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Thread: Boycott AG? For or Against and why...

  1. #11
    HB Forum Owner aggirl479's Avatar
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    I will most certainly NOT boycott American Girl because

    1) The money AG is donating is ONLY going to the Girls, Inc. academic and athletic programs.
    2) They are only donating the money from the I CAN bands (which I plan on purchasing a few of within the next couple of weeks), along with donating $50,000 (which still only goes to the learning and physical education programs!)

    Also, although I am a Christian (although not super religious), and I do celebrate Christmas, I feel that it is just fine to say "Happy Holidays!" For goodness sake, so many different winter holidays are celebrated in America, among the many different religions. Think about this. You are offended when someone says, "Happy Holidays!" ("holidays" includes Christmas, BTW) instead of "Merry Christmas!" Wouldn't someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas possibly be offended if everywhere they go, the stores, the parks, wherever, people are saying "Merry Christmas!" to them when it is a holiday that they do not celebrate? There are so many wonderful religions in this country, not one deserves to be left out when being wished some holiday cheer. That is why the employees at places like Target and Bookspan (where my mom works on the phone) have to wish people "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!"

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ December 08, 2005 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Dreaming_of_Dolls ]</font>

  2. #12
    Inactive Member kitschywoman's Avatar
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    There are several companies I will not purchase from for various reasons myself.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Good for you, Cleo. I am into physical fitness, but I decided not to go to Curves when I learned that a portion of their proceeds goes to support pro-life organizations. Instead, I chose Jazzercise, and what a great choice it was. [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

    I live in an urban environment and see first-hand the conditions that some children have to live in and the obstacles they face. If Girls, Inc. can help these underprivileged girls become smarter and more self-confident, well, then more power to them. These girls will need all the coping skills they can get to help them conquer an environment that tries to hold them back on a daily basis.

  3. #13
    Inactive Member kitschywoman's Avatar
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    Oh, and last time I checked, Hannukah, Ramadan and Kwaanza are also celebrated at this time of year.

    So "Happy Holidays" seems a lot shorter than "Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyous Ramadan and Gleeful Kwaanza."

    Or perhaps we can just use "Merry ChristmaHannuKwaanza," like the commercial says. [img]graemlins/cry.gif[/img]

    Hmmmm...I think my greeting of the day is going to be "Happy Hannukah," just for giggles.

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Ms X's Avatar
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    Hello, I happen to *not* be a Christian. Thought you might be interested in my view.

    I must say I'm impressed by the eloquent opinions expressed by Sangy and Dreaming of Dolls. Obviously you put a lot of thought into it before forming your opinions, rather than just mindlessly parroting a party line. Kudos to you both; you have my respect. [img]graemlins/thumbs_up.gif[/img]

    Originally posted by StarTrekCaptain:
    Our country wants to take anything Christian out of public eye. That's why I HATE when people say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".
    I can't remember the stats but one of my professors told our class that the majority of people in the US consider themselves Christian (this isn't syaing they go to church or anything like that, it is just saying what they consider themselves to be.)

    You're right, the majority of Americans consider themselves Christian. And because this is true, there is really very little danger that Christianity is ever going to be taken completely "out of the public eye." It's a part of American culture. In fact, it's so deeply ingrained in our culture that it is pretty much *assumed* that everyone is a Christian.

    Companies, etc. preferring "Happy Holidays" to "Merry Christmas" are merely trying to show some sensitivity and respect to those of us who aren't.

    Aa member of the majority, understand you have a blind spot when it comes to relating to the minority. You don't know what it's like to exist outside the accepted Christian majority. You don't know what it's like to grow up as a non-Christian in this country, with some people constantly insinuating that you stand for what is bad or immoral simply by not being Christian. You don't know what it's like to constantly read opinions (such as those expressed on this board) that basically say: "oh, you non-Christians are OK people and all...but you ARE going to h*ll, you know!"

    You and others have stated that you find it offensive when non-Christians make your important religious holiday into a secular celebration. You definitely have a valid reason to feel that way. What I don't understand is why you'd want a non-Christian to be forced to say "Merry Christmas." Obviously they are not going to have a lot of heartfelt meaning behind these words. It would seem to me you'd be opposed to this as a mockery of your faith and your sacred holiday.

