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Thread: Friday, 8/12/5

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    Newbie night

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Lyssandra's Avatar
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    Clementine deposited all the wizard's items on a table to be distributed along with the fake baron's loot. Someone else can distribute the loot. [img]smile.gif[/img]

    Since the suit of elven chain is considered Light armor, Clementine expresses interest in it if it'll fit her, and the elves don't object/want it for themselves.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner Starshadow's Avatar
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    Thank's for the transcript Lyssandra. How long did it take you to edit that? I see you took out all the private tells and ran it through a spell check.

    Good point on the armor. The others can bulk up, but I believe even elven chain has some Armor penalties (I will have to double check that). In any event, it will fit you.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Tarracat's Avatar
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    I would like to put in a bid on the bastard sword, that's what Lyra is currently using, but a normal one, and her main weapon. +1 would sure be nice ;-)

    Thanks for posting the entire night for us! That's great!! You're hired. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Lyssandra's Avatar
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    Yes, elven chain has a similar armor check penalty to studded leather, I believe. It's classed as Light armor as opposed to Medium which normal chain is considered because it's only 20 pounds in weight total. The armor check penalty won't be an issue with Clementine, but certain Ranger class abilities are only available while wearing Light or no armor.

    Editing the transcript didn't take long, maybe a half hour or a little more. I eliminated private messages and all the channel chatter. The simplemu log is a basic .txt file, so can be loaded into notepad, wordpad or word.

  6. #6
    Inactive Member Lyssandra's Avatar
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    And Newbie night went off rather well with the conclusion of the Jodfrey rescue which earned the party a number of new items, titles, and some as yet unknown magical items. A transcript of the night's events follows:

