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Thread: Doing 101 KPH in a 100 Kph zone! (a private forum)

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    <marquee><h2><align=center><font color=red>Caught doing 101 KPH in a 100 KPH zone</font></h2></marquee>

    So in all of what I have written about my involvement with the John Robin Sharpe case, and the Supreme Court of Canada, it is a time for some elements of resolve.

    As brief recap, I had written to the court in Dec. of 2000, supplying the court with a definition of imagination that facilitated the courts ability to render a verdict, and simply uphold ?Freedom of expression? The work is a self-evident truth, such that it would be the proof of the fact of that statement, and I cannot of good consciousness reproduce it here as I had, as previously stated, ceded the copyrights to the Queen of England as to facilitate it?s use, by the proper authorities.

    (Just as a notation, in my perusals of the newspaper literature surrounding the case, I had noted that the U.S. and Australia had no legal protections for the defense that Mr. Sharpe had used, ?Freedom of the Imagination?, or ?Works of the Imagination?
    This was one of the reasons that I had previously commented on the idea that I had thought that it would be nice if the Queen could have donated the work to the United Nations, such that all nations could avail themselves of the understanding that it imparts and preclude any child pornographic artists from attempting the same reasoning to produce there works, but that is no longer in my control!)

    Now the reality stands that the government of Canada has seen fit to allow itself to stand as accredited with the outcome of the case. That this accreditation was not given to the author of origin of the work that facilitated the outcome, well, that is what all of this is about.

    ?Your Honor, Your Honor, it wasn?t me who stole the car, I simply found it already parked in my back yard, with the keys in it, so I have just been using it for the last year or so!?

    ?Accused, you are guilty as charged, of theft, and /or being in procession of stolen property, or both!?

    The idea that the government of Canada, the republic that represents the government of Canada, defacto the Liberal party, are the ones who are standing as accredited/responsible with/for the outcome of the case.

    The actuality is that it is NOT the liberal party, nor the persons within the Liberal party who caused this event to reach the conclusion that it did, it was, by God?s Grace, me

    The entire reason that the Court did not accredit me at the time of the rendering of verdict is due to the issue of Bribery, after all, I was giving something of value to the court, if the court had returned something of value to me, then the APPEARANCE of bribery becomes present and the court had slighted it?s own self. It was written in the very beginning of the work that was submitted, that, if the court didn?t give me the credit, then there were no issues to be dealt with and the answer could be used as presented.
    This was to ensure that the court could use the understanding that was imparted by the work to solve the problem, to me that was the most important thing at that time, get it solved!!
    But lets keep the reality of this quite straight, the court, by NOT giving me the credit that I earned, has clearly told all of us, (by silence actually) that this is something of value!! They have clearly acknowledged that fact!!

    It followed that the people who were to give me the credit was the government of Canada, A.K.A. the liberal party as they are the republic. There is also the simplicity that the Attorney General of Canada has full access to all of the files that the court had, including the one with the letters that I wrote, so clearly she MUST have known. Further to that it the simplicity of the rules of governance that tell of the responsibilities o0f a Prime Minister, a thing called ?Governance of Eminent Domain? which h basically tells of a requirement of the leaders of any government that they MUST stay cognizant and aware of just what is happening in the domain that they govern over. As the Sharpe case was a ?Constitutional challenge?

    For the government of Canada to stand as accredited with the outcome is the same as using the car you just happened to find in the back yard, you may not have acted to steal it, but you have allowed yourself to use that which you clearly know is NOT YOURS!!!

    The reality of this is that the government of Canada, the Liberal party as they are the only ones who can be held criminally responsible, either for theft, as they have allowed it to stand in a manner that they are in receipt of what amounts to be stolen credit (remember, the court has, by it?s inactions stated that this was clearly of value?and by the way, it was also written into the work the line that told of the requirement of the use of the author of origins name(s) as to ensure that no one else benefited from ?undue reputational enhancement?) and they are also in dereliction of there sworn oath?s of office with, respect to there duties, both in there requirements of upholding the laws, and the ideas that giver rise to the criminal code statute that is ?Breach of public trust?

