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Thread: Passed Senate Resolutions

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    This is where all bills passed in the Senate will be stored for reference. These have the power of law, and nations in the region may go to trial for violation of them.

    Designation: ASB 1
    Category: Foreign Policy
    Author: Libre Arbitre

    Point 1: The Aegean Sea will sever all relations with the region known as Blue as well as any nation that is known to have been created by the individuals in Blue or their allies.

    Point 2: The Aegean Sea will close its boarders to all immigrants coming into the region that currently reside in or are allied with Blue.

    Point 3: The Central Government of the Aegean Sea is granted permission to gather intelligence about Blue that is necessary for regional security from sources including but not limited to: direct contact, spies, and informants. All information is to be reported to the President, and if necessary classified.

    Point 4: The Aegean Sea will shelter any refugees coming to the region from a region invaded by Blue if this should occur. In addition, necessary non-militaristic support shall be given to any region fighting Blue or its allies.

    Point 5: The Minister of Defense is hereby granted the duty of securing the defenses of the Aegean Sea from possible threats posed by Blue and its allies. This may include: assembling a defense force and strategy, forming defensive pacts with other regions, and gathering necessary intelligence.

    Passed: May 9, 2006
    Aye: 3
    Nay: 0
    Abstain: 3

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ August 03, 2006 10:47 PM: Message edited by: Kelwarr ]</font>

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    Designation: ASR 1
    Category: Constitutional Amendment
    Author: Kelwarr

    Point 1: The senate shall be opened up to all nations that have joined the U.N. and have endorsed the delegate, thus giving the region a more direct rule by the people to better fulfill the purpose of a senate.
    Point 2: The vice president shall become the head of the senate and shall moderate all debate and become the "tie breaker" vote if required.

    This legislation was introduced into the seante and voted on in a regional referendum.
    Aye: 6
    Nay: 1
    Implemented May 12, 2006

    Repealed Sept. 16, 2006 as per. ASR 6

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ September 18, 2006 09:04 PM: Message edited by: Libre Arbitre ]</font>

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    Designation: ASR 3
    Category: Constitutional Amendment
    Author: Borishnakov V

    1. In the event that a president is either penalized by the NS moderators, impeached, or otherwise becomes unable to serve their term as delegate, this amendment to the Constitution of the Aegean Sea shall serve as the foremost and final procedure for succession.

    2.a. The Vice-President shall be the first person in the line of succession.

    2.b. The Minister of Internal Affairs shall come after the Vice-President in the line of succession.

    2.c. The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be next in the line of succession after the Minister of Internal Affairs in the event that the latter is either incapacitated or refuses the position.

    2.d. The Minister of Defense shall only become President in the event that all of the aforementioned officials are either incapacitated or refuse to accept the position.

    2.e. In the event that all of the aforementioned officials are either incapacitated or refuse to accept the position of President, the Regional Senate, through a vote of simple majority, shall elect a president from among their number.

    3.a. In the event of succession under this amendment, elections for a new President shall occur at the end of the original President’s term. Presidential succession may not delay an election, unless such a delay is deemed necessary to ensure the stability and safety of the Aegean Sea by a two-thirds vote of the Central Government.

    3.b. In the event of an election delay as described in section 3.a., an election must be held within two weeks of its previously scheduled date.

    4. All laws and sections of the Constitution in conflict with this amendment shall be rendered null and void upon passage of this amendment by the region of the Aegean Sea.

    5. This amendment shall be considered in effect immediately upon passage.

    6. This amendment shall not be made official unless ratified by a three-fourths (3/4) vote by the member nations of the Aegean Sea.

    Aye: 6
    Nay: 1
    Implemented May 19, 2006

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    Designation: ASB3
    Category: Foreign Policy
    Author: God007

    Point One: The international treaty that was signed between the Aegean Sea in March shall be rendered null and void upoin passage of this legislation. This will allow both regions to spy upon one annother.
    Point Two: This legislation will take effect immediately upon passage.

