The lock was child's play. Brehnic would close and lock the door behind him, before scanning the room to see where Niklas was currently residing. If she was woke, then there was no need to be quiet. If not, he would slip into thief mode, his footsteps making nary a noise ... The sword and coat were placed back, as he made his way to the chair in front of the telly ...

Niks stretched, yawning.? She'd managed to curl up in the covers of the bed, having actually fallen asleep on the bed she was...well, it was possible there had been many people who'd used this particular piece of furniture.? She whimpered softly before stretching again.?

He'd have to deal with her sleeping a little longer.? She hadn't been sleeping right the last few nights.? Not since the announcement, not since meeting Dev.? Exhaustion had more or less kicked her little nonexistent butt.

Turning the chair to face the window, Brehnic sat back down, letting his gaze, and thoughts trail back to several past events that led him to the point to where he is presently. Back to the basics Serenity said ... Nodding to himself, Brehnic lean back into his chair ... almost blending in with the shadows of the room.

He might have sat there for an hour, maybe longer before Niks moved on the bed again.? Her breathing had changed only a few moments before then.? Her voice was raspy in that just woken up way. "Quick night of nookie?"

"If that were the case Wright, I'd still be out. Nookie that is to be enjoyed is never quick.." Still with his back turned, though that devious grin was pasted on his face.

"Yes, that is what they all say; let me guess, you just weren't feeling it?"? Niks yawned before she started to stretch again, unwrapping herself. "Don't' worry, it really does happen to everyone some time or other."

"Let me guess, you used your sleep to recharge those sarcasm batteries of yours?" Turning his chair around to face her, while flipping on a lamp close by. He wasn't just staring through her ... He was staring at her. Rubbing his chin, pondering with a slight smile still tugging on his lips.

There was a sleepy little grin before she finally kicked herself free.? Niks wasn't sure she was ready to get out of bed.? While it wasn't one she'd like to spend a great deal of time in, she was very tempted to stay right there anyway. "Mmm, wit comes at a price.? So, had a good night out?"

"Actually, I did. " His gaze still on her, and how those wheels were turning on the inside ... "It comes down to this, Wright. Either. Or."

"Either or what?"? Her brows furrowed; while she might have taken only a few hours sleep to get back the better bits of sarcasm, if she ever had them in the first place, it would take a little longer for her to understand what he might be talking about.? She yawned again. "I missed part of the conversation didn't I?"

"You." Points. "Either I take you to Jere, and he trains you the proper way, or you stick with me. The second choice I promise you will be a lot more dangerous road, as well on a need to know basis." Something about the smile of his, just became a tad bit more ... Sinister.

Niks sat up slowly, rubbing at her eyes and cheeks a little.? Her legs pulled up to tuck close to her body as she tried to make sense of whatever he was talking about. "Need to know basis?? Since when do you run on that?"

"Either. Or." Repeated, once again. His gaze never broken, never blinking.

Her hand quickly covered a yawn, but her eyes narrowed at him. "No, I'm not going to live on a need to know."

"You're not exactly living right now, are you? You're already in another country, with no means of getting back to the states on your own. And you came of your own free will ...."? Standing away the chair, Brehnic began walking towards Niklas, with a gleam flashing in those dark eyes of his ...?

"I knew I was going somewhere.? And, you honestly think I've no means of getting
home?? As if I couldn't find some way of getting back?"? She wasn't moving quite yet, which probably wasn't the best idea.? Her hands rested on her lap as she watched him move.? Something was certainly up, and she wasn't too sure she cared for it.

" For a mortal, you can be quite foolish. " And just when it looked like he was almost right upon her ... (m) "Door." And as if on cue, a knock was heard. The grin remained, as Brehnic changed direction in mid stride, as he went to answer the door ... "Z!!! I thought you were out and about?" Standing in the door was a rather huge individual, sans a certain limo uniform, and metal teeth, though Niklas knew him as ODB...

Niks leaned slightly to see who was standing..."Hey!"? She got out of the bed quickly, and yes, she was very much dressed.? She didn't get very close to Brehn, he was acting strangely.? And, then it hit her. "What are you doing here?"

Nikki!!!! Pushing Brehnic aside, he'd meet the wee lil lass half way before scooping her up into a massive bear hug. "How's my midget doin'?"

Brehnic would just snort, closing the door, and locking it once again.

Well, the hug, if he was going to kill her would have certainly done it ease - well, he could have done it as quickly when he grabbed her.? She almost curled up to the big guy.? "I repeat, what are you doing here?"

Pointing over to Brehnic. "Tre-3? She don't know?"

"She doesn't know what?"? She wiggled free of the big guy's hold, brow raised. "Oh, com'on.? Don't tell me you're part of the wacky train."

