Problems can be solved!

Before we went to war in Iraq -- for justifiable reasons -- I advocated using revenues from oil wells to pay the cost of liberating the good people of Iraq from the Mad Bad Dad of Baghdad.

Now as I contemplate a way out of the war mess that has divided America -- thanks to political degenerates who have corrupted the good name of Democrats -- most Americans have been turned against the need to eradicate enemies who plan our destruction. President Bush and the military have become demoralized! So, the only sensible alternative -- rather than waiting for defunding is to strike at the heart of Iran and Syria. In other words, the "insurgents" they support would have no incentive to continue once they realize that the "oil" in Iraq will never be theirs to use against us!

As far as the current Iraqi government, we would be fools to believe that they will remain loyal to America and the ideals of democracy once we leave.