    When last we left our heroes, they were in a stairwell, peeking around a corner and down the hall at a pair of guards, a frightened servant serving as your guide.
    Delnarith looks at the others, "Anyone with a plan?"
    Finley turns back to the peasant.. " Ye say there is a wizard with the Baron?"
    Clementine nods her head. "The barons have confirmed that as well."
    Finley nods then looks to Delnarith. "Well... best I can help might be to silence the wizard with a bit of Tor's help" ~wispered~
    Lyra says "we go for the wizard first"
    Delnarith asks "That seems wise. Does anyone besides good Finley need sound for spell work?"
    Clementine regards everyone nearby, and chuckles. "Does anyone but Finley do spell work?"
    Delnarith chuckles as well.
    Lyra hefts her blade "I spill, not spell."
    Finley looks to see what the others say. ~shrugs~ Fancy that!
    Finley exclaims "Well sounds like we know what we be doing.. Tor willing I'll silence that finger waggler right up!"
    Clementine nods her head. "We may as well get this over with. Those guards aren't going to leave their posts, and there seems little we can do about it."
    Delnarith nods, "Cast when you feel the moment is right with you and your god, good Finley."
    Finley thinks . o O ( winks~ Heres for it..first the guards..then I got one for the wizzy! )
    Finley moves silently as possible to get vision of the two guards.. he then moves his hands while hand comes to his mouth while the other points to the guards.
    Finley casts his spell, and the guards move to react, you hear nothing from them as one turns towards the door and the other looks like he will move on you
    Lyra rushes forward, her bastard sword sings through the air taking down the one heading for the door, and nimbly dodging the attack of the second guard.
    Delnarith moves up to the second, and slashes with his blade, trying to strike with the flat.
    Delnarith's blow, in its attempt to be merciful, may have hit, but did little to the fellow.
    Clementine nocks an arrow into her bow, and then sidesteps away from the corner to take a bead on the surviving guard. Her arrow, once let loose, flies true to drop the silenced guard quickly.
    Delnarith ties them up, and gags them quickly with their own gear if need be.
    Finley moves to help Delnarith with his task.
    Lyra grins
    Clementine pauses before approaching the others. She mutters something under her breath and touches herself with her free hand. A faint white aura surrounds the ranger.
    Delnarith sees that Fin knows what he is doing, yields over to the craftier cleric.
    Finley ties the guards quickly but not to tightly.. not wanting to inflict more pain on them.
    Delnarith Then draws his blade up anew, and nods to the ladies, ready for them to break in as a group.
    Clementine loads another arrow to her bow and nods to Delnarith indicating she's ready.
    Finishing with the guards, Finley moves to his companions and pats the hilt of his mace. Then gives a big wink.
    Lyra winks back and nods.
    Delnarith And IN they go... target: wizard.
    Bursting into the room through the double doors, you see a man in armor, looking similar to a certain prisoner, sitting on a chair. Beside him stands a robed man with a staff, a crossbow at his side. Two guards stand at each side of the room (that's 4 total guards).
    The first guard rushes Del, swings his short sword, and misses
    Delnarith counterattacks, shifting to the side as he does so so others may get by....
    The guards are all about 25 feet away at the start of the round, whereas the principle adversaries are about 50 feet away
    Delnarith's strike cuts deep, wounding the man, but not bringing him down.
    Lyra moves into the room, deftly knocking an arrow which sails to it's mark, imbedding itself in the wizard's shoulder.
    In the next moment, there is a blur of activity. Finley and the mage each make gestures at the same time, gathering their respective Divine and arcane Power, even as two arrows whizz from Clementine's bow. Even as those arrows strike the wizard down, a fireball engulfs the entire party, and the hapless guard standing before Del.
    Clementine stands her ground, not having moved toward the room due to the long range of her bow. She fires first one, then a second arrow in rapid succession. Both arrows find their mark, downing the mage even as he unleashes the fireball. Despite being in the blast radius of the fireball, she seems unharmed as the white aura seems to negate the flames before they touch her.
    Finley moves his hands in motion while praying to Tor. Just as he releases his divine energy he is enveloped in flame.. The physical pain he endures but not the singing of his beard.. which he works to smother.
    The "baron" leaps up and charges for the nearest opponent, Del, swings his glowing bastard sword , and slices Del.
    The other three guards attack the remaining three party members, each swinging and missing.
    Delnarith groans softly, but then his gaze grows frosty.
    Delnarith calls out, "Lady of Light, your servant calls out, give me strength to break this evil!"
    Delnarith's blade glows with a holy light and goes down to strike the false baron...
    Delnarith's blow digs into the Baron, but alas, the false lord still stands, though wounded by the righteous blow.
    Lyra matches blows with the guard, then slides her sword into his ribs, wounding him.
    Finley moves in quickly against the guard.. the smell of burnt hair wieghs heavy in the air around him. His mace is swung hard and conects solidly to the guards head. He topples over. Finley then moves a couple feet towards Del.