    Clearly, in my ignorance of just how to go about helping, I unintentionally boxed in the Justices of the Supreme Court such that they could not give me the credit that I justly deserved. This is as a result of what I have stated before, as most of the general public do not realize, (I find) just how much Justices of the Courts are bound both to the law, and BY the law, handcuffed by it actually, as a manner of speaking!

    I entrusted that they would act in a manner that was in keeping with the titles of ?Honorable persons? as clearly the Justices of the Supreme Court DID DO, but alas the representative of the government of Canada don?t seem to take some of their responsibilities as seriously as they should be, seems that are willing to risk criminal charges against the entirety of the government just to take credit for something that made them look good. As one of the newspaper reporters put it concerning the Attorney General at the time of the verdict. (Janice Tibbetts in several papers) ?The Attorney General was basking in the light of the victory?.

    Now the reality of this is, well you are going to tell me that no actual thing was stolen, and, by God?s Grace, I?ll respond to you that if your identity was taken from you, no actual thing was stolen either, but you will recognize the crime soon enough. Something has clearly been stolen from me, as the entire body of work which is copyright law is there to protect author?s rights to the credit /blame for their work, and to protect the author?s Moral rights as well. That the Attorney General is one of the persons involved in all of this, well that only serves to ensure that any statutory limitations of prosecution are rendered invalid!

    Now the simpler reality of all of this is that YUP, I could easily go out and
    Have the entirety of the ?republic? representation of the Canadian government charged criminally for the theft of the credit for this outcome. The result of doing that would probably be akin to a form of havoc.

    Firstly the government of Canada would fall, completely, and this would require another $200 million dollar election, like the one we just had!

    Next, the result would be such that all of the work that has been done on the house of Commons, since this event took place, (they resumed sitting on the Monday after the Fridays verdict by the Supreme Court, so that would have been Jan 29 2001) would be rendered as void, nullified, completely a waste of time, and taxpayers dollars! (for those of you who have a slight knowledge of the reality of me, the idea ?popped? into my head that the actual tax savings that were realized by the paper that I wrote, and the facilitation the courts ability to render verdict thereby, was what?? roundabouts $40 million dollars?? but I cannot prove that to you, and I sincerely doubt that anyone in the present government will admit to anything concerning that. But please be forewarned, asking them to respond to any figure will result in a probable/predictable ?no? response. It is an easy game of semantics, ?Was it really $40 mil?? ?No? [Heh, Heh, Heh, inner laugh, inner thought, it was actually $39 million $999 thousand $978 dollars and 0.42 cents?...followed by again inner thought, I didn?t lie!!!!!] so asking them what is the right amount is to allow them to practice their semantic tactics. After all, the Prime Minister is a lawyer. And the Attorney General is the former dean of a Law school, go figure, like you would sincerely believe that they know exactly what it is that they have done here!)

    This is why I am posting this under the heading that it is under, after all, most of you do not want to be prosecuted for speeding when you were only doing 101 KPH.

    But of course this is a lot more serious then just a little thing like doing 1 KPH over the speed limit, because this is the government, the ruling body, the people that are going to tell you that ?The law is The Law because they most assuredly want all of you to follow it!

    What some of this actually amounts to be is the government of Canada urinating on the very foundation of its right to be, the Constitution of Canada, the very document that I had attempted to ensure would be upheld as honorable, and as I have stated before, they are urinating on the graves of all of the veterans who died to ensure that all of us could enjoy the freedoms that we now do/did! (?Did? is because they just took away a whole bunch of those freedoms! I for one would love to know why they are opening foreign bound mail, reading its content, are they afraid that I would carry out on my threat to simply mail away the answer and keep it from them, give it to someone who might actually appreciate the need of the international venue without the monopolization of its revelations?? Is that really one of the reasons why??

