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Thread: And now...the REST of the story

  1. #11
    Inactive Member Socrates's Avatar
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    (Reply to JBT)


    No matter how hard you try to prove otherwise Bill CLinton wasn't the evil Satan's spawn that you and your fellow Libertarians and conservative Republicans would like to make him out to be.

    (How the hell would you know? What ?special? knowledge do you possess that is unavailable to the rest of the free world? In times past, this traitor would have hung for selling-out our country.)

    Sorry to burst your bubble, I think you really know this deep down anyway, but he was just an ambitious and smart guy that liked to get stoned and have his dick sucked. Please don't delete me even though some posters may be offended my assessment. I am kidding about the delete comment, I trust your principles enough that I know you won't do that.

    (Your assessment of the Clinton character has to be the stupidest friggin' thing I?ve ever heard. Outside of his ?recreational? activities, you have conveniently omitted any mention of Clinton?s association with the PRC. But then, this may not be of any importance to you so why bother.)

    If you want to look for the embodiment of evil and someone who is a REAL threat to the principles that you hold dear, I refer you to your sitting President and the Jack Booted Thugs he has appointed to positions of authority in this country. It takes one to know one, right?

    (Once again, you are foaming at the mouth.)

    The current demise of personal freedom in this country and the constant assault on the Constitution of the United States of America and subsequent infringements on the rights of the citizens of this fine country is solely the result of those "principled" people that voted for Harry Brown, Ralph Nader, etc. etc.

    (Poor liberals??living a life of angst over the Florida voting problems. The Democratic machine was not able to steal the election for Gore, and now they are once again showing why the government must upgrade it?s hiring requirements or be forever mired in mediocrity.)

    I love you Unk, but wake up and smell the coffee. Clinton didn't fuck YOU over, he may have fucked a few interns over, but not you. I am not saying that using influence and power to control women is right, but Clinton wasn't the first to do so and I have bad news for you, he won't be the last.

    (The standard apology from the left?HEY, OTHER PEOPLE DO IT ALL THE TIME. What ever happened to ?personal responsibility??)

    However, the door has been opened to those who really do want to fuck with your personal life and liberty. That makes me very sad. If you are truly a Libertarian, then focus your energies on the fascists that have seized control of our government. It is the bastards that are actually in power that you should be spending your critical energies on, not some past President that historians a hundred years from now will be declaring to be a positive influence on America and the domestic front.

    (Relax JBT, our country is currently in the best hands available from a management standpoint and given the times that we are in, be thankful your weenie wagging doper is no longer in power. Leave the job of running our country to professionals and concentrate on improving your own character.)

    You know how the revisionists jerkoffs are. Do you think it is relevant for me to dredge up reports of the activities of Richard Nixon, Haldeman, Erlichman, etc., etc.. Or my personal favorite, G. Gordon Liddy? Or Oliver North, remember him from a later administration?
    Unk, the real battle is against those in power now. Let Clinton go. You have just shown yourself to be willing to believe any outrageous lie abpout Clinton. Feel that passion for the reality of how America is being perverted today.

    (History will prove that there are NO outrageous lies about the Clinton?s, only the facts surrounding the seditious acts of these two despicable so-called American?s.)

    Or not, your choice. After all, freedom of choice and expression, is one of the fundamental ideals of this country, is it not?

    (Yes it is and never forget what the price of this freedom is and who HAS and who WILL pay it.)

  2. #12
    Inactive Member larsguy's Avatar
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    Here's one that is not debunkable: former 60s radical, former dragon lady of the bomb-throwing Weather Underground, former FBI 10 Most Wanted, former jailbird Bernadine Dohrn has been on the Northwestern University Law faculty for 10+ years.

    Please contribute to the NU Alumni Fund.

  3. #13
    HB Forum Owner Uncle Deedah's Avatar
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    Whatever the reasons, the fact remains that to this day not a single organization of the mainstream press has ever investigated the Panther murders, even though the story is one that touches the lives and political careers of the entire liberal establishment, including the first lady and the deputy attorney general in charge of civil rights for the Clinton administration. Both Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Lann Lee began their political careers as law students at Yale by organizing demonstrations in 1970 to shut down the university and stop the trial of Panther leaders who had tortured and then executed a black youth named Alex Rackley.

