid, one of the reasons being that while they were all forced to sweat it out in army regulation pants, long skirts and boots that were thick and uncomfortable, Orchid's summer ensemble was very much non standard, in fact it was designer. Her rank as a superior officer allowed her to wear non-standard uniform without too much trouble. As Tamar warmed up with stretching exercises, Orchid took off her black high heel shoes revealing her stocking covered feet. She wore heels when she had non-training days, another perk of being an officer. Upon removal of her shoes, Orchid's figure sank down to a respectable 5'6" an inch taller than Tamar whose 5'5" figure continued to exercise in the background. Orchid began to walk towards Tamar, each step revealing her model type legs, meaty thighs and defined calves as her long dress stretched so taut it actually limited the size of her footsteps. Tamar stopped, standing upright to face her opponent. Tamar's white T-shirt did little to conceal the size of her 36C breasts that although were not encased by a bra, did defy gravity enough to make you think that they were. Below she wore army standard pants that looked about 3 sizes too small and army issue boots that brought her height level up to Orchid?s now that the officer only had stockings covering her feet, much to the guys delight. Tamar looked somewhat like a girl next to Orchid, even though her figure was quite respectable, the shear size of Orchid?s breasts was enough to make anyone feel inadequate.

    The base was in the desert and the training tent was spacious enough to house this contest. The students made space in the middle as they gathered round in a ring around the two females. To win you had to pin your opponent till she submitted either by word or by tapping out. Orchid assumed her fighter?s stance as did the redhead Tamar, and by signal of Fresh, the challenge began.

    The two locked hands in the centre trying to drive each other back. Tamar, wearing boots had a significant advantage over Orchid's stockings and Orchid found herself being driven back, her feet leaving dust in their tracks as they were skidding along the hard ground. In an instant, Orchid let go of Tamar's hands and grabbed her by the waist. Using Tamar's motion, she sidestepped the young redhead and swung her round by her waist, throwing her to the ground in the process. Before Tamar knew what was happening, Orchid was on top of her, sitting on top of the now shocked girl, her ass planted firmly on her stomach. Orchid pinned down her arms with her knees and pushed down hard on Tamar's shoulders preventing the girl from making any movement. Tamar struggled furiously and bucked wildly, but it was to no avail as the ex-senior instructor had her firmly secured. Orchid peered down at her trapped foe, "Do you give?? she asked Tamar. Orchid had just completed her question when Tamar bucked wildly sending Orchid's ass a few inches in the air. As it came crashing down back onto Tamar's stomach, Orchid suddenly saw a pair of boots in front of her face as Tamar had used the leverage of her buck to raise her legs into the air and wrap them around Orchid's neck. Immediately, Orchid raised her hands up and grabbed Tamar?s ankles trying to pry apart her legs that were now wrapped tightly around Orchid?s neck. Tamar began to swing Orchid left and right and her once secure perch on top of Tamar now looked in danger. Then after forcing Orchid?s body all the way down to the right, Tamar swung her legs all the way to the left, letting go at the last moment sending the dark-haired woman flying across the dirt. Tamar?s formidable leg strength had sent Orchid rolling a few metres away from her, and the race was on now to get up and get the advantage. Tamar flipped back onto her feet in a second, and stormed towards a slightly dazed Orchid, who was massaging her neck while trying to catch her breath from Tamar?s attack. As Orchid rose, Tamar speared her and drove her to the floor. Quickly moving on top of Orchid, Tamar grabbed onto Orchid?s wrists with both of her hands and pinned down her hands above her head as she moved herself to sit on top of Orchid's chest; crushing Orchid's breast's under her. Orchid tried a similar trick to Tamar by attempting to flip her legs up around Tamar's neck, but the fact that Tamar was sitting on Orchid's chest as opposed to her stomach meant that she was out of reach. Tamar grinned down at Orchid. "Had enough or do you want me to sit here all day"? She asked Orchid.