    By the way, a little mote to Mr. Sharpe, after reading some of your comments in the newspaper archives, God did NOT goof when he arranged for puberty to start at twelve, you?re the idiot that seems to believe that when the blossom comes out on the tree, if you pick the blossom, it will actually taste like an apple. It dens? taste like an apple, it tastes like what it is a blossom
    First comes the blossom, then we wait until it becomes a ripe fruit, them we pick it and eat it. That is the sequence of events for the people who live in the real world Sir, not the people like you who would, just for the indulgence of your own fanciful fantasy life, damage and harm innocent children. As for the boys who you say are willing, they are not yet emotionally equipped for what they indulge in, and you simply aid and abet them at the destruction of their very own lives. Most reasonable and sane people know that men mature slower, emotionally, then women, hence it is seriously doubtful that thirteen and fourteen year old boys are emotionally prepared for what you want them to indulge in. You are as sick man!

    Now we address the idea that I smoke, hence supposedly I am not a good role model for your children. I find it immensely ironic that shortly after I had written to the New York Times, back in 99, describing to them what had transpired in my life with respect to my becoming addicted to cigarettes in the first place, remembering the aroma from when my dad first ?lit up? in the car, driving to the country house, that they shortly thereafter made it illegal to smoke in the car with children in it.
    But that isn?t the real problem. If those of you in our collective society wish to practice discrimination, well, there is only so much that can be done about that, but for the government to practice any kind of discrimination against any one of its citizens, the very foundation of the place of respect of right without any discrimination what so ever, BY LAW!! is for them to add defecation upon, not only the graves of the soldiers who died for our freedoms, but upon all of the historical persons who worked to obtain the rights of Freedom for all of us!! Without exception, without cause, without right, and clearly in complete defiance of their responsibilities, their oaths of office, their moral obligations to all of the citizens of the state/country of Canada, and especially to all of the children themselves who would grow up believing in something, that something being this country. They are abasing and abusing there privileges to an extent that is unheard of in Canadian history, that is morally abhorrent, and that is socially, and legally, completely unjustifiable!

    It is NOT illegal for me to smoke, and to exercise such a prejudice against me, by a government no less, is a travesty against all of what is good about a free society. Remember, I have stated clearly that all I was looking for was acknowledgement, that could have could as a letter from the Prime Minister, no monies are actually owed.

    Understand it this way, take away Bill Gate?s money, and on his name alone he could go into a bank and probably secure a million of so dollars to start up again.
    Take away Bill Gate?s money and reputation, and he is just some schlubb who is not the nattiest of dressers. That is how important a reputation is, that is why there exists a body of law which is copyright law to protect an authors reputation from persons who would seek to harm them, plagiarize them, steal from them, abuse their reputations by either overly selective quotation, or quotation from an unpublished work, or outright theft of the accreditation that is rightfully theirs.

    So now we collectively have a situation where the present Government of Canada, the Liberal party, has taken steps of such a nature as to place the entirety of the work that has passed over the summer months to be possibly lost, has placed itself in the precarious position of possibly being charged under the Criminal Code of Canada for what amounts to be a really minor infraction, as damages actually go, (I am the only person being hurt by this really really stupid, and inane, behavior!) and resulting in costing the Canadian taxpayers a much greater sum of money then they the taxpayers and the government officials, ever dreamed of, never mind the reality of far greater then the dollar value that was already saved, by several fold!

    What sparks a government to act in this kind of manner??, good question, maybe some of you should ask them that, better yet you should tell them that that is NOT the manner that you would want this country to be run, after all, it really is all of you who are the government.

    I wonder just how many of you realize the importance of a government NOT practicing the discriminatory practices that some of it?s citizens so willingly do practice, the implications of such actively, then again, how many of you will actually care about any of this, time will tell, and maybe if it tells in the wrong direction, I , God willing, will charge them criminally, and seek to have all of what?s written above enforced as it is the rule of law that is what gives all of us our <font size=4><font color=red>Freedoms</font>


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  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    ok. here's my question...
    maybe not a question per se, just an observation.

    how can you speak of liberating a person for the sake of freedom and then speak of such acts as child pornography as against the term 'freedom of imagination'?

    i suppose i am not really looking for an answer here.
    i have heard these types of arguments before.

    my point is, despite the harshness of the statement (depending on who you are):

    freedom = delusion

    This reminds me of something i recently told my professor.
    Because of the length (sorry, i will begin a new topic.

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    Gotta tell you, this is a wonderment to me. I can sit here and accuse my own government of criminal actions, and not a sound in reply, not a squeak, not a nothing.

