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Thread: The Club- Grande Cliffside Re-Opening

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    Senior Hostboard Member mcgoll's Avatar
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    The Club- Grande Cliffside Re-Opening

    WARNING: This is an extreme fantasy with absolutely no founding in reality. If extremish violence and/or fatal-finish combat disturb you then do not read further, seriously.

    ***Another short Minka Match, this time not historical though. The busty Asian is a fun fighter to write.***

    Minka: Longtime Queen of the Beach, busty Asian Minka is famous for her ongoing reign over the popular beachfight venue. Fighting at least twice a week for over two decades, anyone expecting her to be an easy fight is dead wrong (literally, judging by the amount of Members she has killed professionally or in private). Many upstart young members have tried to put Minka down (many claiming her time has passed), but tonight Minka is answering a challenge from a fellow decades-long Member.
    Fun Fact: Minka's large chest has tempted many busty members into trying to take her out. Her preferred counter-kill is a classic titsmother, just for insult.

    Minka's personal venue was four boxing ring posts dug into the beachfront sand. While that's where she preferred to do her fighting (she rarely fought anywhere else), she found herself on the opposite side of the Club's peninsula this evening. Whereas her side was all sandy beaches, this side was a straight drop.

    The large crowd was blocked off from the jutting cliff face by boxing ring style ropes. The ropes and posts only stretched across the curving edge though, leaving the ledge an open fall. For anyone who fell over, a hundred foot drop into the ocean, complete with jagged rocks for the truly unfortunate.

    The last time this venue had been used Minka herself was in the crowd. A new Member herself, she had learned a lot watching two real bad bitches battle over a man. It had been a true black Vs. white match (the pale white fighter even had platinum blonde hair), and the black fighter that Minka bet on handily broke her opponent's back before tossing the limp body directly onto the rocks below. After witnessing such a messy death, Minka was surprised when somebody that had also been at that fight challenged her to a similar match.

    Kelly: Minka's challenger, a veteran blonde that's been around just as long. Like any Member surviving decades in the Club, Kelly is a well respected combatant. Recently deciding she deserved to be the oldest Member, the blonde has started hunting the few others older than herself. Killing one in the ring on her twenty first anniversary (knee dropping on the woman's throat after a twenty minute match), and another in a private match after convincing her husband to seduce the other woman (it was no ambush, she beat the fully prepared woman to death before fucking over her body). While she believes there to be easier targets than Minka, she remembers the same cliffside match from her first year and is impatient to see it copied.
    Fun Fact: Kelly has been wanting to see the cliffside venue return for many years. The best way she can think of is to win a highly publicized fight with an equally respected Member there. Her hope is for a new generation to see the wonderful brutality of such a fighting ground.

    Both Minka and Kelly stepped through the ropes at the same time, the blonde's being held apart by her husband of fifteen years. Minka's large breasts pushing past the taut ropes.

    While the ever expanding audience would love to see a fighter thrown screaming to her death, both women knew it was unlikely. The last eight feet to the edge sharply sloped upwards making it difficult to be bullrushed off, this in addition to the inherent danger of shoving a grappling opponent over the lip meant most women sent over were unconscious if not dead already (sometimes those that fell missed the rocks as well, landing semi-safely in the water).

    Kelly strutted forward, wearing a pink bikini in contrast to Minka's nudity. Standing in front of her opponent the blonde looked her up and down before laughing, "Guess it's fitting you'll die in the ocean, Queen of the Beach my perfect ass."

    Minka scowled back before replying, "You made a big mistake, bitch. I'm going to leave your body for the sharks."

    This would hardly be the first time the two had fought. In their time as Members Minka and Kelly had battled eight times, three of those times in the past six months (Ever since she decided to kill the other long-term veterans Kelly had been testing them). Each with four wins, Kelly won the past two bouts, once by choking, again by beat down.

    With no ref to split them up (although the most popular Club referee was in the audience, having bet heavily on Minka), they stood nipple to bikini fabric till the bell was struck directly at Six PM. Kelly, laughing, tried for an uppercut start. The blonde veteran was interrupted by Minka throwing herself chest forward.

    Minka had no time for style, launching herself tits first into Kelly's face. The blonde was pushed back as Minka began her onslaught. Throwing all her power into her punches, while she'd been threatened with death many times, she remembered well the blonde warrior she'd once seen dashed on the rocks below, she would not share that fate.

    Initially taken by surprise, Kelly hadn't survived this long to be defeated so suddenly. A highly experienced brawler, she only took a few (admittedly painful) body shots before countering. Catching Minka by her only clothing, a white wristband, she twisted the oncoming Asian's hand away and slammed her fist straight into Minka's diaphragm.

    Giving a quick gasp of surprise more that pain, Minka tried unsuccessfully to yank her dominant hand away from Kelly while slapping away another punch aimed at her stomach. She succeeded but at a cost.

    The crowd loved the fast-paced beginning. The viewing ground sloping gently up from the match, everybody could see as Kelly quickly brought her diversionary punch back and up, directly into Minka's face.

    Kelly let go of Minka's arm, rocketing her newly free hand up under a massive boob. Smashing the hated Asian in the face with her own right tit. She kicked out hard as Minka tottered on her heels, blasting her once again in the diaphram.

    Minka crashed to her back, out of breathe. She still had the presence of mind to get her foot up though, stopping Kelly from hurling herself forward looking to straddle her. Her heel drove right between the jumping blonde's tits, breaking the pink bra right in the centre. Her knee buckled and Kelly was thrown gasping to the side. In their two previous matches, Kelly had won using a similar straddling tactic.

