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Thread: ISABEL vs Sara White Doe

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    HB Forum Owner PiersKnight's Avatar
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    Post ISABEL vs Sara White Doe


    Part One

    Lies and Truth
    I asked Sara if she had ever lost a Catfight match, we had been discussing her various matches, “Yes,” came the answer: “Six times to women who cheated and used drugs and weapons, but only ONCE for real.” Isabel was the woman who beat Sara up in 1991.

    This is a salutary tale of one woman Catfighter’s lies and deceit almost ruining her life and of another woman’s determination to be the best, the fittest, the strongest, and she achieved this, much to the alarm of Isabel who thought it right to cheat. When Isabel and Sara fought for the first time it was on the understanding that Isabel was a beginner, but she proved to be anything but. In fact she was an expert and experienced in her art. She beat Sara up and damn near killed her. Two years later, the fortuitous impromptu rematch saw Sara win with an air of finality.

    The problems began when Sara spent a whole day flying to Spain then driving to the location. Sara aptly quoted the words of Robert Mitchum in the movie Eldorado: “I was too mad to worry about being scared and too sick to care about being worried,” but not so much sick as tired. Sara and her mom were 20 hours in the air and then driving to the location and not being allowed adequate rest before the fight. But, every story has a beginning so I guess we will start at the beginning of this one:

    May 20th Sara’s mom got a special request to fight a woman in Barcelona via her fight group. Sara was one of the newest members so her mom decided to let her try this one. She had Killed Rosia in TJ and mom figured that a simple catfight for Sara would be ok, nothing big. The packet Sara’s mom got in the mail was from a woman name Isabel. It gave her Profile and a small workout video tape of her lifting weight in the nude and showing her work out routine. She explained she was a 25-year-old novice that wanted to start catfighting as a hobby and she was looking for matches. She then stated that Sara’s mom’s group was highly recommended. ((Mom raised an eye brow wondering if a few of the women in the group had been talking about fights, this kind of bugged her.))

    It transpired that Barcelona was a very popular place to fight; this one was in a beach condo. The fight was to take place on June 8th. They watched Isabel on her video lifting weights and telling her story about being a novice catfighter; she explained she wanted to get into catfighting at 25, which sounded odd but ok. Sara’s mom sent Sara’s profile to Isabel and a few pictures that mom had made and then waited for her response.

    The pictures that they had done, one of which was of Sara lifting weights, another was of Sara on the beach and one of her fighting. Because Isabel told them that she was a novice they had wondered if she was wanting some training before a light match. They asked her the typical pre-match questions: If she wanted a light catfight to be more as a warm up and to walk her through what catfighting was about. So they could explain what catfighting was and in the future if she liked it what she could expect in matches; but surprise, surprise she didn't respond.
    The first thought was that they had confused her about what they were talking about. But then she responded that she wanted a regular catfight, nothing more. Mom made flight arrangements and on June 7th they flew to Barcelona, Spain to meet Isabel and see if she was serious about a fight or was this just training. She put on false airs all the way to the beginning of the match when she was just plain and simply a liar.

    ((Miss Isabel the 25 year old novice decided she wanted to get into catfighting, at least that was the story she told them on the video tape. She was well muscled and about Sara’s size.))

    Sara: was 19 years old and 5' 11" and weighed 150 lbs but was 97% solid muscle. She was 46EE ? still growing 24” waist 33” hips. At this time she guessed you could call her well experienced, somewhat professional in style.

    Isabel was about 5' 9" blond, 148lbs, 40 D 25” 35”, extremely hard packed muscle, cut and tone and very solid. So the women were pretty even physically, or so they thought. While Sara had been trained from the age of 6 years old to be a fighter and was experienced as a fighter, she had not been told all of the truth as far as Isabel was concerned. Isabel turned out to be a very experienced fighter and deceitful too.

    In no way, shape, or form, was Isabel a novice as far as catfighting went; - her first lie.
    The second lie: Was the tape they had received, it was very old and had been severely edited; they had been told only half of what Isabel could do. If they had known all of the facts I can say the outcome would have been somewhat different. For one thing Sara would have trained harder, second thing, she would have been more cautious when fighting her in the catfight. They found out more about Isabel after she almost killed Sara in the fight.

