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Thread: Thought this might help a few of us

  1. #1
    Inactive Member JMB555's Avatar
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    C/P off EQ websight

    Chat Commands

    /chat set Makes you a member of all of the channels listed. You will be joined to those channels in the order listed (see /join below for details on what 'joining' a channel means). This will remove you from all previously joined channels. If you just want to join a new channel, use the /join command

    /join Allows you to join the channel or channels listed. If the channel does not yet exist it will create the channel and you will be added as a moderator for the channel (see below for moderator commands). Note: You may use spaces when creating a channel. But when the channel is created those spaces will be removed. So if you "/join fluffy bunny" the channel created will be "fluffybunny"

    /leave This will remove you from the channel. Note: You must specify a channel, either by name or by number, or the command will fail

    /leaveall Removes you from all channels

    /autojoin [channel1,channel2,chanel3w,channel4] ( sets you up to automatically be in certain channels when you log in)

    /list [channel] Using this command without the [channel] parameter will list all of the channels that you are joined to, the channel number, and will give a numeric value for the number of people in that channel. The channel number is specific to individual users, so two people in the same channel may not have the same channel number for that channel. Using the command with a [channel] parameter will list the members of the channel by name

    /announce [on | off] Toggles on and off the announcements heard when people join or leave channels. This is set OFF by default

    /chat # Sends the message to the channel named. You must have the # symbol, that is not a hint to use a number

    /<1..10> Sends the message to the chat channel number listed. You can discover the number of the channels you are joined to by using /list. If no channel number is specified the message will be sent to you first chat channel (whichever is your channel number 1)

    /chat help Displays a list of chat channel commands

    /chat invite [channel] Sends an invitation to the specified character to join a the chat channel. If no channel is specified the character will be invited to join your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). The invitation arrives as a text message. If the channel is password protected, the invited person can enter the channel only once without a password

    /chat grant [channel] Grants moderator privileges in the channel specified to the character named. If no channel is specified the character will be given moderator privileges to your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1)

    /chat password [channel] Sets the password for the channel specified. If no channel is specified the password will be applied to your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1). Note: A password protected channel is the only type of channel that is semi-permanent. Such a channel will disappear after it has been empty for 24 hours. All other channels cease to exist once they are empty

    /chat kick [channel] Kicks the character named off of the chat channel listed. If no channel is specified the character will be kicked our of your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1)

    /chat moderate [channel] Sets the specified channel to 'moderated' mode. This means that only those given 'voice' in the channel will be able to speak in that channel. If no channel is specified your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1) will be set into moderated mode. This is a toggle command, so if you execute this command a second time the channel will return to unmoderated status.

    /chat voice [channel] Give the named character the ability to speak in a moderated channel. If no channel is specified the character will be allowed voice in your first channel (whichever channel is your channel number 1)

    Note: A password protected channel is the only type of channel that is semi-permanent. Such a channel will disappear after it has been empty for 24 hours. All other channels cease to exist once they are empty

    /autojoin Saves the channels listed and automatically ;sets you to those channels when you log in. This information is saved in your eqclient.ini file in the [Defaults] section as ChannelAutoJoin=. You can edit that setting in the file while out of game if you wish

    /usecolor See the section in this manual for a description of the use of this command. The following /usercolor numbers have been added to allow greater customization of your chat channels:

    35 - Chat Channel Messages 36 - Chat Channel 1 37 - Chat Channel 2 38 - Chat Channel 3 39 - Chat Channel 4 40 - Chat Channel 5 41 - Chat Channel 6 42 - Chat Channel 7 43 - Chat Channel 8 44 - Chat Channel 9 45 - Chat Channel 10

    to send a tell to someone on another server use ;tell message to send a tell to someone playing another game (i.e. EQ2, SWG) [tell message

    /tt tell target

    /rt Targets who sent you your last tell

    /rs raid say

    Dynamic Zone Commands

    /dzadd [playername] -- adds a player to your dynamic zone instance even if not in zone or in group

