The Taliban and their ilk have gene spliced the purpose of sports with war.

Jihad, Jihad, Jihad, might as well be Goalllllll, Goallllllll, Goallllllll. As a matter of fact, the Taliban are so perverse in their belief systems, they use their soccer
stadium for murdering innocent woman, and treat that as a sporting event.

Meanwhile, normal sports have been outlawed.

Sad to say, this blight known as the Taliban will never go away.

It's this simple, the Taliban have perverted their lifestle by mixing the purpose of sports with war, sports are supposed to create a peaceful, warlike activity, minus the death, and then aftewards we all go and have a beer afterwards.

Only now there is no afterwards...It's Jihad, Jihad, Jihad, everyday, everynight.

Jihad has become a sport.

Should you die in the pursuit of Jihad, yout get to boink a ton of virgins who recreate themselves on a daily basis faster than Gary Condit.

How many sporting events have become extinct in the last 100 years...none that I know, a true cancer of blight has been put on the earth, a new sport called Jihad, brought to you by the Taliban.

We by no means are the innocents in this country, but we don't make sport into killing.

Jihad, Jihad, Jihad, allows these "people" to forget that they cannot stand each other...It allows them to bond with each other by hating

The perversion is in making it a life or death struggle, and never acknowledging that they have turned the act of murder into sport.

They Taliban Finks will never change, JIHAD is a sport they will continue to play.
