I intended on doing a "blog" weekly, but due to circumstances, it hasnt worked out. I will try to get 'em posted when possible.

Hurricane Katrina's destruction crossed the path of some relatives of mine in Biloxi and Gulfport. Also a fellow travel coach out of New Orleans who I was in talks with about the CDBA attending a tournament in the "big easy" in 2006. At this time, I havent had any communication with any of them. Sometimes, no news is good news.

To all who were aware of my automobile accident, thanks for your concern and prayers. My stiches will be removed on Saturday, and other than that, I'll be fine.
Shopping for a SUV isnt a good thing when regular unleaded is $3.19/gal!

I had the pleasure of seeing Hall of Fame legend JOHN WOODEN speak at Western Michigan on 8/22. It was a great evening! To some of us older folks, it's like you younger people seeing Michael Jordan speak. A few CDBA folks were in attendance(Skedgell family, Ian Graham, Kyle Stewart).

REMEMBER: pick up your ACT/SAT/PSAT packets from the counseling office at your schools. The first tests will be in October. Be sure to get registered early, and use the Princeton Review(our links page) for study help. Good luck to ALL of you when taking these tests.

UNOFFICAL/OFFICIAL VISTS: UNoffical vists- you can take as many as you'd like. You pay for your own transportation and meals. Your parents dont have to attend.My advice is to check the schools Football schedule, and attend when they're having a very good home game! Official visits- take place over 3 days, and Parents attend. The College pays for everything. You must be cleared through the NCAA Clearinghouse(links page), and you only get 5 official's. Contact me for more info on visits.

Please keep me informed on who's contacting you(Colleges). I'm getting calls on you guys weekly. Many of the coaches will be at the open gym.

"....seatbelts DO save lives! I'm living proof.."
-L. Darryl Matthews(8/21/05)