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Thread: the issue of: RANDOM

  1. #11
    HB Forum Moderator Alex's Avatar
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    I would say the making of a movie is random.


  2. #12
    HB Forum Owner SHATOUSHKA's Avatar
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    common hannibal--don't be that way. look at what you did to my smilie...

    just remember the secret to the ages:


    (er...that is, if you like hedonism wink)

    General Philosophy

  3. #13
    Senior Hostboard Member Hannibal's Avatar
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    Hey now, dont be getting all mushy on me!
    You know me, I'll still find a place for Pi in life somewhere!! Don't you worry, Pi and I will survive!
    *sings the song*
    I will survive, yea,
    As long as I know how to love I know i'll be alive...
    *dances around*
    The other day I hear this lady singing this song and I was like,
    WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smile
    I need my fix..
    *heads to the webpage*

    As miserable as life may be I hold it pretty precious...

    If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I wil write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always, I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you.

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Mr. Robin's Avatar
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    The statement that Alex is looking for, the Heisenburg Uncertainty Principal States that; 'The act of observation changes that which is being observed"

    This is derived from the scientific observation that you must 'shine a light' upon an atom to see it's electrons, yet in shining the light you are providing the electrons with energy which causes them to behave differently (move around the atom FASTER) as you have increased their available energy, ergo the act of shining the light to see, has caused the object that you are shining the light upon, to act/behave differently.

    This is due to the fact that electrons are responcive to energy inputs from exterior sources, and has nothing to do with randomness.

    Randomness is from a scientific theory that is a part of the explaination of a thing called 'entropy'. Entropy is the reason why you cannot use a refrigerator to cool your kitchen. If you open the door to your fridge to cool the room, the amount of cooling is equal to the heat being given off by the heat radiating coils on the back (or underneath) the fridge. The entropic aspect is from the simplicity that you are using an electric motor to drive the compressor that is making the cooling/heat cycle work, and that motor is inefficient, and is adding additional heat to the equation, ergo the room will actually heat up.
    That is a part of the reason that Hawking wrote his original paper, (along with a guy Named Roger (thanks DOODOO) Penrose) as what he was attempting to prove was that the universe itself was entropic (randomness outpacing order) and was attempting to accomplish this with the mathematical observation of the Hawking Radiation that he described as resulting from the separation of a virtual particle pair on the event horizon of a black hole.
    Reality is much better then current theory, as in the simplicity of this..... recently is was demonstrated, and proven, that the currently known laws of thermodynamics (from whence the idea of entropy comes) are wrong. This was found from observations of the Sun during a Solar ecplipse by the moon, and from a simple observation that has been around for a long time, the thermosphere of the earth. The thermosphere is a layer of temperature that surround the earth. As you travel up towards space from the face of the planet, the temperature drops down to below zero, but at the layer of the thermosphere it heats up to over 2500 degrees F, then as you travel farther out it drops way back down, appro 7 or 8 Kelvin. (approx, if I remember it properly, -260 C, This is because Americans still use farenheight, SI, Systeme International uses Celcius, I knew the answer in Celcius, but I was attempting to acomodate the Idea that I suspect that most of the readers of this board are Americans, and to be respectful of that fact!)
    What this proves is that the law of thermodynamics that states that all heat is radiant, is WRONG!, and if you were to indulge in a little reading, I could easily refer you to studies where they are doing research into the thermal capacitance of substances, something unheard of just a few short years ago.
    What this suggests is that it is quite possible that order does actually rule supreme in the universe, and that the 'randomness' that is observed is simply an illusion of our visual systems. it may very well be that it is, as yet, beyond the capacity of our minds to grasp in any simplistic viewpoint that there is an order that rules supreme...then again, the complete answer in physics is yet unknown, as no one has yet been able to tell all of us just how it is that gravity far.
    That might just be the proof of the reality being, that order does rule, and randomness is 'just an illusion'!

    Want more, e-mail
    Tanks, for your time!


    [This message has been edited by Mr. Robin (edited October 12, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Mr. Robin (edited October 13, 2001).]

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  5. #15
    Inactive Member doodoo's Avatar
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    Red face

    It is Roger Penrose, not "Walter". smile The guy is nuts (like all modern physics) but he has bested Hawking as it concerns the "quantum measurement" problem....


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