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Thread: Darryl's Blog-9/18/05:

  1. #1
    Inactive Member GoatCow#1's Avatar
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    It is the start of the recruiting process for many of you. Many of you have received phone calls, and letters from schools at all levels(division's), and from all over the US.
    Be sure to return the questionnaire if any school sends you one. I have talked to more than a couple of coaches who've said that they are NOT getting these back from alot of you. Regardless of the level that the school plays at, take time to complete and return the questionnaire. Coaches talk with each other about players, and the non D-I schools by virtue of the rules, have more opportunities to see you play. A D-I coach will talk to a D-III or NAIA coach who's attended a practice, game or an open gym about specific players. This happens even if the D-I coach has seen you play. I've been with Kevin White(Albion, D-III) and Lonnie Griffin(Grand Valley State, D-II) when they have received calls from D-1's about players.

    Remember that unofficial visits are unlimited, and that if there is a Football game, you can have up to 3 tickets to the game. This is the only thing that the school can give you on an unofficial visit. You have to pay for your own food, and provide your own transportation.

    Also, you can call the coaching staff as much as you want. Most school's have a toll-free number that you can call. The rules limit when and how many times they can call you, but you can call them every day if you feel like it.

    Could anyone who'll be attending the mini-camp please e-mail or call me to let me know you'll be there? Thank you!

    I had the pleasure of going along with IAN SISSON and BRYAN SKEDGELL on their very first unofficial visit. We spent Saturday afternoon at Western Michigan as guests of the Bronco coaching staff. Coach Hawkins does a great job with answering questions and giving advice on the recruiting process as a whole(not just WMU's side). He stayed around for 25min to answer questions from the players and their Mother's even though DAVID KOOL's family was waiting to go out to dinner(David was taking his official visit). Thanks to coaches Clayton Bates, Cornell Mann, Jeff Dunlap, and Jason Larson for the hospitality. Mrs. Skedgell spent a great deal of her time getting information from Bronco Strength & Conditioning coach Tim Herrmann. So, Adam and Bryan had better watch out!;-)
    We attended the Football game(great seats!)also.

    ANDY MAINS and I have been having phone conversations that have been VERY helpful to him in the recruiting process. He has contacted me about several issues, and we've been able to relieve alot of the anxiety that comes with picking a College. I have a good understanding of the process, so feel free to contact me.
    One thing that I mentioned to Andy: "Picking a college may be the first big decision that you'll make as an adult. You'll spend 4 years(less or more) at the school and possibly live in a new area. You may meet your future Wife and many lifelong friendships will come as a result of your college choice. Please take this into consideration..."

    One last thing on recruiting: Many of you have been mailed info from Blue Star recruiting. First of all, the head of the organization obtained all of your information from the coaching packet at the KBD Memorial Classic(Aim-High). I had nothing to do with him obtaining your information. Here at Camp Darryl, we do a great job of getting you exposure in events(and hosting) where you can be seen, er' recruited. All of what we do here comes as part of your fee that you paid in March. We "work for you" year round in regards to you being recruited.
    I guess that you can tell that I don't endorse them, huh?...... ;-)

    "...Oh, I'm an entertainer first, and then I'm a Football player!....."
    -Jamarquis Jordan #20, Cornerback/Southern Illinois University
    As said to a WMU fan when SIU was beating the Broncos in the first half. Jamarquis "The Entertainer" played a whale of a game, but the Broncos prevailed 34-28.

    CLARIFICATION: ADAM SKEDGELL actually grew 3", not 4" as previously stated.

    Get well soon, DAVID CLORE!

  2. #2
    Inactive Member skedgmom's Avatar
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    Had to get registered so I could post a reply to Darryl's message!

    Saturday was an incredible day - pretty inspiring to meet WMU's coaching staff and players. We watched the players in an open gym and met many of them. I thought they were such nice young men - and Bryan thought they were "big!". I think Coach Hawkins said 13 of the 15 could bench press 300 lbs. There's a goal! Was a pretty special experience and many, many thanks to Darryl.

    It was also interesting visiting with the conditioning trainer, Tim Herrmann. Not only was he full of good information, he was a great example of what happens when you choose a career you love! It shows! He got his undergraduate and graduate degree from WMU in sports physiology, I think he said. And you can tell he eats, breathes and sleeps it! Would be very cool to work with a guy like that.

    The whole staff was very sincere, professional, and friendly. And, the same attitude seemed to exist in the players. Very impressive first visit, I have to say! And, of course, they even won the football game for us. I can't believe Bry and I left at half time. What a bummer! Bry had a cross country meet that morning so we ran out of energy, but their team sure didn't! I would have stayed just to see #20's face from SIU! Glad he was doing more entertaining than football playing!

    And on top of all that - Darryl took us to Shakespeares where I had the best wings I've ever had - and for $2.00! It really was a great day. I encourage all parents to go on the visits with your sons. Not only is it great information - it's tons of fun!

    Of course we rode to the restaurant in Darryl's new vehicle, and I'll give a dollar to the first one to guess the color of it - inside and out!

    Unfortunately, at the rate Adam's growing, he probably won't fit into it on his first "unofficial visit"!

    -- Michelle

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