
So to start back again, what is a just outcome for what has transpired, do I fall for the oft repeated line of ?it?s going to his head? (such crap!) or do I persist in the light of the current joke some of the people around me are attempting to tell me as to get there message through, ?Why is the beaver the symbol of Canada, because it dams everything!?

I suspect that this is an attempt to get me to believe that Canadians don?t really give a damn, but I know that this is NOT the truth, it is a perception that is currently being foisted upon me by the people who would want for me to stay here and change my mind about the need of what I know being shared with the rest of the world?freely!

It is a little sick the manners of social influence that have been attempted with me, never mind the obviousness of the lack of any really openness on the part of the persons who are attempting this kind of ?non-dialogue? as to exercise influence over me and my thoughts, really sick.

If I start back at the same beginning that I had originally stated at, years back, then I would be asking the same question I had asked of the persons that I had been writing to back then, if I truly was a genius, who would know?

It was clear enough that from amongst the persons that I was writing to, back then, not a one of them, would be able to tell, they simply put were not qualified to be able to determine if I was of the nature of a person such as an Einstein, or a Newton, or many of the other very notable names of history of persons who have produced what have become self-apparent works of genius.

It is in this place that I rest now as I have not had the opportunity to have the entirety of the work that I can produce exposed as I have not the proper venue for such a venture, nor do I have the requisite financing, That I should have had the exposure to the people who could be affording me that, is without question, but it is clear enough within my protest of all of what has transpired to me that I have been denied that which is my right! That has arisen as to ensure that the course of the future of my work would be controlled by others not myself, this will, God willing NOT happen !

That tack has been taken by the late and ignorant, late to know just what is going on, ignorant as to the effects of their actions. Inclusive of the simplicity that they are also quite ignorant of just what it is that I have as an answer (how could they know, I?ve told no one!) and just how that all plays out in reality.

At this moment is would appear that something has stalled all of this. I had tried for several years to see if there was any interest in the U.S. for what I had to offer, but not a single response was forthcoming, with respect to either the questions I posed, or the answer, that I, by God?s Grace, have to offer! Hence I can readily assume that there is NO INTEREST within the U.S.

This leaves only the rest of the democratically aligned countries that the president of the United States recently called upon to defend the interests of Freedom and democracy within the world, including Canada.

So now I sit wondering why the government of Canada has so completely ignored the accomplishment that was the rendering of the courts verdict back in Jan. of 2001, I do remember hearing the story on the news about someone being a threat to ?international trade relations? but I certainly wouldn?t like to think that that had been about myself, as that would have stated that someone out there had been threatening the Canadian government with economic sanctions relative to the governments position concerning me.

Funny, as I had thought that if that were the case, simply bring it to light, I could have taken care of that one easily enough. Then again, if that was the case, who would have made such threats to the government of Canada, who would have any such right in the free and democratic countries of the world as to have exercised such influence over a democratically appointed government of Canada as to tell them what they can, and cannot, do with concerns to one of there citizens who had done well by them??

Begs the question for certain, as NO country has any rights to me, what I know, what I can do, N-O-B-O-D-Y!!!

In Canada I should have achieved a status of a national historic figure, because that is exactly what happens when you can accomplish such things as I had accomplished with the Supreme Court of this country. Why I have not been afforded such a title, beyond me at this time, but certainly it cannot be because someone else, from another country has exercised some threat against Canada, unthinkable given the events of Sept. 11, that any country would do anything to have me barred from what I have the right to do!!! Completely unthinkable that anyone would retaliate against Canada because the Canadian government helped me to accomplish the task that I have at hand of the dissemination of a T.O.E. in physics.

Here in Canada, a separate and differently run democratic state (that has GREAT freedoms) we have the fortune of the wisdom of the First Nations peoples, and from that the understanding of the term ?Universal suffrage? wherein all of the members of the ?Tribe? would suffer equally, in both the good times, and the bad times, times of plenty, and in times of not so plenty.

Granted that is a ?tribalism? and I am exceedingly hesitant to venture into any territory that promotes any form of tribalism as the results of the practices of tribalism is the Sept 11 event, as brought on by the tribalism?s of the terrorists themselves. People who clearly do not grasp the immediate need of global perspectives in leadership as demonstrated by there ignorant destruction of two statues that are a part of the global world heritage, as historical pieces. Clearly tribalism is NOT a manner of living that should be promoted as it is separationist, prejudice, and divisionist as it has tendencies to be along racial or ethnic lineage.

But, as it is in life, you take/learn from the best that you can find, and that little piece of tribal wisdom is eminently acceptable. The reason ?why? is simple enough, it ensures survivability.

So now that the democratic world responded to the American presidents request for assistance in responding to the Sept 11 event, it would follow as sensible that the rest of the democratic world should be permitted to avail themselves of the knowledge that I possess as a dissemination of information that construes a T.O.E. Share in the bad, share in the good, it is a fair way of conducting oneself.

Naturally this is surely done without anyone threatening to harm any of the democratically ruled countries that would participate, no sense of ?economic threat? to Canada, either, as they do nothing wrong in assisting me in accomplishing this task.

This by the way is why I am currently living in a tent in a field, because I haven?t been answered to concerning these events, and because I refuse to contribute anything more until this is answered to, that include going back to work.

One of my last employs was as a truck driver, previous to that I worked as a janitor, cleaning. That in this world, at present, someone with an Einstein like knowledge, would end up working as a janitor, is really scary actually, because it tells you just a little more about this world, and it?s controlling people, then most of you probably want to know. (Then again, most of you do know, you just don?t have any proof!)

This little ?talkabout? can continue, just depends on how far I need to go to get to the end, or better put to get the ?load? off of the pathway that I am on, after all no one invited this person to participate at this level, and they didn?t want to help previous to this, that one?s really really clear???????..remember that one??(You know who you are, so do I!)

My Teacher is in all people, but not all people are my Teacher