    Clementine ignores her erstwhile opponent, even as he misses her. She fires a single shot at the false baron instead. The arrow breaks against the armor without doing any appreciable damage.
    The two remaining guards swing, one missing Lyra, the other striking Cklementine.
    Finley notices the false Baron landing a solid hit on Del and a look of concern crosses his face.
    Delnarith brings his blade up to slash at the false baron, "By the authority vested in us by the TRUE Baron, we hereby visit justice upon your body for treason!"
    Delnarith's second slash has dug into the pretender, but still the false baron stands.
    Lyra feeling the need to aid Del, she slices deftly at the guard upon her, dropping him instantly, she moves towards the false baron.
    Delnarith faces the evil Baron. He feels a tough hand touch his lower shoulder and the smell of burnt hair. The words of Tor are heard as a bluish light surrounds him. Del's wounds heal slightly.
    Clementine finally notices the fellow who decided to attack her. She brings forth her heavy flail, and swings the chain to smash the metal ball into the attacker, wounding him but not enough to fell him.
    The "baron" decides to take revenge on the pesky dwarf, slamming his blade into Fin, while the guard on Clementine whacks her.
    Finley shudders from the evil barons blade .. bouncing the solid Dwarf back a step. Blood begins to show around his wound.
    Delnarith's sword lunges forward, seeking to finish off the fell foul fiend!
    Delnarith's attack is rewarded as the baron staggers from the blow, but still the wretched lord of lies remains standing.
    Lyra move across to the baron, eyes narrowed in anger, her sword, the extension of her wrath, slices into the false baron, and he slumps forward on her blade.
    Finley says "Mighty fine work there! ~gives Lyra a wink~"
    Lyra grins back to the dwarf and salutes him, then casts a worried look to Delnarith.
    Finley exclaims "Fine warriors you three.. ye always stand ye ground!"
    Delnarith says "My thanks, to you, my allies."
    Clementine takes a second blow from her opponent, grimacing a bit from the slight wounds she's taken, but retaliates soon enough. The spinning metal ball strikes the attacker to send him to the ground.
    Finley says "First things first.. lets have a look at ye all. Make sure ye aint hurten. ~he looks over the parties wounds~"
    Delnarith is already praying softly, giving thanks to his goddess.
    Clementine cleans off the flail and places it into her belt. She's taken some cuts but seems less the worse for wear.
    Lyra look to her burn items, cursing in elven. "You would think I ran into a bloody dragon."
    Finley looks at Lyra and shakes his head. "That wont do.. lets let a little of the Dwarven god fix ye up~ ~lays his hand on Lyra and begins to pray to Tor~
    Lyra kisses the dwarf on the check. "Thank ye, MUCH cooler now." Indeed her wound are mostly gone.
    Delnarith blinks as the beautiful elven language is, somewhat jarringly used by the half human.
    Clementine leans against the chamber's doorpost while the cleric tends the wounded. "Why does this feel too easily accomplished?" she muses to the trio with her.
    Finley says "Oh! A bit banged up I am.. But more importantly.. How bad is it! ~ looks to his companions~"
    Delnarith says "perhaps because it is not yet done. We must convince the rest of the castle that this false faced one is not their lord, and we must return to the true barons below."
    Finley says "Aye, right ye are Delnarith. I wonder.. did even the guards have any idea he was not the real Baron? Basically meaning .. I wonders ifn he has some inside help? ~shrugs~"
    Finley says "Perhaps them guards we have tied up could tell us a thing or two."
    Clementine nods her head. "Yes, he has, no doubt. Our main job is done though. We should escort the Baron Jodfrey back to his home and wife."
    Delnarith frowns at himself, then sighs, "Should we...what is the human term, loot? It might bring some more clues or at least let us return a signet ring to the rightful lord."
    Clementine pushes off the wall and collects her bow. Surprisingly her gear was also unharmed by the fireball. She goes over to the fallen wizard and examines his gear out of curiosity.
    The dead mage has a couple of arrows sticking out of him. His dead hand clutches a staff, and a light, well made crossbow lies beside him...
    Finley says "Well.. you make a good point there. ~moves over to the dead evil barons body and searches~"
    a small quiver of bolts hangs from his belt, as well as many pouches and a tube.. His well worn robes are covered over by a sleek black cloak, and matching black bracers adorn his wrists.
    Clementine hmms as she takes the staff, cloak and bracers off the mage's body, and then the pouches and tube. "I wonder if all this is magical in nature?"
    Delnarith says "I don't know. If we have everything, we should go below, now I think."
    Finley continues his search of the evil Baron. He gets an amazed look on his face as he does so.
    Delnarith asks "what is it, Finley?"
    Clementine peeks inside the pouches.
    Finley says "Del, this sword be needing a new home, a good home if ye get me meaning, its got a glow, kinda like yeself ~laughs~ Well this one has lots of do dads on him."
    Finley says "Lets see.. ~Finley produces a silvered dagger, shows the elven chain armor still equiped by the baron.~"
    Delnarith seems affronted the Baron wears elven chain, will help the good dwarf divest it from the human. "Now, we really must go."
    Finley says "He is wearing some nice rings too.. ~ he shows them a garnet ring, a silver ring w/ moonstones, and a gold ring w/ a dragon with its tail in its mouth. Plus a signet ring. And an amulet."
