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Thread: neighbor update

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner oranges's Avatar
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    the kitty killed it for me. dont get me wrong i love the cats but the fact there was a kitten in the story kinda put a soft touch to it all *sigh* but still, worth the read, cheers shoozy [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Babi BootifuL's Avatar
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    hahaha michy you crack me up..

    sounds like something good came of the noisy neighbors [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    for those of you who may have been interested
    in the occurances once posted about my neighbors
    (click HERE if you need to)
    here is an update, and one that is much more
    detailed... which will bring a lot of the
    past experiences to a clearer light.

    just to get everyone up to speed, stuart
    and april were the original neighbors but
    they also had two roommates that moved in
    a little bit ago -- brandon and stacy (i'm
    calling her stacy cuz i don't know her real

    anyways... there was still the banging and
    yelling and shit going on as before...
    but a few weeks ago, there was a HUGE fight
    that resulted in brandon and stacy calling
    the cops on stuart and april. they fled
    the apartment and i didn't see them again
    until a few days later... moving their shit
    out of the place.

    i went outside and talked to stuart....

    "so are you guys moving out?"

    "yeah," he said, "our roommates stole some
    of our shit."

    "oh. sorry to hear that."

    "yeah well i have to catch up with the
    truck so i'll see you later."

    ok so stuart leaves... and evening comes.

    brandon comes home and apparently both april
    and stuart decided to trash their shit AND
    the apartment just before they moved out...
    ripping up brandon's pictures, tearing
    shit.. etc etc.

    brandon seemed distraught and i had told
    him about seeing stuart earlier that day
    moving his shit out... plus the conversation
    we had had.

    "we didn't steal anything!! they were mad
    because we had broken their (weed) pipes!"

    well... ok... so the next day, i see 'stacy'
    with her mom and she comes to my door asking
    if i had seen their cat.

    i knew they had a cat but i did not see it
    since the night before when i was looking
    at the trashed place.

    "well... i'm not going to lie," i said,
    "i'm not deaf... i do hear some of what
    goes on next door. its kinda hard to miss
    when you hear doors and shit slamming all
    the time and people yelling."

    then stacy just decided to tell me the bulk
    of the info, i guess because she had nothing
    to lose.

    here's the lowdown....

    apparently they were all potheads but
    stacy was already on a previous probation
    for weed so she insisted that stuart and
    april keep their shit picked up and all
    so that stacy didn't get in trouble.

    stacy gave april a job at pizza hut (cuz
    stacy is a manager) but april felt she
    deserved some slack cuz she knew the manager.
    stacy said NO and that april would have to
    work just like everyone else.

    stuart had a job at quizno's holding a
    sign... but lost his job because he always
    came to work high and didn't really bother
    doing his job correctly in the first place.

    it is also apparent that april beats up on
    stuart and on the night the cops were called,
    april and stuart got into a fight... and
    when stacy and brandon came home, april
    got in a fight with stacy -- hitting her
    and trying to get her to fight. after
    april hit stacy, stacy called the cops on

    (so this just goes to prove that i was
    right all along in that stuart was too
    big of a pussy to really be beating up on
    april... but, in fact, that april was the
    aggressor... beating up on her bf. tsk tsk)

    anyways... so stacy fears that april may
    have taken their cat and disposed of it...

    stacy and brandon are not going to live
    next door as they were just roommates anyway.
    they moved out on sunday, i think... i
    really don't know.

    anyways... yesterday brandon comes to my
    house and says that he fears they will never
    see their cat again... so they got a new

    he had asked if the kitty could stay here
    at my house until he and stacy could move
    in to their new apartment next week.

    i said..... yes [img]tongue.gif[/img]

    so now i have this sweet adorable kitty
    running around this house and omg... its
    just so precious!!!!

    ok ok.. this thread isn't about the kitty,
    its just an added bonus. but i couldn't
    talk about the kitty without giving some
    background and closure on the previous
    story, now could i?

    i just wub this widdle kitty... too bad
    i already have enough cats.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Beta-Decay's Avatar
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    People are so much fun.

    Kitties are nice too. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

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