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Thread: Game Synopsis: 4/23/4 with Critique

  1. #1
    Inactive Member rahnewhitebriar's Avatar
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    First, I apologize for my confusion over spell types. The last time I played a Ranger was with 2nd Ed rules, which I seem to recall characterized the spells earned as being of "cleric" type. I was not aware there had been a change in 3rd Ed.

    Further, since my eTools software is buggy, I have no 3rd Ed resources available at all, which slows down my play as I have to double check stats and rulings. Perhaps as such it's time for me to drop out of the Hero level adventure, as my lack of expertise seems to slow things down for the rest of the party.

    I'd like to suggest, though, that combat would go smoother with the following addition: Each time there is a change in combat order, please post the new order. Last night's combat involved at least two significant changes...1) Gwylln delayed an action, moving her to the end of the order, and 2) the griffon (4th in order I think) was defeated, and then the archers began shooting...but it was at first unclear where they fit in the order. Also, the ape's move kept getting overlooked. I think posting an update to combat order each time it changes would speed things up considerably: it would be less likely that NPC actions would be overlooked, and it would be less likely that players would be confused about when to post their actions. (I know I posted early at least twice due to such confusion, and was late in posting at least twice as well since I'd forgotten that Gwylln's action had moved.)

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner Starshadow's Avatar
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    First, I wish to clarify that the above critiques were meant to be constructive, not destructive. The items mentioned were things I noticed, and I doubt there was a single player in the game that did not prompt some comment. Overall the players do well, and this was an attempt to improve and not chastise.

    I am fully aware that our playership ranges far and wide, from the extreme of having every rule memorized to those who are lost. By making such comments, I hope to point out areas for improvement, and am not singling out any one person for embarrassment. By commenting on a mistake I notice by Merilin, I may prevent Einkil from making the same error down the line. That is part of the purpose of these boards, and it has worked in the past.

    There is absolutely no reason for apologizing, and the only reason someone should ever feel compelled to drop out of the game is if they no longer get enjoyment from it or if they feel they can only play once in a blue moon, and hopefully no one but Stythel finds themselves under those circumstances at the time.

    The comment about Initiative is a valid one, and I am not beyond fault in terms of game flow either. I actually try to repost orders when they change, have done so on occasions in the past, and will strive to do so in the future.

    Unfortunately, last night was difficult. In addition to some of the items I mentioned that slowed dowmn game play, I was working overtime in other areas. I had to calculate movement of different characters at differing rates, along with that of the NPC's. I had a high level magic user casting spells, and had to account for affects that the players may not have even seen. I had to control the summoned creatures, the dozen men, who were using archery and later melee, and were under cover. I had to reconcile long distance archery issues, applying various penalties and considering the darkness, because it is different than fighting in daylight. Spells were being cast in both directions, and not all of them were damage spells. Whicj meant calculating saves, looking up save DC's and looking up spell descriptions for not only the NPC's but also the PC's. And then there was the introduction of the Legendary Companion.

    My plate was rather full, and in this game things work in a circle. By players failing to do certain things, it cause me to fail to do other things as I try to aid the players. My failures cause confusion among players, causing them to make still further mistakes based on misconceptions of the current reality.

    The DM and players all have to make the game work together. My primary goal is for you all to have fun. That brings me pleasure, and that is my job. Your jobs as players is to know your character, know what it can do, coexist in the current environent, and especially in this format, communicate everything to the best of your abilities. I am here to help you do that, and hopefully, in time, you will need my help less and less as you all become more familiar with your characters, the rules and game play at Caer Falken.

    My apologies are most humbly offered to any of you who took my critique as any kind of an attack. I wrote that up immediately after the game ended, because I wanted to address those things while they were still fresh in my head.

    We have a good group of players and a nice mix of characters. Things are very good. But even the best things can be improved.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner Starshadow's Avatar
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    Despite all the advance discussion, it still took considerable time to get outthe door and on the way with a plan.

    You finally decided to scale the mountain by the road, and travelled into the wee hours of the morning, having started after sundown to accomodate Jaskyn's prayers.

    Stranng did recon in the air as an eagle, and did his best to watch the road. As you got close to the building atthe halfway point, he came to earth and changed into a wolf. Then he decided to go ahead and scout further, overtaking Merilin who had the same goal.

    It was then that he was attacked by a fiendish griffon, and returned to the party. As the group took on this beast, they were fired upon from distance.

    After taking out the griffon, they charged the crossbowmen, but soon met up with a Hell Hound.

    The Hell hound was dispatched in short order, but a Fireball struck the party. Lynliss put one of the archers to sleep as Jaskyn blessed the party. Merilin and Gwylln attacked with missile fire as the rest tried to get closer. Stranng, meanwhile, attempted to summon a dire ape, but instead summoned a Legendary Ape named Krog (who now serves as his animal companion).

    In between the shooting, hacking and rending, Magic Missiles were fired at the ape and the unseen wizard was struck with a sleet storm and lightning bolt.

    Eventually (in 5 rounds) combat was over and the wizard was gone, most likely fled. The party began healing, though not everyone is yet at 100%.

    Your party will begin the next game less than a mile from that house, on the road, with a living prisoner and 12 dead or dying Scarlet Cloaks (who said they were ALL gone?) The sun will be up very shortly, and you are all in need of some rest and nourishment.

