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Thread: International Affair - Part 1

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    Hostboard Member rrccdd_2000's Avatar
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    International Affair - Part 1

    [h=Wife vs Mistress]1[/h]
    Steve Collins is an International Corporate Lawyer. As such he spends an inordinate amount of time overseas. Due to this he developed a rather unique set of relationships. He has a wife in the US (Loretta) and a mistress in Europe (France to be exact - Jacline.) He has two grown children from his first marriage and both his wife and his mistress have daughters from previous relationships. Loretta, Jacline and Steve shared one thing, Steve’s hobby – catfighting.

    Both women knew of his hobby, and both participated in it to some degree. Both women would watch fight movies with Steve and talk about them later in bed. Loretta would sometimes take on the roll of the wining fighter and discribe the fight in great detail, telling Steve why “she” used a particular move and how it felt. At parties Jacline would sometimes point out a particular women to Steve, then go stand next to her so Steve could compare the two. Later they would discuss what a fight between Jacline and the women would be like.

    As time went on, each women grew to like Steve’s hobby more and more. It was probably natural, in that each was an arrogant, snobish, dominating bitch. Neither would think twice about humiliating or denegrating someone who had not shown her the proper deference. However, neither was willing to expose herself to possible injury or humiliation in a real fight.

    Steve, of course, wondered what a catfight between Loretta and Jacline would be like. Physically, they were very evenly matched. Loretta was usually ten pounds heavier in weight (around 150 for Loretta and 140 for Jacline), and no more than an inch seperated their heights (around 5’9”). Loretta had sizable breasts, a narrow waist and ample hips, while most of the weight difference was apparent in Jaclines smaller breasts and hips. Jacline’s hair was dirty blond (French father and Swedish mother) and Loretta’s hair was red (Irish mother and American/Irish/English father). Their emotional makeup and demenor were also similar and could be best discribed in one word. Bitch. Steve could spend hours, thinking about the two of them ripping hair, scratching tits and smashing cunts. He would alternate the winner and come up with some really wild punishments for the loser.

    He didn’t want to chance a real encounter though. He was apprehensive about the consequences of such a fight. What would the loser do? Stay? Leave? He enjoyed his situation far too much to chance it for one fight.

    One day he happened to witness a display by Loretta’s daughter Carrie. She and some friends were lounging by the pool. One of the friends must have iritated Carrie in some way and Carrie was verbally destroying the girl. By the time Carrie was done the poor girl was in racking tears and was cowering in a corner. The thought of Loretta and Carrie fighting Jacline and her daughter, Antoinete popped into Steve’s head and wouldn’t leave for days. Steve got a lot of enjoyment running that scenario through his mind.

    Inevitably, the situation caught up with Steve. Carrie was seventeen and graduating from High School. Loretta decided it was time the two of them saw something of Europe, so she wanted them to join Steve on his next trip to France. When Steve initially refused, Loretta was shocked. Never had Steve said no to her. Her shock was replaced with anger and she insisted …. no she demanded that she and Carrie accompany Steve on his next trip. As the days went by she became more and more verbal concerning the subject, demanding not only that they go, but demanding to know why Steve didn’t want them to go. Finally, with a sigh, Steve sat Loretta down and told her that his mistress occupied his European home and that it would be rather akward for his wife and her daughter to visit the house of his mistress and her daughter. Loretta’s reaction was very similar to her initial reaction of being refused. First she as shocked, then angry. She was angry with the thought that Steve would need another woman when he had her. Steve calmly explained to her that he would never have a mistress in the US, for he did not need another woman when Loretta was around. But he had meet Jacline before he had meet Loretta and while he decided to marry Loretta he saw no reason to break off the relationship with Jacline. Loretta had no problem with the idea of marital infidelity, so before long her anger had disipated. However, she still wanted a European vacation, and went back to demanding that she and Carrie accompany Steve on his next trip. What he did with his mistress was his problem, but she was going to Europe and was going to stay in “their” house. (Steve, being a lawyer, not only had a pre-nuptuial agreement with Loretta, but even had a formal contract with Jacline. Each guarenteed the woman the house she was living in and an annual stipend, but that was it.) Steve called Jacline and informed her of what was going on. She so calmly accepted the idea of his being married that he thought that he might be able to easily get her to move out for a while. He asked her to visit her mother in Paris for a month or so. He, of course, would pick up all expenses. She quickly dashed his hope of an easy out when she told him, that of course he was always welcome, but that his wife was not welcome to her, Jacline’s, home. When Steve gently reminded her that it was his house, she answered that while it might be his house, it was her home, and hung up.