    It wasn’t until later after the fight that they found out that Isabel had been in several maim and death matches. She had also competed in a few blood sport competitions and had killed a few women in the ring as well as in several pits. She wasn't a novice she was an expert. So when Sara fought her she fought her as she was pretending to be a Novice. Sara was trying to be nice to her, but Isabel was not nice.

    Sara always adjusts her fighting to fit who she is fighting, so when Sara approached her for the match she was under the impression this was kind of like a sparring match. While Sara cannot say that this would have changed the outcome of the fight she can say that she would have approached her differently and treated her as an expert instead of starting with her like a novice training exercise.

    Sara and her mom touched down in Spain to be met by Isabel’s driver and they drove to the beach area south of the city to a condo house, big, nice, and fancy. After 20 hours flight on a plane and one-hour drive south, Sara and her mom were tired, but when they got to her condo Isabel was rude, but also polite to some degree. Sara asked her if they could rest and wash somewhere from the travel and she showed them to a guest room that was unmade. At that point Sara didn't care, she just wanted to get cleaned up and rest for a bit; mom paced the floor and Sara tried to relax a little before they found out what Isabel wanted to do.

    Sara didn't rest well and finally she got up to get some water and Isabel asked her if she was rested enough. Still under the impression they were just doing a standard catfight, nothing special, usually no blood, just a light fight until one of them decides to quit or submits or in some cases is KO'd. So Sara’s response to her was to say, “Sure,” and shrug her shoulders but. Isabel seemed extremely tensed up. Sara told her it was ok, they would just walk through a few moves and see what needs to be worked on and they can enjoy the fight.

    Isabel seemed very tense as she led the way to the beach area where there was a fighting matted area that had been swept up. Sara asked her the same questions she asks in her cyber matches, ‘what do you like, how rough do you like to fight, how far do you like to go, what type of attire do you like to wear? Etcetera, etc’. Isabel was very tight lipped and didn't say much; Sara thought she might be shy and need a friend to help her out and work out the kinks with her in a match. **** if Sara wasn't totally wrong on all counts!

    Again Isabel said nothing and she seemed rather annoyed at Sara for asking the questions she was. Sara told her that she didn't under stand, she was just trying to make this fun for both of them and everyone has a good time and she gets to release some tension and they all have a good fight. Her response was, “Lets just fight and see if I learn anything.”

    The moment to begin came and they walked to the mats, mom sat near the edge and Sara asked about rules. Isabel just smiled and Sara said, “Ok, well, No weapons at any time; No Eye gouges or attacks; No bloody scratches and non blood biting so she can get a feel of the catfight, apart from that everything from the neck down is fair game but Sara will go light because Isabel was new. Isabel just smiled and said, “Sure, ok.” Sara told her if there was anything else she would like to add to the rules she could. Isabel shrugged and said they can start.

    Sara told her that since she was new to this and learning she could start them off. Sara would let her start out and they would walk through the paces. Isabel shrugged and Sara walked to the center of the mats. Isabel came to the center of the mats, Sara asked her what attire she wanted to wear and she took her bikini off. Sara said ok and took off hers. She then turned to drop her bikini off the mats then as she turned to face Isabel. To Sara’s surprise Isabel sucker punched her with a right cross and caught her off guard.

    She had a very solid punch, just like Sara’s >>Wham<< and Sara said, “hey, now!” But Isabel didn't back up, she kicked Sara in the abs, Sara’s abs were tensed up but it still hurt. Sara upper cut her right breast and kneed her hard in the stomach and made the remark, “I thought you wanted to do a light spar,,,,,” and she came in swinging again. Sara blocked two of her punches right and left and she doubled kneed Sara in the stomach catching her off guard again. The double blow caused Sara to bend down and Isabel kicked her in the face and busted her lips.

    Sara saw stars for a second and went into combat mode, but it was getting to be too late. Sara kicked her in the **** and lunged and elbowed her catching her across the face and kneed her in the stomach. Isabel head butted her in the face again busting the tip of her nose and her mouth; Sara’s head rocked back and Isabel wailed a kick into her open vulva and Sara fell backwards.