    This silence is even more puzzling since, despite the blackout by the national media, the details of the story have managed to trickle out over the years. This has been the result of efforts by me and by my colleague Peter Collier, by radical journalist Kate Coleman, by Hugh Pearson, by the nonprofit Center for Investigative Reporting, New Times magazine and one or two others, including most particularly David Talbot and David Weir, now editors at Salon.

    Unk, the real battle is against those in power now. Let Clinton go. You have just shown yourself to be willing to believe any outrageous lie abpout Clinton.

    So, BC didn't appoint Bill Lee to the US Justice Department's Civil Rights Division? That's the only mention of Bill Clinton I saw.

    I frankly don't give a shit who sucked, or sucks, Bill Clinton's cock. It pisses me off that he lied under oath about it during a sexual harrassment investigation (Paula), something that would get you or me thrown in the clink.

    And another thing that pisses me off was his fuck-buddy relationship with the red Chinese. Letting Loral sell sensitive satellite technology to the PRC, while taking money from both the Chinese and Loral. Wow, what a fine upstanding Presidential thing to do. No wonder the world will someday build statues to the man, probably in downtown Bejing.

    Now, as to the JBTs in power now. Where are the Democrats who stand firm and fair against such abuses of power by Bush? Why, passing the PATRIOT Act! Imagine that!

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Morbius's Avatar
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    Where Unk? Wishing Bill was still president so they could dust off the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and be heros....again. Sad it must be to be forced by November to be on the wrong side of a military move...again. Ah politics.

  5. #15
    Inactive Member Jack Booted Thug's Avatar
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    My, my, my. Where to start?

    I guess I just have to start in order.


    You are correct, I shouldn't have left out disaffected Democrats from the list.

    You agree that on the domestic front that there is a least the potential, and possible a high probablity that the Clinton administration will be viewed as one of economic progress for this country. You object though that his foreign affairs side sucked. Sorry for the paraphrasing.

    Your point? Nixon had a shitty domestic policy and view towards the law applying to him, but at the same time normalized relations with Communist China and extended a policy of detante towards the Soviet Union thereby lessening international tensions. FDR, fucked over the Constition (or at least constitional theory at the time) in trying to implement his New Deal and at the same time initiated policies that were bound to lead us into an interventionist policy that politically was not popular in this couintry. JFK, proposed sweeping domestic programs that would fundamentally change government as we knew it at the time, while engaging in some of the most dangerous brinkmanship in foreign affairs.

    My point is that, all administrations are judged by their accomplishments on both the domestic fronts and on the foreign affairs front. That is true at the time they are in power or shortly thereafter and in the future, in retrospect. You might disagree with Clinton on his handling of the issues that you cited, but agree with his domestic policies. So what? Tell me why your stance has any more relevance than any other view of any administration this country has ever had.

    BTW, don't assume that I am a Clinton "Dittohead". Unlike a large portion of the population I actually do try to follow some of this stuff and have an opinion. I served on the Republican Central Committee here for over ten years and don't believe that I have a reputation for being a raving liberal.


    Cute comment.

    Nunna Yu,

    Blow me. It is the only response you deserve. BTW Dear, last time I looked a troll was one who appeared in many different handles or baited others for pure devilment.

    Please produce all the posts from the Wild West that you think support your fantasy of me being a troll.

    And please exercise or something. That ass is disgusting. Have some pride in yourself or at least some common courtesy for decent folk.


    Ra, good to see you. Since you took the time to address me specifically I will answer you separately. BTW, how is the boat?


    Bernadine Dohrn. Whoever that is. What is your point? That you don't care for the faculty of Northwestern? Get a grip man, its Nortwestern we're talking about here. Not some party school like Indiana!

    I assume that you are saying that she was pardoned or soemthing like that. We can review all the Presidential pardons issued over the last 100 years and do you know what that will tell us?

    Nothing. NADA. Unless they were done in an improper legal manner it means nothing, because it is legal.


    I can see that you are pissed off. Thus my point. I want you to listen to this slowly and carefully. In fact you might want to sit down.