    Orchid had no response; she was not even struggling. Then in an instant, Orchid started to force her arms upward against Tamar?s pressure. Tamar felt her arms being severely out-powered by Orchid despite the fact that she was on top of her. Orchid finally raised her arms so that they were right in front of Tamar?s face. Tamar tried desperately to force Orchid?s arms back to the ground but Orchid?s arm strength was in a different league to Tamar?s and as she out-powered her younger opponent. Orchid then prised her hands apart and in a single motion twisted her hands around, breaking the hold that Tamar had on them and then latched them back onto Tamar?s wrists. Before Tamar had even realised that it was now her wrists that were caught, Orchid had forced her arms down to her sides and while still latched onto her wrists, grabbed onto Tamar?s waist and threw the young redhead 180 degrees over her. Tamar flipped through the air above Orchid and landed heavily on her back and ass to come to rest in line with Orchid, the two beauties now laying face up head to head with each other. Orchid followed up instantly by executing the exact same move that Tamar had earlier done on Fresh. In an instant Orchid flipped herself backward to land on Tamar with a full body splash, making sure that her chest was perfectly planted on Tamar?s face. In an instant Orchid pinned down Tamar?s hands above her head and extended her legs fully down on top of Tamar?s, locking her feet around Tamar?s ankles to make sure that there would be no repeat escapes. Orchid let gravity take over as her 125lbs perfect figure remained on top of the smothered instructor and for the second time she had the cocky redhead secured firmly under her superior body. Tamar?s muffled screams were starting to get drowned out as the girls in the crowd willed her to fight back. The boys on the other hand were content to see the sexy officer breast smother their tyrant instructor. Nearly all the guys were completely fixed on Orchid?s dominant position on top of Tamar, her thin long skirt stretched to it?s extremes, revealed the amazing curves that Orchid possessed in the lower half of her body. After a minute or so, Tamar started tapping the ground with the back of her fingers. Orchid asked Tamar if she had had enough but did not rise up to let Tamar respond. A muffled voice, barely audible was the reply and Orchid asked the question again. Again, Tamar?s response was barely audible. Orchid, deciding that she had sufficiently taught the girl a lesson, lifted her chest up a few inches and re-asked the question. ?Yes, Yes, I give!!!!?, Tamar gasped. With that Orchid lifted herself up off Tamar and stood up. Tamar lay there catching her breath while Orchid dusted herself down from the dirt that was on her clothes. The guys now had a new focus as they latched their eyes onto the huge sweaty patch that had emerged on Orchid?s chest, probably caused by Tamar?s sweaty face, causing her bra and breasts to become slightly visible. Fresh had a huge smile on his face having just seen his new admirer put his tormentor in her place but his smile was about to turn into a look of shock. As Orchid bent over to pick up her high-heels, Tamar, who was now fully up and enraged, rushed over to the dark-haired hellcat and sent her right boot crashing into her ass. A huge cheer came out from the girls in the tent as they watched Orchid fly forward a few feet and land heavily on her chest. Tamar wasted no time in following up, rushing over to the fallen Orchid and jumping down on top of her upper-back, flattening Orchid?s chest in the process. Orchid had been taken completely by surprise and now Tamar was completely in control. Pulling Orchid?s head up by her hair, she then slammed it down into the ground, rubbing Orchid?s face in the dirt. The girls cheered loudly as they watched Tamar abuse Orchid, but their cheers would be short lived as Orchid reached round her back and grabbed onto Tamar?s hair in return, throwing the redhead off her back. Tamar landed hard on her back as before and quickly rolled away from Orchid to prevent any further attack. Orchid was first to rise, covered in dirt, she dusted herself down, and all except her chest area where the dirt had actually stuck to and coated the sweat soaked area. With a huge footprint on her arse, Orchid assumed a martial arts stance as she faced Tamar.

    ?I can see I?m going to have to teach you a real lesson?, She told the rising redhead. Tamar assumed the same fight stance as Orchid and the class watched in anticipation of the bout that was about to take place. Some guys were even placing bets on who would win. It seemed that the betting favoured Orchid as she was being called out as odds on favourite even though some guys thought her skirt would restrict her kicking. Tamar was being called out at 10-1 underdog with only a few taking up the offer.

    Tamar moved in first throwing a punch at Orchid?s face that Orchid easily blocked. Tamar was undeterred and threw a five punch combination aiming a left and a right at Orchid?s face again, following up with a right and a left to her stomach. Orchid was quick enough to block the first two punches to her face and even managed to get down to parry the right to her gut. But the left, Tamar?s faster hand, managed to double her over as it sunk into her shirt leaving her open for Tamar?s conclusion to her combo, an uppercut to Orchid?s defenceless chin that sent the woman stumbling back a few steps.

