+ Copied from an E-mail I received:

I have spent several times looking at your website, AMERIJERICHO, and have this observation.

As I understand the concept, it is a business opportunity for the Body of Christ to share in an opportunity to cut costs on product and services by only doing business with members of the Body thereby having an opportunity to more clearly define and remove themselves from this worldly kingdoms economy.

James, it makes sense only on paper.

1) as schizo as the Body is now, groups within denominational lines have a hard time seeing eye to eye on anything. Getting a church to commit to the concept will be very difficult because of the suspicious nature and jealous spirit within the Body.

2) While giving churches an opportunity to participate in the concept, you give spiritual doctrinal positions while trying to sell the concept. This scares churches, especially the pastors.

3) The average pastor of most denominational churches are primarily vocationally driven. They tend to increase numbers based on worldly marketing as opposed to a strong salvation message.

4) The average denomination subconciously believes they are the true Body of Christ. Anything outside this realm that is not part of them is looked upon with disdain. They would rather do business with this Kingdom down here.

At some point James, when sifting of the Body comes, and Christians are forced to bind together for survival, concepts like yours will probably flourish. Until then, a miracle will have to happen. And miracles are still in God's eonomy.

I don't know if this is what you were looking for.

In Christ's arms


+ My reply to the E-mail was as follows:
Thanks for your input. I agree with you. None the less, maybe some of the ideas being expressed will be like "seeds" in the hearts of those who read. Time will tell.

I copied and put it on the message board with just a first name to avoid any controversial reactions from your friends. It might be good if a few "professing Christians" are challenged by your observations.