    Isabel followed her to the ground and they grappled back and forth; Isabel kept hitting Sara in the left eye and her eye was swelling as she kneed Isabel in the back. Isabel was right on top of her and Sara punched Isabel in the face and broke her nose and also hit her in the chin. Isabel kept hammering Sara’s face until all she was seeing was blood, she got dizzy as Isabel started to work on beating Sara’s **** bloody; she pinned Sara’s arms under her and locked her legs in tight around her so that she could not move and she raked her nails in her breasts deep and started to bloody her breasts.

    Next Isabel bit deep into Sara’s breasts and blood flowed freely as she scarred her deeply. Isabel wiped the blood from her mouth and told her she could kill her now but she was a worthless **** that she beat easily. Sara couldn't see her for the blood in her eyes and face. Isabel bit her over and over and bloodied Sara’s ******s and Sara couldn't respond to her; - she tried to kick her, but Sara felt Isabel’s foot hit her in the jaw and that was all she remembered. After that, Isabel kept beating Sara bloody for another 5 minutes and Sara’s mom had to tell her to stop. She was severely going to regret this after this, everyone would learn what type of lies she was telling and no one would fight her. Soon the only fights she would get were from women worse than her. The only matches she could get would be maim or death catfights.

    Isabel stopped and got off Sara and flipped Sara’s mom the bird. She had broke three of Sara’s ribs, dislocated her left shoulder, scarred her breasts badly, and fractured her jaw, but not broke it.

    A fair or unfair match, it was clear to some that think she cheated by giving false information. While she didn't drug Sara, double team her, use a weapon, she DID lie to her, she omitted the truth about what she wanted, she ‘blind sided’ her and she won. But being sucker punched didn't help, yes Sara was mad. Her mom took her to the ER and she was treated enough to allow her to fly home (a very uncomfortable journey) and two weeks later she was better.

    Emotionally, Sara was hurt more than the injuries she sustained. It still grates on her memory. Two years later, Sara did beat her in a death match, which was her REQUEST, I can say she was not as fortunate in their next match. But in the meantime Sara’s mom did make a point of ****ing up Isabel’s catfighting Challenges right after she beat Sara.

    Her mom told everyone who Isabel was and what type of a liar she was. Yes it was like blood in the water for her. Soon all of her challenge’s she had posted were rejected and no one would fight her; imagine that on a global scale! Very soon the only matches she could get were from people like her, HIGH STEROID *******, silk wrapped nails, dopers and druggies and women who use weapons and double team were her only available matches. Yes, mom screwed her real good.


    Part Two

    The Ringer
    After Isabel made a point of almost killing Sara in their first match Sara’s mom screwed her world up extremely fast. Mom told the group when they got back home and four of the group were Internet savvy and word spread like wild fire and did not stop for Isabel; Almost over night every single fight she had on her books dropped off or cancelled on her, she had no more matches for the rest of the year. That said, the only women that would fight her were the ones that were like her to other more severe degrees.

    Those women were worse than her in that they actually used cheating as opposed to her lies, in which case her lies with them would not get her very far; needless to say she had very few matches over the course of two years, she had four matches in two years, Sara and her mom never knew what types of matches she did but they knew what type of matches she was down to.

    For Sara during the two years, while her body had long since healed she was now always on guard, once burn twice shy, from that match on Sara started to read people better and read their body language. Sara started to watch their shoulders and arms and head movement and legs, the way they smiled and where their eyes moved to, listen to their talk and for key words in their speech, see if the were saying something and not telling what they were really like.

    Sara’s match with Isabel had left a severe bad impression on her because she had lost in a way that she didn’t think any fighter should lose in. It changed her mentally in one big aspect; Sara trained even harder because she wanted to be better physically and she learned to be leary of other women. During those two years Sara had about 25 matches, which were very varied. Most of them were standard catfights, one death match and four maim matches, two of the maims ended in death, several KO matches and the rest were submission matches.

    In the two maim matches she is referring to Sara had started to perfect her skill at ripping off her opponents breasts as a finisher move. In doing so, she also learned how dangerous tearing a woman’s breast form her body is, the veins and arteries tear and she can bleed to death. (But those are other stories, which may be told when there is time.)