    ?Tamar now 5-1?, Called the resident bookie, and immediately there was a revived noise in the crowd.

    Tamar closed in and attempted another punch to Orchid?s beautiful face but Orchid sidestepped the punch and lashed out with a right of her own that caught Tamar on the cheek. Tamar took a step back and launched a kick to Orchid?s gut. Orchid blocked it, took a step forward and punched Tamar square in the face with a devastating right. This time Tamar stumbled back a few steps, shaking her head and refocusing on her opponent. Tamar came in again like a woman possessed, but Orchid was ready for her and as soon as she was in striking range Orchid let out a left to her cheek which stunned Tamar. Orchid moved in closer and buried a right into Tamar?s gut. Tamar doubled over and Orchid brought her hands together to hammer them into her back sending Tamar crashing to the floor. The girls in the crowd had gone silent by now as they watched the superior fighter give their instructor a lesson in front of them while the guys cheered on. ?No more bets?, shouted the bookie as Tamar hit the floor on her face.

    Orchid took a step back and peered down at Tamar who was just getting to her knees.

    ?Want more?? questioned Orchid as Tamar remained on her knees catching her breath. Tamar rubbed her nose and on examining her finger realised that Orchid had caused it too bleed slightly.

    ?YOU BITCH!? screamed Tamar and with that statement she grabbed hold of both of Orchid?s legs by the ankles and pulled back viciously sending Orchid crashing on her firm ass. Tamar didn?t let up and began to pull her opponent across the ground towards her.

    ?5-1 on Tamar?, screamed the bookie as he watched Orchid?s skirt hike up to just below her knees as Tamar dragged Orchid?s ass along the ground.

    Orchid started to kick her legs furiously, but it as in vain as Tamar had watched Orchid's last fight and had seen how Luc took full advantage of this position. Tamar now had a good hold on Orchid?s ankles and were more in control of Orchid?s legs than she was. After dragging her on her back, Tamar flipped Orchid onto her front and dragged her across the ground on her front. Orchid?s tried crawling away but only succeeded in raising up dust as Tamar kept a good hold on her and kept dragging. Then, deciding she had had enough, Tamar raised Orchid?s legs up high in the air and let go, letting Orchid fall heavily on her chest and knees. Orchid let out a loud ?oomph? as her now slightly abused chest absorbed the impact of her slamming.

    ?Tamar, New evens favourite! Orchid now 2-1? shouted the bookie as the class, now joined by surrounding classes, watched on.

    Orchid lay there on her front, recovering while Tamar advanced to capitalise on her advantage. Just as Tamar got close, Orchid rolled onto her back, pulled her knees back to her chest and let fly with a huge double kick that drove straight into Tamar?s stomach. Tamar flew back from the force of the kick and landed on her ass in a sitting position. Orchid wasted no time in getting up, flipping to her feet, she straightened out her skirt much to the guys? disappointment and waited patiently for Tamar to get up.

    Tamar rose up to her feet and the two beauties eyed each other up, each waiting for the other to make the first move. This time it was Orchid, who closed in, faked a right to the face and launched a left hook into Tamar?s gut. As Tamar doubled over, Orchid sent a right hook into the same place. Orchid didn?t let up and took full advantage of Tamar?s open chin by sending a straight right to it. Tamar flew back from Orchid?s phenomenal arm strength and desperately tried to counter sending a few weak punches that mostly hit the air. Orchid just laughed as she advanced on the now weakened redhead. A right hook to the cheek followed up by two straight lefts to Tamar?s nose had the youngster back-peddling as blood started to trickle down her face onto her T-shirt. Orchid then demonstrated her superiority over the girl, sending an overhand punch to her forehead and then two hooks to her nose again. Tamar stumbled back as more blood flew from her nose down her top. She tried in vain to counter sending her arms flailing around in the air attempting a few punches. Amazingly enough, one of them connected with Orchid?s right breast. Orchid squirmed momentarily as her melon-sized breast absorbed the blow but maintained her confident stance that was about her by now and responded by sending her right fist crashing down on top of Tamar?s left breast. Tamar screamed out as she grabbed her breast with her left hand. Orchid did not let up though and sent an overhead right that came pounding down onto Tamar?s right breast. Tamar?s reaction was similar to the last attack and while both of her hands were covering her assets, Orchid seized the advantage to move in real close.

