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Thread: The Return of the Messiah

  1. #1
    Warrior X
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    Something was ... Missing.

    Keun wasn't sure what *that* was, but it was still missing just the same. The barn made for a temporary suitable shelter, to at least determine where here *was.* The constant stares bothered him not, for those same onlookers would avert their eyes, once his dark gaze met theirs. The old ones were more tolerant of the stranger, for he seemed to always hold keen interest in their tales, where the younger ones often dismissed them as simple folk lore. It was the local blind seer that saw Keun for what he really represented, and it would be her counsel whom he'd take into account. It would be during one of those sessions where things would take a even strange turn still.

    Keun had decided to inquire about the realm he was last in when he detected the rapid approach of footfalls, followed by the pulling back of the curtain of the seer's home. Keun would not bother to hide the expression on his face, one that did not go unnoticed by the one doing the interrupting, for the last thing the man wanted to do is incur the wrath of the stranger only know as the warrior. "A thousand pardons warrior, but I need to speak with the seer." Finally catching his breath .... Keun was about to speak, when a small withered hand rested softly upon his massive forearm, a subtle movement that caused the warrior to stay his ground, though the look in those dark eyes spoke volumes.

    "Speak thy peace Natarious." The seer would look in the man's direction, showing only the whites of her eyes. She did not see him, as much as sense his presence. "A thousand apologies for my untimely intrusion seer, but the orcs have not only returned, their numbers have almost doubled in rank. They continue to raid the gypsy camps to the North, only this time they are killing off the men and taking with them only the young girls."

    "Alive?" A simple word spoken, though holding much weight. The look of annoyance, now replaced with one of growing interest. "If they are still alive, then the orcs are taking them for trade in the black markets. Virgins will fetch a higher price." As he continued, Keun had already risen from his stool his weapons already in hand. "I must take my leave for now seer, but you already know of this."

    A small knowing smile would appear on the seer's face. "Yes, and perhaps you shall have the answers you seek upon your return." The man would accompany the warrior, telling him of what he needed to know. The seer sat quietly in her dimly lit abode, seemingly glancing down upon the scattered chicken bones that were to be Keun's path.

    (m) "Forgotten strands will indeed find those crossed paths once again .... In due time, for the shadow of the messiah shall loom over us all."

  2. #2
    Warrior X
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    -Maverick- "See? This is what I'm talking about, Keun. You need to work on your social skills."

    -Keun- "My skills are not in question here. This vender tried to sell me tainted goods. Missing a finger or two will persuade him to be more honest in the future."

    -Bryce- "Slow it down there, muscles. This is why they call it the Black Market, not the Honest Market, or the White Market. The bloke is making a living, just like everyone here. You spotted it before paying him. No harm no foul. You have that trained eye to spot flaws."

    -Keun- "Hmmmm. I suppose you are correct. You keep your fingers intact, merchant."

    -Maverick- "??????? The the hell was that for? You punched him right in the face!!!"

    -Keun- "A bruise that will heal faster than trying to secure a cleric to reattach his fingers, is it not?"

    -Maverick- "Point taken."

    -Bryce- "Look Keun, Maverick actually has a point this time. And he's sober."

    -Maverick- "Hey!!"

    -Bryce- "If you wish the people to heed our warnings, and trust your word, you will have to ... Work on your social skills. Or become a peasant jester like my brother Maverick here."

    -Maverick- "HEY!!!!"

    -Keun- "Hmmmm. Your words do hold truth to them, Bryce. I shall try harder."

    -Bryce- "Atta boy. And I know the perfect place, that's only a short ride on horseback from here."

    -Maverick- "Don't EVEN go there, Keun!! He's going to say ..."

    -Bryce- "The Medieval Tavern."

    -Keun- "The one within the Realm of Rhydin? I have not set foot within those lands in some time. I suppose that would be a good place as any to work on my ... Social skills."

    -Maverick- "Don't do it Keun. There are plenty of other places, man. Rhydin carries bad mojo!!"

  3. #3
    Warrior X
    Guest Warrior X's Avatar


    Keun did enjoy the company of the brothers DeSante, Maverick and Bryce. They did what few had ever been able to. Make him smile. The two brothers, along with their older sister Talia, he had encountered them during his ... Engagement of the Orc raiders of a gypsy camp. There wasn't too many things that caused the former warlord to go into a berserker fury, unless slaying/enslaving gypsies was involved. He had ... History, let's leave it at that.

