The intarwebz is a series of tubes, or so retarded republicans think. Because of them, as well as corporations from the United Corporation of America, but also from Europe, Japan and pretty much anything, we're about to lose something very important in the Internet; something very valuable that most people didn't realize they had, and will when it's too late.

If you want to know about net neutrality, you can read about it here:
Wikipedia on net neutrality
It's a series of tubes, fuck yeah

Recently, Virgin Media joined the list of ISPs to boycott (led by Comcast ※1※ ※2※ ※3※ ※4※) by taking a crap on net neutrality, i.e. you, just so they can get some dollars from nasty corporations despite already being paid by you as the sole customer and receiver of the service (※1※ ※2※). An extra reference would be .