I was 17 when I had My daughter Chloe who will be 3 in April. 6 weeks post I began to bleed severly, I had a D/C and a blood transfusion. After lab test were done I was told I had placenta accreta. I asked my OB about the condition and she was not concerned. When I found out I was pregnant in June '06 i wasn't too concerend since my OB didn't seem to be. I had my son on February 10. Luckily my OB in the hospital is an expert on placenta complications. He began to remove the placenta. I was sent to have an MRI to make sure it was all removed. I then had a ballon inserted in my uterus to control the bleeding. The ballon was removed in 24 hours and I was told that if the bleeding didn't stop I would be sent to have a hysterectomy. Luckily the bleeding stopped. I then had another transfusion. I was told that with every pregnancy the placenta accreta would return and I was at a higher risk to bleed to death. For the first few weeks it was very hard for me to take. My husband and I were hoping to have 4 children. I am blessed to have my 3 year old little girl and my 5 week old baby boy.