    ?You wanna make this a catfight, have it your way? were Orchid?s words as she grabbed onto Tamar?s shoulders and sent her right knee crashing into Tamar?s crotch. Tamar?s legs buckled as her face had an expression of shock on it. Moans came from the crowd as little slips of papers were being thrown to the ground. As Orchid let go of Tamar, Tamar collapsed in a heap on the floor, both hands holding her crotch.

    Orchid lay Tamar out on the floor and sat on her stomach.

    ?I don?t know why all the girls go for my breasts? I think its because they are all jealous. Are you jealous Tamar? Lets see what you have to be jealous about shall we?

    With that, Orchid did the unthinkable and ripped Tamar?s T-shirt open like it was a shirt. Tamar tried to hide her face but could do nothing as her assets popped free for all her class to see. For pride?s sake, Tamar lashed out with a slap to Orchid?s face, but Orchid saw it coming and caught the redhead?s hand. Orchid then trapped her opponent?s arms beneath her knees and just sent punch after punch into Tamar?s breasts, beating them black and blue for at least a minute, occasionally hitting her in the face. Tamar was now a sobbing mess, having been absolutely destroyed and humiliated by her senior and to make matters worse, in front of her class. Some girls actually wanted to remove Orchid from on top of Tamar but as they advanced, Orchid turned to face them, her fists raised. The girls soon backed off. Orchid finally got off Tamar and pulled the girl to her feet by her hair. Examining her work, she held onto Tamar?s hair with her left hand as she pounded further on her bruised and blood stained breasts with her right hand. Tamar begged for her to stop but it was to no avail, she had got on the wrong side of the wrong person and now she was paying. Orchid decided that she had had enough and while still holding Tamar in position, sent another vicious knee to her crotch. Tamar would have collapsed but Orchid held her in place and to add icing to the cake, she held onto the back of Tamar?s head and pushed her face firmly into her chest. The crowd looked on in astonishment, the guys in particular dumb-founded from seeing Tamar being put into a standing breast smother. It was only a matter of time before Tamar?s arms collapsed to her side and her muffled screams could be heard no more as she passed out from Orchid?s assets. Orchid let her collapse to the ground finally, topless and beaten. Orchid turned to the class.

    ?So girls, you see, a girls assets can be a good target, or a good weapon. That?s it for today, dismissed.?

    Fresh handed Orchid her shoes. He looked at the state of the hellcat; her once designer outfit was now bloody, sweat-soaked and almost see-through. But the truth was that apart from Orchid's clothes, she was relatively unharmed by the fight. As Orchid put her shoes back on she realised that her stockings were completely torn and laddered below the knee. ?That Bitch, I just bought this pair?, exclaimed Orchid as she dusted herself down and tried to look as respectable as possible. With that, she pecked Fresh on the cheek and walked back to her room to get showered and changed leaving a crowd of stunned students trying to revive their teacher.

    <font color="#a62a2a"><font size="1">[ July 30, 2007 08:13 AM: Message edited by: Freshfight ]</font></font>

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ July 30, 2007 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Freshfight ]</font>

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    EXCELLENT, Great story!! I remember reading pt 1 also, just didn't mention it, this was new to me tho. Am really looking forward to pts 3, 4.


  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Malcore's Avatar
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    I remember this story, I think from Seaking's? Anyway, great story, I loved it then and I still love it now! Just one question, was Tamar modeled after anyone in particular? I seem to recall there being a broken link to a picture? Or is my memory just being awful and thinking of something entirely different.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Chaoswolf9's Avatar
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    Awesome work! loved it

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Freshfight's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback. Like I said, these are not new stories, although I have ammended a few of them slightly (I've even managed to include Orchid's famous finisher move from KI1 - The Flash into part 3!)

    Tamar did have link to some random hottie I'd found on a catfight page (she was a redhead in combat trousers) I'll try and provide links to some pictures of Orchid's opponents in the next post.

    Part 3 should be up very soon.



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