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Thread: placenta accreta diagnosed

  1. #1
    Inactive Member claire66's Avatar
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    I?m 34wk 3 days pregnant and have just been diagnosed via ultrasound with Placenta Accreta. My high-risk obstetrician has suggested the following treatment:
    Delivery via c-section under general anaesthetic on 31 Oct (37wks); if placenta detaches then I?m very lucky; if placenta is stuck then sew me up and leave in situ, will take antibiotics but no methotraxate; if placenta partially detaches and I haemorrhage (this part scares me) then he will perform an emergency hysterectomy. I also have the option of opting for a c-section/hysterectomy but in his opinion performing a hysterectomy at this stage is riskier than leaving placenta in situ, as resulting blood loss can be fatal. I?m understandably very scared and feel as though I have just 3 weeks left to live.

    Brief history. I delivered naturally a beautiful baby boy in Sep 02. He popped out after 5hrs labour. He?s brought me immeasurable joy and I love him completely. I then had an inexperienced midwife try to tug out an unexpected/undiagnosed Placenta Accreta with only a local epidural in place. I haemorrhaged and upon my husband?s insistence was taken to theatre. A further 4 obstetrician attempted to manually tear the placenta out, all the while I was able to watch the nightmare unfold ? there was no time for a general anaesthetic. 1.5hrs later the anaesthesiologist announced ?she can?t take anymore? and I thought I was about to die. I passed out again. I lived. Miraculously they got all the placenta out and I had no infection. I suffered postnatal depression/borderline psychosis, attributed to the trauma of watching the placenta removal & blood loss. But I survived to fight another day! In April 2004 I was diagnosed with Ashermans Syndrome, which probably saved my life?the walls of my uterus where the placenta had been, adhered together and formed scar tissue, stopping the bleeding. I had just moved from London to Sydney and had treatment with a world renowned Ashermans surgeon based here. He removed the scarring and I fell pregnant immediately, only to miscarry. But 2nd time was fine, and here I am today. Having been through an unexpected Placenta Accreta removal I know I am better placed to survive this time, but my head?s in a spin and I keep imagining the worst case scenario.

    Has anyone else had to go through this and made it out the other side?

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner coachjodi's Avatar
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    So sorry it has taken so long for a response. You are certainly lucky that you were able to find a capable physician to remove your scar tissue. If you can leave the placenta in, you are better off for it although recovery is tough. The scariest part of PA is not knowing until it is to this you have an advantage. It sounds like your docs have all of the bases covered. Please let us know how it turns out!

    Good luck!!


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