    Aye: 3
    Nay: 2
    Implemented: May 24, 2006

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ August 03, 2006 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Kelwarr ]</font>

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    Designation: ASB 2
    Category: Government Operation
    Author: Libre Arbitre

    Point 1: The president of the region may issue an executive order at any time if it is of immediate necessity for the safety or effective functioning of the region. The executive order must fulfill at least one of the objectives listed in the following categories:

    Subpoint A: Stop an invasion attempt, such as a case in which nations known to be hostile to the region enter it. In the event of this occurring, the president may issue the executive order with the aim of ejecting the offending nations. An executive order may also be issued in combat of an invasion attempt sufficiently advanced to warrant the action because of a threat posed to the region within 24 hours. In both cases, either the defense minister, or two other members of the central government in tandem must approve the executive order publicly.

    Subpoint B: Correct a situation that may arise within the region that needs to be over come immediately, but is either not in the constitution, or is a case where the constitution is significantly ambiguous to warrant such an action. This clause can only be invoked if the issue involved concerns election fraud, election procedure, forum violence, hostile behavior, or extreme rhetoric that undermines the region. An executive order may only be issued in this instance if the constitution cannot adequately solve the issue, but needs to be resolved before the senate can act. In this case, the minister of internal affairs must second the president.

    Subpoint C: Coup attempts and other extreme actions of domestic violence or plots to usurp government power. Action may be taken if a coup is occurring, or is considered immanent by current intelligence reports. If the latter is the case, the approval of the ministers of defense and internal affairs is needed, if the former, just the approval of the minister of internal affairs.

    Point 2: After issued, executive orders that act as commands or punish offending nations have the power of law and will remain in place for the next 10 days. After that time is elapsed, they become void unless approved by the senate with a simple majority.

    Point 3: If the president misuses an executive order, he will be put on trial for the action by order of the Internal Affairs minster. The senate will act as the jury, requiring a guilty vote by 2/3 of the nations in the senate for a conviction.

    Point 4: The text of all executive orders must be posted on the regional message board upon passage, and must also be posted in the forum.

    AYE: 4
    NAY: 1
    Implemented June 9, 2006

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ August 03, 2006 10:50 PM: Message edited by: Kelwarr ]</font>

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    The First Aegean Sea Senate Session ended on July 15, 2006. At this time, any bills awaiting floor action died. These are as follows:

    Designation: ASR 2
    Category: Administration Amendment
    Author: Kelwarr
    Summary: This would have imposed term limits on certain elected positions.

    Additionally, one bill failed to pass the senate. This is as follows:
    Designation: ASB 4
    Category: Domestic Policy
    Author: Libre Arbitre
    Summary: This bill, pushed by Aegaean Paradise, would have been the first in a series of bills designed to necessetate a migration from the Aegean Sea to annother so as to have a region with a founder. It failed 0-3.

  7. #7
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    Designation: ASB 5
    Category: Immigration
    Author: Borishnakov V
    Text for Section 2, part 1b; Section 3, part 3; and Section 4, part 4 by Libre Arbitre

    The Aegean Sea Immigration Policy

    In recognizing that an immigration policy is vital for the departments of defense, foreign affairs, and internal stability, the Regional Senate of the Aegean Sea sets forth this legislation to be the official immigration policy of the Aegean Sea.

    SECTION ONE: Definitions

    1. Defines immigration as the moving of a nation into or out of the Aegean Sea.

    SECTION TWO: Leaving the Aegean Sea of free-will

    1a. Recognizes the right of nations residing within the Aegean Sea to leave of their own free will at any time, unless special circumstances exist where the nation’s presence within the region is necessary for the proper functioning of the regional government or judicial actions.

    1b. Clarifies that a Minister within the Central Government of the Aegean Sea must give at least 48 hour notice to the President of the Aegean Sea in the event that they will be leaving the Aegean Sea. That Minister must also elaborate why he requests to leave, as well as the duration of leave. If the absence of the Minister would obstruct the proper functioning of the Central Government, he may order the Minister to remain in the region or else lose his post.