    Delnarith nods, strips it all, mentioning, "This is most likely the Baron's gear, certainly the signet ring must be. We will return it."
    Finley lifts up the evil barons shirt a bit and a pouch of coin is revealed.
    Finley says "A right so.. but if that sword isnt then I say its yours..but we shall see."
    Finley stands back up and looks to Cleme, Del and Lyra.
    Finley asks "Well what ye thinking? Should we go to the Barons now?"
    Clementine nods her agreement. "Yes, all this is the rightful baron's. If he deigns to reward us with it, then so be it.
    Delnarith, once the group has taken the goods from the False Baron and the Wizard, starts to make his way out back down to the dungeon, "That is exactly what I am thinking."
    Finley says "Good! ~follows after Del towards the true Barons~"
    Clementine follows suit, bringing up the rear, bow in hand.
    The group heads into the hall..the guards are no longer there... and manages to find the dungeon without mishap. There , in the cells, are several men, dressed as guards, with other guards standing guard outside the cells. The two barons have been made comfortable on well-cushioned divans, and are being ministered to by a leech and being fed by a scullery maid.
    Delnarith bows low as they greet the barons, "Lords, the pretender is dead."
    Finley moves in and sees the crowd and the attention to the Barons. He bows to them.
    Clementine smiles to the two barons and nods her head to them.
    Jodfrey says, "I see you have successfuklly defeated Malget...good for you! And Glenrick is very grateful, though he cannot say it himself."
    Delnarith says "I believe we have a ring that rightwise belongs to Baron Glenrick."
    Clementine nods her head in agreement with Delnarith, "And other items which may be his or yours as well."
    Glenrick nods and smiles (with mouth closed), bows his head and takes the ring, placing it swiftly upon his finger...a perfect fit.
    Delnarith bows once more, "Baron Glenrick, if I might suggest a servant worthy of praise, one of your servants, as you may recall, risked his life to assist us." Describes the guy who helped them. "It is easy to be brave with sword in hand, but he faced fears sans steel. I thought it worthy of your attention."
    Lyra smiles softy from the back, wondering if perhaps the two baronies might be healed by this.
    He shakes his head at Clementine, waving off the other belongings.
    Jodfrey smiles and says.... "Yes, that is to be his new Steward... a step up from gardener, don't you think?"
    Delnarith smiles as well, and nods.
    Finley smiles then gives Del a nod .. impressed that the man brought mention to the servants deeds.
    "We both thank you all for your valor, and I would appreciate it if you could escort me home"
    Delnarith asks "Of course, Baron Jodfrey, has word been sent to your wife that you live and are well?"
    Lyra says "It would be our pleasure"
    Clementine nods her assent. "When you are ready, Baron. Our horses are outside."
    there is a brief confusion and jumbled sign language and writing and at the end, it is decided that traveling by day is better, and so you are all invited to spend the night and are fed well.
    Delnarith Not needing to rest as humans do, the Elf will take the hospitality, but stay awake for much of the night the better to guard the already over taxed lords.
    Finley takes full advantage of the hospitality, especially the food. After taking thirds he feels quite content.
    Rooms have been provided, with apologies for them being in sleep well and breakfast is provided in the morning. A Carriage is prepared so that BOTH barons can ride with you back to Jodshire. Your horses have all been attended to.
    Lyra will also relax and enjoy the food and soft beds offered.
    Clementine feels a bit out of place in the luxury of the manor, being more accustomed to the wilds from training and personality, but accepts the offered accommodations graciously.
    You arrive back in Jodshire, and the only incidents are the guards sent out to tell the peasants to take 3 days off from work, and for those poor decapitated souls to be properly buried.
    Delnarith tries to set a good example by good work, humility, and other precepts of the Order of the Constant Star.
    The reunion with Maura is warm, and you are all thanked. "How may we reward such service?"
    Finley feels relieved to be back in Jodshire, tho he notes that he rather enjoyed the ride back, feeling more at ease with his mount. Once back and seeing that things are to order he takes leave for a bit of time and communes with Tor.
    Finley returns to the others after his prayers.
    Lyra looks to her companions, not knowing how to respond.
    They laugh, and say to meet them tonight in the grand hall.
    Delnarith bows, "baroness, Baron, to my order, the deed is often the reward, but my friends may have their own desires."
    Finley says "Speaking of meself, this Dwarf needs no rewardin. But thanks to you. ~he bows~"
    Clementine also feels doing the good was its own reward, but inclines her head, and smiles slightly toward the three nobles to indicate her agreement to attend the dinner.
    Finley departs and cleans himself up for the feast that is appointed. He labors long on his beard, trimming the scorched areas and making it look to Dwarven standards.
    Lyra bows as well to the royals, happy that wrongs were set right.
    You are each given an attendant who feeds, bathes and coifs you. You are presented each with silken hose and tunics, Scarlet for the brunette fighter, silver for the elf, brown for the priest of Tor and Hunter Green for Clementine. Your arms and armor have all been replaced with Masterwork versions of what you had before (unless it was magical).