    What those nasty beasties lacked in strength, they made up for in sheer numbers, and there were enough of them to eventually cause doubt in the outcome of the ensuing bloody melee. The DeSante trio were just returning from an productive day of adventure and chaos, when the elder sister had seen the smoke from several yards away ... Since they were in the general area, it was suggested that they at least see what was going on, and if it didn't involve profit? They'd continue on.

    What they were not expecting was a continual body count of Orcs swarming around one blood soaked warrior that showed no signs of slowing down.

    -Talia - "By the Gods!! Look at him kill them ... Two - Three at a time!!! Mmmm ... Those broad shoulders, that massive chest ... And the size of his ..."

    -Maverick - "Sword!!! You were going to say, sword."

    -Bryce - "Not to interrupt, but you think we should give the warrior a hand? Over there, off to the right of them. A group of girls ... Slave traders possibly?"

    There are select words that you don't say around Talia DeSante. Slave is one. Slave Traders? Mind your family jewels. The cold look was already settling into her eyes, the hilt of her trusty blade firmly gripped, as she joined the fray, leaving the two brothers bemused and behind ....

    -Maverick - "You had to go and say it didn't you. How about Raiders? Raiders would have worked ...." One dagger placed between his teeth, as his blade was drawn as well, though his path was in the direction of the young girls, several who seen the approach of the male, had enough wits about themselves to divert the attention of the Orcs guarding them, away from noticing him.

    Bryce didn't even bother to answer his brother, he was already coming at the Orcs guarding the girls from the opposite direction. luck would have it, that their last adventure worked around them dressing the same, in fact being in two places at once to provide that perfect alibi. To use that same ploy on a group of semi intelligent Orcs? Child's play.

    Not that Keun need the assistance, but the untimely intervention of the woman with blood colored hair, swinging her blade like a she devil possessed only increased the turning tide of battle, which even the battle tested Orcs finally knew when to retreat. Slightly out of breath, soaked in blood, though mostly not his own, the warrior knelt on one knee, observing the other three that were addressing the survivors of the Gypsy camp, dark eyes looking upon each of them, none being of the two whom he had met within the realm of Rhdyin during previous travels. An arch of the eyebrow upon the approach of one of the older girls, that held a large bowl of water and cloths, setting them down at his feet, showing no fear in those eyes at his bloody form.

    "We hav' lil' to be thankin' ye for, warrior. dey killed our men, an' destroyed our supplies. We are grateful , an' ye hav' de thanks o' de gypsies. De winds will whisper much o' yer rescue dis day. A kiss on the cheek, before she returned to lead what was left of her clan through the woods, to a neighboring clan. Thanks had been given to the other three as well, Talia making sure the older girls were armed well enough to defend themselves, even allowing herself to smile when she offered a different route to where they were heading .... "De shortest way don' always be the safe one, fire hair. "

    Keun would proceed to wash as much of the stench and blood from him, when approached by the two brothers.

    -Bryce - "Salutations warrior. I am Bryce, and this be my brother Maverick. That one there is our sister Talia, and we be of the clan DeSante. I cannot help but to be impressed to witness such a display of carnage, especially of these blood suckers. Tis a mighty blade you wield sir."

    Keun would continue to quietly wipe himself down, knowing he would have to find a small stream close by to fully clean himself. With wary eyes, he watched their approached, his guard relaxing some by the time a third step was taken by both. He would not answer Bryce right away, his gaze shifting over to their sister who was busy hacking the remains into smaller several piles, before sorting through their collection of crude weapons ...

    "I am Keun."

    And that was how they met on that fateful day ...

  4. #4
    Warrior X
    Guest Warrior X's Avatar


    The realm called Rhydin. The Tavern of Medieval. To some, older than time itself, for both are always changing, and in some eyes? Not always for the better. Many have set foot into the establishment, many friendships formed, and ended, some seeking comradery, while other seek out those that would share the warmth of a bed, if only for one eve. From witches and warlocks, to knights, kings, and queens, to some that arrived in the belly of their metal chariots, vampires, and other representative from the under world, elves and gypsies ... Just to name a few. Come one come all of every origin, race, color, culture, era, and creed.

    This was the lure of the Tavern Medieval.

    As with all faucets of society, there remain certain factions that allowed you to converse with them, only if a certain criteria was met. To Keun, going into battle against impossible odds felt like a lessor challenge. The warnings of Maverick were actually taken to heart, most due to his past experiences there. Did those times all bring back horrid memories? No, but it is often human nature to recall those times more often than not.