    1c. Further clarifies that a nation being tried by the region of the Aegean Sea may not leave the region for the duration of the trial. Failure to remain may be used by the prosecutor and the jury as a presumption of guilt. Furthermore, the offending nation may also be levied with a charge of Obstruction of Justice.

    SECTION THREE: Ejection

    1. A nation found guilty of a crime under the judicial system of the Aegean Sea may be ejected (with or without ban, based on the sentence handed down by the court) by the President of the Aegean Sea for said offenses.

    2. The President may eject a nation for being damaging or noxious to the safety and people of the Aegean Sea. This includes people involved in attempts to overthrow the government, as well as incessant spammers.

    3. A nation banned from the region may only be removed from the regional ban list by a unanimous vote of the Senate of the Aegean Sea.

    SECTION FOUR: Entrance, Asylum, and Refugees

    1. The Aegean Sea shall, in times of peace, be open to all immigration unless specified to the contrary by this document or by other legislation.

    2a. The government of the Aegean Sea has the power to close immigration from a region by a simple majority vote of the Regional Senate.

    2b. Any nation attempting to immigrate into the Aegean Sea from a region with which the Aegean Sea has voted to close immigration may be ejected by the President at any time, pending there is no claim for asylum.

    2c. Any nation seeking asylum in the Aegean Sea must contact the President or the Vice-President with a request for asylum prior to entrance, or immediately after entrance into the Aegean Sea.

    2d. A nation seeking asylum coming from a region with which the Aegean Sea has a closed immigration policy may be ejected immediately following entrance in the Aegean Sea, unless the immigrating nation requests asylum, and is not known to be involved, directly or indirectly with groups or plots against the Aegean Sea and its member nations.

    2e. Asylum may be granted by a simple majority vote of the Regional Senate of the Aegean Sea, unless in such circumstances described in Section Four, part 2e of this legislation.

    2e. A nation may be granted asylum by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Central Government in the event that the Regional Senate of the Aegean Sea is either incapable or unwilling to make a decision on the request for asylum within 24 hours of the request being recieved.

    3. During a time of war, the Regional Senate may issue a two-thirds (2/3) vote to close the borders of the Aegean for such a duration as is deemed necessary by the Senate to ensure the safety and well-being of the region of the Aegean Sea.

    4. When declared closed by a vote by the Senate, the President shall have full authority to eject nations attempting to enter the Aegean Sea or install a password.

    5a. The Aegean Sea may accept refugees from a region if the Minister of Foreign Affairs has consulted with the Delegate, Minister of Foreign Affairs, or comparable official from the evacuating region, and the request to accept refugees is approved of by a simple majority vote of the Aegean Senate.

    5b. In the event that the Senate is unable to reach a decision on the matter of refugees in a time period that could produce an effective remedy for the situation, the acceptance of refugees may be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Central Government.

    5c. Refugees may stay in the region indefinitely provided they obey the laws and doctrines of the Aegean Sea.

    SECTION FIVE: The Aegean Registration System Extension (A.R.S.E.)

    1. This document creates the Aegean Registration System Extension (A.R.S.E.).

    2. The A.R.S.E. shall be an extension of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    3. The A.R.S.E. will create a database containing lists of all nations of the Aegean Sea, including the lists of double (or "puppet" nations and their respective primary nations.

    4a. All nations entering the Aegean Sea must provide a list of information to the Minister of Internal Affairs, detailing their primary nation, as well as all “puppets” within the Aegean Sea.

    4b. All nations residing in the Aegean Sea at the time of this legislation’s passage must provide a list detailing their primary nation, as well as all “puppets” within the Aegean Sea to the Minister of Internal Affairs within two weeks time, or they shall be considered in violation of the Aegean Sea immigration policy.