    Delnarith attends the dinner looking akin to an elven lord normally only found in story books and bard tales.
    A ceremony is held in which you are each called forth and honored by both barons....
    Finley appears before the barons, unusually styled and cleaned. His beard is now braided. He bows low to the Barons and gives them a blessing of Tor.
    Clementine finds the green wardrobe to be quite appropriate, and the new masterwork flail is accepted graciously as a gift. She watches the others who traveled with her being similarly honored.
    You are granted Honorary titles, titles which might be made reality if you choose to (at a later date) with the proper oaths, etc.
    Lyra enters a bit uncomfortable in the courtly garb, but with natural grace, bows to the barons and baroness.
    Delnarith Is deeply flattered by this honor.
    Finley is granted the title of Heavenly Servitor, and a golden medallion with a diamond is presented, a valuable Holy Symbol of Tor
    The Other Three are granted the Honorary Titles of "Knights of the Realm", with the understanding that , while paladins, rangers and Fighters have different classifications, they can all still be knights of the Realm.
    Finley blushes with gratitude at the most honored gift bestowed to him. Why.. Tor bless your lands. I thank thee! ~he graciously accepts the gifts and bows~
    Lyra is granted, as a special gift, a falcon, and a trainer to assist her in learning the ways of falconry at her disposal.
    Lyra is stunned in silence, bows deeply unable to speak her thanks, her eyes however, rim with tears which do not fall.
    Del is likewise given an exquisite Holy symbol of Stellari, a mithril star embossed upon a silver pendant
    Finley kisses the precious symbol of Tor then places it around his neck. He acts almost giddy.
    Delnarith kneels, he takes the symbol to Stellari, places a kiss upon it, before donning it. Tears flow down his face without shame that a human might show.
    And Clementine is presented with "Arnwulf", which means "Eagle Wolf" in the ancient tongue of this land. arnwulf is a young wolf, found in the wilderness as a pup and raised at the castle, and was seen by the baron walking with Clementine in a dream.
    Clementine offers a bow to acknowledge the title. She considers the offer to make the title permanent after she's tested herself further. "A fine animal, Lyra." she says to the new falconer, and then when the young wolf is brought in and given, the ranger kneels by it, fully aware of how to deal with wolves from her experience and training. "Thank you" she says to the noblemen.
    Lyra grins "A fine animal Clementine" then laughs
    Meanwhile, your horses have all been groomed, shoed, and arrayed in ceremnonial barding (no armor value) with color schemes which match your new silk clothing (which by the way, came with satin lined woolen cloaks to match). Fresh military saddles, large saddlebags, shining bridles and weapon scabbards were also provided.
    Lyra says "Wowwww"
    Finley ponders to himself how much of the local population would accept the ways of Tor.
    And as you are thanked again and helped to your saddles, all goes black and you are once again at the caer Falken Inn.
    Clementine looks toward the dwarf. "Be careful lest that diamond blind us in the sunlight Finley." she jests.
    Delnarith seems to be in high spirits, and is indeed most knightly in his behavior towards the lady and lords. When it is over, and they are at the Inn, he grins openly, "I must return there sometime, and plant a new grove in honor of the goddess if they will welcome it."
    Lyra says "I am certain they would Delnarith"
    Finley smiles at Clementine
    Delnarith chuckles, then ponders, "Ah, Lyra, about your Elvish, the use of the tongue? I'm not sure some of those comments are anatomically possible, let alone gramatically correct." Somberly said, without any malice.
    Lyra replys in fluent elven "Nay, I know exactly what I said, and wished him to do it."
    Clementine settles in a chair at the table and unloads the wizard's gear she's been carrying to split among the others, then orders a steak from Ferghus for Arnwulf.
    Delnarith blushes "Oh." And says naught more on it.
    Lyra chuckles at Delnarith.

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    Which leads to the question, is anyone casting detect magic on the stuff? No evil is detected.

  8. #8
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    Clementine's a follower of Stellari, so there's more in common there with the elves than is known.

    Finley's the only one who can cast Detect Magic I believe, unless the paladins have it in their spell repertoire.

  9. #9
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    Delnarith would concede that the bastard sword suits Lyra better despite Finley's kind words earlier. He knows that Lyra will outshine him in battle skill soon (and may already) after all, she is dedicated to warcraft where as he must follow the twining paths of faith and steel both.

    He would be torn about the Elven chain being on a human, but then again, if a worthless lout like the false baron could wear it, then Clementine certainly could. He'd ask only that she strive to use it for right and in a way that would make goodly elves proud. He's sure she would, for in truth, rangers of any goodly stripe and elves have much in common.

    He would try to detect evil on the goods, and if none where, he'd ask which were magical. If the black cloak is, he might look it over.

  10. #10
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    So, who's going to make the distribution of loot the DM asked be done before tomorrow night's game? [img]smile.gif[/img]

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