    Bill CLinton isn't President of the United States anymore. People in power get cut more slack than you or I do. While I understand you moral outrage, it has no relevance to the political situation of today.

    I too am pissed at the Congress that has let the Patriot Act and other shit get passed. But Unk, the Patriot Act wasn't proposed by Bill CLinton. Are you pissed at those who did propose it?


    Personally, I find your post both humorous and thoughtful. Though maybe a little to subtle to fully appreciated by all.

  6. #16
    Inactive Member Jack Booted Thug's Avatar
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    How the hell would you know? What ?special? knowledge do you possess that is unavailable to the rest of the free world? In times past, this traitor would have hung for selling-out our country.)

    I know this just as well as you know that the "traitor" would have been hung for selling out his country. How many "traitors" have been hung for this offense Ra?

    BTW, what court-of-law proof do you have that Clinton DID do this. If there is such proof, then surely he would have been impeached, tried and convicted of treason and punished appropriately? What foul, and in truth impossible to ever achieve by its sheer magnitude, cover-up has taken place here? Or is this just another example of internet innuendo, legend or wishful thinking on your part that you have latched onto here?

    Barry, I am sorry but this sort of reminds me of Hawk. I don't mean to insult you but for Christ's sake!

    (Your assessment of the Clinton character has to be the stupidest friggin' thing I?ve ever heard. Outside of his ?recreational? activities, you have conveniently omitted any mention of Clinton?s association with the PRC. But then, this may not be of any importance to you so why bother.)

    I have convenientely omitted any refernce to it because in my opinion, based on all of the bullshit posted on this board and all the previous incarnations of this board the most commonly brayed objection about Clinton was his "deplorable" morals and frankly, I don't give a good god damn fuck about HIS or YOUR morals.

    That's just the way I feel, I am sure that you, and countless others, feel differently.

    BTW, how is it exactly that this country is any more threatened by enemies from without by this alleged "association" with the People Republic of China? Last I looked, it was the Middle Eastern jihad that your man Bush Jr. was foaming at the mouth about.

    (Once again, you are foaming at the mouth.)

    Sticks and stones my man... see the above response. It has as much, if not more, relevance than your stand alone snipe.

    (Poor liberals??living a life of angst over the Florida voting problems. The Democratic machine was not able to steal the election for Gore, and now they are once again showing why the government must upgrade it?s hiring requirements or be forever mired in mediocrity.)

    Barry, I could just kiss you. You point out and validate one of my other favorite theories. Reality is what YOU perceive it to be. While you see the "democratic machine" as being upset for not being able to "steal" the election for Gore, a large number of people view the Florida fiasco as a blatant example of Brother Jeb and the Republican Secretary of State trying to "steal" the election for the insane cocksuckers that now run this country.

    Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

    All I can say is, that if you think that you have upgraded the quality of personnel hired to run our government and that we are not going to be "mired in mediocrity" anymore, you are sadly mistaken in my opinion. To me mediocrity looks downright wonderful in lieu of an all out assault on the very core foundations of this country that the current administration is carrying out.

    (The standard apology from the left?HEY, OTHER PEOPLE DO IT ALL THE TIME. What ever happened to ?personal responsibility??)

    First off, I would like an apology for your calling me a liberal. I am a reactionary hick. Secondly, I think that personal resposiblity remains. Ask Newt Gingrich, remember him? The Moral Majority freak that somehow forgot that he fucked around on his wife? As I remember his hypocritical ass got hung out to dry.

    Ultimately, personal responsibility boils down to each persons conscience and any judgement to be made in the here after, if there is any such thing.

    (Relax JBT, our country is currently in the best hands available from a management standpoint and given the times that we are in, be thankful your weenie wagging doper is no longer in power. Leave the job of running our country to professionals and concentrate on improving your own character.)

    Ra, I disagree with your personal opinion of the dumbfucks and dangerous psychopaths that have been given the reins of power in this country. To me the citizens of this country have more to fear from anal retentive fascist than they ever would from any laid back dope smoker.

    I am surprised that you nake any comment about my need to improve my own character. Pot calling the kettle black? Judge not, lest ye be judged? Hmmmm. Maybe my character, though obviously flawed in your judgemental mind, isn't so bad when viewed in comparison to yours. That is for others to judge however, not for YOU or ME.