    With both fighters on the ground, the crowd pressed against the restraining ropes trying to get a view. They were screaming for blood as both veterans recovered beside one another.

    To the annoyance of supporters on either side of the betting pool, the pugilistas recovered as one. Ramming into one another on their knees.

    Grappling for several seconds, Kelly once again showed herself to be the better brawler. The blonde rammed her elbow into Minka's jaw before ripping it back, dragging her knuckles across the busty Asian's eye.

    Minka was stumbled, if only for a second. A second too long though as Kelly set her up for a finish, wrapping her fingers in Minka's hair the blonde almost broke her hand smashing her opponent in the forehead.

    Kelly patiently cracked her knuckles, there was brown hair between her fingers and an unconscious bitch on the ground before her. She basked in it as the crowd screamed it's adoration of her. Once she'd killed Minka there would only be four more Members on her list, then she'd be the oldest.

    Gripping Minka's hair in both hands, Kelly dragged her, tits down, up the slope. Reaching the edge, she looked down to figure out where the rocks were. The match officially ended when one fighter died or went over. Thus if she missed a rock and survived, Minka would be safe.

    Going for the most photogenic killshot, Kelly breathed out as subtly as she could before hefting Minka up. The huge-titted Asian was the same height as Kelly and as such not easy to lift but she made it look graceful.

    Kelly stood with her back to the crowd, hefting Minka over her head with bent elbows. She stood just long enough to hear the flash of her victory photo before crouching slightly and dumping Minka forward. Aiming for the large rock in the centre of the jagged formation. Crushing an opponent on it was supposed to be some kind of good luck, when it came to more killing anyway (Kelly expected to need such luck in the coming months).

    The crowd gasped as Kelly shrieked in terror, her blonde hair caught in Minka's limp fingers. There was silence as both fighters toppled over the cliff, except for Kelly's long scream. The shriek ended abruptly.

    Roughly half the audience ran for the edge to look down, the other half immediately heading for the roundabout path down. Even at a full sprint it was several minutes to the narrow shore at the bottom.


    Minka came to as she submerged, landing thankfully clear of the rocks after falling off course. Luckily landing feet first, she survived the fall into the water. Barely concious, she floundered on a large wave that took her in under the cliff face. The wet sand was soft under her scratched tits as she washed up on the small beach.

    After a minute of heavy breathing the Beach Queen looked around, hoping to see Kelly dashed on the rocks. Instead she saw the limp blonde floating up right beside her. The former victorious blonde's large tits and stomach were bright red, implying a bad landing.

    Minka gripped Kelly by the hair, hauling the unconscious woman further up onto the beach. Straddling her opponent she slapped a strong backhand across a cheek.

    Kelly awoke sputtering, water spraying out as she retched. She glanced about with wild eyes, finally focusing on Minka above her. She immediately tried to get up, but her arms were pinned by her sides.

    Minka grinned down at her trapped opponent, slapping her again across the face. Her grin only widened when Kelly eventually coughed out, "The fights over, we went over the edge."

    "Officially maybe, guess this is a private match now." Minka slammed her tits down on Kelly's upturned face before the blonde could scream. She only had a few minutes before other Members turned up.

    Minka grinded her bared pussy on Kelly's stomach, getting off on the blonde's weak struggles. When the struggles stopped the victorious Asian fighter came hard, re-soaking her unconscious enemy just feet from the surf. Another minute and she finally lifted off the dead woman, wet sand sticking to her tits. There were depressions in the sand flanking Kelly's head, small pools of water already filling in.

    Minka had just enough time to cover her crime, dragging Kelly back into the water she erased the titsmother marks from the sand. When she finally heard feet slapping the beach just around the corner of the cliff face she pretended to be just hauling Kelly out of the water by her hair.

    It didn't matter who believed the surviving fighter, the fact was that Minka said Kelly had drowned after impact. Despite the official score being that Kelly had won via knockout before dying in an accident, everybody still let Minka take a victory photo. Laying the dead blonde down over the rough patch of sand she'd just messed up, Minka pressed her tits down once again, smiling sweetly for the camera.

    A second photo was taken of the dead blonde laying face up, two recognizable tit craters to either side. The Club magazine would use the picture as a cover the following week, the cover story being that since that night there had already been three deathmatches held at the newly reinvigorated cliffside venue.

    Fun Facts:
    -Of the three subsequent matches, only the first ended in a cliffdrop kill, the second time around the loser missed the rocks and survived. The third loser was also dashed on the rocks, but only after being choked to death up top.
    -Also in the magazine was a surprise article of leaked photos, those of Kelly's most notable private kills going back fifteen years.
    -The ref lost her bet, due to Kelly's official win, but didn't mind cause her favourite fighter was the one who survived.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Garren's Avatar
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    Re: The Club- Grande Cliffside Re-Opening

    Very nice, especially the surprising direction things went.

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Ted Mark's Avatar
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    Re: The Club- Grande Cliffside Re-Opening

    Marry Christmas McGoll

    HQ N104newsofapcom4ba7d986caf0edenise milani sexy boobs 1

    What to do? What to do?
    Last edited by Ted Mark; December 24th, 2015 at 11:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member mcgoll's Avatar
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    Re: The Club- Grande Cliffside Re-Opening

    Quote Originally Posted by Garren View Post
    Very nice, especially the surprising direction things went.
    Thanks, I felt that a standard Cliffdrop finish would be an underwhelming way to finish the story.

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