    [But back to 1991 – 1993] During those two years Sara trained harder and also made a point of becoming stronger. She trained hard and became a much better fighter and more skilled than she had been. She had increased her stamina to last several hours of hard long fighting and lifting and training; yes, it was like she had a demon in her clawing her mind and trying to get out. While She didn't dwell on her loss 24/7 every waking moment it did influence how Sara fought women, even to this day.

    Sara received a request for a match in Tijuana (TJ) Mexico for June 11th 1993. Sara was 21, they had been to TJ a few times before, mostly for standard matches, and this request was for a standard catfight with a novice catfighter. Sara rolled her eyes and asked if it was a training or a recruiting match, but it was none of those, it was for a Blind catfight. The term ‘blind’ means that a 4th or in some cases a 5th party sets up the catfight. It’s like a blind date so you don't know who you are facing. The request was for a standard catfight with money. ??????????????? A red flag’s went up. Standard catfights don't bet an here was a side bet that was being asked for? You can bet that there was going to be a room full of people watching the fight.

    The request was for a NOVICE catfight. Woman trying to learn catfighting who are wanting to get into it as a sport. A 4th party handler with no other info sounded familiar, but the sided betting was new to Sara. She asked about the name on the novice, she claimed her name was Jennifer. Sara thought that this was somehow wrong, it smelled funny and everything is not right here. “We are not seeing everything” Sara’s Mom agreed. Sara told her mom that she thought it was odd. She thought about it for a few hours and then sent an agreement on a match for a standard catfight with Jennifer.

    So two days later on June 11th 1993, they traveled to Tijuana, Mexico. They were shown into a separate room and Sara was told to undress for the catfight. Sara didn't argue about the request but she was now very clear about the type of match she was getting ready to fight. Novice catfighters don't ask for nude matches unless they have been trained to fight that way, like Sara. In which case they are not novices, they are experienced.

    Sara undressed and warmed up her body. Mom told her to calm down and Sara decided to relax a few minutes and take a few deep breaths. Mom handed her a bottle of water, Sara sipped it and took some deep breaths. Three o’ clock rolled around, it was time the other woman, Jennifer, showed up and she was ready to fight now. Sara was shown into the room first and introduced to the group of men in the room, there were only 10 but it reminded me her of the match with Rosia, only these men were setting down and more quiet they stayed in the shadows.

    The fight area was a matted pit about 8" deep the type they used for oil wrestling. Sara told them if they though she was oil wrestling they were nuts. She said she was not doing a oil wrestling match. They said no, you are catfighting, then they introduced Jennifer. They pointed to the door and she didn't come out, they called for her again, but again she didn't come out. Sara looked at mom and said ok and started to leave the pit area to go to her room and the men begged her to wait for a second. They called for Jennifer once more and the woman walked out slowly like she was scared and afraid to come out of the room. She covered her **** and bush like she was afraid to show them; she stepped into the light and she looked up and their eyes locked and Sara’s heart started to beat harder.

    She had bleached her hair platinum blond and shaved her bush off smooth; Isabel looked Sara in the face from across the fighting pit. The ref looked at her and told her to get ready and the room went silent. Sara’s face was stone cold to look at; she knew what she was going to do to her. Sara spoke up before anyone said anything and before Isabel could speak or react and started to address the WHOLE ROOM.

    Sara said, “I see you have not changed your ploy or bait, have you? Does this net you a lot of money? I don't care.” Sara looked at the room and told them her name was Isabel and she was from Spain and she was not a Novice she would be considered an expert catfighter, “Is that what you all are betting on? You con some armature women into catfight and bring a ringer in to kill her and bet on the out come?????” At this point Sara knew that she was screaming at them, she was well past mad. The room was silent.

    No one said a word and Jennifer ((ISABEL)) dropped the act and stood there with her hands on her hips giving Sara attitude like “So what.” She told the room they might want to change their bets because the outcome was going to be a lot different than what they thought it was going to be.

    Isabel turned to leave the pit and Sara told her to get her *** back in the pit, she wasn't that lucky. “So, You are a novice, right?” Sara said in a sarcastic tone. “So am I everyone; I am a novice catfighter. I have no experiences in catfighting.” Sara was screaming at Isabel at this point and told her to ‘turn around and get back in the pit to fight me, novice,’ “or I’ll kill you where you stand and there would be no fight as all!”

