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Thread: Lesson #3 - Symbol

  1. #11
    Inactive Member juanmax's Avatar
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    1.) The rosebuds in stanza one symbolize innocence and virginity. The course of a day symbolizes the course of a lifetime. More specifically, it symbolizes a sexual timeline. When young, you are active and happy, but then times worsen. I believe the meaning of ?rosebud? is narrowed down to actually using your virginity to be happy.
    2.) The meaning of the title is helpful for the reader because then one can already realize that the poem is directed to virgins. Maidens is a more polite name for lady. The author is dedicating this poem to girls that abstain from sex. The narrator wants these women to enjoy life when young because then they will be miserable and will probably regret it.
    3.) It is important to gather the rosebuds quickly because life is short and it does not offer people many opportunities to be happy and enjoy. Before you know it, love would have been gone and sex would mean a darker and less joyful experience.
    4.) The worst times are those of maturity and infertility. When life starts demanding more and the sweet innocence of love and sex are gone. People become sad, and miserable very soon if they do not enjoy when they can.
    5.) The words the author of the poem chooses are key to the meaning of the poem. For example, instead of course, he uses ?race?. What this word says is that life is not just a course of events, but actually a race for happiness and fulfillment. All the other words used in the poem also emphasize the idea of living the moment and pursuing happiness.

  2. #12
    Inactive Member hcaceres's Avatar
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    1. The first two stanzas might be interpreted literally if the third and fourth stanzas did not force us to interpret them symbollically. What do the rosebuds symbolize (stanza 1)? what does the course of a day symbolize (stanza 2)? Does the poet narrow the meaning of the rosebud symbol in the last stanza or merely name one of its specific meanings?
    The rosebuds in the poem symbolize the virginity of women. The course of the day in the second stanza represents the course of life, and the limits implied. The rosebuds seem to represent virginity clearly after the last stanza. However, before that stanza, it remains uncertain because it does not directly allude to women?s virginity and it seems to be concentrated more on the way people should live their life.
    2. How does the title help us interpret the meaning of the symbol? Why is "virgins" a more meaningful word than, for example, maidens?
    The title helps us find the symbol because it shows the relation between any possible symbol and what it to be represented. Directly after the title, the author uses rosebuds to take advantage of the statement made in the title. ?Virgins? is more meaningful because it directly emphasizes and represent what the author is trying to argue.
    3. Why is such haste necessary in gathering the rosebuds? True, the blossoms die quickly, but they are replaced by others. Who really is dying?
    There is such haste in gathering the ?rosebuds? because, as humans, women do not live forever and life is fragile. What really is dying is the ability to have children.
    4. What are "the worse, worst" times? Why?
    The ?worse, worse times? refers to the episode in one?s life when he or she is no longer young. The author does not seem only concentrated in the virginity, but the fulfillment and accomplishments when one is young.
    5. Why is the wording of the poem better than these possible alternatives: blooms for "smiles", course for "race", used for "spent", spend for "use"?
    The wording is better because it utilizes specific words that are more related to the poem and among each other. Also, the words employed seem to be less common than their respective alternatives, making the poem more authentic.
    Perrine's "Sound and Sense" (87)

  3. #13
    Inactive Member rcln's Avatar
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    1. The first two stanzas might be interpreted literally if the third and fourth stanzas did not force us to interpret them symbolically. What do the rosebuds symbolize (stanza 1)? what does the course of a day symbolize (stanza 2)? Does the poet narrow the meaning of the rosebud symbol in the last stanza or merely name one of its specific meanings?
    The rosebuds symbolize virginity, as well as youth which is transient like the cyclical blooming and withering of a flower. The course of a day symbolizes the rising from birth to youth (where life is to shine the most) and then the setting toward death. In the last stanza, Herrick narrows the meaning of the rosebud to once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which extends to be youth (marriage means union more than losing one's virginity).

