No armor.
No shield.
Mithril short sword +5.
Adamantine short sword of speed +3
Sling, silver bullets
daggers, silver and steel
Mighty +2 shortbow +2

Steed: Carpet of Flying.

Companion/pet: Elgin, retired riding dog.

Gear regularly worn:
Necklace of Adaptation
Eyes of the Eagle (Sometimes)
Gloves of Dexterity +4
Vest of Escape
Ring of Protection +3
Jester's Ring
Headband of Intellect +6
Cloak of Resistance +3
Slippers of Spider Climbing

Other key items
Ring of Blinking
Helm of Comprehending Languages and Reading Magic.

Building Projects:
5,000 GP Paid - Harlequin guildhouse/festhall/"Adult Entertainment Emporium."
Grand House in Wellmeet: 5,000 GP. Payment pending.
Improvements to her home in NTD: Payment pending

Cohort: Not yet found in game. 18th level affiliated with the iooth.

Net worth: 500,484.3 GP

I have not included full inventories of either Allie or Celene in these posts.