"Fraid so, midget." Giving Niklas a hip check that almost sent the poor girl flying, Z shook his head. "Tre-3's been having some bad luck of late, and his head's not in the game. " Brehnic would just stare at the pair, before shaking his head, and sitting back down in the chair. (m) "Getting shot does that to a person." Z would stare at Brehnic before offering a "Pft."

"How come you didn't tell me?" The hip check earned him a grab of shirt to keep her from falling over.? Niks didn't know what to make of it.? "Not everyone who works for you know..are they? Her lips pursed slightly at the getting shot comment.? Yeah, this was definitely going to be an odd night, as if it hadn't reached that point already.

"So, here to help take over the world?"

Brehnic would look up ... "No, not everyone. " Z would grin again, before sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Tre-3 and I go waaaaaay back .... Like the 1970's. Good times had by all.? And Bell bottoms." Brehnic had to actually chuckle upon hearing that.

"Take over the world?" Z would grin again. "That's so over done. Nah, we're all about raising hell, and living every day like it was it's last. Never know when the head number's going to come up."

"Head numbers?" Niks followed ODB up to that point, and all it brought to mind was something she really didn't want to think about.? Claiming a spot just out of reach of both men, she settled into a lean.? "Yes, the 70's.? You two really are a bunch of kids aren't you?? Relatively speaking.? Jere's not much better, is he?? If there are people out there who are oh...five centuries, or more."

"I am ... Tre-3's like pushin' close to 100 now? Bro, lighten up. She might as well know, if she's going to be running with the pack, right?" Brehnic just shrugged, reaching for the remote.? Z leaned in close to Niklas ... "Did he give you the Either/Or speech yet?"

"Yeah, he did.? And who says I'm running with any packs, big guy?? See, this one decided that he's not going to train me, which is fine.? He also thinks that I can't get myself out of here.? It would be a problem if I weren't able to think." There was a slight shake of her head. "But, yes, he did."

"Tre-3, quit with the tests already, bro. He's already training you, midget. Testing out your mental skills, right? Told you she'd pass, didn't she?" Brehnic would offer a grunt in response, waving them both off. Z would point his finger at him once again ...

"Yeah, he pulled that same shyte on me too. But I laid one right on him, and he was convinced after that, right bro? If he's pulling the Either/Or crap, you're already in. It's his weird ass way of making sure he can trust you."

"He can't.? That's the problem.? See, I don't buy into this.? Sure, I get that hey, one day I might die.? Might come back.? Might be on the run from those types who'd like to remove my head from my shoulders, but I don't get this...this trusting shit.? This testing.? Like I told the old don't think I'm right for this, kill me now.? Cause I know I don't have to prove myself to anyone."? Yeah, Niks was tired of the games. "Never signed up for cloak and dagger - I'll leave that to Marvel and Dabney Coleman."

" Hmmmm. I guess can respect that. So we drop her off back in the states then? " Looking over at Brehnic who arched an eyebrow."Why you asking me?"? Motioning over to Niklas.? Z smirked again, looking over at the midget. "Nikki? What you say girl? I think it'll be great to have you, but it's your call. "

"Depends, do I have to put up with this," a motion to Brehn, "all the time?? Cause I can handle lots of bullshit, but this?"? Niks moved closer and settled down beside ODB.
"I'd rather go study with Jere if this keeps up."

Brehnic would look from one to the other. Then again. Then a third time, before, finally nodding his head. "Fine. But on one condition. Lay off the comments about my drinking. My business. Not yours. Deal?"

"How about I make them more interesting?"? Brow raised as she leaned against the big guy.? She probably wouldn't stop making the comments; drinking didn't solve problems as far as she'd ever seen. "So, you've got another name too, mm?"

"Nope. ODB, and Biggie Z, be the two. Don't go by my mortal name any more." Brehnic was now pretty much tuning the pair out since that things had been settled, finding a classic black n white movie to hold his attention.

"Well, Z, mind taking me somewhere to get something to eat?? That's if the Big Kahuna doesn't mind letting two of his dog soldiers out of his sight."? Yeah, she'd woken up a little cranky or just full of sass.? Before Z had even gotten a chance to answer, she was already pulling on her shoes.

"Oh you're going to fit right in!!" Z grinned. "I'll have her back by curfew, sir." Brehnic just stared at them both ... (m) "Gods help me, now there are two."

Niks shrugged, yanking on a jacket as well.? She opened up the door to head out before giving a quick glance back at Brehn before disappearing out into the hall.? She'd decided to wait down in the lobby for the big guy, and yes, she was pacing.

Z would soon meet her down in the lobby several moments later, and off they went to be crazy, be stupid, and act ... Well, human.

While back in the hotel room, Brehnic allowed himself a small smile. Niklas was in the group, and she made a friend in Z.
