i don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
to be even more frank, i'm not even sure YOU know what the fuck you are talking about.
i'd appreciate you letting me in on that little secret you have in your head.
you know, it's one thing to judge a person, it's totally another to judge fairly.
if you have words for me--fucking tell me. quit this shit.

i have done nothing to you.

you claim to have expressed 'honesty'--in addition, you claim that you have been wanting to get it off your chest for some time.

don't patronize me.

i do not appreciate fighting the image you have saddled me with.

if you want to know me, then fucking get off your shit and know me. otherwise, sit in your house and fucking argue with me as if you think you are doing me a favor.

this doesn't have shit to do with forgiveness. i did nothing wrong.
it appears that i was your fucking scapegoat.

if you wanna push your bad attitude off on me, FINE. but be sure to recognize who the fuck you are talking to.

i will not listen to you bad-mouth me again.

how dare you make any judgments about me and 'friendship'. i have been your friend.

you should be able to know that.
i will not force you to see that.

this is all i may (or may not) have to say on the matter.
if you wanna discuss it--you know where to find me.
i am willing to hear your side (again)--but i will not have you talking shit.

i will not beg for your friendship. i will not beg you to take mine.
you either do or don't.

message me.

~~share some greased tea with me~~
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