    Ah, well. Just as the ladies were bitches, he was a bastard. The next day he initiated a conference call, and in this three way telephone conversation, he informed them both, that on his next trip to Europe his wife (and her daughter) would accompany him, that he would not displace his mistress from her home, but that neither would his wife stay some where other than in his European house. The house was big and each could have a wing. If either of them wished to dispute this, she could do so after the divorce/breakup. END OF SUBJECT.

    Neither of the women had ever seen Steve in his lawyer mode, so both were a little taken aback. He had always seemed so malable that neither had even questioned her contol over him. Each now realized that he was not dominated, he was just satisfied. He got the sex he wanted and arm candy when he needed to show off. The ladies got money and security. Up until now Steve had never argued and always gave them what they wanted. But it was not because he was dominated as they thought, but because he really didn’t give a damn about the things they were asking for. Both woman realized quickly, that, wife or mistriss, he would dump either of them like a bag of trash if the woman didn’t do what he wanted.

    Steve, Lorretta and Carrie arrived on a bright summer morning in June. The birds were singing and the rabbits and squirrals played in the garden as they drove up to the house. As soon as they walked into the front door, the mood became dark and menacing. Jacline stood with her daughter as they entered the foyer. Steve greeted them and introduced Lorretta and Carrie. The women glared at each other and Steve expected combat to ensue at any moment.

    Up until he walked in the door Steve was thinking he would try to defuse the situation and try to keep peace. But he recognized the looks these women were giving each other. Jealosy, anamosity, hatred… what Steve saw was two big cats, Tigers, Lions, something like that, who saw another predator coming into her territory. She must defend her turf. The younger girls were radiating the same emotions. They each wanted to come to grips with her adversary.

    “Very well”, Steve said, “I always try to give each of you what you want or need, and I shall do so in this case.”

    Turning to the servant standing behind Jacline he said, “Renee, please inform the staff that they have the next week off with pay, and I am paying for all of them to vacation on the coast. Please see to it and be sure to have everyone, including yourself, out of the house by 5:00 tonight.”

    “As you wish Mr. Collins” Renee said and left, without so much as a glance at Jacline.

    “Ladies, it is now 2:00 pm. We will get together again at 5:30 in the gym. Please be prompt and wear bathing suits.”

    By 5:00 pm the house was empty save for the five of them. By 5:31 they were all in the gym. Apparatus was pushed to one corner and the center of the room was empty. The floor, like the walls, was padded.

    As Steve walked into the room he said “Ladies, you are here to fight. We need to decide this once and for all, and now is the time. This will be one on one and the only rules are no intentional permenant injuries or broken bones, no scratching to the face and no eye gouging. The girls will go first, with no interference. As soon as one has surrendured, the mothers will fight. If one from each team wins, the winners will fight till only one is left standing.”

    Silence hung heavily in the room. Until this monment, none of the women truly thought this was what he intended. The mothers knew of his fetish, but did not dream this was what he had in mind.

    Finally, Loretta turned to Carrie and told her to win it and backed up against a wall. Jacline did the same on the other side. Antoinette and Carrie prepared to meet in the middle of the room.

    Continued in Part II

    - - - Updated - - -

    [h=Wife vs Mistress – Part II]1[/h]
    Neither girl was a fighter and it showed as they advanced. Cautiously they grappled, hands slapping arms, briefly grabbing to pull, then losing grip. Finally they closed enough for hands to reach hair. Now the real pulling started. They spun around the room, hands locked to hair, pulling and screaming, tears coming to eyes from the pain. As they completed another turn Antoinette saw they were close to a wall and as the next spin began she bounced Carrie off the wall, partially dazing the young girl. Antoinette immediately pushed Carrie back into the wall and began pounding her head into it. After two or three bangs, Carrie’s brain was totally scrambled, and her arms only lightly pushing on Antoinette to try and fend her off. Antoinette held Carrie up with a right hand in Carrie’s hair and wrapped her left in Carrie’s bikini top, twisting it cruelly, causing the americans large breasts to compress against her chest and each other. Carrie cried out and renewed her struggles. Pulling Carrie away from the wall, Antoinette slapped her several times hard in the face. Antoinette longed to imbed her nails into that face, really carve this bitch up! But she knew that Steve would be very upset if she did, so she contented herself with more slaps, another twist of the bra and punches to the stomach. Carrie cried and yelled, pulling on Antoinettes hand where it held the bra. With Antoinette twisting the bra and Carrie pulling on Antoinette’s hand, something had to give. Carrie pulled just as Antoinette hit her face again and Carrie went spinning away, sans bra, falling to the floor and rolling several times. Loretta and Jacline had been yelling advise and encouragement during the entire time and now Loretta yelled for Carrie to get up before Antoinette reached her. The words barely sank in to a confused Carries brain, but she managed to comply, regaining her feet just as Antoinette reached her. Carrie’s timing was excellent, if accidental, and she buried her shoulder into Antoinette’s belly, winding her and sending her back several steps. Each girl took a moment to collect herself, before they again began stalking each other.