    2. How does the title help us interpret the meaning of the symbol? Why is "virgins" a more meaningful word than, for example, maidens?
    By including "virgins" in the title, the poem helps the reader interpret the meaning of the symbols as it anticipates its possible themes. "Virgins" is a more meaningful word than maidens because it is associated with religious women and suits with marriage, a sacrament in Christianity.

    3. Why is such haste necessary in gathering the rosebuds? True, the blossoms die quickly, but they are replaced by others. Who really is dying?
    Such haste in gathering the rosebuds is stemmed by the philosophy of living one's life to its fullest. In fact, it is the youth that is fading, aging, and gradually dying.

    4. What are "the worse, worst" times? Why?
    "The worse, and worst" times mark the grave of youth, where opportunities have once slipped between one's hands and the only thing left to do now is looking back and regret.

    5. Why is the wording of the poem better than these possible alternatives: blooms for "smiles", course for "race", used for "spent", spend for "use"?
    - "Smiles" suggest "blooms" with "happiness", while personifying the flower and contrasting with death.
    - A "race" implies a threshold and a destination, as to a "course" which only means the track.
    - "Spent" is more of squandering, while "use" implies utilizing with effectiveness and productivity.
    - Same as previous.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ April 01, 2008 10:39 PM: Message edited by: brucelin ]</font>

  4. #14
    Inactive Member idaeaton's Avatar
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    1. The first two stanzas might be interpreted literally if the third and fourth stanzas did not force us to interpret them symbolically. What do the rosebuds symbolize (stanza 1)? what does the course of a day symbolize (stanza 2)? Does the poet narrow the meaning of the rosebud symbol in the last stanza or merely name one of its specific meanings?
    The rosebuds of the first stanza symbolize virginity and purity of a woman. The course of the day described in the second stanza symbolizes the course of life in which the trajectory of the sun represents a woman's trajectory from birth until reaching death. The poet narrows the meaning of the rosebud symbol in the last stanza by explicitly saying what it is referring to.

    2. How does the title help us interpret the meaning of the symbol? Why is "virgins" a more meaningful word than, for example, maidens?
    The tittle helps us interpret the meaning of the symbol because we associate the word "virgin" with purity, since that is the name given to Mary because she conceived Jesus without tainting herself with the original sin. Using virgins is more meaningful than using maidens because its connotative meaning is one of chastity and pure.

    3. Why is such haste necessary in gathering the rosebuds? True, the blossoms die quickly, but they are replaced by others. Who really is dying?
    There is much haste in gathering the rosebuds because youth lasts for so long, and youth is lived one time; one lives once.

    4. What are "the worse, worst" times? Why?
    "The worse, worst" times are when one passes from being young to realizing that one is old. Youth representes fertility and is highly valued. One has greater vitality when one is young. When one is old, one feels closer to death and starts thinking about what he/she could have done differently, rather than think about the happy and joyful moments of life.

    5. Why is the wording of the poem better than these possible alternatives: blooms for "smiles", course for "race", used for "spent", spend for "use"?
    They are better because they refer to a flower which is an allusion to chastity.

  5. #15
    Inactive Member felavaz's Avatar
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    To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
    by Robert Herrick
    Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
    Old time is still a-flying;
    And the same flower that smiles today
    Tomorrow will be dying.
    The glorious lamp of heaven the sun,
    The higher he's a-getting,
    The sooner will his race be run,
    And nearer he's to setting.
    That age is best which is the first,
    When youth and blood are warmer;
    But being spent, the worse, and worst
    Times still succeed the former.
    Then be not coy, but use your time,
    And, while ye may, go marry;
    For, having lost but once your prime,
    You may forever tarry.

    1. The first two stanzas might be interpreted literally if the third and fourth stanzas did not force us to interpret them symbolically. What do the rosebuds symbolize (stanza 1)? what does the course of a day symbolize (stanza 2)? Does the poet narrow the meaning of the rosebud symbol in the last stanza or merely name one of its specific meanings?
    The flower is a common metaphor used to talk about virginity--being the "deflowering" of a woman her actual loss of it. Therefore, the use of the word ?rosebuds? in the poem symbolizes virginity. The course of the day, another common metaphor, represents the course of a woman's life. The meaning of the rosebuds is not specifically explained in the last stanza, but the author talks about prime being lost forever in the same way he mentions the rosebuds dying.