    Originally posted by StarTrekCaptain:
    We are supposed to be democratic, right, so does it seem democratic that we don't rule in favor of the MAJORITY? [img]graemlins/hmmm.gif[/img]
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That is a very dangerous line of thinking.

    It is never the majority that's in need of protection from oppression--the majority's big and strong enough to protect itself, after all. It's the minority that needs protection.

    Think about it. Should the majority really always rule simply by virtue of being the majority? Suppose the powerful majority in a country decides that Jews are less than human and therefore should be rounded up and exterminated. Suppose the powerful majority decides people with a certain skin color should be sold and kept as slaves. Suppose the powerful majority decides it's OK to treat women as lesser human beings. Suppose the powerful majority decides that people who don't believe the same thing as they do should be deprived of basic rights.

    Is a strict Majority Rule society really the sort of society you aspire to live in?

    Anyway, to back to the topic of the "I Can" band/AG boycott...I do respect anyone's right to stand up for their beliefs. If a boycott's your thing, then great for you.

    However, I do find it interesting that so many of you Christians seem to think it's your place to harshly judge others. Again, I'm not a Christian, but that just doesn't strike me as a very "Christian" sentiment. I would think you would be concentrating more on loving your neighbors and letting those without sin cast the first stone--and leave the judging to your God.

  5. #15
    Inactive Member kitschywoman's Avatar
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    However, I do find it interesting that so many of you Christians seem to think it's your place to harshly judge others. Again, I'm not a Christian, but that just doesn't strike me as a very "Christian" sentiment. I would think you would be concentrating more on loving your neighbors and letting those without sin cast the first stone--and leave the judging to your God.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hallelujah, Miss X! You seem to have grasped the fundamental principles of Christianity better than most of the Christians I know. [img]graemlins/heart.gif[/img]

    I'm still wondering who's passing out all these "God told me I'm qualified to judge you" cards? They need some stricter quality controls on who gets one of those suckers. [img]graemlins/cry.gif[/img]

  6. #16
    Guest chrstnwmn7's Avatar


    I try not to judge as well. I am a Christian. But, I respect others who don't share my beliefs. I do try to love others, and especially others who aren't believers. I am so afraid I will do something that will totally turn them away. I am not any means.

    I love Christmas. But I am also aware of the fact that others celebrate other holidays too. And I respect that. I have been taught to love others as myself. Sometimes this can be hard...but it is worth it in the end.

    If I had someone in my family/circle of friends who was gay or had an abortion...I would try to show them the love of Christ. My DH's cousin died from AIDS and he was homosexual. I loved him too. It doesn't change the fact that I still love them & so does Jesus.

  7. #17
    Inactive Member StarTrekCaptain's Avatar
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    Our country wants to take anything Christian out of public eye. That's why I HATE when people say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas".
    I can't remember the stats but one of my professors told our class that the majority of people in the US consider themselves Christian (this isn't syaing they go to church or anything like that, it is just saying what they consider themselves to be.)
    We are supposed to be democratic, right, so does it seem democratic that we don't rule in favor of the MAJORITY? [img]graemlins/hmmm.gif[/img]

  8. #18
    Guest prasnlrd's Avatar


    Originally posted by chrstnwmn7:
    I think the whole happy holidays thing is a little off...but that is just MHO.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Oh now this really bothers me something fierce too. I mean, how can you take Christ out of Christmas?? That is absurd. As far as people saying "Happy Holidays" excuse me...but what holiday are we celebrating!!! That is like saying lets not say The 4th of July, lets call it Fireworks Day.

    Jesus is the reason for all seasons!

    [img]graemlins/island.gif[/img] prasnlrd in CA. [img]graemlins/island.gif[/img]

  9. #19
    HB Forum Owner cebula_2005's Avatar
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    Post true. [img]smile.gif[/img]

  10. #20
    HB Forum Owner cebula_2005's Avatar
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    prsnLrd.... "Jesus is the Reason for all seasons"... YUP!!! [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img] ... so true!!!!!

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