    Again they grappled, each grabbing the others upper arms, pulling, pushing and spinning around. Carrie’s brain was finally clearing, and she managed to time a pull with Antoinette’s pull so that they came together. When they got to the right range, Carrie fired a punch square into Antoinette’s belly, driving the air from her lungs. The French madomoiselle “oofed” and backed away, giving Carrie time to clear the last of the cobwebs from her brain. They came toward one another again, hands lashing out to slap face, pull hair or land a body blow. Their boxing skills were minimual so the punching was unskillfull, but both were enthusiastic. Antoinette was fast and landed punches two to one on Carrie. Antoninette landed slaps to the face and punches to the belly and chest. Carrie, however, proved stonger. Her punches were less numberous but much more effective. After several minutes of give and take, Antoninette was staggering and began to tire. Carrie’s body blows were taking their effect and the slaps to Antoinette’s face made her ears ring, eyes water and brain spin. Antoinette’s face had a pressure cut under her left eye and her right eye was starting to swell and color.

    Antoinette landed a punch to the lower belly that caused Carrie to bend slightly giving Antoinette a perfect target for a downward slap to her face. Carrie staggered and spun away but managed to stay on her feet. Antoinette was too tired to immediatelly follow up and Carrie managed to get herself together before Antoinette came in. Carrie was ready when she did. She landed four quick but hard punches into Antoinette’s already sore belly. The french girl was left bent at the waist, gasping for breath. Carrie put her hands together and came down directly on Antoinettes neck. Antoinette dropped to her knees like a axed tree, and Carrie kicked her in the belly three times before the french girl hit the floor. Carrie then stomped her belly and chest. Antoinette was crying and wailing, rolling back and forth on the floor as Carrie stomped on her. Carrie circled and kicked into her stomach, back, crotch and chest. Antoinette tried to crawl away, but kicks floored her every time she tried. Carrie wrenched the screaming girl to her feet and ripped the bikini off the french girl and checked out her body.

    “What a joke…tits like a twelve year old and no hips”. Antoinette wasn’t quite that bad, being a small B cup, with small but protruding nipples, and narrow hips. She actually looked like a high fashion model. But compared to the luscious curves Carrie displayed, she did look like someones unsexy younger brother. Carrie looked like a model also, but for a mans magazine like Penthouse or Playboy. Her breasts were almost D cup proportions and stood straight out from her chest, with absolutly no sag. They were round and perfect, with aureola two inches across and nipples that added a half inch to her breast measuments. A narrow waist pointed down to a wonderful, full ass and wide hips.

    Holding Antoinette up the her hair, Carrie began raining punches into Antoinette stomach, chest and tits. Before long Carrie tired of the pounding and threw Antoinette into a wall. Before the European could slump to the floor, Carrie grabbed her nipples, squeezing and pulling up! Antoinette screamed and came up on her toes. Carrie then jambed her fingers, nail first, into Antoinettes tits, still squeezing the nipples and digging in with her nails.. She pulled up on the tits and squeezed the nipples, pushed in on the tits and jabbed nails into the nipples….over and over Carrie worked on the crying, screaming girl. Blood was seeping over Carrie’s fingers. Not much, but enough to show that her nails had punctured the breasts. Over and over Carrie pulled and pushed, almost severing the nipples from Antoinette’s chest. Antionette screamed and cried, moaned and blubbered, pulling on Carrie’s wrists, trying to disengauge the squeezing hands from her nipples. In her corner Jacline began to worry about permenant damage to the delicate breast flesh and nipples of her daughter.

    Next Carrie spread her fingers and captured both breasts and began squeezing yet again, digging her nails in and twisting like she was unscrewing the top of a jar. Breast flesh oozed around her fingers as she dug in as deeply as she could. By this point Antoinette just leaned against the wall, wimpering, sobbing, and crying loudly. Blood was welling up on her tits and her arms hung limply by her side, being kept up only by Carries grip on her. After a full five minutes of tit torture, Carrie pulled her up a little straighter, and hammered her fists into Antoinettes face. Two, three, four times Carrie punched her. Antoinette was virtually unconscious as Carrie finally let her drop to the floor. A kick square in the face ended the fight for the french girl. Carrie stood over her, one foot on her breasts, in a victory pose.

