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Thread: a statistical quandry

  1. #1
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    i love box tops for education....

    now let me buffer by saying that i'm not a
    big fan of 'support' programs like that
    AT ALL... in fact, i've always been somewhat
    suspicious of programs like that because
    these programs usually SOUND good... but
    don't normally give shit.

    for some reason i'm fascinated by such programs....
    prolly because i'm content on revealing the
    bs they cover up with clever propaganda...

    let me go on a tangent....


    the angel tree

    for several years, i was an advocate for
    the angel tree... even though it was part
    of the salvation army (which i despise)...
    i still appreciated the angel tree program
    because i could actively purchase goods
    for a particular child and know that child
    would receive the exact things i purchased.
    most of the time i would pick 2-3 children
    a pop and get shit for them each year.

    i was so IN to the angel tree... that i
    would purchase toys and whatnot in advance
    throughout the year (when things would go
    on clearance etc) just specifically FOR the
    angel tree kids i would eventually pick out.

    a few weeks ago, i visited the angel tree
    website... this one action would soon prove
    to be a tremendous blow to myself and the
    angel tree participation i delved in.

    one thing i discovered on the site was that
    each child should have no more than two
    gifts (one preferably).
    this immediately caused a problem with me
    because as i said, i would have TONS of
    shit for about 2-3 kids. naturally i would
    conceal all the gifts in one giant box...
    but i still felt this was a stupid regulation.

    anyways.... the kicker.....

    before, i was told that the gifts you purchase
    for the kids would be collected and then
    taken to some warehouse type place... then
    divided up based on route, packed on a
    van or truck... and distributed to the
    children at their homes during the week
    of xmas (usually given to the parents in
    advance for placing under the tree).

    WELL HELL NO!!!!

    the site tells that the gifts are collected
    and then the children are brought to a
    fucking church... and are given the presents
    AFTER they attend some fucking religious
    thing (mass, sermon... wtfever you call it).

    this pissed me off... SINCERELY!

    i didn't appreciate the fact that these
    gifts were a fucking ploy to add people
    to a church's fucking roster....

    i was FURIOUS to find out that in order to
    receive these gifts, the children had to
    come and endure some farkin service in exchange.

    i should have known this because it was
    through the salvation army.... but i was
    TOLD otherwise by a god-damned angel tree

    needless to say, i will no longer participate
    in the fucking angel tree program. at this
    very moment, i have two complete 12" doll
    sets upstairs in my closet for two female
    children i was going to pick this xmas...

    but i will NOT be a part of a program that
    not only exploits me... but exploits
    the depravity of families and children
    just so they can have more fucking people
    to their 'cause'.

    ahem... so back to the box tops thing... [img]redface.gif[/img]

    so i've been saving box tops for years and
    donating them to local schools etc....
    i don't get alot of box tops because the
    products associated with box tops are a bit
    commercial and otherwise, farkin unhealthy.

    so i'm checkin the box tops website...
    and you have to register in order to see
    the top collecting schools etc blah blah blah...

    and low and FUCKING behold....
    6 of the 10 top collecting schools for the
    03-04 school year were F***ing xtian.

    now i know what you are all thinking....
    that i have some chip on my shoulder about
    xtians and blah blah blah... and while
    that may be true... thats not the reason
    for my sudden HORROR at this knowledge....

    the problem with this statistic is that
    6 of those 10 schools can fucking do without
    the aid of box tops for education.
    with the already present aid from local
    and national governments, its not FAIR
    that the more *prestigious* schools reap
    the benefits of box tops (or some other
    program of the like) when it is apparent
    that other schools could really use the help

    now this isn't an issue with box tops as
    it is with a problem of discretion amongst
    the GD religious folk...

    i realize this thread is prolly way long...
    and i know that due to the element of this
    thread, it will more than likely garner no

    but god dammit... this shit is pissin me off!!!!! [img]mad.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Guest Cyalaytr's Avatar


    OK so what just keeps you from finding a poor familly and actually you yourself from being the secret santa and also finding a school who doesnt get all the funding it should and mailing the box tops directly to them?

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of ya, cya.... [img]wink.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Inactive Member demon chloe's Avatar
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    just a few words to say

    Box Tops for Education...really does work....

    Soup more for us..but thats just my school....

    And yeap.... most likely its a christian school who reaps the most benefit...but...even still in todays day and age...

    200.00 is a great big CHA CHING...for a lot of schools....

    so thank you for saving them...... that is how I got an overhead projector.... Maybe you bought it [img]redface.gif[/img]

    ANGEL TREES... are just one big...... mess IMO... well the big... organization ones...tend to be.

    Any place that won't let me pick out my gifts myself... WRAp them myself.... means....( WE ARENT NECESSARILY GIVING YOUR GIFT TO THE INTENDED RECEIPIENT)

    There is a local bank that sets up an angel tree. They come to us first... teacherrs...asking....if we can think of anyone...who might need some help this christmas...

    ~!!~~*** MY biggest concern is...multiple child families... Let say child A, B and C...from one family get gifts from SHatz.... and child D , E and F.... from the same family get gifts from the demon.......

    SHatz blows the roof off.......
    DEmon.... buys each a pair of gloves and a coloring book....

    Fair? The look in the childs eyes? NO way......

    I wish people would take whole families.... that way.... it would even itself out a little bit.

    I was one of those nasty greedy mofo children.... OMG SHE GOT 4 more M&Ms than me...(scratches out eyeballs with gooey bloodshed)

    make sense?

  5. #5
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    yesh... i agree.

    i just wish/want a damned program that is FAIR

    i wish/want a program that is TOTALLY non-profit

    i just want to help others without feeling
    exploited or arrogant

    while i think its a good idea to check your
    own neighborhood first, its somewhat not a good
    idea to impose the 'donation' since you aren't
    for sure how the family may receive it.

    i liked the angel tree because these people
    affirmed assistance... and that made it ok.

    in regards to my multiple purchases, i did give
    some consideration to the fact that an entire
    family unit could be divided up on one angel
    tree. i tried to compensate this by giving
    unisex toys (like board games) in addition to
    toys specifically for the child on the card.
    even if the child had no siblings, they did
    have A parent (at least). in addition, i never
    bothered to purchase clothing even though most
    of the cards have the sizes etc... instead,
    blankets and shared items were given.

    just like with the doll sets i have ... there
    is more than one doll per set and loads of
    accessories (a crib, a stroller, clothes etc).

    i have a sis... and rest assured we got singular
    gifts like that at xmas which were designed to
    be shared rather than per child.

    i could only assume this would have happened.

    needless to say, i just want a program that is
    farkin fair.... and while i do still do the
    box tops... i have no idea about soup labels
    or other assorted labels that my local schools
    could use.

    i'm not sure how to check this.
    i checked my district website and it doesn't say anything [img]frown.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Inactive Member demon chloe's Avatar
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  7. #7
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    thankey, dc [img]smile.gif[/img]

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