A caller on Tim Conway, Jr?s radio show on KFI/Los Angeles Tuesday night suggested a simple, but brilliant theory that if true would be far more damaging to Barack Obama than the theory that he was born in Kenya. It goes like this:

Interracial marriage was still frowned upon even in racially-mixed Hawaii back in 1961 when Barack Obama was born.

So the reason ? the simple, logical reason ? that Obama won?t reveal his original birth certificate is because he is listed as white on that document. Perhaps it was his mother who checked the ?White? box on the form. Or maybe the attending physician looked at the new baby, looked at his mother and said, ?Baby mama white. Baby must be white? and entered that information.

This is a good one, isn?t it? It?s simple, logical and it explains Obama?s reticence to release the original birth certificate. After all, being officially designated as white would be the most devastating thing that could possibly happen to his political career. The only reason he got elected President is because, as Joe Biden said, ?He?s a clean, good-looking, articulate black man.? (Don?t blame us, blame Joe.) The moment he?s seen as white, BAM!, he loses his cachet, his point of difference, his raison d??tre in the sun, so to speak.

When Conway?s listener explained this theory, Mrs Editor and I looked at each other and laughed out loud and agreed that it makes so much sense that it may well be true.