    2. How does the title help us interpret the meaning of the symbol? Why is "virgins" a more meaningful word than, for example, maidens?
    The title of the poem hints us that the poem wil be, in fact, about virginity. The word "maidens" doesn't have quite the same effect, since a maiden could be a virgin, but not necessarily. He goes more to the point when using the word "virgins."

    3. Why is such haste necessary in gathering the rosebuds? True, the blossoms die quickly, but they are replaced by others. Who really is dying?
    There exists such haste in gathering the rosebuds because a woman, according to the author, should lose her virginity while she is still young. Evidently, it is women who are dying, not rosebuds.

    4. What are "the worse, worst" times? Why?
    The author used that verse to describe old age, because there is no more room for the carnal pleasures which one can enjoy during one's youth.

    5. Why is the wording of the poem better than these possible alternatives: blooms for "smiles", course for "race", used for "spent", spend for "use"?
    He uses "smiles" instead of "blooms" for two reasons: first of all, it denotes more happiness than the latter; secondly, it also gives the flower more life and personifies them to resemble more a woman. He uses "race" instead of "course" since the first one gives it that feeling of being in a hurry, also conveyed in the second stanza. He decides for the verb "spend" insted of "use" because the first one adds to the feeling that what he's talking about can be lost.

  6. #16
    Inactive Member sofiastaburuaga's Avatar
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    1- The Rosebuds represent a woman?s virginity and the time of day that passes represents her life that passes her by waiting for the moment in which she is going to lose her virginity (the author says its best when you are still young). I think that in the last two stanzas the poet narrows down the meaning of the symbol because it makes it very clear that he is talking about sex before marriage and the loss of one?s virginity.
    2- When you read the title one already knows that the poem is going to talk about chastity and waiting for the right time. When you read the word rosebud one automatically relates it with the meaning of virginity. The word virgin is more powerful than the word maiden because it sound more pure and it is compared even to biblical and religious characters.
    3- There is haste in gathering the rosebuds because the author doesn?t want spring to pass and the flowers die. Spring in this case is one?s youth. The only thing that is dying is the youth and the spirit inside a person.
    4- The Worse, worst times can be the times when a person can no longer have sex because of being too old, ill, or for a woman not being able to conceive a child any longer.
    5- Smiles is better than blossom because it attributes a human quality to the flowers and it adds to the meaning that it is a person losing their virginity.
    Race is better than course because this makes an emphasis on how quick life can pass you by and that one should make the most of it before its too late.
    The word spent is a word that indicates that something is over and that its useless and the word used has a different connotation and it can be thought that there is still a use for the thing.
    When you spend your time you don?t even notice it going by and its nothing important. When you USE your time on the other hand it means that you have thought more deeply about it and that you are taking advantage of it or even being aware that it is going by.

  7. #17
    Junior Hostboard Member Faster's Avatar
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    Re: Lesson #3 - Symbol

    By the way, who knows how to write essays on different school subjects?

  8. #18
    Junior Hostboard Member Klais's Avatar
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    Re: Lesson #3 - Symbol

    Quote Originally Posted by Faster View Post
    By the way, who knows how to write essays on different school subjects?
    First of all, you need to choose the right topic for your essay, because you can't write a good essay without it. If you have a common topic, you can select a subtopic which you will reveal. This will help a lot to make the text concrete and focused. I was able to learn a lot about it here . I recommend everyone read it carefully and familiarize themselves with it.

  9. #19
    Junior Hostboard Member MichaelHand's Avatar
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    Re: Lesson #3 - Symbol

    I appreciate you providing this event. I've been trying for a while to get better at writing, but I haven't noticed any noticeable progress. I still have trouble writing any form of work. I recently read a book for which I must write a literary review. I discovered a resource with literature review writing help. This seems like the only practical way for me to get everything done quickly.

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