    Continued in Part III

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    Senior Hostboard Member tr0tz's Avatar
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    Re: International Affair - Part 1

    That international affair looks like it's turning into diplomatic chaos. And with diplomacy failing, violence takes over. But a sexy, feminine violence. That will nevertheless leave one side, one country defeated, broken, humiliated. Please let this story unfold quickly!

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    Hostboard Member rrccdd_2000's Avatar
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    Re: International Affair - Part 1

    Wife vs Mistress – Part III

    “Well, that was certainly decisive.” Said Steve, looking at Carrie with a new respect. He respected the way she had persevered and recovered from the original setback, but also for the unmercifull way Carrie had destroyed Antoinette when Carrie had taken the advantage. She showed no hesitation or mercy and did not even slow down till she was victorious. Steve liked that. Carrie could very easily earn a place in Steve’s organization if she liked.

    “Well ladies, that was a fine prelim and example for you. Please begin.” So saying, Steve motioned the two women to close and begin their fight.

    Jacline looked at her daughter and her daughters conquorer and slowly removed her swim suit.

    “Lets do this right bitch. I don’t want anything between my nails and your flesh.”

    Shucking her own suit Loretta replied “Right cunt, fine with me. I’m going to tear you up.”

    The two women walked to the middle of the room and began firing punches to the chest, stomach and groin of the other, aiming slaps to the others face and open handed slashes to the breasts. Neither were trained so the punches weren’t very effective but both women were fairly strong. When one landed square the receiver grunted, moaned or out and out screamed. At one point Jacline managed to land a double combination low into Loretta’s groin, doubling her over in pain. Jacline followed up with a one/two face slap that brought Loretta upright and stumbling back. Loretta managed to stay on her feet and came right back at Jacline bouncing a kick off her inner thigh and into her crotch that made Jacline back up a step or two. The slashing attacks each made on the other, along with the punches and kicks, were more effective. Each had sharpened her nails. Jacline’s first attack opened Loretta’s left breast from base to nipple with two long, deep scratches down the side. Loretta concentrated her nail attacks on the top of Jacline’s smaller breasts. Soon both were bleeding from numerous gouges and each womens breasts were criss crossed with long scratches.

    Steve took a minute to compare the two women. Jacline was slim and rounded, soft compared to Loretta, who while not exactly buff, had a healthy athletic appearance, almost like an aerobics instructor. In a battle of attrition, as the ladies were now waging Loretta would win hands down. Jacline could not keep this level of energy expenditure up very much longer, while Loretta could probably keep it going for hours.

    Steve had just thought this when Loretta stepped up the pace. She had noticed that Jacline appeared to be tiring. Loretta faked to the stomach, and when Jacline’s guard came down, Loretta landed two hard slaps to Jacline’s face, sending her reeling back two or three steps. Loretta followed up with a devastating kick between Jacline’s spread legs, connecting solidly with her mound. Jacline could actually feel her clit crush, as the foot connected. Jacline went high up on her toes and hung there screaming for almost five seconds, then collapsed to the floor, clutching her devastated cunt. Loretta couldn’t see any blood, so she grabbed her opponents feet, lifted them straight up and kicked her heel directly into the exposed pussy. Loretta meant to destroy this woman’s sexuality. So instead of stopping after two or three shots, she kept it up. She would kick into Jacline’s exposed pussy, then grind her heel in. Every now and then she would kick with her toes and scratch with the nails on the inside walls. Between the kicking, the grinding and the scratching, Jacline was soon bleeding heavily from her wounded crotch. She could feel her pussy lips turning to jelly, and she knew her clit was wrecked. Jacline, cried, sobbed, screamed and begged. Loretta kept kicking.

    Finally, Loretta dropped Jacline’s legs to the floor. Jacline rolled to her stomach and tried to crawl away, but the pain in her crotch was too great and she just laid there, crying and sobbing. Loretta pushed her onto her back and dropped a knee into the exposed cunt. She rested her knee on Jacline’s groin and bounced. After five or six bounces she slid off. She reached down with both hands, grabbed as much of Jacline’s bush as she could and pulled. Loretta pulled her hands in opposite directions and ripped out all the hair in her hands. She grabbed another handfull and pulled some more. When she had finished, Jacline’s pussy was totally nude and blood was oozing from where the hair had been ripped out. Loretta grabbed the pussy lips and spread Jaclines cunt. The damage was not as extension as it might have been, but Loretta thought that Jacline wouldn’t be fucking Steve voluntarily for the rest of the summer at least. She thrust in with her thumbs and ripped and clawed at the inside of Jacline’s cunt. Jacline didn’t even scream anymore, she just cried and shook her head from side to side, begging “No more…please, you destroy me….No more…please, you destroy me…” over and over. Loretta probed until she found the clit. She scratched at it, scraping skin from the little mound of flesh, bringing new screams from Jacline and more begging. Jacline’s body was spasming and jerking as Loretta pulled and scratched at her clit. When Loretta pulled her thumbs out a gush of blood came out with them.