    /dzhelp -- Provides a full list of DZ commands

    /dzswapplayer swaps an old player with a new player in your dynamic zone

    /dztimers lists the time left in your dynamic zone

    Corpse and Consent Commands

    /consent group-- gives consent to drag your corpse to all group members

    /consent guild -- gives consent to dragon your corpse to all guild members

    /consent raid -- gives all members of your raid consent to drag your corpse

    /corpsedrag (MUCH better than /corpse, you automatically drag a corpse. You can autodrag 2 at a time with this)

    /corpsedrop (you stop autodragging the corpse)

    Raid Commands

    /makeraidleader [NAME] (Passes raid leadership to another)

    /setloottype [1-3] (sets loot type for the raid. 1 is leader only, 2 is leader and group leaders, 3 is leader and designated people)

    /addraidlooter (adds target to the raid loot list, not sure if you can type in a name instead)

    /removeraidlooter (removes target from raid loot list)

    Various Other Commands

    /assist off (you don't automatically attack when you assist)

    /assist RAID (assists the designated MA1)
    /assist GROUP (assists the designated MA!)

    (those only work if raid/group leader has the AAs though)
    /combatmusic off (no more of that annoying battle music)

    /filter off (unless foul language really puts you off, you'll see a lot of gibberish with this on)

    /charinfo (tells you where you are bound)

    /guildstatus (name or target) (lets you know if you're talking to a member, officer, or guild leader)

    /key (lets you know what you're keyed for)

    /inspect off (you no-longer automatically inspect everyone you righ-click; some people consider unannounced inspections rude)

    /dopropertinting on (fixes some funky color problems with Luclin models)

    /hitsmode (Creates a battle spam window. Not sure if this works anymore, if it doesn't, do it the long way)

    /hidecorpse all (hides all corpses, nice for cutting down lag when you're close to a PoP graveyard)

    /hidecorpse allbutgroup (hides all corpses but your group's, cuts down on lag)

    /showname 1 (only first names show on your UI. BIG lag reducer

    /shownames (toggles all names on and off)

    /mixahead [1-16] (allows you to adjust how far ahead the engine pre-mixes sound. Default is 8.

    /dynamiclighting [on/off] (Makes light sources light up terrain and characters. It can slow down the framerate, though)

    /note [TEXT] (Makes a notes.txt file appear in your EQ directory, handy for those who want to remind themselves to look up something or do something later.

    /report [PLAYER] (reports the last 10 lines of text in the buffer to the GM's, good for using on griefers and people who are abusing chat channels)

    /safelock [WORD] (puts a password on your UI, so your little kid can't make your toon jump into The Hole. To release, type /safelock [SAME WORD] )

    /rtarget (Targets a person who just sent you a tell. Great for buffers who get lots of buff requests on raids)

    /ttell (sends a tell to your target. Useful for the guy in charge of giving instructions/keeping new folks in-line, clerics who are rezzing, and people on COTH chains.)

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Mymy42's Avatar
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    That is very useful Muma..I was wondering about some could-be chat commands..thanks for posting.

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Mymy42's Avatar
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    I wonder if we could find a list of the commands that bring up certain the target window, self hp window....those things. That's pretty niffty to know too hehe.

    Oh oh I know one. alt d is disband from group..oops!

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Gnomency's Avatar
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    Hate to point it out, but 90% of those ui commands are under options. Seriously read em lol.

    *Back under the rock I go*

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Gnomency's Avatar
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    I've got to stop this gay lag on my computer, watch this, my next post will be dbl again. Oh well, free post count+1 for me.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ July 11, 2006 04:14 PM: Message edited by: Gnomency ]</font>

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Mymy42's Avatar
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    Bah, stop being smarter than me Gnomer. But as of yesterday at suchandsuch time my window selector thing got borked..I can't see the icon thingies on them. *complains*

  7. #7
    Inactive Member Gnomency's Avatar
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    alt w. Sheesh

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