    This would be his first venture into Rhydin, since the strange occurrence of when the moon passed in front of the sun during the middle of the day, causing night to suddenly fall upon the lands. It also gave reason for those that lurked within the realm of shadow to rise, causing mayhem and destruction in the names of those they served under. It was the same event that was linked to his recent memory loss, as well finding himself in another region, so far removed from Rhydin that none knew of its existence.

    It would be during his travels with the DeSante brood, Keun would speak of what happened to him ... Talia would suggest a return to the realm of Rhydin, to seek out clues to his displacement. They also had business to take care of there, so it would not be a wasted journey for any ...

    Save for one Maverick DeSante.

    He had more than his fair share of that nutty realm, and their uppity snooty cultures, that looked down on others that were not as ... Fortunate as others, muttering a few choice words about an Egyptian family that will renamed unnamed. "Do not mind him, warrior." Bryce would say with a chuckle. "He tried to fit in with royalty, only to find himself seen only as a jester." It would be during their was back, that random conversing would bring up random names of women met, women loved, and women to avoid. Keun found himself warming up more towards the three, the more he was around them.

    " ... Then what about the Gypsy girl that had a tongue sharper than any blade. What was her name again, Maverick?"

    Keun would glance over at the twin brothers, tilting his head to one side ... "Gypsy girl? Sharp tongue? I have ... encountered two that fit such a description. In the realm of Rhydin no less ... Kelsy Fox and .."

    Maverick about fell off his horse, he turned so fast upon hearing that spoken name. "The Kelsy Fox??"

    -Keun - "Unless there was more than one that I was unaware of."

    -Maverick - "About this tall, dark the nicest set of .... Eyes, and a mouth that complimented her attitude?"

    -Keun - "Hmmm. That does sound like her."

    -Talia - "Speak with care, Keun, for to hear my brother spin his tale, those web of lore get longer every time he repeats his fantasies of conquest."

    -Maverick - "I do not spin webs, my dear sister, I speak the truth and ... Waitaminute. Keun ... Keun ... " A snap of his fingers, as the torch of recognition went off inside his head. I knew I remember hearing that name before ... You recall a silver haired ..."

    -Keun - " .... Gemethyst."

    -Maverick - "Yup, that be the one. I heard she settled down and got herself a big one. Bloke calls himself Hatch ..."

    -Bryce - "The name was Patch."

    -Maverick - "Whatever."

    -Keun - "You do not seem overly pleased with this knowledge, Maverick.'

    -Talia - "The wee lil lass told the big bad rogue that there could never be a sharing of the silken sheets, for he was ... Too nice of a person."

    -Keun - "Nice?" A glance over in the direction of Bryce.

    -Bryce - "Wasn't me."

    -Maverick - "I remember her saying something about a Keun. Hmmph. Guess that was you."

    -Keun - " It was."

    -Bryce - "Let us let that grave remained untouched, for if we must here of the one that got away ONE more time, I will not be a twin brother for much longer." Spoken with a wry grin of course. "Keun, you said two Gypsies, who was the other? Was that why you were at that camp?"

    -Talia - "Bryce Tynest DeSante, still your wagging tongue, long enough to catch a breath. You're sounding more like Maverick."

    -Maverick - "HEY!!!!"

    Keun would give the three a small smile, while urging his horse forward. Bryce was indeed correct in his assumption, but it was not Kelsy Fox that caused him to seek out the camp, but another ... One that caused his thoughts to run deep once again, at least until Talia came riding along side of him .... "You do need to work on your social skills a little, warrior. No offence meant."

    -Keun - "None is taken, she devil. My skills of communication are fine enough the way they are."

    -Talia - "It is just not by words alone, warrior. The way you speak, your stance, the look in your eyes. You would want the wee lil ones to feel safe about you, not go runnin' away. Work on these as well, while you look for the answers you seek."

    Keun would just stare at the woman in disbelief. How dare she question his ...

    -Talia - "See? You're doing it now. That stare. Granted it is so intense, that it would make a serving wench afraid to even approach you, let alone causing some men to feel you are challenging them. Work on that."

    Offering him a sweet smile, she rode on ahead, leaving the bemused warrior to return to his deep thinking.

    Which brings him back to the present, as the former warlord stood at the steps that led up to the Tavern called Medieval, pondering if this was actually a waste of time. With a slow rise and fall of the shoulders, those wooden steps were taken, the porched crossed, and the door reached for ...

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ June 03, 2007 08:14 PM: Message edited by: Violent Messiah ]</font>

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