    But Loretta was not done. She climbed onto Jaclines stomach and pinned her arms to her sides. Loretta began punching into Jaclines breasts, punching as hard as she could, first one then the other. Jacline wailed and cried, begging Loretta to stop. The pain coming from her breasts was almost more than she could stand. Jacline’s pussy was already destroyed, and now Loretta meant to destroy her tits. Loretta would punch and twist her fist as it hit, adding to the destruction of this hated French slut. Soon, Jacline’s breasts began to swell from the beating. Loretta didn’t want to bust them open, afraid of Steve’s reaction, so she stopped punching, grabbed the nipples and PULLED!! She pulled as hard as she could, her arms straight and leaning back to use all her muscles. Jacline screamed louder than ever and came up from the floor as far as she could. Loretta let go and Jacline slammed back to the floor. Loretta grabbed the whole breast, squeezed and pulled, again leaning as far back as she could. Jacline’s voice was going horse from screaming as she slammed back to the floor again. The pain from her breasts was driving her crazy and now this mad bitch was coming at her with her nails. Loretta went nail first directly into Jacline’s tits, scratching and tearing, leaving behind a series of half-moon punctures and long bleeding scratches. Again Loretta grabbed Jaclines nipples with her thumb and forefinger and SQUEEZED. She then wrapped her hands around the whole breast and squeezed again. Finally Jacline fainted, unable to withstand the pain any longer.

    Loretta got up and went over to the wall where her purse lay. From it she drew a huge dildo, eighteen inches or so long and three inches across at the base.

    She walked back to Jacline who was already starting to stir, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her knees. Loretta then put her hand to Jacline’s throat and pushed her back, till her shoulders hit the floor.

    “You like to have my husband fuck you bitch…let’s see how you like having me fuck you.”

    Jacline was wide open, legs bent painfully at the knees, back on her heels and shoulders against the floor. Loretta let Jacline see the dildo for the first time, and Jacline again begain crying and sobbing, begging Loretta not to violate her with the huge devise. Loretta simply placed the tip of the dildo against Jacline’s pussy and started to push, slowly, inch by inch, further and further into the ravaged woman’s vagina. Jacline’s arms flailed around trying to get a grip on Loretta’s hands, or the dildo to pull it out, but her position made that impossible. Loretta leaned down and sank her teeth into Jacline already destroyed right tit, drawing blood again. Finally, with more than ten inches of the dildo imbedded in Jaclines cunt, Loretta stopped pushing and started pumping it in and out. Jacline’s screams began to die out to wimpers and groans. Loretta pumped the dildo like a huge piston in and out of Jaclines cunt, faster and faster.

    “Oh…Oh….yes, yes, you make me cum...oh god no…stop…please no more…OH…OH…I’ll CUMMING…NOOOOOOOO!!!!”

    Jacline’s final scream ended with a gurgle as Loretta squeezed her throat, choking the orgasming woman. Letting go of the dildo, Loretta straddled Jaclines bent body, placed both hands on her throat and squeezed one more time. Jacline couldn’t even cough. Nothing was getting by Loretta’s hands. Jacline grabbed Loretta’s wrists, pulling, twisting, trying to get them off her neck. Loretta twisted her hands to tighten the grip and shake her enemy from side to side. Finally, Jacline’s arms relaxed and fell to the floor, her mouth hung open, drooling saliva and blood onto the floor and her eyes rolled up into her head till only whites were visible. Loretta continued the choke another minute, reveling in the feeling of power destroying the other women had brought her. Finally, she stopped and threw the broken body of Jacline to the side.

    The fight was over and there was no doubt who the winners were. Loretta decided not to kill the slut right now, she wanted to keep both her and her daughter around as play things. Maybe she and Carrie would kill them before they went back to the states.

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    Senior Hostboard Member dertaika's Avatar
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    Re: International Affair - Part 1

    Additionally, if you're in need of advice regarding FINRA Arbitration, Steve Collins is the professional you can trust. His comprehensive knowledge of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) rules and regulations, combined with his sharp legal acumen, makes him a reliable resource for individuals and businesses seeking assistance with financial disputes and arbitration proceedings. Steve's commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards and his dedication to achieving favorable outcomes for his clients make him an excellent choice for those in need of FINRA arbitration counsel.

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