    4c. All nations must notify the Minister of Internal Affairs within 24 hours if they move a primary nation or puppet in or out of the Aegean Sea.

    5. Compliance with the A.R.S.E. in the matters outlined in this legislation is to be considered compulsory unless special circumstances are brought to the attention of the Central Government by a nation and the Central Government authorizes exemption by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

    6. The Minister of Internal Affairs shall be obligated to share the information gathered by the A.R.S.E. with the Minister of Defense.

    7. The A.R.S.E. may be amended by a simple majority vote of the Regional Senate of the Aegean Sea.

    Passed, August 4, 2006
    AYE: 4
    NAY: 0

  8. #8
    Inactive Member Libre Arbitre's Avatar
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    Designation: ASR 4
    Category: Constitutional Amendment
    Author: Libre Arbitre

    Point 1: Article 4, Section 1 of the Aegean Sea Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: “The Central Government of the Aegean Sea shall have one nation who is designated Minister of Internal Affairs.”

    Point 2: Article 5, Section 1 of the Aegean Sea Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: “The Central Government of the Aegean Sea shall have one nation who is designated Minister of Foreign Affairs.”

    Point 3: Article 6, Section 1 of the Aegean Sea Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: “The Central Government of the Aegean Sea shall have one nation who is designated Minister of Defense.”

    Point 4: This legislation will take effect upon passage by a 2/3 vote of all nations in the Aegean Sea.

    Passed: August 17, 2006
    Ayes: 4
    Noes: 0

  9. #9
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    Point One: Amends Article Four, Section 6 of the Constitution of the Aegean Sea to read:

    “6.A. The Minister of Internal Affairs may hold on trial any nation of the Aegean Sea should it be found that that nation is in violation of this Constitution or any other regional law or mandate.

    6. B. The Minister of Internal Affairs is also responsible for holding on trial members of the Central Government in matters concerning impeachment and removal from office. If the said official is the MIA, then the Vice-President shall be responsible for the trial proceedings.

    6.C. Trial juries shall consist of nations appointed by the Minister of Internal Affairs. It shall be left up to the MIA to determine size and composition of juries, with the exception that juries not be fewer than three nations.”

    Point Two: The power of the MIA to hold on trial for offenses and the right of offending nations to trial by jury shall be applied to all regional laws already in existence at the time this amendment is ratified.

    Passed August 27, 2006
    Aye: 6
    Nay: 0

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    Designation: ASR 6
    Category: Constitutional Amendment
    Author: Libre Arbitre

    Point 1: Article Seven of the Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows:
    1. The Senate shall be the legislative body of the Region of the Aegean Sea.
    2A. The senate shall be composed of all nations that have joined the U.N. and have endorsed the delegate.
    2B. Each term, the president may add up to 2 non-U.N. nations to the senate should he desire. These selections are subject to approval by the existing senate, and must achieve a majority vote in order to be instated.
    2C. Once approved, non-U.N. nations that have achieved the status of senator retain that position for the duration of the delegacy.
    2D. The vice president shall serve as the head of the senate and shall moderate all debate and set the docket. He shall vote only in the event of a tie.
    3. The duties of the Senate shall include, but not be limited to: drafting legislation for the region; approving amendments to this constitution; and creating proposals to present to the United Nations.
    4A. Senate procedure shall be put into place by that legislative body. This shall occur either through general consensus, or through passage of necessary clearinghouse rules. Any procedure must be in accordance with the constitution.
    4B. Clearinghouse rules outlining senate procedure may be used if there is no consensus regarding general procedure or decorum. These rules are written and voted upon in the same manner as a normal bill. Clearinghouse rules must be approved by the Vice-President prior to going to a vote.
    5. Powers of the Senators are granted to them by the nations of the region.

    Point 2: This amendment shall take effect after the conclusion of the 2nd Aegean Sea Senate term.

    Point 3: Following the implementation of the amendment, ASR 1 is hereby rendered null and void.

    Passed Sept. 16, 2006
    Aye: 4
    Nay: 0

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