Last Saturday night at the Bluford American Legion, I saw some old Friends playing. They have aged a bit, but the music was still sweet. I talked to Gary McPhee and he said they had not played together for about 18 years, until just recently. I also talked to Kenny and he said they had played out 4 times so far and altho the music is a little loose right now they will be working up some new songs and getting tighter as the summer progresses.

Good luck to all four of them as they again take to the stage.

Here are a few shots from Saturday Nights performance



Kerry Warren was recovering from a cold, but still was able to belt out the tunes.


Chuck Wheeler, guitar & vocals


Kenny Karnes, Bass Guitar


Gary McPhee did double duty that night as he drummed with Trouble Bound as well as TORC Band (I bet he paid for that the next day)