    This amazes me, to no end.

    It is the responcibility of a government that it acts when it is required to do so. A government has obligations, these are accepted when that government takes power after an election, in those obligations are the responcibilitiies of the upholding of the constitution of a country, and the responcibility to act in an honorable fashion with respect to it's citizens.

    The behaviour of the governement of this country is despicable to say the least. To attempt to monopolize what I know for profit and gain of one party only, IS NOT the practise of fairness, and Lord knows(!) we collectively need examples of fair practise, as it seems that this belief is vanishing from the collective psyche of North Americans.

    Toss fair practise, and you may as well toss the ideas of society and law and order, and justice for that matter, right out the window!

    All is lost if a society can no longer have the opportunity for the practise of fairness in dealings.

    For any one country to attempt to usurp what I know for the sole purpose of that country, is to turn it's collective back upon all of it's allies, to tell all of it's allies that they cannot share in the wealth that, by God's Grace, I have been allowed to have.

    The wealth of knowledge, as I am still living in a tent in a field, still eating at shelters, still living in drop in centers, and still completely ignored by the very persons who have responcibilities towards the upholding of the spirit of the constitution, and the fact of the law of it.

    It is amazingly sad that this has come to this point. Had the government acted in a timely fashion, all would have already been done, instead, this is the route that must be persued.

    It is clear enough to me that the government themselves are making themselves into the worst of role models inasmuch as they are practising discrimination of the worst kind, discrimination based upon greed and ingnorance, especially damaging coming from intelligent people!

    God will judge you all for this, you would be greatly better off if I had simply taken you to court and sued you.

    Waiter in a restaurant; "Yes Sir, I have your fresh fish here, would you like that tumor side up Sir, or tumor side down?

    You would wait so long that it would be too late, so it bothers me not, as it is NOT my fault, nor was that my choice!

    By God's grace, I do know what I am responcible for, "It is a pathway of error that leads to success!", but that does not exclude any of you from the errors that none of you have ever admitted to having made!
    (NOT addressed to anyone on these boards! clear?)

    "I have no one to blame but myself"............. for what I have done, it is simple enough to blame the rest of you for what you have, and especially <Font color=red>haven't done!</font>


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    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    the government is not an entity.
    but i suppose it should be.
    i mean...
    people talk of the 'government' as if
    it has no shape or form.

    the government is a collective of individuals. these individuals are a breed
    unlike the rest...or are they?

    i have no use to acuse my government.
    because it is not a force.
    oh IS a force...but not like some superhuman, god-like force that has no rhyme or reason.

    you cannot attack the government head-on.
    they KNOW they are above you.
    you are a sniveling little brat.

    in my eyes, it would be best to gather and rally. one man can't fight an army...
    or can he?

    you are banging on a 20 foot door. whether your knock peacefully or bang forcefully, the door is still mightier than you.

    there is power in the many.
    men don't fight armies...armies fight armies.

    find your collective.

    and if worse comes to worse...
    there is always room on this planet for one more pilgrimage...
    one more holy cause...
    one more weak link...

    but even a weak link is still, at one time, a link...
    and it is just as strong as the rest of the links in the chain.

    this would be true if you were pulling against something of the same strength as you...
    but you are not as strong as the other links in this particular chain.

    you need more steel. go and reinforce yourself.

    and for god's sakes...

    use your head.

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    It should be the force of the law that is on my side dear woman.

    The government that I speak of is represented by particular individuals, a Prime Minister, and an Attorney General, (and the respective party that they belong to, the Liberal party of Canada) both of whom have culpabilities in all of the events that have transpired.

    The media should have assisted, others should have assisted, I should NOT have NEEDED any assistance had the responcibile parties accepted there responcibilities as they had sworn an oath of office to do!

    Getting "others" to attempt to help finds only that they will do so if I am willing to indenture myself to them at some futur point, something that I cannot do as that futur is uncertain, other then I will stay living in a tent in a field until the idiots that run this country <font color=red>do something</font>

    What you seem to perhaps miss, and I don't wonder why, is that I have basically all the real help that I need, in God!