    At that point, four men got up and left the fight room. Isabel stood there with her back to Sara and did nothing. “What? You don't want to fight me now because you could not sucker punch me like before and pretend you are a Novice trying to learn how to fight?” Sara said. “Your con is not working here,” she added. “Before if we had fought I would have worked with you and walked you through the paces and tried to recruit you for our group.” But now she was screwed.

    Sara burst her bubble: Isabel had thought this was going to be an easy con for fast cash. But now if she left on a betting catfight she might as well quit fighting for at least the next 4 years. No one who knew her would ask for her, she would have to spend more money trying to buy a new ID just to fight. Then she would really be screwed, and she was the one who was going to do it to herself.

    Sara stood there and waited. Isabel turned around and told her to **** off. Sara told her it was her choice but if she stayed this time to fight she was screwed. If she left here and didn't fight, she was screwed; In this case she was dammed if she did and she was really dammed if she didn't, either way she was dammed. She decided to fight Sara, Isabel announced to the crowd that it was not a standard catfight it was a Catfight to the death.

    The men were very quiet but everyone stayed. The ref stepped out of the ring; he decided to sit in the corner. The men started to bet their money on the match. Sara shrugged and didn't even bat an eye. She thought that Isabel thought Sara was going to turn tail and run away from her, but she didn't. Psychologically Sara had the edge on her and was more than ready for her. Her last game ploy didn't work on Sara, she now had to either put up or shut up.

    The women faced each other in the pit now, but this was a lot different than when Sara first met Isabel. Back then, Sara was trying to help her and treated her with kid gloves because she thought she was looking to be trained. But now that Sara knew what she was like she was going to take her mental scars out on her ***.

    The ref told them they could fight at any time. Isabel screamed at Sara to DIE as she lunged at her face with her fist. Sara blocked her knee that she was trying to sneak by and hit her in the abs then she grabbed her fist and elbow. Sara’s knee slammed hers with a hollow >>THOCK<< then she grabbed Isabel’s fist and elbow and yanked her arm right and twisted her in a full body toss to the right.

    Isabel rolled to her feet and spun around as Sara’s knee slammed in her face hard. Sara bulls-eyed Isabel’s nose and her head snapped back. Sara then grabbed her hair and she punched Sara in the ****, but Sara hardly felt it, mostly because her adrenaline was screaming in her veins and she was in a very focused zone. As Isabel’s fist slammed Sara’s **** Sara sucked a breath and hammered her face with a second knee to her nose >>CRACK<< her head snapped back again and Sara yanked her hair and kicked her in the side and breasts twice. Isabel called for a time; Sara stomp kicked her in the face knocking her back on her ***. Sara wanted to keep fighting her but she let her go for her break.

    In reality, there were no rules to this match, but Sara uses the standard rules of courtesy. Sara turned her back for a second and Isabel came at her again. Sara had turned her back thinking Isabel was going to a break but instead she attacked again. She came at her with a double axe hammer from behind; Sara dropped down and she missed; Sara grabbed her wrists as she did the Chinese splits and yanked her over the top of her. Isabel crashed in front of her as she flip in front of Sara hard on her back: >> WHAM <<.

    Sara pulled Isabel to her and Isabel tried to kick Sara in the face from the position of laying on her back. Isabel’s leg and foot however, didn't quite reach her face. Sara grabbed her right ankle and pulled it down to her face and held her there. Isabel screamed because Sara had her pinned. Her foot was to her shoulder as she was lying on the floor.

    She tried to kick Sara with her left foot and Sara caught it. Sara then force her other ankle down to her shoulder and she was pinned in a partial Spanish Press. Sara decided to keep her in the pin hold. She kneeled down on her legs hooking them and pinning them with her head rested between Sara’s legs on her crotch. Isabel couldn't move and Sara held the hold; her arms were pinned under her legs and Sara’s legs, the back of her neck rested in Sara’s crotch and she was looking up between Sara’s **** at her face and screamed.

    Isabel spat at Sara’s face. Her nose was bleeding down both sides of her face and her eyes were turning black, she had a broken nose. Sara was facing her spread open vulva she had shaved and waxed her ***** because she wanted everyone to think she was a platinum blond, but Sara didn't say anything to her. Isabel told Sara to release her and Sara responded with a downward Karate chop to her **** >>WHACK <<.

