Does an Insane Action Constitute Insanity?

I believe the answer is much more complex than simply saying yes or no.

I also believe Fanning the Flames for War in the United States by calling those responsible for Tuesday's Tragedy, "Insane", is the wrong course of action to take at this time.

Is it wrong to label any group permanently insane for any one action they may be involved in? Yes, unless it is the detonation of a nuclear bomb (World War II does not count) or the poisoning of a city, or demolishing a building such as a hospital or stadium.

The reason I put the World Trade Center just a fraction below the list of bonafide, insane terrorist actions is because college educated business entrepreneurs are in fact, Economic Warriors....a hard concept to picture for a group not dressed in military uniforms.

Armed only with Telecommunications Devices, our Economic Warriors who occupied the World Trade Center can create more Wealth in One Day than the GNP of a Small Country.

Those who worked in the World Trade Center did not view themselves as Economic Warriors, and they were naive of how others in the world viewed them.

That is why those who died in the World Trade Center can be called innocent and warriors at the same time....we in this country saw them as innocent, educated adults taking care of families and being responsible, law abiding citizens. Others from around the world viewed our "innocents" who worked at the World Trade Center as Economic Warriors who's every action affected their lives half a world away.

One image I will never forget for the rest of my life appeared in the Special Edition Time Magazine Issue Covering the World Trade Center Tragedy.

There is a full page picture of 4 people who have just jumped from the World Trade Center and are probably hundreds of feet above the ground in free fall with the side of the World Trade Center Building as their backdrop.

Of the four people pictured falling, a man and a woman appear to have jumped together, many believe this to be true because the man and woman are holding hands as they fall toward the ground several hundred feet below....

Is jumping from a height you cannot possibly survive from an insane act?....

To an observer from the street who heard the plane crash but did not see it, looking up in time to see 4 people jumping from the building could be viewed as an insane action impatiently carried out by the 4 jumpers.

But when a plane has just exploded through your office quarters, and the heat is so unbearable that jumping is the only logical alternative to staying and being horrifically burned alive...the actions of the four were quite sane.

But an outsider from the street who witnesses the four jumping from the building could reach an erroneous conclusion that the four people should have stayed in the building and tried to get out another way.

########This is not easy to write about. These 4 individuals were thrust into a situation where there was no survivable plan of action ... can there be a greater pain than that in the world? Those 4 individuals (and there were probably more than that) must choose within a fraction of a second how they are going to die, and none of their options will increase their chance for survival from zero, nor will their actions save anyone elses life either. As hideous as all the deaths were, those who jumped may have experienced the most violent death of all. ##########

########## The firefighters who went back into the building to save lives also suffered the worst kind of death...again, they had no choice. The firemen's complete and total reaction was based on their previously learned training to save lives.############

########## Those who were ordered back to their desks because the first plane crash was in the other building, and that "time was money, so don't waste anymore time not making money", their impending deaths based on a wrong decision by their own field lieutenants is just as tragic, they were simply following orders.###########

Obviously, all the deaths were tragic that day at the World Trade Century.

Are U.S. Citizens merely the street observer coming to erroneous conclusions about the actions going on all around them?

Are the Religious Fanatics who caused the World Trade Center Disaster truly insane, or are they behaving in an insane manner for reasons being kept from the United States Citizens.

If the Religious Fanatics agreed to stop future terrorism in exchange for an acknowledgement from the U.S. that Corporate U.S.A. has caused some unnecessary harm in other parts of the world in the past(although that would not exonerate the blowing up of the World Trade Center in anyway), would an agreement by the terrorists to quit terrorism in the future if the U.S. agrees to acknowledge past mistakes.....

.....mean that the terrorists are not as insane as we would believe them to be?

And could that be an acceptable compromise if it also included the arrest of all the terrorists who were responsible for the World Trade Center Tragedy?

Is it insane for the U.S. to Escalate the Inevitable War without exploring if there is an AMICABLE way to make the terrorists stop future terrorism without going to war.

The Assumption has been made that war is the only way to combat the world's terrorism....I don't agree that is the only way, and I don't think any other options but war and revenge have been discussed.

The unthinkable part for U.S. Citizens is mustering up the energy to learn more about those who have in a moment changed America forever and have harmed so many.

But I believe we should investigate before we go to war and cause others not directly involved in the original conflict to subsequently die.

We had no choice in the deaths that occurred last Tuesday, but our next actions will affect how many will die in the future.

Perhaps Corporate America needs to rethink if their own past actions could have helped build anger that helped cause Tuesday's Tragedy.

As I pointed out above, Insane Actions are not the same as Insanity.

I believe it would be sane for this country to determine the absolute sanity or insanity of the opposition before starting a war.

I don't believe that is being done.

Nor do I believe it will be done before our war is started...which makes us no better than those we seek to punish.

