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Thread: I Am...

  1. #21
    Guest canadarocks's Avatar


    Oh my god thats the coolest thing I have ever seen...I love castles!!..a castle is my dream home [img]biggrin.gif[/img]

  2. #22
    Inactive Member cherrysis's Avatar
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    Wow that is so gorgeous!!!! I would love Germany and I hope to come over the pond and visit someday.
    Jens lives outside of Hamburg, on the river Elbe and the pictures he sends me are amazing. I actully got to see him 2 years ago (it had been almost 18 years). I was pregnant with Tyler and My Husband was NOT THRILLED about my seeing Jens again (obviously I had told my hubby too much about my previous relationship LOL). ANyway Jens brought his daughter Svenja who was 13 at the time. She was so awesome and her english was impressive. She and I write to each other more than he and I do now...
    Someday...I do hope to travel Europe!!! In the meantime I may dream of living in that castle to!

  3. #23
    Guest Noclouds's Avatar


    I wished I could get in touch with my first love, too. May sound stupid but so many things were left unsaid. And sometimes I think that I can't go on without clearing that up. Know what I mean? It feels as if I left something very important unfinished. Please, tell me what you did to find Jens?!?

    The forrest close to us is called the Spessart and there used to be many, many robbers in that forrest that is why you can book a special event as a surprise for your guests. You invite them to a bbq or a b-day party into the forrest and just when the party is kicking you and your guests will get "robbed" like in the old days. Its lots of fun cause it seems so real.*L

  4. #24
    Inactive Member cherrysis's Avatar
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    No that is soooooooooooo NOT STUPID!!!! I felt the same way! I am relieved to be able to say that upon finding him...what was unresolved for me FINALLY got resolved and gave me peace!!!

    I searched people finders...everyone I could get to. Yahoo, bigfoot,lycos,...there are a bunch of them. I wish I could tell you which one worked but I have forgotten. It took me along time. Plus I remembered alot of info. like his parents names and his brother Axel so I searched those too. I did e- mail and phone and address. I started broad and then narrowed it. For instance did all og Germany first and then Hamburg.
    Let me know if I can help ok !!!!

  5. #25
    Guest Noclouds's Avatar


    I'll try to find a pic of my favorite castle for you guys*S
    Hey if we put our money together maybe we can buy one?*LOL

    I think that it is soooooooooooooo cool that you and Jens are back in touch! My dad lives close to Hamburg, too and I think that Hamburg is my favorite german City.

  6. #26
    Guest Noclouds's Avatar




    Here it is. My favorite castle. Its not so big compared to others and I love the fact that it is in the middle of a lake. It's only a 30 minute drive from here. I don't go in all the time, sometimes I just sit on a bench in the little park there and dream away*W

  7. #27
    Inactive Member cherrysis's Avatar
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    It was one of those weird things...we lost contact a year or so after he returned to Germany. Boths of us got on with life but still always WONDERED "what if". He got married and has 3 daughters. Anyway when I finally purchased a pc I started searching for him and it took about 1 year for me to find the right e-mail for him. The weirdest part was he had been looking for me too and actually found someone here in Oklahoma whose name was RaeLynn ( not a very common name). When he fianlly got an e-mail from "ME" he was as beside himself as I was. It has been wonderful catching up and keeping in touchover the last 6 years. He was a very important piece of my life and i realize I should never let those pieces go!!!

    Oh and Hell Yeah...I'm into living in a castle! I hear the mountains there are lovely too and the Black Forrest!!! Ah now I am dreaming of far away places sigh!

  8. #28
    Guest Noclouds's Avatar


    It already helps that I can talk about it with someone who understands.
    I still remember so much, too. Like his parents and his sisters name, only that she prolly got married by now and so for changed her last name.
    Hmmmmm, I even think that I have his SSN somewhere. Back then you still needed a Visa when you wanted to visit the states and since we wanted to get married we filed for an "Immigration Visa". It was so much paperwork and it took soooooooooooooo freaking long that his time in Germany was up before we knew it. We were trying so hard to get those darn papers, we were sending letters back and forth for so long and somehow lost eachother on the way,...

    Some people may say that I should let him be and NOT look for him cause he is prolly married and stuff. But it's not that I wanna break up his happy home or anything, it's just very important that those unfinished things get done.

  9. #29
    Inactive Member cherrysis's Avatar
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    "Some people may say that I should let him be and NOT look for him cause he is prolly married and stuff. But it's not that I wanna break up his happy home or anything, it's just very important that those unfinished things get done."

    Some people are not you!!! I KNOW EXACTLY what you are saying and feeling!!!! It was so important for me to find Jens and IT WAS IMPORTANT for him! He had spent 16 years feeling guilt about the way things had happened and the promises made and not kept...HE HAD TO leave the States cause his visa was only good for one year and we as teeagers considered running away and all that *teen drama* but in the end he knew he had to return and do things the right way! Then we lost each other. When you carry that around for years it interfers with many areas of your life. I cannot tell you how many times I woke up in tears over the years because I would dream about him and how I was searching everywhere only to see him in my dreams and be so close to touching him again and wake up sobbing!!!

    There are great people finders on the internet and if you are willing to pay a fee (I think less than 30$) they can even give you unlisted numbers. If you do find his SSN you will have even more luck!
    Also try a search in whatever service branch he was in. If it was the Army...check them out and so on JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!!! It is important and I get that!!!!

    Let me know ok!!!

  10. #30
    Guest Noclouds's Avatar


    Wow, you really do know how I am feeling. I, too sometimes wake up in tears simply because I have been dreaming about Maurice again. I still don't understand how our bond could break so easily. We were still so young, too and probably just not strong enough to fight the odds.
    Maurice was in the Army and I know for a fact that they are NO help at all cause if they were I would know where my daughters Dad is at and I should concentrate on him first, its important for my kids*s.
    So often I wonder why I never got married, why I am always getting out of relationships when things get real serious, I believe that I just can't open completly, not before I made my peace with Maurice.

    Raelynn, do you even know how wonderful it is, knowing someone who just knows where I am coming from?

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