Hey there! First off, I just wanna say thank you for taking the time to come and read this. :]

Now, Spencer is a new character. I haven't really done any fantasy roleplay in a while, so I'm just getting the hang of it again.

She's not fully developed yet, so please bare with me!

Please note: I am NOT looking for simply adult play. I want friends, family, co-workers, enemies, lovers...whatever you can throw at me to delevop her further. If romance happens to come up, then fine, but please know that I will not play out adult scenes unless we've played together a few times.

Now, on to the basics!
- Modern/fantasy
- IM, chat, e-mail, and board play are all fine by me!
- Gender means nothing to me. I'll play with males and females, and this goes for characters, too.
- I don't have a post limit, either. Sometimes all it only takes a few sentences to get a point across.

As for me..
- I'm Kel
- I'm nineteen
- and I'm female.

That should be enough info, yeah?

Now, now that we're at the end of this, this is what I want:

Comedy, adventure, horror, drama, etc.
I want plot! I want the type of roleplay that leaves you craving for more. If you think you can create that, shoot me an IM!

Good day.