    Sara had positioned Isabel in a Spanish Press catfight hold but not a face sit. Some women call them match book pins. If Sara had sat on her face it would be a Reverse face sit Spanish Press. She screamed because she could not get out of the position she was in. She was open and exposed and with that Sara started to beat on her. She chopped down on her **** several times, chopping her **** and lips with her hands until Isabel’s mound started to turn red. She wailed in agony and peed her self as Sara hit her; it was gross, at that point Sara broke the hold and let her go, then told her to go clean up and demanded that the men clean the fighting area.

    Isabel went to get cleaned up and the men cleaned the pit. 20 minutes rolled pasted and she was in the other room still. Sara asked what the hold up was, she came out and her under eyes and nose were almost black and blue with a red tinge around the bruised area. She walked out and flipped Sara the bird.

    Sara stood ready and Isabel came running at her. Sara was ready as Isabel stopped to see if she was going to respond to her fake attack. Then she lunged with both fists hitting Sara’s right cheek and right breast with a hard hits but Sara nailed her square in the nose again at the same time.

    A second later Isabel turned to hold her nose and Sara field punted her between the legs with a loud >> SMACK >> lifting her off the matted floor. She grabbed her kitty and fell to her knees; her hands went between her legs.

    Sara didn't try to kick her again but dropped on her in a knee kick to her lower spine that brought a scream, the like of which Sara had never heard before. She straightened out on her back holding her lower back, she screamed in a way that Sara knew she was in pain but like no one had ever done. She kicked her legs and heels on the ground as she rolled back and forth on the mats. Sara called for her break as Isabel rolled back and forth screaming in agony.

    Sara sat down on mom’s side and took the 10-minute break just to be fair to a woman who was a liar. Isabel gathered her self and sat in the opposite corner breathing hard, her hand never left her back.

    The 10-minute mark sounded and Sara stood up ready to fight. Isabel called Sara a ****ing cow and she was going to kill Sara for hurting her. She raised her fists like a boxer and started to dance back and forth like a boxer. Sara raised her fists and walked in a T stance form to her right. As they circled each other, she punched Sara in the breasts hard driving her **** back in her ribs as she jabbed in and out.

    Sara let several of her punches go unanswered as she started to come in more frequently with jabs. Sara blocked a few and knew what she was going to do next; -<she was going to attempt to hit her left eye quick>. Isabel swung her fist and Sara caught her arm as she came in tight and head butted her in the nose >>CRUNCH<<, - this time, her nose disappeared in a spray of blood.

    Isabel staggered back and Sara dropkicked her in the breasts, her feet left the ground and her head hit the mats hard. She was spread eagled on the mats, out cold. Sara decided to wake her up and stomped her crotch hard twice; she woke up screaming. Blood ran down her face as Sara waited for her to get up.

    As she did so, Isabel charged at Sara with kicks alternated from side to side. Her right leg swung high and Sara hooked her leg and grabbed her left breast and lifted her in a package suplex and slammed Isabel behind her head first into the floor, - <<KO’d>>

    Now Sara sat her up, legs spread, and straddled her right shoulder; Isabel was out cold as Sara gripped her left breast in a death grip and pulled. Sara worked her nails into the folds joining her breast to her body and sunk her claws in deep and worked them back and forth tearing as much as she could. Blood ran down Isabel’s front, Sara started to pull and yank up; As her breasts tore free, Isabel woke up as her skin ripped up towards her throat exposing her veins in her neck. She tossed her breast to the men in the shadows, the men scattered and blood sprayed over her lap. She bled out.

    Yes, Sara only tore off one breast, then collected what she was being paid. Sara took a shower and Sara and mom left. Driving home, Sara felt a lot better, like she does now
    because she finally won against the cheat, she beat her and tore her breast veins open and was able to acknowledge that she has improved as a fighter.

    Sara White Doe Knight
    Piers Knight
    Last edited by PiersKnight; April 1st, 2021 at 08:39 PM. Reason: Correcting errors.

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    Re: ISABEL vs Sara White Doe

    Nice novice match by Sara Joan and mick

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