Does anyone have any experience treating reptiles for parasites at home? Is this safe to do for an inexperienced keeper, or am I better off just taking my uromastyx to the vet? He had several vet visits for an unrelated issue a couple of months ago, and the vet did a fecal float and found him to have pinworms. Vet didn't want to treat him for them because they're so common in nature. Recently he's been having some runny and smelly stools and I suspect that could be caused by the pinworms. I understand that some keepers treat their reptiles at home and I would like to avoid the stress of packing him up and taking him back to the vet if it isn't necessary. He seems otherwise healthy, he's active, and eating. He just seems to have an upset tummy. Some days it's pretty normal, other days it's very wet and smelly. If anybody has any advice about what product to use and how to dose it I would very much appreciate it.