    Any other help, well, the only help that I can get that would be of any real value is help that is offered, and that just ain't happening, so clearly no on else feels that any of this is of any value.

    Aside from that, it is one of the harbingers of the behaviours of a government of a country, how it deals with the intellectuals.

    Stalin, Hitler, Musselini(sp), Lenin, and all of the rest of the 'Dictators for life' characters have, first and formost, supressed the intellectuals (other then the willing "yes-persons", psuedo intellectuals that do nothing more then tell the idiot what the idiot wants to hear, no back bone, no real sence, no courage, nothing of any real value other then they like the money and power that falls on them from the dictators backside, and soon enough, as the dictators finds the whim and fancy, they too are disposed of.......convienently, off in a field somewhere's)

    Intellectuals are the canaries in the mines for any society, and there treatment by the government is the clearest indications of the actual levels of freedom (as opposed to perception) in any given society.

    By Gods Grace I am far stronger then you seem to realize, the years that I have endured all of this <font color=red><font size=4>shit</Font></font> so far are the real proof of that, just that most of you know nothing of all of that as I have a tendanct to not want to complain about things as there is enough real suffering going on in the world right now! (do you know how many children just died of starvation in the time it took you to read this page?)

    (Oh yes, please do NOT go calling me a "potty mouth" for it, it is deserved!)

    My Teacher is in all people, but not all people are my Teacher

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    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    i have no problems with 'potty mouths'...
    deserved or no. wink

    mr. robin...i think what my problem is--

    is that people over-estimate other human beings. you may be correct in what they 'swore under oath to do'...
    but lets be serious, what value does an oath really have...
    and by what virture does one assume when taking one?

    i can easily delude myself into the cliche:
    'well, they swore this and that'...but i sound like a child believing in santa.

    i think that you and i have a similar passion somewhere beneath the rhetoric...

    we feel passionate in our delusions.

    i have no doubt that there are individuals out there (somewhere) that can take an oath, make a promise, tell a truth, give themselves...
    and be completely honest in such an action.

    but those people are few and far between.

    consider your actions: your words fall on deaf ears...not to mine, but to those you so desperately want to hear.

    i hear you.
    and i am nothing in your cause.
    (nor can i ever be)

    the system is corrupt, the world is corrupt, humans are corrupt...
    etc etc etc...

    its all a cliche on the back of a cereal box.

    you will die in your cause, as we all will. but these causes are nothing.

    the universe is 14 billion light years across...
    what difference is a cause?


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    you guys have way too much time on your hands!

    Shred = emotion

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    If I die in my cause then the cause will have been served by my death!

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Poverty is the greatest punishment<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mahatma Ghandi

    This is the punishment that my government wishes me to suffer, then God Willing, I will willingly suffer it to show them for what they actually are, simple as that!

    When you take away the value of words, you have nothing left, because those words are the very foundations, both physical, and idealistic that have enabled the entirety of all of what we have, are, and can be.

    Put simply, that is the reason why you can go to a convieniance store, 24/7 and pick up a liter/quart of milk, so spoiled are we all that we can even get ice cream, chocolate, chips, bread, booze (some places!), treats and more.

    That is all as a result of the rule of law, and when the politicians break the laws, they deserve the exact same non-discriminational treatment as the rest of us!

    Simple as DAT!

    Look at this from my point of view, I can openly accuse my government of breaking the laws, and not a single one of all of the news agencies that I can e-mail this to respond. Doesn't that just reeeeeeeeeek of the conspiratorial nature of just what is going on? Isn't that what I am actually proving here, sometimes the people who tell you that they are being suppressed, actually are!

    My Teacher is in all people, but not all people are my Teacher

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    HB Forum Moderator Alex's Avatar
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    Mr. Robin, you lost me from the get go...I never understood the premise.


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    The sheer length of everything that has been written so far frightens me, and I need to go to work, but...

    The government is not something that can be seen, felt, or has feelings. It is the idea of making rules to control, and people then following the rules.
    If the rules are changed, the government changes.
    The problem occurs when the rules are not able to be changed and people personify the government. The government then recieves a life of its own and begins governing the people on itself. Large corporations are the same way. They ignore their original porpose and create a new one that can only be altered by a force larger than itself.


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