    You must now decide your next course of action, what to do with the bodies, what to make of the clues (the bits of paper and dust found near where you believed the wizard to be), what, if anything, is to be done with the booty, and all that kind of stuff.

    Stythel is officially gone from this adventure, and the 7 remaining characters, Einkil, Garrick, Gwylln, Jaskyn, Lynliss, Merilin and Stranng, each get 900 xp.

    You may be wondering why so little?

    The Hell Hound and Fiendish Griffon were summoned, and therefore worth no XP. The wizard was not slain (and her survival will likely cost you), and the men you killed were only 4th level each.

    Constructive comments I would like to make to the players are as such:

    Try to learn the rules that affect you:
    Cleave: when you drop an opponent, the attack mods for the next foe equal the mods you had when you dropped the previous one, whether that was your 1st, 2nd or 3rd spell respectively.

    When movement is crucial, know what your movement rate is, and pay attention to how far you have advanced each round. A Full run can tripe or even quadruple your base, depending on what you wear for armor and your encumberance.

    Whenever you cast a spell, I must know the Save DC, so I know what the NPC's must roll against (10 + spell level + Attribute Mod)

    If you cast a spell from a non core book, tell me where I can find it.

    If you even THINK you may attack, roll it all out before I get to you. This goes also for summoned creatures you control.

    Please do not tell me what you do BEFORE your turn comes. It is not only distracting and slows down game flow, it means doing everything twice when you discover your target no longer exists.

    Embellishing Spellcasting is a wonderful touch. The players love doing it, the other players enjoy seeing it. Rememeber the difference between arcane spells and divine spells, remember the spell components involved and remember if the spell has speech or motion. Acting out the spell accordingly is just as important.

    EVERYTHING your character physically does that can be witnessed by others must be posted on screen so the other players are not guessing what happened and why. It is not enough for the DM to know.

    Try not to make assumptions of what happened beyond what I tell you. Stick to the facts. Dress them up, but don't overextend. Common example, if I say you DROP it, or it FALLS DOWN, do NOT assume it is dead.

    Once combat begins, make sure I know your AC. yes, I DO need to know each week, because things change. More importantly, if circumstances change your AC, tell me. This can happen due to spell affects and Wild Shape.

    Please don't get lost in side conversation when your turn is coming up. Once your turn arrives, everything stops for you. It is possible tolose a full ten minutes waiting for a single unprepared player.

    Please pay attention especially at this level of play. Magical beasts, high level warriors with fancy feats and spell casters all take extra care, not just to get it right, but to keep the challenge where it should be for you. If I am too distracted trying to micromanage every PC, I may forget crucial strategy for my NPC's, which hurts the outcome of tghe encounter, and ultimately your enjoyment.

    You experienced 30 seconds of combat tonight, and it took over 2 hours. Please let us all try to trim this down to a more manageable level.

    This critique is purely constructive and meant to further your enjoyment of the Caer Falken experience. I am sure everyone had a good time regardless, but every little bit helps.

    Thank you

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Stranng's Avatar
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    I think we were all a bit confused in regard to the intiative order...I know I made several postes that needed to be deleted or postponed. I was also found it very hard to figure out which pc was point=Lynliss I think the majority of the player characters contributed to the chaos that effected us all last night...I for one would be unhappy to see you drop out of this campaign. On the lighter side I apologize for creating the cover that allowed the wizard to disappear.. [img]redface.gif[/img] ...I was fearfull that she would have lobbed more fearsome spells at as from a distance. So i thought impeding her with a sleet storm was the next best thing to slaying bad..I on the other hand had a great time last night I found the encounter to be time I will be more wary of feathered familiars!!! Thanks DM....great game

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Stranng's Avatar
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    please strike that was...I swear i'll neva get mie MA in English...its' takin me 5 years!!!

  6. #6
    Inactive Member otherlleft's Avatar
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    Even the fighter types get overwhelmed at higher levels - I admit that multiple attacks can be tough to prepare in advance, especially when there is a possibility that I may cleave and get an extra attack I wasn't expecting. And if my character, is straightforward as he is, confuses me from time to time, I know we all feel that pain, 'specially the DM. I was lost as to where each of us and our enemies were located - not good since my character has darkvision.
    Online games have unique challenges - it's not realistic to get info about rules and such during the game the way it is in tabletop - for one thing, when I ask a detailed question about how rage works the rest of you are sitting around wondering what the delay is all about.
    Most D&D tabletop games take six to eight hours at a pop - I wonder if each of us could spend a half-hour over the weekend or during the week figuring out what we need to know, so it's clear in our heads by game time?

  7. #7
    Inactive Member Dramavictim's Avatar
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    Getting back to the point of IC planning (Since we were IMO, all a bit off the ball last time).

    Jaskyn made a suggestion about using the scarlet gear to disguise themselves from a distance.

    The shorter members of the group had their doubts but considered it.

    Merilin has shot the idea down, for herself at least refusing to 'wear their colors'. Unless anyone else really wants to salvage that idea, Jaskyn will give up on it, as he doesn't wish to insult elven sensiblities, and he's not sure it would work well if the group was half and half.

    However, if anyone else has other ideas, now's the time to mention them.

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