    (History will prove that there are NO outrageous lies about the Clinton?s, only the facts surrounding the seditious acts of these two despicable so-called American?s.)

    I hope that we are both alive to review all future history texts ever made (forever). The world will be blessed with our immortality and keen insight as to how future generations judge their fathers.

    BTW Ra. Like it or not, Bill and Hilary Clinton are Americans. Not so-called ones, but simply Americans. Born and raised just like you and me and the millions of others dumfucks out there in this country. Anyone who would say that they are not, just because they disagree with their political views is not an American. No, those type of people would be called "fascists", the enemies of the freedoms that the United States of America stands so proudly for. People like you, Ra.

    (Yes it is and never forget what the price of this freedom is and who HAS and who WILL pay it.)

    I know that I am probably being nitpicky here, but what the fuck do you mean? My post said this:

    Or not, your choice. After all, freedom of choice and expression, is one of the fundamental ideals of this country, is it not?

    So you are saying? That what I said is wrong? Or just insinuating that I don't know what the price of maintaining our freedoms is?

    Ra, the price is the occasional sacrifice of our citizens lives to defend this country. Just as it was when my ass and several tens of thousands of young males was hung out to dry during the Viet Nam war. Just as it is now when my orphaned cousin, now a career miltary man, served in Desert Storm, Macedonia, and probably will in Desert Storm Part II, Daddy Bush's Revenge.

    But back to the original point (if you had any and weren't just being an obnoxious fuckwit), I noted that one of the freedoms of this country was that of expressing one's ideas to others and having that right. I acknowledged the right of others to express themselves and their opinions without fear. Tell me. Do you think the same?

    What in God's name were you saying here? It is just a totally bullshit comment as far as I can see.

    Nice "seeing" you again Ra. It has been a while.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ September 14, 2002 03:52 AM: Message edited by: Jack Booted Thug ]</font>

  7. #17
    HB Forum Owner Uncle Deedah's Avatar
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    I got this thing in an email, posted it because I found it interesting...NOT because it vilified Bill Clinton, but because of what it inferred about the hiring practices of the institutes of higher learning, and, what it inferred about his *&#@ of a wife, who is just as, if not more, power hungry and sleazy as he.

    Bill happened to be in office during an economic boom, thus he is thought of by the less informed as having provided some miracle of economics. He was merely smart enough to let the boom run on it's own and not screw it up.

    Dumbya troll did enough ranting about Dubya for the entire board. Shit, I even agreed with Ted Rall of all people over the abuse of holding people behind bars without charging them with a crime. I want heads to roll in the INS, I want our borders sealed tight as a drum, there's a lot of shit that Bush does, or doesn't do that I dislike. But for all that I still feel that GB has an inner moral compass, and can at least decide on a course of action without first wetting his dick to see which way the public opinion wind is blowing. The fact that his administration has made a grab for more intrusive federal government after 9-11 should be a surprise to none. Ya really think BC wouldn't have done the same damned thing?

  8. #18
    Inactive Member Jack Booted Thug's Avatar
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    Love ya Unk.

    See my post in the other thread.

  9. #19
    HB Forum Owner Uncle Deedah's Avatar
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    Love ya too, ya thugly bastard!

    Take some time off and come back when yer feeling full of piss and vinegar, then you can set us less enlightened on the path.

  10. #20
    Inactive Member Socrates's Avatar
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    JBT, you seem to have me at a loss here??..should I know you? I?ve not been following this board too closely and for the life of me I don?t place your handle with any of the older forumites from days gone by. In any case, I have little or no compassion for leftist loonies who are dissing our President and his administration, such as you have demonstrated with these haunted statements:

    ?dumbfucks and dangerous psychopaths that have been given the reins of power in this country?

    ?Brother Jeb and the Republican Secretary of State trying to "steal" the election for the insane cocksuckers that now run this country.?

    ?To me the citizens of this country have more to fear from anal retentive fascist than they ever would from any laid back dope smoker.?

    These appear to be the words of someone that is not dealing with life?s day-to-day challenges very well.

    Forget the time off friend??seek some help.

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